


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Several studies have advocated the role of glutamic acid in c
2                                                             Several studies have aimed to emulate this enzymatic site-sel
3                                                             Several studies have analyzed the effects of weather on facto
4                                                             Several studies have appeared on this issue over the years.
5                                                             Several studies have attributed certain visual perceptual alt
6                                                       While several studies have begun our understanding of NiV particle
7 f fixed carbon transferred from the plant to the fungus and several studies have begun to elucidate the mechanisms that c
8                                                             Several studies have correlated the venous imaging-based biom
9                                                             Several studies have defined transcription-induced nucleosome
10                                                       While several studies have demonstrated increased mortality in pati
11                                                             Several studies have demonstrated the involvement of GFI1 in
12                                                    Although several studies have described early lymphatic development in
13                                          Recently, however, several studies have determined that genes known to have a ca
14                                                             Several studies have documented that long-acting bronchodilat
15                                                    Although several studies have evaluated the functions of natural kille
16                                                   Recently, several studies have examined the efficacy of low dosage red
17                                                             Several studies have examined the links between prenatal expo
18                                                       While several studies have explored the effect of synaptic activati
19                                                    Although several studies have focused on drug-dependent changes in neu
20                                                             Several studies have found an association between overweight
21                                       Over the past decade, several studies have identified brain morphometric changes in
22                                                             Several studies have identified gain-of-function mutations of
23                                                             Several studies have identified signatures of selection on th
24                                                Accordingly, several studies have indicated a role of anion channels in NL
25                                                             Several studies have inferred that legumes exercise partner c
26                                                       While several studies have investigated the link between nestedness
27                                                             Several studies have investigated the relationship between ge
28                                                             Several studies have linked artificial light at night to nega
29                                                             Several studies have linked impaired AMPK function to periphe
30                                                             Several studies have linked impaired glucose uptake and insul
31                                                             Several studies have linked intestinal dysbiosis to the sever
32                                                             Several studies have linked mtDNA mutations to metastasis of
33                                                    However, several studies have now demonstrated that niche tracking is
34                                                    However, several studies have now identified epistatic interactions be
35                                                             Several studies have reported a survival benefit for polymyxi
36                                                             Several studies have revealed that eEF1A is posttranslational
37                                    Over the past few years, several studies have revealed that recombination-activating g
38                                                             Several studies have shown premalignant lesions gastric atrop
39                                                             Several studies have shown that both MENIN and LEDGF/p75 are
40                                                             Several studies have shown that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at
41                                                             Several studies have shown that DOM can enhance Hg methylatio
42                                                       While several studies have shown that focal lesions affect the comm
43                                                             Several studies have shown that multiple proteostatic mechani
44                                                             Several studies have shown that this pathogen expresses a var
45                                     In Parkinson's disease, several studies have shown the feasibility and potential bene
46                                                             Several studies have suggested that malaria parasites stack t
47                                                             Several studies have suggested that there is a link between s
48                                                             Several studies have suggested that Wnts might contribute to
49 e resolution of nucleotides, it is relatively costly and so several studies have used alternative methods for such profil
50                                                             Several studies have used mass cytometry to profile protectiv

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