


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  was septicaemia, and one was diarrhoea with severe malnutrition).
2 or are clinically distinct manifestations of severe malnutrition.
3 ho are compromised by sickle cell disease or severe malnutrition.
4 clustering for adequacy of diet and moderate-severe malnutrition.
5 </=-2 standard deviations (sd) were moderate-severe malnutrition.
6 endritic cell (DC) function in children with severe malnutrition.
7 ide a rational basis for the anergy found in severe malnutrition.
8 ostoperative bleeding, staple line leak, and severe malnutrition.
9           WHO case-management guidelines for severe malnutrition aim to improve the quality of hospit
10 bited epithelial differentiation that caused severe malnutrition and early postnatal lethality.
11 hysical and mental health, but the period of severe malnutrition, frequent infections, exhaustion, an
12 he effectiveness of outpatient treatment for severe malnutrition in an emergency relief programme.
13 tment of moderate malnutrition, treatment of severe malnutrition in children and adults, prevention a
14 oprecipitate was higher in the patients with severe malnutrition in comparison to the mild and modera
15  of outpatient and centre-based treatment of severe malnutrition in emergency nutritional interventio
16 = mild or moderate malnutrition, and SGA C = severe malnutrition), Nutrition Risk Screening (2002), b
17                     Over 30% of patients had severe malnutrition on admission, with body mass index z
18                               Concomitantly, severe malnutrition prevented increases in B220+ cells i
19    All children admitted with a diagnosis of severe malnutrition to two rural hospitals in Eastern Ca
20  and disturbed uteroplacental blood flow and severe malnutrition were associated with abnormal placen

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