


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pment of separation layers essential for pod shatter.
2 by a process called fruit dehiscence, or pod shatter.
3 ains, affecting mechanical strength and seed shattering.
4 uring crop domestication is the loss of seed shattering.
5 he MADS-box gene, zagl1, associates with ear shattering.
6 t high internal excitation that results from shattering.
7 on of these peptides is solely determined by shattering.
8  selection for its effect on the loss of ear shattering, a key domestication trait.
9  Brittle Rachis 1 (TtBtr1) genes controlling shattering, a key domestication trait.
10 at is strictly associated with explosive pod shatter across the Brassicaceae plant family.
11                     Ironically, however, the shattering allele of SpWRKY appears to be recently evolv
12  valve margin tissue that allow the fruit to shatter along two defined borders and disperse the seeds
13  by which specific regions of the genome are shattered and then stitched together via a single devast
14  in which it is closely associated with seed shattering and dormancy.
15 we analyze two domestication-related traits, shattering and flowering time, in a mapping population d
16                                   Chromosome shattering and reassembly resembling chromothripsis (a s
17 non of 'chromothripsis' (massive chromosomal shattering and reorganization) is not unique to cancer c
18 mately 20 cm at maturity), lack of seed-head shatter, and undemanding growth requirements should make
19     Long-term consequences of this landscape shattering are inferred to include increased runoff and
20 his, resulting in a seed head which does not shatter at maturity, is one of the key phenotypes that d
21  allyl resin plastic, and high-index plastic shattered at impact energies less than those expected to
22            Association of seed dormancy with shattering, awn, and black hull and red pericarp colors
23 his organism is able to reconstruct a genome shattered by gamma rays has now been revealed.
24 cus radiodurans gets reassembled after being shattered by high-dose radiation.
25                                              Shattered chromosomes are formed from the genome of the
26                     In the first, chromosome shattering (chromothripsis) is produced by mitotic entry
27 ge of our method is the incorporation of the shattered coalescent model for genealogies, allowing for
28 n-Monte Carlo algorithm that is based on the shattered coalescent model of genetic heterogeneity at a
29 sor about 10 kilometres in diameter during a shattering collision 7.5 million years ago.
30 s, chlorophyll degradation, and earlier seed shattering compared with the wild type.
31 rmable than the desolvated microcrystals and shatter completely at very low applied force.
32 s a delay in reconstitution of the 10 kGy IR-shattered D. radiodurans replicons that correlates with
33 odon and led to small seeds and loss of seed shattering during African rice domestication.
34 n development and, thus, contributes to seed shattering from mature fruits.
35               The distributions of these non-shattering haplotypes among sorghum landraces suggest th
36 igating the molecular mechanisms of seed pod shattering has shown that the basic helix-loop-helix (bH
37 scence may allow genetic manipulation of pod shatter in crop plants.
38 ITFULL may directly allow the control of pod shatter in oilseed crops such as canola.
39  methylglyoxal-methylamine aerosol particles shattered in Raman microscopy impact-flow experiments, r
40 arily responsible for the reduction of grain shattering in rice domestication.
41                      Here, we show that seed shattering in sorghum is controlled by a single gene, Sh
42 phic genomic event allowing a chromosome to 'shatter into many pieces' and reassemble into a function
43                             Local chromosome shattering involving a single-step catastrophic event (c
44                     We have coined the term "shattered landscape" to describe the severity of these e
45                   The results suggest that a shattering mechanism dominates the vaporization dynamics
46 , including changes in ploidy level, loss of shattering, multiple origins, and domestication outside
47 atic reductions in injection risk behaviors, shattering of cohesive injection networks, and/or broad
48 ntributes to the improved sequence coverage: shattering of peptide ions on surfaces opens up a variet
49 s were most probably produced by collisional shattering of precursor objects after capture by Jupiter
50 dispersal by rhizomes and seed dispersal by "shattering" of the mature inflorescence.
51                                              Shattering opens a variety of dissociation pathways that
52    Interestingly, GL4 also controls the seed shattering phenotype like its orthologue SH4 gene in Asi
53 velocities, and fringe washout progressively shattered reflectance and phase signals beyond the Nyqui
54              Knocking out ALC would increase shatter resistance to avoid seed loss during mechanical
55 og (OsSh1) was subsequently validated with a shattering-resistant mutant, and two maize orthologs (Zm
56 erefore, they are probably the remnants of a shattered ring-moon of Pan size or larger, locally contr
57 and computed tomographic examination without shattered spleen or other injuries requiring celiotomy.
58                       The reduction in grain shattering that led to cereal domestication involved gen
59 ancement of women in academic surgery and to shatter the glass ceiling.
60 g source of neurons and glia, a concept that shattered the dogma that the nervous system lacked regen
61 clusion, recent outcome and safety data have shattered the halo of dual RAS blockade for hypertension
62                                              Shattering the long-held dogma that organolithium chemis
63        We argue that non-genetic inheritance shatters the frontier between physiology and evolution,
64  transcription factor, SpWRKY, in conferring shattering to a wild sorghum relative, Sorghum propinquu
65               Internal energies required for shattering transition are approximately the same for des
66 the dynamics of ion-surface interaction: the shattering transition.
67                          Suppression of seed shattering was a key step during crop domestication that
68 replication fork progression and chromosomal shattering were also observed, suggesting replication st
69 Our results indicate that Sh1 genes for seed shattering were under parallel selection during sorghum,
70 rough a spring-loaded mechanism known as pod shatter, which is essential for dispersal of the seeds.
71  were more common in West largely because of shattered windows (75.0% vs. 13.6%; P = 0.001), resultin
72 cent discovery of a YABBY locus that confers shattering within Sorghum bicolor and other cereals vali

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