


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ereby eliminating layering as the driver for shear thinning.
2 ereas the other is strongly viscoelastic and shear thinning.
3  study reveals rich RBC dynamics that govern shear thinning.
4  that the resulting hydrogel is rigid but is shear-thinning.
5         This extensional flow is promoted by shear thinning, a typical property of complex fluids.
6 d that there is a strong correlation between shear thinning and a two-particle measure of the shear s
7 nts on SWNT/p-PNCPA aqueous suspensions show shear thinning and near Newtonian behavior at 10 and 50
8                Colloidal suspensions exhibit shear thinning and shear thickening.
9  of the neutrophil needs to incorporate both shear thinning and surface viscosity to remain valid ove
10  the particle configurations associated with shear thinning and thickening cast doubt on that conclus
11  and gel strength, but also leads to special shear-thinning and recovery properties of the hydrogel.
12 fabrication of self-assembled hydrogels with shear-thinning and self-healing properties employing rat
13                                              Shear-thinning and self-healing steroid-drug-based hydro
14 all four gels were observed to be reversibly shear-thinning and self-healing.
15 roperties such as stretchability, ductility, shear-thinning, and thixotropy.
16 s, the plateau force exhibited a significant shear thinning as indicated by a weak power-law dependen
17                          These networks have shear thinning behavior and sufficiently high elastic sh
18 mer conversion to be tracked in spite of the shear-thinning behavior, and could be applied to study t
19                           These gels display shear-thinning behavior, followed by a rapid structural
20 ar regime, the aggregation flows, exhibiting shear-thinning behaviour with a stress load that is comp
21 all four of the C-trim dispersions exhibited shear-thinning behaviours, which could be best described
22 que for nonequilibrium systems, we show that shear thinning can be decoupled from layering, thereby e
23 ibed as a self-similar elastic object with a shear-thinning damping term and a stiffness that becomes
24 ects) and wall- (due to fluid elasticity and shear thinning effects) directed elastic lift forces.
25 shown to be consistent with a non-Newtonian, shear-thinning fluid.
26                  It is also a non-Newtonian, shear-thinning fluid.
27 on-Newtonian fluids such as Boger fluids and shear thinning fluids.
28 viscosity, Newtonian fluids to viscoelastic, shear-thinning fluids having much larger zero-shear visc
29 lose to that of water and exhibit negligible shear thinning, focusing occurs over a wide range of ela
30                                              Shear-thinning, injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogel
31 een association domains, these hydrogels are shear-thinning, injectable, and self-healing.
32                                              Shear thinning is intimately related to the dynamics and
33                               We report that shear thinning is not due to cellular deformation as pre
34 ologic temperature is a highly viscoelastic, shear-thinning liquid suspension consisting of lipid lam
35                        All samples exhibited shear thinning non-Newtonian behaviour.
36                                              Shear thinning of supramolecular bonds allows hydrogel i
37 lain this peculiar observation by the strong shear thinning of the confined fluid and the osmotic rep
38  suggest that the hypermotile V is caused by shear thinning of the resistive population of strongly b
39 smaller than those of the FISP, those of the shear-thinning precursor are several times larger than t
40 ion and cell viability are unaffected by the shear thinning process and gel/cell constructs stay fixe
41                                   Using this shear-thinning response to describe the viscous element
42 croscopic single-particle dynamics show that shear thinning results from the decreased relative contr
43      Agar is non-Newtonian and is subject to shear-thinning so that its viscosity greatly increases a
44  even models with both surface viscosity and shear thinning studied are still not sufficient to fully
45           In shear flow, the transition from shear-thinning to shear-independent flow revealed a prof
46 fficiently through environments that contain shear-thinning viscoelastic fluids, such as the extracel
47                                              Shear-thinning was observed in the viscosity data at hig
48 simple Newtonian fluid (i.e., models without shear thinning) were grossly incapable of accounting for
49 uest-host interactions, undergo disassembly (shear-thinning) when injected through a syringe and then

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