


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enhancers, especially with reduced chromatin shearing.
2 rapid expression of flagellin in response to shearing.
3  fliC transcription in response to flagellar shearing.
4 -force distribution between particles during shearing.
5 scent labeling of filaments after mechanical shearing.
6 ered structures, allowing easy, low-strength shearing.
7 nstantly subjected to high levels of laminar shearing.
8 ility of the DNA to degradation and physical shearing.
9  of antisolvent crystallization and solution shearing.
10 e repair of a Li(+) GB hydrogel destroyed by shearing.
11 onate) ( PEDOT: PSS) thin films via solution shearing.
12 were fabricated by spin coating and solution shearing.
13 zymes while preventing the DNA from physical shearing.
14 r the gamma/gamma' interface and precipitate shearing.
15 e in a manner consistent with RNA:DNA hybrid shearing.
16                                              Shearing (1000s(-1)) had a minor impact reducing digesti
17                                   Short-term shearing (2 hours) elevated ACE activity in BPAE cells,
18 ture is realized in the laboratory by slowly shearing a closely packed ensemble of spherical beads co
19 d assay to determine fragment size after DNA shearing, a critical parameter in ChIP assays, and expos
20 hus, mechanical stimulation exerted by fluid shearing activates primarily the Ras-MEKK-JNK pathway in
21 DNA is prepared for sequencing by mechanical shearing, adapter ligation, and selection of DNA fragmen
22    For both models, irreversible capture and shearing allow us to tune the dynamic range up to 5 deca
23 eatment of intact adipocytes prior to gently shearing also resulted in a marked increase in actin pol
24  that is specifically defective in aggregate shearing and 'seed' production.
25            Long filaments were fragmented by shearing and allowed to recover.
26 wo-dimensional elastic solid with comparable shearing and area-dilatation resistance that follows a m
27                We studied the membrane under shearing and found that at a low shear strain rate, the
28 wing to its natural resistance to mechanical shearing and high levels of RNases and proteases.
29 expansion, while the anterior regions showed shearing and local increases in size.
30                 Here we show that interlayer shearing and sliding near the blister crack tip, caused
31 r 90 d of immersion in water, 50 d of buffer shearing, and 30 d of water flushing, and after repeated
32 latent TGF-beta supply to SF, activation via shearing, and transport of TGF-beta into the cartilage m
33 folding and that this protein unfolds by the shearing apart of two structural units in a mechanism si
34 hydrogenated graphene annulus under circular shearing at the inner edge.
35 hair bundle must move essentially in unison, shearing at their tips yet maintaining contact without m
36 assay to determine the efficiency of VZV DNA shearing before ChIP, after which the assay was used to
37 simulations reveal that interactions between shearing beta-strands on the threaded and knotting loops
38 well-established shear flow that arises from shearing between the reticular lamina and the tectorial
39 hexagonal close-packed layers is improved by shearing bidirectionally, alternating between two in-pla
40  report that tooth wear exposes compensatory shearing blades that maintain dental function for 18 yea
41  has been studied with local high-resolution shearing-box simulations in three dimensions, and with g
42  gene expression was unaffected by flagellar shearing but was affected by the growth phase of the cel
43 is composed of elastomeric microfluidic cell shearing chambers interfaced with computer-controlled mo
44 e implemented microscale sonication for both shearing chromatin/DNA and mixing/washing of IP beads.
45 n both neurons and astrocytes examined after shearing, clathrin and alpha-adaptin were colocalized wi
46 ness, and also give rise to non-axial (e.g., shearing) components.
47 ed bending, stretching and through-thickness shearing, decreases fracture mode mixity G II/G I, leadi
48 ement of the ventricular wall and transverse shearing deformation were observed in the area of the pa
49  undesired linear DNA fragments arising from shearing/degradation of chromosomal DNA or linearization
50 tration system (CTA) and a laser-diffraction shearing device (LORCA); the latter provides the extent
51 the stereocilia pivot as a unit, producing a shearing displacement between adjacent tips.
52 udes DNA-histone cross-linking in chromatin, shearing DNA into smaller fragments, immunoprecipitation
53 ace beneath Tibet is anisotropic, indicating shearing during its formation.
54 ses the energy efficiency of the vibrational shearing during sound transduction.
55  by measuring preferential partitioning from shearing effects, which were used to measure the local v
56                      Our data also show that shearing energy of nucleosomal DNA outperforms bending e
57       We demonstrate here that, depending on shearing flow conditions, this process may require vWf b
58 t the presence of a physiologically relevant shearing flow rate results in very different size and sh
59 shear perturbation orthogonal to the primary shearing flow, we can largely eradicate shear thickening
60  fraction of platelets brought together by a shearing fluid flow were held together if successfully b
61 otropic properties (in the sense that severe shearing followed by rest lead to reestablishment of vis
62 support a model in which transmission of the shearing force generated by steric clash of the hairpin
63 oop with the exit pore of the RNAP imposes a shearing force on the RNA in the downstream RNA:DNA hybr
64 he use of the French press, which produces a shearing force that denudes mitochondria of their outer
65                     It follows that a modest shearing force, well below that experienced by the red c
66 ss of the meniscus that may lead to abnormal shearing forces across the knee joint.
67 cula) and provides inertial mass to generate shearing forces essential for the mechanoreceptors to se
68                        One might expect that shearing forces induced by a nonuniform fluid flow would
69     Albeit this alignment is achieved by the shearing forces of syringe delivery, it is also dependen
70 re designed and bulk-fabricated for applying shearing forces to biological tissues.
71 ith anoxia, aglycemia and loss of flow (i.e. shearing forces).
72 fore able to re-grow if broken by mechanical shearing forces, which are expected to occur frequently
73 ex fluid flow with surface tension and large shearing forces.
74 mpetition between gravitational and bending (shearing) forces and is exhibited for a range of densiti
75 ramework to study physical properties of DNA shearing from the ChIP-seq coverage.
76                     In regions with end foot shearing, ganglion cells showed intense neurite sproutin
77  analysis, we relate the mechanically robust shearing geometry with concurrent rupture of native cont
78                                          The shearing has long been thought to take place in a bounda
79 on, with the cortex of the animal hemisphere shearing in an exclusively counterclockwise direction pa
80  allowed primary EC seeding and differential shearing in multiple compartments to be performed on a s
81 e identified a novel role for inter-lamellar shearing in reinforcing the tensile response of biologic
82 e source as oxidation of DNA during acoustic shearing in samples containing reactive contaminants fro
83  caused by the suppression of extrafibrillar shearing in the smaller samples, and that the emergent s
84                       The only high-pressure shearing instabilities identified by experiment require
85  and that deeper ones probably initiate as a shearing instability associated with breakdown of metast
86 ngement of the outermost polymer segments at shearing interfaces, and that both increase as a transit
87 m in both phase and intensity using a Ronchi Shearing Interferometric technique.
88 e phase imaging (modified Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry) and can be directly implemented
89  sequence of repetitive cycles of aggregate 'shearing' into smaller seeds followed by the growth of t
90 emonstrate that flagellar regrowth following shearing is independent of FlgM secretion.
91                                              Shearing is reproducible over a wide range of temperatur
92                                           If shearing is suddenly stopped, stress relaxations occur w
93 d to fragmentation of secondary arms by melt-shearing, is also controlled by an additional TLC mechan
94 at differs dramatically from the grinding or shearing mechanisms of other Early Mesozoic mammals.
95 um crystal when deposited using the solution-shearing method.
96 rallel ('unzipping' mode) or perpendicular ('shearing' mode) to the long axis of the region.
97        This "greasy" patch may lubricate the shearing motion associated with domain rotation, and the
98 served correlations of base pair bending and shearing motions are important for nonplanar folding of
99 The simulations further suggested that large shearing motions between subdomains I-A and II-A dominat
100 runcated cuboctahedral Pt37 is driven by the shearing of (100) to (111) facets to lower the surface e
101 while showing neither cationic migration nor shearing of atomic layers as seen in 2D-layered Li-rich
102 es microblistering due to localized internal shearing of BM.
103 for triple helix unfolding is intermolecular shearing of collagen alpha-chains.
104  heart of the CENP-A octameric core, wherein shearing of contacts within the CENP-A:CENP-A' dimerizat
105 duced in preeruption Irf6-cKO mice, and some shearing of enamel rods was noted in posteruption inciso
106 S) protocol for this purpose, which utilizes shearing of genomic DNA followed by specific PCR amplifi
107                                              Shearing of GTP-inhibited and vinblastine-induced sample
108 ible for generating the field depends on the shearing of internal magnetic fields by differential rot
109 tation present in sound fields, causes fluid shearing of liposomes and reduction of liposome size.
110                                              Shearing of neural processes might contribute to seizure
111                                              Shearing of silica-coated plasma membranes provides a ho
112 h, while damage to Hib pili occurs by slight shearing of subunits with respect to those further along
113                                          The shearing of superficial tissue over the deeper mesendode
114 It was recently demonstrated that mechanical shearing of synovial fluid (SF), induced during joint mo
115  The oxygen uptake promotes a reconstructive shearing of the [YbO2] sub-units controlled by the adapt
116  full-length transgenes is to avoid physical shearing of the DNA during purification and microinjecti
117 n DNA deformation, in which both bending and shearing of the nucleosomal DNA are considered.
118                    Li incorporation triggers shearing of the oxide layers from cubic to hexagonal pac
119                                              Shearing of the samples can be completely automated by c
120 ure of the end-to-end assembly occurs by the shearing of the terminal base pairs.
121 cal strength and is thought to unfold by the shearing of two mechanical sub-domains.
122 prion proliferation occurs via dissociation (shearing) of the huge prion polymers into smaller oligom
123 acking fault energy surfaces associated with shearing on nine distinct crystallographic slip modes in
124  expression, we studied the effects of fluid shearing on the activities of upstream signaling molecul
125  mechanisms, involving hypertranslocation or shearing, operate at terminators with different U-tracts
126                                Upon physical shearing or stretching structural transitions, increased
127 ocytes, obstructing blood flow and sometimes shearing passing erythrocytes.
128 ell elongation response to different fluidic shearing patterns generated by the autonomous microfluid
129                                              Shearing platelets with 6-mum beads bearing either immob
130  of 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) lesions during DNA shearing, present analysis tools to detect oxidation in
131 ar defects parallel to the c-axis and vortex shearing prevail.
132 CE activity in BPAE cells, whereas long-term shearing produced a time-dependent reduction in ACE acti
133 anochemical activation achieved by grinding, shearing, pulling, or milling opens unique opportunities
134                             Increases in the shearing rate also lead to qualitative changes in the di
135                               Increasing the shearing rate leads to an increase in the strength of th
136 the internal stresses are independent of the shearing rate.
137 berlike SAFIN units, remain liquidlike after shearing regardless of the periods they are at rest.
138 hromes were detected on both cell types, but shearing released a stable matrix of c-type cytochromes
139    Slip resistance was thus less than debris shearing resistance.
140 he AFM tip orients the domains through local shearing, resulting in domain alignment parallel to tip
141                                        Fluid shearing (shear stress, 12 dynes/cm2 [1 dyne = 10(-5)N])
142                                              Shearing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) coated w
143 hanges in strain were measured with a radial shearing speckle pattern interferometer after an increas
144 ss for direct nanofibrillation in the latter shearing stage.
145 -IX that develop in response to pathological shearing stress were examined in intact human platelets.
146 vessels, and as a mechanotransducer of fluid shearing stresses to the actin cortical cytoskeleton of
147 lcinosis, raise the blood pressure, increase shearing stresses, or alter the constituents of atherosc
148  an exquisitely designed transducer of fluid shearing stresses.
149                        The non-linear steady shearing studies for C-trim dispersions indicated that a
150 d from the surface of HeLa cells by physical shearing, suggesting that a tethering model may not expl
151  size determined by the distance between the shearing surfaces and a viscosity that is nearly indepen
152 ntly, eliminating wear damage to the rubbing/shearing surfaces.
153                        The system utilized a shearing T-junction in a fused-silica device to generate
154                        The system utilized a shearing T-junction in a silicon device to generate a st
155  area is demonstrated using a novel solution-shearing technique.
156 progressive work hardening with dislocations shearing the gamma' precipitates, a high dislocation den
157 e large-insert clones (100-200 kb), randomly shearing this DNA to construct shotgun libraries, and th
158 etate layers through mechanical stressing or shearing, thus initiating a cascade entailing fluid flow
159 wo key modes of collective motions featuring shearing/twisting of the extracellular domains relative
160            The particles that remained after shearing were phosphorylated and were closely associated
161  of FlgM inside the cell was unchanged after shearing whereas the extracellular FlgM levels increased
162 de a nuclear isolation step before chromatin shearing, which provides a good yield of high-quality DN

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