


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  NaYbF4 nanocrystal core with an inert NaYF4 shell).
2  the crystallinity and thickness of the TiO2 shell.
3 y making identical contacts with the protein shell.
4 en would be sequestered in mussel tissue and shell.
5 ery soluble N-terminal domain (NT) forms the shell.
6 in excitatory synaptic properties in the NAc shell.
7  core atoms and thiolates on the nanocluster shell.
8 etween the platelet core and the surrounding shell.
9  shell of polymer 2 to form around the first shell.
10 s located in the ordered region of the Fe3O4 shell.
11 to 6 nm from the outer surface of the capsid shell.
12 ally-controlled alloying sites in protecting shell.
13 ticularly during the regeneration of damaged shell.
14 nd hydrolyzed Pu(IV) moieties at the surface shell.
15 nsmission are not well understood in the NAc shell.
16 onto an individual CMR-derived 3-dimensional shell.
17 ration gradients across the microcompartment shell.
18 meter of DNA duplex and the thickness of DNA shell.
19 r X-ray photoionization of the carbon atom K shell.
20 0s6k phosphorylation in the NAc core but not shell.
21 lipid membrane but a thin polyhedral protein shell.
22 namics of a soft, fluid-permeable, spherical shell.
23 ls of mollusks, particularly to the nautilus shell.
24 n iNPs synthesized on MWNT without the mSiO2 shell.
25 each containing 10 RL and one protein in the shells.
26 n the properties of their respective protein shells.
27 olecular beta-sheet content in their protein shells.
28 s are strongly influenced by their hydration shells.
29 lics can regulate the size of growing tissue shells.
30 The best results were found when 0.5g mussel shell, 0.5g sodium sulfate and 5mL ethanol were used.
31 the modulating role of the protein hydration shell, a detailed microscopic description of the dynamic
32  and reuptake in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell, a major target region.
33 rmal fluctuations of membranes and nanoscale shells affect their mechanical characteristics.
34                             With its full 4d shell Ag(+) is nonmagnetic, and the dopant-related lumin
35 at the thermodynamically less favorable core-shell Ag@Au nanostructure is kinetically stabilized by t
36  Taken together, these results show that the shell also evolved to kill parasitic nematodes and this
37                                      The ZnS shell also slowed release of Cd ions.
38 arated particles with a approximately 150 nm shell and 300 nm core.
39 nderstood through simulations of a polymeric shell and cross-linked polymer interior.
40 -gal staining in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) shell and dorsal raphe nucleus, and found that disruptio
41 e in oil-in-water emulsions, from which yolk-shell and dual-shell hollow SiNPs@C composites are produ
42 eates a hollow nanostructure with Li2O outer-shell and Li2O2 inner-shell surfaces.
43 d vary the heterometallic composition of the shell and nitride core opens up attractive opportunities
44 s in CS2 and SF6 with a double hole in the K-shell and one electron exited to a normally unoccupied o
45          Interaction between the AuNP ligand shell and ytterbium is determined using both nuclear mag
46     The chemical compositions of foraminifer shells and benthic foraminifer assemblages in marine sed
47 wed by Layer-by-Layer assembly of the BSA-TA shells and dissolution of the CaCO3 cores was suggested
48 icles with water-soluble polymethyloxazoline shells and oxygen-permeable polystyrene cores crosslinke
49      With both physical entrapment by carbon shells and strong chemical interaction with Fe3 O4 cores
50  isotopic composition of aragonitic pteropod shells and their variation in response to climate change
51 (in the inner and outer surface of the Fe3O4 shell) and spins located in the ordered region of the Fe
52  accumbens core and shell (NAc(core) and NAc(shell)), and dorsal striatum (DS) following cocaine cond
53                                         Core-shell architectures offer an effective way to tune and e
54                  Bivalve, ammonite and snail shells are described by a small number of geometrical pa
55                                     Hazelnut shells are the major byproduct of the hazelnut industry.
56 th the He atoms clearly located in the first shell around the actinide.
57 ons show 66 +/- 2% dC16:1 in the first lipid shell around the channel in the dC16:1+dC24:1 bilayer, b
58 ell growth technique, we have grown rod-like shells around different almost spherical core nanocrysta
59 tion with crystal depth, resulting in a core-shell arrangement.
60 A-inflated, tensed state of a robust protein shell assembled via noncovalent interactions.
61                        Correct outer protein shell assembly is a prerequisite for virion infectivity
62 el for calcium concentration regulated outer shell assembly.
63 d pUL25 are required to stabilize the capsid shells at the vertices.
64        We present a systematic study of core-shell Au/Fe3O4 nanoparticles produced by thermal decompo
65 n of suspensions containing gold-silver core-shell (Au@Ag) NPs in EPA moderately hard water (MHW) and
66 ws the mathematical formula for magic number shells: Au@Au12@Au42@Au92@Au54, which is further protect
67 flavin mediated oxidoreductases, in a second shell away from the FAD cofactor acting to polarize the
68 trongly during early stages of learning, and shell but not core neurons showed decreases in response
69 ldest recovered classical novae display nova shells, but lack firm post-eruption ages, and are also d
70    Furthermore, the interior contents of the shell can alter mechanical response and buckling, which
71 , and the orientation of Au or Fe3 O4 in the shell can be well controlled by exploiting the amphiphil
72  a light-absorbing dye incorporated in their shell can generate vapor microbubbles that can be spatio
73 morphological characteristics in a capsule's shell can result in novel properties, not present in pre
74 rriers for constructing CaO2 core-mesoporous shell-CaO2 shell microspheres (OCRMs).
75 erature ammonia nitridation of a parent core-shell carbide material (Pt/TiWC).
76   To address such issues, well-designed yolk-shelled carbon@Fe3 O4 (YSC@Fe3 O4 ) nanoboxes as highly
77                    A Cu/ZnO/Al2O3@ZSM-5 core@shell catalyst active for one-step conversion of synthes
78 netic energy spectra from mixed Xe core - Ar shell clusters ionized by intense extreme-ultraviolet (X
79                    Optimization of the inert shell coating surrounding the core and hydrophilic surfa
80 m a non-oscillating core with an oscillating shell composed largely of silica microparticles.
81                                          The shells comprising alternate layers of bovine serum album
82 s, corresponding to a Pr (4f(2) 6s(1) ) open-shell configuration.
83 sic principles of bacterial microcompartment shell construction.
84 n at 800 nm: 1) Light harvesting by the UCNP shell containing Nd and subsequent energy transfer to Er
85                               The mesoporous shells continued to act as regulators restricting the re
86 ting directional resolution using 3D Fourier shell correlation volumes.
87                                     The CaO2 shells could quickly increase dissolved oxygen to extrem
88                       The ability to control shell coverage and vary the heterometallic composition o
89        We conclude that the alpha-pinene SOA shell creates no major diffusion limitations for water,
90 ant size and high mandibular strength confer shell-crushing capability matched only by other extinct
91  the first example of biomacromolecular core-shell crystal growth is described, by showing that these
92 eveal that the crystal structure of the CdSe shell (cubic zinc-blende or hexagonal wurtzite) plays a
93 hich may include cryogenic fuel-filling, and shell curing, to produce ready-to-use IFE targets.
94                             Although the CdS shell decreases the TET rate, it enhances TET efficiency
95 d nanosphere oligomers, corroborated by open-shell density functional theory calculations.
96 romoting the localization of excitons in the shell domain, as was confirmed by ultrafast transient ab
97 ce, it is unclear under what conditions clam-shell drops would move from the tip towards the root on
98 quisite for virion infectivity in many multi-shelled dsRNA viruses.
99  pentameric protein capsomers in the growing shell during assembly.
100  pump their genome inside an empty procapsid shell during virus maturation.
101 tion with song-related responses within LMAN-SHELL during vocal learning.
102 rared-absorbing Au nanoshells (SiO2 core, Au shell), each forming a light-responsive drug delivery co
103 re usually soaked in sulfuric acid to remove shells easily.
104    A SnO2 bridged assembly on SnO2/TiO2 core/shell electrodes undergoes light-driven water oxidation
105                  The viral capsid, a conical shell encasing the viral ribonucleoprotein complex, alon
106 tal cortex (OFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell ensembles using wild-type and Fos-GFP mice, which
107  and Notch pathway components in chaetae and shell fields in brachiopods, mollusks, and annelids prov
108 l place preference when infused into the NAC shell following conditioning sessions.
109 show that nematodes are permanently fixed in shells for hundreds of years and that nematode encapsula
110  for X = F, Cl, and the surrounding "halogen shell" for X = I, At.
111               Thorough understanding of core-shell formation is critical for atomic-scale design and
112 tion, however a deeper understanding of core-shell formation is still required.
113 tion of genotypic data, pedigree records and shell formation model further explained the haploinsuffi
114 e reveal details of a counter-intuitive core-shell formation process in platinum-cobalt nanoparticles
115  the vast majority of theoretically possible shell forms do not occur in nature.
116  to investigate triangulene and related open-shell fragments at the single-molecule level.
117                             In this study, a shell-free tissue expander comprised only of a chemicall
118 e present the crystal structure of an intact shell from Haliangium ochraceum, revealing the basic pri
119 e secondary-structure elements in the capsid shell from which spikes protrude, and a decreased dynami
120 peake Bay for comparison with archaeological shells from nearby sites ranging in age from 100 to 3,2
121 plained the haploinsufficiency effect on the SHELL gene with different number of functional copies.
122                            The reported core/shell geometry was realized by growing a narrow gap semi
123                                The magnetite shell grown on top of the Au nanoparticle displayed a th
124                   The controlled anisotropic shell growth allows the design of new core/multishell na
125 xy: we first switch off, and then switch on, shell growth on the (0001) facet of wurtzite CdSe cores,
126                              Using this slow shell growth technique, we have grown rod-like shells ar
127  report controlled isotropic and anisotropic shell growth techniques in hexagonal sodium rare-earth t
128 nocrystals by exploiting the kinetics of the shell growth.
129 ctylphosphine, in the SILAR component of the shell-growth process.
130 wever, the rostral and caudal regions of the shell have been implicated in promoting opposing appetit
131   Natural structural materials like bone and shell have complex, hierarchical architectures designed
132 a hollow cavity surrounded by a porous outer shell have received tremendous research interest owing t
133 ters, such as seawater temperature, pteropod shells (Heliconoides inflatus) were collected along a la
134 er emulsions, from which yolk-shell and dual-shell hollow SiNPs@C composites are produced via polymer
135 maging of both the catalyst core and zeolite shell in a single acquisition.
136  and dorsal striatum, is also minimal in the shell in part due to elevated acetylcholinesterase activ
137  of these characteristics and the absence of shells in processed products, and conventional PCR-based
138                                      The CdS shell increases the linear photon upconversion quantum y
139 entional tissue expanders require a silicone shell inflated either by external injections of saline s
140 injection of RO5166017 into the NAc core and shell inhibited cue- and drug-induced cocaine-seeking, r
141 ies of the electronic structure support open-shell intermediates, a deviation from traditional strong
142 s well integrate the high activity of Co-NGC shells into the robust NC hollow framework with enhanced
143                  Like liposomes, the vesicle shell is composed of two layers of Au-Fe3 O4 NPs in oppo
144 l shell, whereby the morphology of the outer shell is determined by the concentration of metallic ion
145 a universa, which forms a spherical terminal shell, is paced by the diurnal light/dark cycle.
146 tion of hydrolyzed TEOS, which builds up the shell layer of smHSSs.
147  and tips separated by an inert intermediate shell layer.
148 initial crystallization and during growth of shell layers on a crystal macroseed.
149 Au, which is sandwiched between the yolk and shell, leads to the desired nanocup morphology.
150 poral trends of parasite prevalence and host shell length, cannot be explained by Waltherian facies c
151                            We developed core shell lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (CSLPHNPs) with
152  affinity Co6Te8(CO)6 have closed electronic shells marked by high HOMO-LUMO gaps of 1.24 and 1.39 eV
153  suggesting a reduced ability to precipitate shell material accompanied by metabolic depression.
154 rotron analysis, W was incorporated into the shell matrix during exposure, particularly during the re
155 ntopeduncular nucleus, and nucleus accumbens shell measured using brain mapping analyses of immediate
156 cient pressure to induce cavitation of lipid-shelled microbubble contrast agents.
157 , exhibited a SICA effect when the cPPA core-shell microcapsules were suspended in ion-containing aci
158 constructing CaO2 core-mesoporous shell-CaO2 shell microspheres (OCRMs).
159 tion of cultural or technological aspects of shell midden formation, this also allows erroneous palae
160 ieved by integration of the fluorescent core-shell MIP sensor particles into a modular microfluidic p
161 o a half-filled [Formula: see text] electron shell (Mn compounds, hole-doped FeSCs) and decrease for
162 mbled, positioned firmly within a 3D printed shell mold simulating the skin boundary, and cast with t
163      Galapagos giant tortoises have two main shell morphologies - saddleback and domed - that have be
164 diurnally paced in species with more complex shell morphologies is unknown.
165 a diffusion-limited behavior leading to core-shell morphologies.
166 everal traits associated with the saddleback shell morphology could have evolved to facilitate self-r
167 opy, indicating that the self-assembled core-shell morphology such as spherical and fibrillar nanostr
168                      A drastic change of the shell morphology was observed by changing the injection
169 iquid-liquid phase separated particles (core-shell morphology), and ambient atmospheric particles.
170 o compare self-righting potential of the two shell morphotypes.
171  ensembles in the nucleus accumbens core and shell (NAc(core) and NAc(shell)), and dorsal striatum (D
172 t morphological changes in nucleus accumbens shell (NACsh) neurons, including increases in dendritic
173                           An innovative core-shell nanocarrier, combining the magnetism of surface ac
174 ersant has been developed comprising a multi-shelled nanoparticle termed 'Nano-CarboScavengers' (NCS)
175 ared GC-PEG-PpIX can self-assemble into core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) in aqueous solution and the fl
176                       These fluorescent core-shell nanoparticles act as landmarks and offer clarity i
177                                     The core-shell nanoparticles are 30 nm in size and were not super
178 ixed HeLa cell labeled with fluorescent core-shell nanoparticles as a model system, we implemented a
179 hemical Pu colloids can be described as core-shell nanoparticles composed of quasi-stoichiometric PuO
180 ygen detection platform by constructing core-shell nanoparticles with water-soluble polymethyloxazoli
181 gold triangular nanoprism core)/(polyaniline shell) nanoparticles (GTNPs@PANI) as an OCT contrast age
182 emperature lasing in 7 x 7 InGaAs/InGaP core-shell nanopillar array photonic crystals with an ultraco
183    The new PVP capped CoFe2O4@CdSe with core-shell nanostructure was synthesized by a facile synthesi
184                                         Yolk-shell nanostructures (YSNs) composed of a core within a
185 id methodology for preparation of Cu@Pd core-shell nanostructures on a cost-effective pencil graphite
186 tes from a fine interplay between the closed-shell nature of the d states and relativistic effects in
187                                   The double-shelled NC@Co-NGC nanocages well integrate the high acti
188 development, suggesting that the activity of shell neurons reflects the progression of learning.
189 @Au54, which is further protected by a final shell of Au48.
190 minal extensions protrude from the spherical shell of both proteins.
191 s from the new synthesis method for the core-shell of CoFe2O4@CdSe.
192 levating endogenous glutamate within the NAC shell of mice and we reversed MA preference/taking by lo
193  colloidal particles for the assembly of the shell of nano- and microcapsules holds great promise for
194 ard and induces polymerization, leading to a shell of polymer 1.
195 aced in monomer 2, which causes a concentric shell of polymer 2 to form around the first shell.
196  These characteristics are consistent with a shell of several tens of solar masses ejected by the pro
197 KA binding to AKAPs in the nucleus accumbens shell of Sprague-Dawley rats attenuates reinstatement in
198 f the original droplet phase surrounded by a shell of the added SOA.
199  of more highly charged cations to the inner shell of the ion atmosphere.
200 -copper (Janus bionanocage) and co-polymeric shell of the photosensitive crosslinker protein.
201  suggest that ion pairing between the ligand shell of the QD and NR4(+) results from a combination of
202                       The dense nucleic acid shell of the resulting cross-linked micellar SNA enhance
203  an intricate spiral shape often compared to shells of mollusks, particularly to the nautilus shell.
204  displace water molecules from the hydration shells of nanostructured solutes and calculate the free
205 capsulating therapeutic proteins within thin shells of poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), which leads to
206  nanoporous architecture of an iridium oxide shell on a metallic iridium core, formed through the fas
207                          A sub-monolayer CdS shell on PbS quantum dots (QDs) enhances triplet energy
208 Imin are dependent on the presence of a gold shell on the UCNP.
209   Herein, we demonstrate the synthesis of Pt shell on titanium tungsten nitride core nanoparticles (P
210 le PbSe quantum dot (QD), we apply the thick-shell or "giant" QD structural motif to this notoriously
211 heir genomes by packaging them into an outer shell or capsid of virus-encoded proteins.
212 heir genomes by packaging them into an outer shell or capsid of virus-encoded proteins.
213 d the inner is that of the underlying closed-shell orbital.
214  rational engineering of multilayer and core-shell oxide nanomaterials.
215                                Comparison of shell oxygen isotopic composition to depth changes in th
216 omic resolution structure of the phi6 double-shelled particle.
217 ling times based on an optimized compartment shell permeability determined by maximizing metabolic fl
218 photocurable monomer serves as a transparent shell phase with remote motion control through magnetic
219 structured platinum alloy nanocatalysts.Core-shell platinum alloy nanoparticles are promising catalys
220 served by changing the injection rate of the shell precursors while keeping all other reaction condit
221 etically stabilized by the intermediate Ag20 shell, preventing inward diffusion of the surface Au ato
222                         Furthermore, the CdS shell prolongs the lifetime of the 5-CT triplet and thus
223 apsulated in a selectively permeable protein shell; prominent examples include the carboxysome for CO
224 e receptors (D1DRs) in the nucleus accumbens shell promoted cocaine seeking through a process involvi
225                               The outer T=13 shell protein P8 consists of two alpha-helical domains j
226          MSM0273 is a pentameric beta-barrel shell protein that likely plugs the vertex of the partic
227 ulation-level description of the carboxysome shell protein, RuBisCO, and CcmM isoform localization.
228                  Here, a 3D biomimetic conch shell prototype is presented, which can replicate the cr
229 gration toward the alloyed interface of core/shell QDs is a thermodynamically driven process to minim
230 e effect of lattice mismatch of CdS/ZnS core/shell QDs on Mn(II) dopant behavior was studied.
231          To test this hypothesis, we used 3D shell reconstructions of 89 Galapagos giant tortoises fr
232 l and the interaction of second coordination shell residues with the manganese cluster.
233 ns in contact residues, or so-called "second shell" residues, that increase affinity are typically id
234 % and 85 +/- 2%, for (BSA-TA)4 and (BSA-TA)8 shells, respectively.
235 CP-AMPAR-specific blocker Naspm into the NAc shell reversed the cocaine and depressive-like phenotype
236 binding capacity of oleosins derived from in-shell roasted peanuts was increased as shown by immunobl
237 ce of oleosins obtained from both raw and in-shell roasted peanuts.
238                                           In-shell roasting increases their allergenicity, which is c
239                                        Outer-shell s(0)/p(0) orbital mixing with d(10) orbitals and s
240  testing, the function of hierarchy in conch shell's multiscale microarchitectures is explicated.
241 ial, while bulk investigations showed second-shell scattering contributions, indicating an inner-sphe
242 copy showed red amorphous Se(0) with a first shell Se-Se interatomic distance of 2.339 +/- 0.003 A.
243                                          The shell sequesters enzymatic reactions from the cytosol, a
244 ble mechanism for the expression of adaptive shell shape differences between habitats involves enviro
245 ment, water drops with either barrel or clam-shell shapes are capable of self-running on conical wire
246 as a drastic effect on the optimal design of shell shapes.
247                                The gastropod shell shows a vast array of different sizes, shapes and
248 on of delta(15)N values between C. virginica shells shows relatively constant values from 1250 BC to
249 he Li-ion anodes composed of 46 wt % of dual-shell SiNPs@C, 46 wt % of graphite, 5 wt % of acetylene
250 clades of the Stylommatophora (and slugs and shelled slugs), which diverged 90-130 MYA.
251 ich is also a unique observation for an open-shell species.
252                        Here, the design of a shell-stacked nanoparticle (SNP) is reported, which can
253                               The hyper open-shell states considered in this work are especially inte
254                         Thereafter, the core-shell structure is loaded with fresh initiator and place
255                      The atom counts in core-shell structure of Au279 follows the mathematical formul
256 clusters of calcium phosphate to form a core-shell structure, in a fluid that is supersaturated but s
257 the plasmonic component in conventional core-shell structured MPHNs, due to the presence of a water-i
258                                     TTA core-shell-structured prodrug delivery capsules that benefit
259 onstructions to be avoided as all aragonitic shells subjected to pre-historic cooking methods show a
260  patterns of single neurons in both core and shell subregions during singing correlated with acoustic
261 ucture with Li2O outer-shell and Li2O2 inner-shell surfaces.
262 P microspheres were synthesized using a core-shell technique.
263        The leaf epidermis is a biomechanical shell that influences the size and shape of the organ.
264  artificial capsids assemble as 20-nm hollow shells that attack bacterial membranes and upon landing
265 CdSe cores, producing asymmetric compressive shells that create built-in biaxial strain, while still
266 cturally and dynamically perturbed hydration shells that surround proteins and biomolecules have a su
267 sing a "boron core" surrounded by a "halogen shell", the sign of the total charge in these two region
268 oblem by considering the scaling exponent of shell thickness as a morphological parameter.
269 important, even for monogenic traits such as shell thickness in oil palm.
270  the dependence of this interaction on glass shell thickness is elucidated and the experimentally mea
271 h a core of 20 A, core eccentricity 0.7, and shell thickness of 5.45 A, with an aggregation number of
272 stic size-dependent behavior tunable via the shell thickness with associated quantum yields in the 4.
273 lly measured sensitivities for two different shell thicknesses are explained.
274 gated ICG imbedded in the mesopourous silica shell to enable both photoacoustic imaging and photother
275 tructures and morphologies ranging from core-shell to multiphase.
276 nce between the core cohesive energy and the shell-to-core binding energy that appears to drive nanoc
277 ed for this study were fruit-to-bunch (F/B), shell-to-fruit (S/F), kernel-to-fruit (K/F), mesocarp-to
278             The traits of interest included: shell-to-fruit ratio (S/F, %), mesocarp-to-fruit ratio (
279 n a charged, impermeable covalent functional shell, Tube(wedge)2 allows the semiconducting conduction
280 erved DM domain gene, Dmrt1, in Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis (P. sinensis), which
281 ntinue to increase in value up to the modern shell values.
282 d by the layer-by-layer growth of a platinum shell via Ostwald ripening during the oxygen annealing t
283 aboratories (including amoeba co-culture and shell-vial culture) and through the use of matrix-assist
284 ternating high and low Mg-bands within their shell walls that cannot be explained by temperature alon
285 s (SAMNs, the core) and tannic acid (TA, the shell) was self-assembled by simple incubation in water.
286  hydrogen-bonding interaction with the first-shell water molecules.
287 ture dependence as fluctuations of hydration shell waters.
288 ke in previous studies on cracked plates and shells, we constrained flat elastic sheets to adopt fixe
289 particles comprising of iron core and carbon shell were decorated with ferrocene derivatives: ferroce
290      The most abundant phenolics in hazelnut shells were catechin, epicatechin gallate, and gallic ac
291 c water in the initial 40 min until the CaO2 shells were consumed.
292                                         SiO2 shells were first deposited on monodisperse Fe3O4 micros
293 ase through muscarinic receptors only in the shell, where higher activity of acetylcholinesterase min
294 prises a liquid metal core and a solid metal shell, whereby the morphology of the outer shell is dete
295 that is encapsulated in a 15-nm-thick silica shell wherein the resonant Raman reporter is embedded.
296 mic-scale design and control of the platinum shell, which is known to be the structural feature respo
297 e rapid increases in (15)N enrichment in the shells, which continue to increase in value up to the mo
298 f chitosan was used to produce the polymeric shell while a wealth variety of template cores were test
299                                   The SrTiO3 shell with controllable thicknesses generates a consider
300 nd Av each integrate inputs from ipsilateral SHELL with inputs from sensory regions in surrounding ni

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