


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  microtubule-stabilizing protein Short stop (Shot).
2 dual particles produced by a single ablation shot.
3 reases faster than linearly with nutrient in shoot.
4 (salt) up-regulated genes in the root or the shoot.
5 alt up-regulation prediction in the root and shoot.
6 , thereby causing reduced Ca delivery to the shoot.
7 the receptor kinase SUNN, functioning in the shoot.
8 ZY1 protein that controls the orientation of shoots.
9 influenced gene expression in both roots and shoots.
10 e known to affect the orientation of lateral shoots.
11 sening enzymes that enable cell expansion in shoots.
12  water deficit is communicated from roots to shoots.
13 ms underlying the growth of Moso underground shoots.
14 nhanced systemic movement of PTGS to grafted shoots.
15 action may be more flexible in roots than in shoots.
16 ke and content along with iron deficiency in shoots.
17 s the control of iron uptake in the roots by shoots.
18 treme resistance to Potato virus X in potato shoots.
19 d markedly increased As accumulation in rice shoots.
20 ed with the formation of pungenin in growing shoots.
21 (37.3% vs 13.2%, p<0.0001) and less often by shooting (12.5% vs 76.0%, p<0.0001).
22          The fish responded to the target by shooting a stream of water at it.
23 eteronuclear enhancement experiments, single-shot acquisitions based on J-driven (13)C --> (1)H polar
24  in showing NLR expression skewed toward the shoot across multiple phylogenetically distinct groups o
25 reasing accumulations of heavy metals in the shoots also was observed.
26                                      Loss of Shot also leads to chromosome congression defects, cell
27 ied from 25 ng of a HeLa digest using single-shot analysis with a SCARAFT-acrylamide capillary couple
28  in a 200 min separation and improved single-shot analysis.
29     Our results suggest that WOX function in shoot and floral meristems of Arabidopsis is restricted
30                                       Fruit, shoot and leaf samples were then collected at 3 time poi
31 d with auxin distribution and is enriched in shoot and root apical meristems, lateral root primordia,
32 nyl-2'-deoxyuridine retention experiments in shoot and root apical meristems.
33 re endogenous signaling molecules regulating shoot and root branching [1] whereas exogenous karrikin
34                 Biochar affected differently shoot and root length of cress seedlings in germination
35 opsis med12 and med13 single mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes consistent with altered auxin
36  Arabidopsis med12 and med13 mutants exhibit shoot and root phenotypes related to an altered auxin ho
37 c overexpression accumulated more biomass in shoot and root systems.
38 educed the total and inorganic P contents in shoot and root tissues and increased the number of later
39 strongest effect on total and inorganic P in shoot and root tissues.
40 s allocate more N via the vasculature to the shoot and seeds and produce more biomass and higher seed
41 point and duration of linear growth for both shoot and taproot growth.
42 opic hQTLs that determine the covariation of shoot and taproot growth.
43 be to obtain a total of 370 seedlings, whose shoot and taproot lengths were measured repeatedly durin
44 sues is dependent upon mobile sRNAs from the shoot and that mobile sRNA-dependent DNA methylation occ
45 and development of two distinct systems, the shoot and the root, in response to environmental fluctua
46 distinguishable from wild-type; (2) aberrant shoot and/or root growth indicating possible perturbatio
47 imary thickening process of Moso underground shoots and driving the evolution of culms with different
48 , differences in Na and Cl concentrations in shoots and K/Na ratio were evaluated in this long-term s
49 on of guaiacol glycoconjugates in the fruit, shoots and leaves of Monastrell grapevines following fol
50  salt and PEG-induced drought stress in both shoots and roots in both Nipponbare and Hasawi rice geno
51                          The coordination of shoots and roots is critical for plants to adapt to chan
52 tant role of defense signaling loops between shoots and roots to activate a full resistance complemen
53 T9 is highly expressed in the vasculature of shoots and roots.
54  show that OsALMT4 is expressed in roots and shoots and that the OsALMT4 protein localizes to the pla
55 e cooperation in social dilemmas in both one-shot and repeated games.
56 iprofloxacin through their tissues to roots, shoots, and leaves.
57 cross three tissue types (siliques, seedling shoots, and roots) and validated a number of these sites
58 rimary thickening growth of Moso underground shoots, and support a plausible mechanism resulting in t
59  function of (i) all noise components (dark, shot, and flicker), (ii) emission spectrum of the analyt
60 e for the severe alterations observed in the shoot apex and reproductive organs under salinity condit
61                     The link between delayed shoot apex development and the induction of cold toleran
62 nt regeneration procedure was developed from shoot apex explants and used to downregulate expression
63 ressed unique transcripts were identified in shoot apex tissue between fast- and slow-developing RILs
64 incipient and emergent leaf primordia at the shoot apex, but not in the vegetative meristem or stem.
65 genesis driven by lateral inhibitions at the shoot apex.
66 , and develop a mass of callus tissue at the shoot apex.
67 ularly leaves, initiate at the flanks of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) following auxin maxima signa
68                Enlargement and doming of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a hallmark of the transit
69  shoot stem cell niche, contained within the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is maintained in Arabidopsis
70             Different with model plants, the shoot apical meristem (SAM) of Moso is composed of six l
71 systemically through the phloem to reach the shoot apical meristem (SAM).
72  a failure of bps1 mutants to maintain their shoot apical meristem (SAM).
73  development correlated with rounding of the shoot apical meristem and induction of TGSQA expression,
74 hway that regulates stem cell numbers of the shoot apical meristem has exclusively been studied in Ar
75       During early seedling development, the shoot apical meristem is protected from damage as the se
76 inuously dividing fields of cells within the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis show dynamic regula
77  protein that travels from the leaves to the shoot apical meristem to promote flowering.
78 ically enlarged and deformed plastids in the shoot apical meristem, and develop a mass of callus tiss
79  that ADT3 is expressed in the cotyledon and shoot apical meristem, mainly in the cytosol, and that t
80 ng before morphological changes occur in the shoot apical meristem, the expression of floral represso
81                                              Shoot apical meristems are stem cell niches that balance
82 obal transcriptional profiling in developing shoot apical meristems of vrs3 suggested that VRS3 acts
83                               In Arabidopsis shoot apical meristems, WUSCHEL (WUS), a stem cell-promo
84 n different root cell types, in embryos, and shoot apical meristems.
85 of strand-specific RNA-seq data from cassava shoot apices and young leaves under cold, drought stress
86              AqJAG was strongly expressed in shoot apices, floral meristems, lateral root primordia a
87 , the foliar treatments proposed were a vine-shoot aqueous extract applied in one and two times, and
88 , our findings indicate that GmCLV1A acts on shoot architecture, whereas GmNARK, functions in control
89 precision 3D scanning, we analyzed 557 plant shoot architectures, representing three species, grown a
90  markedly increased As tolerance and root-to-shoot As translocation in A. thaliana, with PvACR3 being
91 vACR3 and HAC1 have large effects on root-to-shoot As translocation.
92  hypersensitive to As and had higher root-to-shoot As translocation.
93 reased substantially after the December 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Con
94 articles ejected during the ablation shot by shot at a fixed spot, from 1 to 100 shots.
95 rallel effects on BRC1 transcription and the shoot auxin transport network.
96 llii avoids jasmonate-producing N. attenuata shoots because of their high levels of nicotine.
97 ed, with nearly half of them executed-either shot, beheaded, or burned alive-while the rest died on M
98 eady displayed 4 weeks after inoculation and shoot biomass deficiency, which is detected by long-term
99 , improves phosphorus capture, and increases shoot biomass in low-phosphorus soil.
100 ter lateral root density (LRD) and a greater shoot biomass than the P-inefficient parent Tapidor unde
101 A as demonstrated by longer roots and higher shoot biomass when compared to wild-type.
102         Development of chemiluminescence one-shot biosensors for determination of biogenic amines is
103  identify the major contributors to root and shoot branch angles and gravitropic behavior of seedling
104 icating that SPL13 is involved in regulating shoot branch development.
105 performance via the manipulation of root and shoot branch growth angle.
106 tal and environmental regulation of root and shoot branch GSA.
107                                     Root and shoot branches are major determinants of plant form and
108 e induce more vertical growth in Arabidopsis shoot branches.
109 used early flowering phenotype and increased shoot branching by elevating contents of GA3 and cytokin
110                                The degree of shoot branching in Arabidopsis is determined by the acti
111 ta demonstrate the important role of BRC1 in shoot branching, but here we show that in Arabidopsis th
112                             Accordingly, the shoot branching-related CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE
113 evelopmental processes such as flowering and shoot branching.
114                                              Shoot-branching patterns determine key aspects of plant
115 accumulation of chloride ions (Cl(-)) in the shoot by regulating their transfer from the root symplas
116 logical responses to vaccination, foxes were shot by hunters.
117 copper particles ejected during the ablation shot by shot at a fixed spot, from 1 to 100 shots.
118 aser pulses can be reconstructed in a single shot by use of an angle-multiplexed spatial-spectral int
119  Most genotypes exhibited a net reduction in shoot Ca, Mg, P, Fe, and Cu, while Mn and Zn increased u
120 of endodermal cells, and low accumulation of shoot calcium (Ca).
121                                      Parsley shoot cell-wall enzymes did not affect RG-II dimerizatio
122     Different extraction approaches from tea shoots, chemical synthesis to microbial transformation h
123 dict salt up-regulated genes in the root and shoot compared with models based on known TF binding mot
124                      The results showed that shoots contain mainly polyphenols.
125 ile and volatile, of Airen and Moscatel vine-shoot cultivars waste submitted to different toasting co
126                                       Single-shot CZE-MS/MS identified about 2800 proteoform-spectrum
127 ee times higher than that in previous single-shot CZE-MS/MS studies.
128 knowledge, we overcome the drawbacks of snap-shot data by considering the possible effects of each ge
129 , they show "default neglect." First, in one-shot default-setting games, we find that only 50.8% of p
130              Here, we show that the earliest shoot defect arises during germination and is a failure
131 rphyllin (HP), which specifically mimics the shoot defects of amp1, including plastochron reduction a
132  the aforementioned actin manipulations with Shot deficiency revealed a close correlation between PMS
133 iron deficiency treatment, indicate that the shoot-directed control of iron uptake in roots functions
134                  The actin-binding domain of Shot directly interacts with Actin-related protein-1 (Ar
135 how that wild-type roots grafted to ysl1ysl3 shoots do not initiate iron deficiency-induced gene expr
136  and (b) sagittal T1-weighted TSE and single-shot echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging-derived ADC
137                    Purpose To compare single-shot echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging-derived appa
138 s between qubits can be measured in a single shot, enabling the dynamical phase transition to be prob
139       In a standard L-BFGS algorithm, if the shot-encoding remains unchanged, it will generate a cros
140 thm balances the computational efficiency of shot-encoding, the convergence stability of the L-BFGS a
141 egy used to reduce the computational cost is shot-encoding, which encodes all shots randomly and sums
142 ed by employing sufficient randomness in the shot-encoding.
143          Specifically, we make use of single-shot error correction to develop a simple decoding algor
144                     We found stable NLR root/shoot expression ratios within species, suggesting organ
145 dition of kordoi fruit juice (4%) and bamboo shoot extract (6%) had a significant effect on the pH, m
146 termine the possibility of using a grapevine shoot extract (VIN) as a sustainable alternative to sulf
147 pole spectrometer not only allows for single-shot extraction of a seeded FEL pulse profile, but also
148 ene expression, indicating that the ysl1ysl3 shoots fail to send an appropriate long-distance signal
149 ge quality and speed improvements for single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) with variable refocusing fli
150                The proposed method, Multiple Shooting for Stochastic systems (MSS), applies a linear
151                                       Of 175 shot foxes, 142 foxes (81.1%) had consumed baits.
152 ed for root architecture characteristics and shoot fresh weight in response to exposure to WCS417r.
153 ts are more trustful in repeated than in one-shot games.
154  apically, terminating growth of the primary shoot (gametophore) axis.
155 ci (hQTLs), of which 15 mediate the forms of shoot growth and four mediate taproot growth.
156 ilarly impair nitrate-stimulated system-wide shoot growth and root establishment.
157 n, the Uvhog1 mutant had reduced toxicity on shoot growth in rice seed germination assays.
158 lar Mamestra brassicae In addition, root and shoot growth of the plants was inhibited.
159 al time course of white spruce bud burst and shoot growth revealed two UGTs, PgUGT5 and PgUGT5b, that
160 tilization share cytokinin-mediated improved shoot growth, whereas enhanced ABA biosynthesis and JA-r
161 vival and more severe inhibition of root and shoot growth.
162 xhibited impaired root formation and delayed shoot growth.
163         Presented here is the application of shot-gun proteomic technology to study the bio-remediati
164 oots, and translocation through the xylem to shoots, have been characterized in a number of plants, i
165  identical halophytes whose edible succulent shoots hold promise for commercial production in saline
166                                       In the shoot, HY5 promotes carbon assimilation and translocatio
167  costly methods, such as transplanting adult shoots, if disturbances are moderated sufficiently and i
168 ternative for label-free, noncontact, single-shot imaging of cellular rheologic properties.
169 nd low auxin accumulation at the base of the shoot in fuct-1 account for both the reduced gravitropic
170 in-enhanced expression resulting in enhanced shooting in tissue culture.
171 s, OsNHX1 seems to play a particular role in shoots in response to drought.
172          Our work highlights novel roles for Shot in mitosis and suggests a mechanism involving Dynei
173 he actin-microtubule cross-linker Shortstop (Shot) in mitotic spindle function in Drosophila Shot loc
174 .0, suggesting that as nutrient allocated to shoot increases, nutrient allocated to roots increases f
175 imilar phenotype was observed among pin-like shoots induced by polar auxin transport inhibitors such
176  the redirection of basipetal auxin from the shoot into the rhizophore during development.
177                      SAP consisted of single-shot, intravenous infusion of 1.5 g of cefuroxime, a com
178  send an appropriate long-distance signal of shoot iron status to the roots.
179 2.5 x 10(22) cm(-3) and flux of 1.6 x 10(10)/shot is achieved.
180 d nearly 25,000 cross sections from the root-shoot junction.
181 h of Moso (Phyllostachys edulis) underground shoots largely determines the culm circumference.
182  by HD-ZIPIII and KAN gene expression in the shoot, leading to a model in which dorsoventral genes co
183 ocesses, including growth and development of shoots, leaves, flowers, roots and seeds, among others.
184 0-2012) between a 102-year-long C. tetragona shoot length chronology and instrumental climate records
185 t) in mitotic spindle function in Drosophila Shot localizes to mitotic spindle poles, and its knockdo
186               Knockdown of Arp-1 phenocopies Shot loss universally, whereas chemical disruption of F-
187 e OAM spectrum of optical fields in a single-shot manner.
188 er shoot phosphorus content, and 68% greater shoot mass than genotypes with advanced secondary growth
189 er shoot phosphorus content, and 80% greater shoot mass than genotypes with advanced secondary growth
190 ployment of an optical diagnostic for single-shot measurement of the electric-field components of ele
191 After applying local two-qubit gates, single-shot measurements herald the distillation of an entangle
192 onserved role for DELLA genes in controlling shoot meristem function and suggests how dissection of p
193 tabilizes cell fate in distinct zones of the shoot meristem thereby controlling the spatio-temporal d
194 on and enlargement and multiplication of the shoot meristem.
195                          We demonstrate that shoot meristematic activity can occur in the dark throug
196 ed in Arabidopsis by the homeodomain protein SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM).
197                     Instead, we propose that SHOOT MERISTEMLESS, a class I KNOTTED-LIKE HOMEOBOX gene
198                     For tea brew, dilute and shoot method provides good quantification (70-120% recov
199 lete homeotic conversion of flowers to leafy shoots, mimicking lfy ap1 double mutants in A. thaliana.
200 ) or wrack burial (salt marsh), which caused shoot mortality.
201  compared to a regular supply and increasing shoot N concentration more when lower water amounts were
202                                              Shoot Na concentrations were determined in 334 angiosper
203 antoin and allantoic acid as major nodule-to-shoot nitrogen transport compounds.
204 with superior readout with respect to photon shot noise are needed to increase the sensitivity furthe
205                          We show that photon shot noise in the signal readout is currently a limiting
206 at a photon detector is capable of achieving shot noise limited performance without using the balance
207 ppendix In the presence of experimental-like shot noise, the precision of the SPIFF-based correction
208  respectively, compared with the single-pass shot-noise limit.
209 lexity, from predominantly functional ones ('shot-noise' models) to those with more detailed physiolo
210                        Our system achieves a shot-noise-limited sensitivity of about -105 dB at a ref
211 ng photon detectors have prevented achieving shot-noise-limited sensitivity without using balanced-de
212 s for biomass, exhibited the least effect on shoot number and height.
213 s describing root nutrients as a function of shoot nutrients were more than 1.0, suggesting that as n
214 function, we need to move from isolated snap-shot observations of either microscopic or macroscopic p
215 e bimodal distribution of the log-normal [Na]shoot of species within the Caryophyllales suggested at
216 One bizarre sexual ritual is the "love" dart shooting of helicid snails, which has courted many theor
217       In the northern regions of Italy young shoots of A. dioicus are collected and used as vegetable
218 e performed transcriptional profiling of the shoots of ammonium-supplied and nitrate-supplied Arabido
219                      Investigations of young shoots of Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald var. vulgaris
220 le LAZY genes were here studied in roots and shoots of single and higher-order atlazy mutants.
221 anch primordium, grows out to give a lateral shoot or remains dormant.
222                            The leaves, young shoots or aerial parts of bistort are one of the main in
223 alt and PEG-induced drought stress in either shoots or roots was quite similar in both rice genotypes
224 oplastic materials that when punctured, cut, shot or damaged in a variety of ways, are capable of aut
225 d enigmatic organ whose homology with roots, shoots, or neither of the two remains unresolved.
226 e green fluorescent protein (PS-GFP) using a shoot- or root-specific promoter, and the constitutive 3
227 in the 6-week and 12-week periods after each shooting, overall and within subgroups of acquirers.
228               DPDF peak not seen in the snap-shot pair-density function is found at 2.3 A, and is int
229 ganizing HD-ZIPIII and KAN expression in the shoot periphery.
230 d in steeper lateral root angles, as well as shoot phenotypes including upward leaf curling, shortene
231 hyllales suggested at least two distinct [Na]shoot phenotypes within this order.
232                                              Shoot phosphate content, abundance of root-internal and
233 ration, 27% greater root length, 78% greater shoot phosphorus content, and 68% greater shoot mass tha
234 l area, 32% greater root length, 58% greater shoot phosphorus content, and 80% greater shoot mass tha
235 that acts as the principal photoreceptor for shoot phototropism in Arabidopsis in conjunction with th
236                                   In the one-shot prisoner's dilemma, alliances between proposers and
237 tion of the Arabidopsis hypocotyl pushes the shoot-producing meristem out of the soil by rapid expans
238                         Comprehensive single-shot pulsed excitation measurements demonstrate that the
239 a different response at a public park than a shooting range.
240 icantly from the native vegetation in root : shoot ratio and belowground biomass allocation.
241                      The nutrient-based Root:Shoot ratios (R:S), averaged 0.30 for R:SN , 0.36 for R:
242                                       Single-shot real-time characterization of optical waveforms wit
243 operations to compress the image in a single-shot real-time fashion.
244 iverse range of plant tissues, including the shoot, root and vasculature.
245 ptive systemic responses are accomplished by shoot-root communication, which involves diverse long-di
246 s transcriptome and cellular metabolism with shoot-root coordination and developmental plasticity in
247  homeostasis processes, but also that a high shoot-root dynamics is required for the proper deploymen
248              Classes of interactions between shoot-root mobile siRNAs and DNA methylation 542 VI.
249     Loci targeted directly and indirectly by shoot-root mobile siRNAs are associated with different h
250     The overall conclusion is that steepened shoot-root sugar gradient in RNAi plants increased sensi
251 ions of CLE and N signaling pathways through shoot-root vascular connections suggest that N demand mo
252                               Long-distance, shoot-root, mobile siRNAs influence DNA methylation in r
253                                              Shoot-/root-specific expression of PS-GFP in Arabidopsis
254 criptome and DNA methylome data from sorghum shoots, roots and developing root vascular and nonvascul
255  detailed physiological responses, including shoot sapflow, leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential a
256 The extraordinary high photon flux per laser shot, scalability towards higher repetition rate and cap
257 , S. pinnata showed higher rates of root and shoot Se accumulation and less competitive inhibition by
258 al-enhanced three-dimensional fast low-angle shot sequence before and 12 days after PEA (25th-75th pe
259 h, in which a two-dimensional fast low-angle shot sequence is used with quasi-random sampling.
260 r the development of the first green leaves, shoots should not be used for culinary purposes any long
261                       Both types of pin-like shoots showed reduced expression of primordia markers as
262       In general, plants with a high root or shoot Si concentration are less prone to pest attack and
263 en well studied, but the mechanisms by which shoots signal iron status to the roots remain opaque.
264 tor' species, which exhibit abnormally large shoot sodium concentrations ([Na]shoot ) when grown in n
265                                    Root- and shoot-specific differential ratios of alternatively spli
266   KEY MESSAGE: The OsPCS2 exhibits root- and shoot-specific differential ratios of alternatively spli
267 t-tethered predator cadavers and homogenised shoot-sprayed or soil-infused blends of predator remains
268 ility is critical for its normal function in shoot stem cell control.
269                                          The shoot stem cell niche, contained within the shoot apical
270  in regulating developmental trajectories of shoot stem cells in Arabidopsis thaliana.
271 , mine for nutrients and anchor above-ground shoot systems.
272 eristems remain dormant or produce secondary shoots terminated by inflorescences, thus increasing the
273 trated in Airen and 6 times in Moscatel vine-shoots, than their respective non-toasted samples.
274 ring the crystal lattice spacing in a single shot that contains only 10(5) photons in a spectral ban
275 s developmental processes in the Arabidopsis shoot through its auxin-sensing property.
276  both the source rootstock and the recipient shoot tissue for efficient RDR6-dependent systemic PTGS.
277 ate analysis of metabolites in both root and shoot tissue showed tremendous induction in key metaboli
278  or auxin) mediates the elongation growth of shoot tissues by promoting cell expansion.
279 ges in auxin transport and growth defects in shoot tissues.
280 nts growing at high densities elongate their shoots to reach for light, a response known as the shade
281  shots randomly and sums them into one super shot to significantly reduce the number of wavefield sim
282                                         Root-shoot translocation was higher for monothioarsenate than
283                                        Plant shoots typically grow against the gravity vector to acce
284          Participants played a series of one-shot Ultimatum Games (UG) both as proposer and responder
285      For NL mentions the corresponding value shot up to 100% nala -only.
286  vine rows (2 rather than 1m), attachment of shoots upwards, and irrigation did not result in wine im
287 ccurately predict X-ray properties for every shot using only parameters that are easily recorded at h
288                          We propose that the shoot vascular system acts as the site of root-derived P
289 hose compartments did refill slowly when the shoot was covered to prevent transpiration.
290 de the homologs of Drosophila Dys, Trio, and Shot were downregulated by introducing a C-terminal trun
291 lales species exhibited abnormally large [Na]shoot when grown hydroponically in a nonsaline solution.
292 mally large shoot sodium concentrations ([Na]shoot ) when grown in nonsaline environments, was invest
293  mutation led to As hyperaccumulation in the shoots, whereas combining HAC1 and PHO1 mutation decreas
294 phic optogenetics with temporal focusing (3D-SHOT), which allows precise, simultaneous photo-activati
295  ultrafast signal waveform in a single probe shot, which greatly reduces the measurement time and ope
296 s pieces must have been produced as a single shot, which guarantees that the chemical variations refl
297 a large set of genes only in WT and not cbl1 shoots, while a different set of genes were down-regulat
298 nalysis are now making high-throughput root, shoot, whole-plant and canopy phenomic studies possible.
299 ylvania, including 135 patients who had been shot with a firearm and 274 community controls, during 2
300 ture in subepidermal layers of both root and shoots, with cell type identity determined by distance f

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