


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                   The network meta-analysis showed a significant advantage of BRAF/MEK compared with all
2 usted for age, ethnicity, infection site, and calendar year showed a significant association between azithromycin exposur
3                                        Among the genes that showed a significant association between DNA methylation and
4                            Only the index variant in SLC5A1 showed a significant association with fasting glucose in the
5   High-throughput sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR showed a significant compositional shift, specifically in the
6  .004), dentate nucleus (P = .023), and thalamus (P = .002) showed a significant correlation with the accumulated dose of
7                                      None of the parameters showed a significant correlation with tumor grade.
8 ], 0.12-0.20, P < 0.01), whereas those who were not treated showed a significant decline in VA at 1 year (mean logMAR VA
9 , tomatoes with this coating and inoculated with B. cinerea showed a significant decrease in fungal growth after 7days at
10                                              Trend analysis showed a significant decrease in ICU and hospital mortality a
11         Roots treated with a DNA methylation inhibitor also showed a significant decrease in root length.
12 ents in mental control function; 2) the Tai Chi Chuan group showed a significant decrease in rsFC between the DLPFC and t
13 ) and anterior cingulate cortex; and 3) the Baduanjin group showed a significant decrease in rsFC between the DLPFC and t
14              INTERPRETATION: Although combination treatment showed a significant decrease in viral shedding at day 3 rela
15               Histological examination of allograft tissues showed a significant decrease of acute tubular injury in the
16 (KO) mice, DREAM KO control and hematopoietic DREAM KO mice showed a significant delay in time to occlusion.
17                                     R2* and R2 measurements showed a significant dependence on the bifurcation and rotati
18                              In addition color measurements showed a significant difference between the control dough and
19 images and kurtosis on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images showed a significant difference between triple-negative breas
20              Millet protein was composed of prolamines that showed a significant difference in surface hydrophobicity dep
21                                     A multivariate analysis showed a significant effect of the campaign in the SLSJ regio
22              Finally, analysis of neurotransmitters profile showed a significant effect on cholinergic and dopaminergic s
23           Average post-event levels of urinary mutagenicity showed a significant, event-related 4.3-fold increase (p < 0.
24                                                 The results showed a significant expansion of the CTB layer.
25                                            The magnetic-MIP showed a significant immobilization capacity of biotinylated
26                                       Anti-IgE-treated mice showed a significant improvement in asthma features related t
27                                        CSWB-treated samples showed a significant improvement in erythrocyte morphology co
28  patients with advanced liposarcoma (LPS) or leiomyosarcoma showed a significant improvement in overall survival (OS) for
29 g to assess apoptosis and cell proliferation, respectively, showed a significant increase in cell death in F0 mutants com
30       Imaging of NFkappaB reporter before and after surgery showed a significant increase in luciferase expression, coinc
31                    Colon ascendens stent peritonitis hearts showed a significant increase in oxidation-dependent calcium
32                  Of 35 sampling episodes, only 2 procedures showed a significant increase in particle concentrations over
33                                                  Prior work showed a significant increase in the association between obes
34 ts of myofibrillar ATPase activity in the absence of Ca(2+) showed a significant increase in the presence of these Tms, i
35                         The results obtained from the model showed a significant increase in the rate of sample laborator
36  intact TGF-beta1 expression or devoid of TGF-beta1 in vivo showed a significant increase in tumor growth kinetics in bot
37                                              The C3 species showed a significant increase in unthreshed grain yield of 5
38                                   The likelihood ratio test showed a significant incremental prognostic value of LAVI and
39              Data in The Cancer Genome Atlas HNSCC database showed a significant inverse correlation between miR-375 expr
40                                           Df(16)A(+/-) mice showed a significant learning deficit accompanied by reduced
41                          In MST analysis, children with ASD showed a significant lower leaf fractions with a decrease tre
42               In Zika-infected patients, levels of IL-1beta showed a significant, positive correlation with viral load.
43                                          After 16 weeks, we showed a significant pre-post clinical improvement in the DHA
44   Mouth-preferring regions responded strongly to voices and showed a significant preference for vocal compared with nonvo
45                              Pooling data from these trials showed a significant reduction in all-cause mortality with an
46                                A linear mixed effects model showed a significant reduction in CSF SOD1 at visit 6 (p < 0.
47                                   Plaice from the Kattegat, showed a significant relationship with trawling intensity for
48  blanching followed by high intensity pulsed electric field showed a significant release of trans-(4.01+/-0.48) and cis-(
49                                                       NTAIL showed a significant surface activity, with a higher adsorpti
50                                               Mice with MAS showed a significant upregulation of the IFN-gamma pathway, a

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