


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ved in smtA and smtB mutants, DeltasmtA and wild-type cells showed a similar 9,Me-GlcCer content, reduced by 50% in the s
2                                               Plucked hairs showed a similar abrupt transition of degranulation/depolariz
3                  Binary mixtures of cortisol and CLO mostly showed a similar activity as CLO alone on physiological and t
4 e- and concentration-dependent manner and their combination showed a similar antagonistic effect in C28/I2, L-02 and HK-2
5                                Co-relative control analyses showed a similar association between IQ and schizophrenia in
6                       MetS defined by 2 criteria separately showed a similar association with CA in general, and MetS def
7 % CI: 0.46, 0.86), but the multivariate HR for black vegans showed a similar but nonsignificant point estimate (HR: 0.69;
8                              Diaphragm fibroblasts at 14 wk showed a similar cell number with a similar level of collagen
9                 However, pressure-treated kernels at 700MPa showed a similar colour profile to steam-treated kernels.
10                                     Total flavonoid content showed a similar correlation (p<0.001) to DPPH scavenging pot
11                Stroke work, dP/dtMAX, and ejection fraction showed a similar decrease in systolic function (all P<0.05).
12                               In addition, AFM measurements showed a similar decrease, by up to 70%, in the number of rup
13                                                      rtp1-1 showed a similar disease response to the bacterial pathogen P
14 d was localized to plasmalemmal and cytoplasmic regions and showed a similar distribution in many VAchT-negative glial pr
15                    Additional studies with the LDL receptor showed a similar effect.
16     Other NMDA open channel blockers ketamine and memantine showed a similar effect.
17 Furthermore, blockade of CD47 using anti-CD47 antibody (Ab) showed a similar effect.
18 NP formulations were supported by cytotoxicity results that showed a similar efficacy to free dual drug formulations and
19 e environmental viromes, tBLASTx, MetaVir, VMGAP and VIROME showed a similar efficiency of sequence annotation; however,
20              Interestingly, circular dichroism spectroscopy showed a similar helical conformation in the presence of the
21 ct on in vivo images was confirmed on tissue analysis which showed a similar level of aortic valve gelatinase activity, a
22                          In FD macrophages, endogenous FPN1 showed a similar localization, except for greater accumulatio
23    Deletion of p205 in B16 melanoma cells using CRISPR/Cas9 showed a similar loss of Asc expression.
24                                                     LR also showed a similar neutralizing capacity.
25                                         Compared to CMS, it showed a similar or better antimicrobial performance against
26                                                    Freezers showed a similar pattern in general.
27                                     Interestingly, children showed a similar pattern of Ag-specific cytokine release, but
28 imicrobial defense and epithelial restitution pathways that showed a similar pattern of epigenetic control.
29                                                   Residents showed a similar pattern, with an increase in the proportion
30                                 Furthermore, PRF + 1.2% ATV showed a similar percentage radiographic defect depth reducti
31                Overexpression of active TGFbeta in CED mice showed a similar phenotype of spine instability model.
32                                      Nlrp3A350V Tnf-/- mice showed a similar phenotypic rescue, with marked reductions in
33                                         Three dust extracts showed a similar PPARgamma1 activity distribution in the NP-H
34               After 1 year, patients with both types of TTS showed a similar prognosis at long-term follow-up.
35                              Suspicious and definite CAABMR showed a similar prognosis, significantly worse than isolated
36                                                 PRP and PPP showed a similar protein profile and exerted comparable effec
37                                              NEI VFQ scores showed a similar range of findings to those of other severe r
38 ontrol (100% vs 0%), and in vivo bioluminescence recordings showed a similar rapid decrease of emitted light, suggesting
39 monary arterial hypertension compared with control subjects showed a similar reduction in adhesion, migration, survival,
40  (SaCas9) for the imaging of endogenous genomic loci, which showed a similar robustness and efficiency as previously repo
41 in patients with type 2 diabetes compared with placebo, and showed a similar safety profile to currently available GLP-1
42  The gene set enrichment analysis based on 303 dental genes showed a similar separation of ameloblastomas and KCOTs.
43 testing recent clinical strains, we identified strains that showed a similar Sia dependency, whereas others could infect
44              Comparisons between the Discovery MI and SIGNA showed a similar spatial resolution and overall imaging perfo
45 onic and larval development the three collagen type I genes showed a similar spatio-temporal expression pattern, indicati
46                                                   The PASPs showed a similar stabilizing effect and a longer stability ov
47                                         Longitudinal strain showed a similar trend from epicardial to endocardial layers
48                Real time measurements at the 1 h time point showed a similar trend with a reduction of binding to 91%, 93
49                                                       HSP90 showed a similar trend.
50 0 showed significant selection, and an additional two sites showed a similar trend.

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