


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly exposed to acute hypertonic challenge and shrink.
2 creases kinetochore speeds by biasing MTs to shrink.
3 tivity alone require the strongest dosage to shrink.
4 e more considerable as materials continue to shrink.
5 ge their efficacy, and make synapses grow or shrink.
6 s the distance over which plus ends grow and shrink.
7 gly reveal non-spherical features as volumes shrink.
8 roduce inducible hot spot effects on thermal shrink.
9 ature increases, the convective anvil clouds shrink.
10 challenge as the size of robots continues to shrink.
11 n (CV) associated with the transmission rate shrunk.
12 it grows, but not how that adhesion grows or shrinks.
13 ornerlike features that persist as the solid shrinks.
14 icantly enlarged and the astrocytic pool was shrunken.
15 ncy of catastrophe and the severity of rapid shrinking.
16 napses are enlarging but present if they are shrinking.
17 uture cases, at a time when the polio map is shrinking.
18 te leaf or leaflet movements by swelling and shrinking.
19           In addition, the particle diameter shrinks 0.56% per day under these irradiation conditions
20        We now show a similar but male-biased shrinking (16%) and regrowth (8%) in the standardized br
21                         The maize (Zea mays) shrunken-2 (Sh2) gene encodes the large subunit of the r
22 s before 445 NICUs (75.0%) achieved the 2005 shrunken adjusted rate from the best quartile for death
23 5th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the shrunken adjusted rates for each year.
24 or death and major morbidities as low as the shrunken adjusted rates from the best quartile and decil
25                         All tested materials shrunk after polymerization.
26 d sea-level rise events forcing the reefs to shrink and backstep through time.
27                                  Guard cells shrink and close stomatal pores when air humidity decrea
28                          Initially, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations that leave behind
29 istic Caenorhabditis, mating leads to female shrinking and death, compressing postreproductive life s
30 nternal pressure by bursting intermittently, shrinking and re-growing, providing a simple mechanism b
31 of the skull are affected differently during shrinking and regrowth in both species.
32               MT rescue, in which a MT stops shrinking and reinitiates growth, is the least understoo
33 e knotting loop in place, preventing it from shrinking and the formation of a tightened slipknot conf
34 brane of Tao mutant cells prevented membrane shrinking and thereby inhibited morphogenesis.
35 n of superficial layers of cells that form a shrinking and thickening canopy over underlying epitheli
36 e salt concentration range, the polymer coil shrinks and approaches the dimensions of a polymer coil
37  cation, the accessible conformational space shrinks and intramolecular hydrogen bonding is prevented
38                           When a microtubule shrinks and its plus end reaches a kinetochore bound to
39 d is a terminal event-the actin cytoskeleton shrinks and potentiated synapses de-potentiate and memor
40 a smaller volume, the depolymerizing network shrinks and thereby generates sufficient force to move a
41 he interstices of the exine layer, displayed shrunken and collapsed forms, and were unable to germina
42 ed the aborted and sterile pollen exhibiting shrunken and distorted morphology.
43 s significant and remaining neurons appeared shrunken and were partially engulfed by human leukocyte
44 inal territory from the motor cortex did not shrink, and in three of four animals, aberrant terminal
45 al cycle contributes to microtubule growing, shrinking, and switching remains unknown.
46 ned stable; in 18 (7%; 95% CI: 4, 11), cysts shrank; and in 70 (27%; 95% CI: 22, 33), cysts grew (med
47 ns are an ever-growing threat because of the shrinking arsenal of efficacious antibiotics.
48 xyascorbigen, which might be related to cell shrinking as mechanical damage.
49 speed, weakness, inactivity, exhaustion, and shrinking-as measured by physical performance tests and
50 rotubules, even when the ends are growing or shrinking; at growing ends, the beads increase the polym
51  make contact with the cell cortex, and then shrink back shortly thereafter.
52 y multilayer (ML) MoS2 flakes with gradually shrinking basal planes by chemical vapor deposition (CVD
53 pecifically, increasing Mn for both polymers shrinks blend film domain sizes and enhances donor-accep
54                            HDL pool size was shrunk both in PLTP deficient mice (PLTP-/-) and PLTP tr
55 er the past decade, and only 15% of the ever-shrinking budget is actually spent on clinical trials.
56                    In today's environment of shrinking budgets for biomedical research, minimizing re
57  become a CO2 sink while the nonbloom waters shrunk but remained a CO2 source.
58  therapy, almost all of his cutaneous tumors shrank, but his lung metastases did not.
59 dult mortality in this population is rapidly shrinking, but remains large for women, despite their be
60 dult mortality in this population is rapidly shrinking, but remains large for women, despite their be
61 e expectancy advantage over men is likely to shrink by 2030 in every country except Mexico, where fem
62 onomic contraction in 2013, with its economy shrinking by 20% between 2008 and 2012, and anaemic or n
63 ic GdSi remains completely robust even as it shrinks by one-seventh of its volume.
64 al mudflats, a threatened ecosystem that has shrunk by >65% in recent decades.
65  Using nanomembrane technology, auxetics are shrunk by orders of magnitude, giving simultaneous acces
66 ub-terahertz and terahertz regimes cannot be shrunk by two to three orders of magnitude to enter the
67 be tuned to different sizes, to growth or to shrink, by changing the metal ion or the polymer/metal i
68 ain the various membrane tubules observed in shrinking cells.
69 erformed to derive clusters, and the nearest shrunken centroid algorithm was used for signature refin
70 simulations, EM-SDA is compared with nearest shrunken centroids (NSCs) and sparse discriminant analys
71  promoter DNA methylation profiling, we used shrunken centroids classifier method to identify a CpG-b
72 age, exemplified by a new generation of "low-shrink composites".
73                            The other two low-shrink composites, despite having the lowest and highest
74 us to nano-powders, dehydriding occurs by a 'shrinking core' mechanism.
75 t mechanism for protein adsorption, from the shrinking-core model to the homogeneous-diffusion model.
76 t nucleation and growth process instead of a shrinking-core or a particle-by-particle process.
77 uch as infrared or visible, has been done by shrinking critical dimensions to submicrometre scales by
78 s) are lipid storage organelles that grow or shrink, depending on the availability of metabolic energ
79 rization; instead, they processively tracked shrinking, depolymerizing minus ends.
80                                         With shrinking device sizes, controlling domain formation in
81 e transition-metal framework which gradually shrinks, distorts and finally collapses to an amorphous
82                                 Faced with a shrinking domestic market, many coal companies are takin
83 , agriculture's environmental footprint must shrink dramatically.
84                                  They can be shrunk dramatically by eliminating redundant evolutionar
85 lary role by governing the net charge of the shrinking droplet.
86                                 The droplets shrink due to diffusion of water into the oil phase whil
87 re of clinically effective antibacterials is shrinking due to the rapidly increasing of multi-drug-re
88 nd that the response slows down as the tumor shrinks due to the heterogeneity and low concentration o
89         The human cerebral cortex appears to shrink during adolescence.
90 ceptor and mediator complex, causing them to shrink during metamorphosis, followed by nuclear accumul
91               The replication loop grows and shrinks during each cycle of Okazaki fragment synthesis.
92 m endosymbiotic bacteria, their genomes have shrunk during evolution.
93 ryos have decreased beta-catenin turnover at shrinking edges, and these defects are accompanied by a
94  upon target binding) when deployed on these shrink electrodes.
95                               In particular, shrinking electronic transducer dimensions to the nanosc
96                                       In the shrunken endosperm mutant seg8, with a decreased sucrose
97 asing blood lymphocytes while simultaneously shrinking enlarged lymph nodes, suggesting anatomical re
98 ing global population, changing climate, and shrinking environmental resources.
99  a steadily growing microtubule can suddenly shrink even when there is ample alphabeta-tubulin around
100 resence of >/=3 of the following 5 criteria: shrinking, exhaustion, sedentariness, slowness, and weak
101 asing hormone (GHRH) antagonists effectively shrink experimentally enlarged prostates alone or in com
102 sma treatment of a prestressed thermoplastic shrink film to create tunable multiscaled alignment "wri
103 onstituted immune systems were significantly shrunken following PPD/polyIC treatment, in all cases.
104  trend that implies that the anoxic zone was shrinking for most of the 20th century.
105 eveloped spiropyran-based nanoparticles that shrink from 103 to 49 nm upon irradiation at 365 nm.
106 ported to inhibit eosinophil recruitment and shrink GBM lesions on contrast-enhanced scans, reduced t
107 expression toward male-specific tissues--the shrinking gene content of the neo-Y becomes masculinized
108  phylogenetic trees or creates a tree from a shrunk genome alignment (includes additional bases surro
109 es because of its high endemicity levels and shrinking geographic distribution.
110 which is characterized by germline-dependent shrinking, glycogen loss, and ectopic vitellogenin expre
111 s of both Arctic surface warming and sea-ice shrinking have accelerated over recent decades.
112 enerated yet produces regenerates with tiny 'shrunken' heads and proportionally oversized pharynges.
113 l lobe epilepsy, seizures often arise from a shrunken hippocampus exhibiting a pattern of selective n
114                       Climate warming causes shrinking ice coverage and earlier ice retreat in the Ar
115        The hydrogel remained in the state of shrink if no H5N1 virus was present in the sample becaus
116                     One of the challenges in shrinking immunoassays to smaller sizes is to immobilize
117 e also found that these safety margins could shrink in a warmer world, as rising temperatures are lik
118 y, as at hydrostatic pressure most materials shrink in all directions and few expand in one direction
119               The vast majority of materials shrink in all directions when hydrostatically compressed
120                         Nonplasmolyzed cells shrink in length with an additional lateral size reducti
121                                 Effect sizes shrink in meta-analyses.
122 model-derived prediction that fish size will shrink in response to climate-induced changes in tempera
123 te is bordered by a pair of guard cells that shrink in response to drought and the associated hormone
124     These materials swell in fresh water and shrink in salt water, and thus the expansion can be used
125 es at least 3 days for the tumor to begin to shrink in size.
126 hat ice sheets expand in colder climates and shrink in warmer climates.
127  globalization, which seeks cropland that is shrinking in availability and triggers deforestation.
128 , and larger in volume in some societies and shrinking in others.
129                   Arctic sea ice coverage is shrinking in response to global climate change and summe
130  that large motor neurons were dying off and shrinking in the process.
131                           Hippocampal volume shrinks in late adulthood, but the neuromolecular factor
132                              The hippocampus shrinks in late adulthood, leading to impaired memory an
133     For example, when an oil droplet rapidly shrinks in size, it can compress the entrapped CNTs in m
134  base-apex direction, the hole wave function shrinks in the base plane.
135         Rather, a shrinkage estimator, which shrinks individual sample averages toward the overall av
136 oughness has emerged with the development of shrink-induced high surface area electrodes.
137 ilar to cylindrical jets, but also exhibit a shrinking instability, which is inherent to the toroidal
138             First, the two adjacent droplets shrink into the shape of a single spherical droplet, whe
139 ight scattering (RELS) confirmed MT swelling/shrinking, ion dynamics, and osmotic water transfer in M
140                                 Second, GUVs shrink irreversibly because the membrane/glass adhesion
141  these superaptamer hydrogels is that volume shrinking is visible to the naked eye down to femtomolar
142 ed out because of the synergistic effects of shrinking island area and freshwater scarcity caused by
143 ows it can exert a pushing force and when it shrinks it can exert a pulling force.
144 re prone to evapoconcentration, increased in shrinking lakes and, along with TN and TP, were positive
145 ncentrations of all six solutes increased in shrinking lakes from 1985-1989 to 2010-2012, while simul
146 much weaker or absent in the 1980s, in which shrinking lakes had higher solute concentrations than th
147  >200%, TP >100%) and ions (>100%) may shift shrinking lakes towards overly eutrophic or saline state
148 nservative ion, chloride, increased >500% in shrinking lakes.
149                   Quickly plasmolyzing cells shrink largely at the poles, whereas gradually plasmolyz
150 scale-down techniques often are only able to shrink larger elements (such as microparticles and micro
151 tion, a persistent phase rim in lesions that shrink least and become more T1 hypointense over time su
152 sts multiple evolutionary drivers: while the shrinking likely facilitates survival during seasonal lo
153  accuracy of mediastinal pleural thickening, shrinking lung (hemithorax volume decrease due to fibros
154 racy, 78%); and 66 patients, on the basis of shrinking lung (sensitivity, 60%; specificity, 79%; accu
155 etter than mediastinal pleural thickness and shrinking lung, and might obviate unnecessary invasive p
156 on instead of a more prevalent wave function shrinking mechanism.
157 only the irreducible overlaps, significantly shrinking memory requirements and reducing compute time
158  evolution during charge, in contrast to the shrinking metal-oxygen bond as controlling factor in 'no
159 CpG and shRNA into DNA-RNA microflowers, (3) shrinking microflowers into iDR-NCs using PEG-grafted ca
160  maintain associations with both growing and shrinking microtubule ends.
161 or and decorating the lattice of growing and shrinking microtubules in the cell periphery.
162 stabilize growing microtubules yet stabilize shrinking microtubules.
163  accumulates on plus ends of growing but not shrinking microtubules.
164 ntial effects on engagement with growing and shrinking microtubules.
165 e second regime, the combined effects of the shrinking monolayers and growing bilayer force the confi
166 ression model can be employed to efficiently shrink most of genetic effects to zero.
167 ults provide direct evidence of the twist-to-shrink movement of the helix bundle crossing during chan
168                                          The shrunken nanoparticles can more readily diffuse througho
169 l be required to intensify production from a shrinking natural resource base.
170               Biaxial stretch damage induced shrunken neurites and cell death.
171 f mice implanted with human MPNST cells, and shrank neurofibromas in more than 80% of mice tested.
172                           This resulted from shrinking numbers and reduced proliferation of activated
173          The results reveal that a transient shrinking occurs to different levels, and the chondrocyt
174       Catastrophe-the switch from growing to shrinking-occurs when a microtubule loses its stabilizin
175 ely unchanged with increasing x, despite the shrinking octahedral volumes.
176 erating cortical tension without substantial shrinking of apical surfaces.
177 omena that pose limitations on the continued shrinking of conventional information processing devices
178 esses contributing to the relaxation are the shrinking of helical states at the C-terminal end and a
179 e explained by the response to the long term shrinking of ice caps, and that erratic movements seen a
180                     Our work illustrates the shrinking of streams and homogenization of Great Plains
181     Because of spatial constraints, swelling/shrinking of the hydrogel films results in closing/openi
182 n of the hollow space of the host but also a shrinking of the included guest by compression.
183                                 The swelling/shrinking of the polymer film induced by the glucose bin
184 by incoming blood, before contraction causes shrinking of the ventricle.
185 n distributions by an apparent stretching or shrinking of time.
186 nally elongation of nanorods and growth (and shrinking) of nanoparticles.
187  and increase patient accessibility the ever shrinking on chip detection areas necessitate the highes
188 systems, and show how defect lines can grow, shrink or move under the action of direct and alternatin
189 are dynamic polymers that in cells can grow, shrink or pause, but the factors that promote pausing ar
190      The resulting pollen grains were either shrunken or contained two nuclei in an undivided cytopla
191 ssibilities to further meet the demands of a shrinking organ supply, especially with regard to expand
192 induces germline- and DAF-9/DAF-12-dependent shrinking, osmotic stress susceptibility, and subsequent
193 urgical castration, prostate cancers usually shrink owing to testosterone deprivation.
194 lue scale, multiple testing adjustment (MTA) shrinks P-values toward one, which corresponds to the ze
195 an closely track and move with the edge of a shrinking ParA filament bundle.
196 meter-long distances during both growing and shrinking phases.
197                                     However, shrinking photonics has come at great cost to performanc
198 exploits shrinking processes common to "heat-shrink" plastics, and can thus be used to create "shrink
199 alizes to the microtubule lattice and to the shrinking plus and minus ends of microtubules.
200 ndent tracking of dynein on both growing and shrinking plus ends.
201 otected axons demonstrates that mitochondria shrink post-axotomy, though analysis of complex IV activ
202 the center of effective mass moves up during shrinking process.
203                       This approach exploits shrinking processes common to "heat-shrink" plastics, an
204 aximum size early in life and then begins to shrink, producing fewer T cells with increasing age.
205 iminating Cdk5 activity causes the domain to shrink proximally or disappear altogether.
206 cal response; the breast and axillary masses shrink rapidly with chemotherapy.
207 0% of the Earth's land surface, but they are shrinking rapidly across most parts of the world, leadin
208 oral window over which phase matching occurs shrinks rapidly with increasing driving laser wavelength
209 ields microtubules with dramatically reduced shrinking rate and catastrophe frequency.
210 iological layers with different expanding or shrinking rates, which induce mechanical instabilities.
211  Omega-profiles with the plasma membrane via shrinking rather than full-collapse.
212       The realm of human uniqueness steadily shrinks; reflecting this, other primates suffer from sta
213 red with a conventional (SupremePlus) or low-shrink (RefleXions, Premise, Kalore, and LS) composite (
214 uctor device manufacturing, can dramatically shrink (renormalize) the bandgap.
215 2 at these two different stages are actively shrinking, resulting in higher than normal neuronal cell
216 urces were investigated at the Salton Sea, a shrinking saline lake in California.
217      A capsids are empty, B capsids retain a shrunken scaffolding shell, and C capsids-which develop
218                                          The shrunken seed phenotype was associated with the delayed/
219                                    Partially shrunken seeds that contained viable embryos could still
220                         Meanwhile, nanopores shrink (self-heal) during radiation, and their shrinkage
221 nal Cu(2+) dimers acting as pantographs, can shrink significantly (0.44%) with minute (0.01%) variati
222 s important because integrated circuits have shrunk so far that their active regions, which rely so h
223                                   Vismodegib shrinks some KCOTs in patients with BCNS and may offer a
224 uring lipolysis, when LDs and their surfaces shrink, some, but not all, proteins become displaced.
225 ns about how human actions are "expanding", "shrinking", "speeding up" and "slowing down" ecological
226  with the difference between the growing and shrinking speeds, leads to center-of-mass and breathing
227 M phase, exhibiting accumulation of cyclins, shrunken spindles, and hypoacetylation of alpha-tubulin.
228 duals (18.5% [95% CI, 16.4%-20.9%]), nodules shrank spontaneously.
229 agnesium, sodium) over a 25 year interval in shrinking, stable, and expanding Subarctic lakes of the
230 mal ATP (-17%) and heme (-75%) synthesis and shrank the feasible solution space.
231                     The resulting crosslinks shrink the Con A protein hydrogel, reduce the 2D PC part
232 nteractions create hydrogel cross-links that shrink the hydrogel volume and decrease the 2-D particle
233        The volume phase transitions swell or shrink the hydrogels, which alter their 2-D array spacin
234 d dissection and intralesional sclerosant to shrink the lesion.
235 rather than freezing the liquid; heating can shrink the liquid.
236 ed targeting of interventions to continue to shrink the malaria map.
237 viding sufficient plasma membrane tension to shrink the Omega-profile in neuroendocrine chromaffin ce
238         We used electrodeposition to further shrink the pores to effective diameters below 10 nm and
239 e attainable by combining interventions that shrink the reservoir of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosi
240 to increase the melted zone (MZ) depth while shrinking the heat-affected zone (HAZ) size during local
241 tions of the ethynyl 21,23-dithiaporphyrins; shrinking the HOMO-LUMO energy gap by destabilizing the
242 edium to produce oxygen in situ, effectively shrinking the hypoxic regions in the tumor tissues.
243            The energy of ejection comes from shrinking the orbits of the other two stars, often makin
244  drugs actively induce metastasis even while shrinking the primary tumor.
245   This is realized in the model by gradually shrinking the resting length of the spokes.
246 otic sulopenem, R-selectivity is promoted by shrinking the small binding pocket, thereby destabilizin
247                               In addition to shrinking the superlattice volume, thermal treatment als
248 ients requiring extensive surgery, aiming at shrinking the tumor to allow organ preservation and less
249 of Skp2, the third ubiquitin ligase for p27, shrinks the cellular pool of p27 ubiquitin ligases to ac
250 om the normal diffusive coupling drastically shrinks the death regions in the parameter space.
251 CLV3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION (CLE) peptide shrinks the root meristem through the actions of CLAVATA
252 .05), atomic force microscopy showed that it shrunk the corneocytes in the stratum corneum (p<0.001)
253 e mixing have depressed algal production and shrunk the oxygenated benthic habitat by 38% in our stud
254 nd IAF+2 Hz tACS, respectively, enlarged and shrunk the temporal window of illusion, suggesting that
255                                  Spontaneous shrinking: the intrinsically disordered tumor suppressor
256                              WCA of Z-scores shrinks these towards zero while, on P-value scale, mult
257  size of the physiological blind spot can be shrunk through training to distinguish direction signals
258 minal projections from the S1 (areas 3b/1/2) shrank to <60% of the contralateral side, while M1 CST p
259 1637 nm in 1mM acetic acid at pH4.0 and then shrink to 60 nm, following pH reversal to 7.4.
260                    Many adult organs grow or shrink to accommodate different physiological demands.
261 r to the cutting surface), however, sections shrink to approximately 25% of the cut thickness.
262 which the fusion-generated Omega-profile may shrink to merge with the plasma membrane, change in size
263                 However, as their dimensions shrink to the microscale, most mechanical resonators exh
264                           As droplet volumes shrink to the scale of attoliters, however, surface inte
265                 In addition, the pore radius shrinks to 1.2 A, all of which appears to support a mode
266 e of the pre-existing memory-cell population shrinks to make way for the new virus-specific cells.
267                                However, when shrunk to dimensions below an apparent critical thicknes
268 , silicon transistors have been continuously shrunk to meet the projections of Moore's law but are no
269 istage system in which 100-nm nanoparticles "shrink" to 10-nm nanoparticles after they extravasate fr
270 k" plastics, and can thus be used to create "shrink-to-fit" superhydrophobic coatings on complex surf
271              We investigate the evolution of shrinking toroidal droplets using particle image velocim
272 n all-electrical biosensing as these systems shrink toward the nanoscale and enable the detection of
273 gh controversial at the time, the concept of shrinking toward overall average is now widely accepted
274 fect sizes of unassociated haplotypes can be shrunk toward zero, allowing for more precise estimation
275            Although these drugs dramatically shrink tumors, the responses are temporary.
276 ents in cancer cell lines and efficacious in shrinking tumors in a mouse xenograft model.
277 nome encapsulation (preventing analytes from shrinking upon transition into the gas-phase) on the mea
278 ume of a 21-amino-acid alanine-based peptide shrinks upon helix formation.
279 inking point in the polymeric network, which shrinks upon increasing pH from 1 to 7 at 37 degrees C o
280                Stimulated by a small crystal shrinking, upon compression or cooling, the system under
281 s at 578 nm or 650 nm, where PUT selectively shrank veins or occluded arteries.
282 r, during long-term depression (LTD), spines shrink via actin depolymerisation and Arp2/3 inhibitors
283 hotoimmunotherapy before the tumor begins to shrink, we used (18)F-FDG PET before and after this inte
284                         We measured frailty (shrinking, weakness, exhaustion, low physical activity,
285  neurons are intrinsically osmosensitive and shrink when exposed to extracellular hypertonicity, it i
286 gates of hygroscopic particles were found to shrink when exposed to RH greater than that during the a
287 aining the proto-ring anchoring ZipA protein shrink when FtsZ, the main cell division protein, polyme
288 the battery, the thermo-responsive microgels shrink, which immobilizes the analyte and drives the Au-
289 owever, those nanowires do not break down or shrink, which suggests that nanowires are stabilized by
290  abundance) did not explain why some species shrank while others grew or did not change in size over
291 sion-generated Omega-profiles may enlarge or shrink while maintaining vesicular membrane proteins.
292                    The excluded aneurysm sac shrank with patent visceral branches and there was an ab
293                 Spindle size was observed to shrink with decreasing compartment size, similar to what
294 ty of polymerizing filaments, which grow and shrink with regularity.
295 in compression to now become liquid-like: It shrinks with no apparent limit while exerting a constant
296 r, unlike normal macropinosomes (MPs), which shrink within 20 min of formation, RVs persisted around
297         Hyperosmotic stress resulted in cell shrinking within a few minutes.
298             Effects of the new policy on the shrinking workforce and rapid population ageing will not
299 ues, the initial mold is made with commodity shrink-wrap film and is compatible with large plastic ro
300 nistration decreases tumor proliferation and shrinks xenografts in vivo.

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