


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  absence of conspecifics, locusts occur in a shy and cryptic solitarious phase.
2 photomorphogenic mutants (cop, det, fus, and shy).
3 bition are cautious, quiet, introverted, and shy in unfamiliar situations.
4 n the great tit (Parus major) bold males and shy females apparently flourish after rich winter pickin
5                              Quiet, sick and shy children who were alone were the most likely to have
6  ecology of many other bird species that are shy or live in inaccessible habitats.
7 le) and inhibited (includes children who are shy, fearful, and easily upset) children differed signif
8                       Rescue workers who are shy, inhibited, uncertain about their identity, or reluc
9 ith alternative approaches, such as the bold-shy axis and "if-then" personality profiles.
10 ensions of responses (aggressive to fearful; shy to bold) across contexts and with a heritable basis
11  of bioactive GAs may be responsible for its shy-flowering nature.
12     We uncovered the potential causes of its shy-flowering nature by building the transcriptome using
13 rthritis (CIA) mouse model to an extent just shy of disease abrogation, but this remarkable observati
14 mic methods and computational techniques may shy away from publications that involve human genomics a
15                                    By nature shy and reserved, Marie's fame, as both a scientist and
16 o cormorant predation compared to relatively shy, risk-averse individuals.
17 vere intellectual disability, absent speech, shy character, stereotypic laughter, muscular hypotonia
18                             The roots of the shy plant Mimosa pudica emit a cocktail of small organic
19               Genetic analyses show that the shy (short hypocotyl) mutations we have isolated fall in
20 he exploration end of the trade-off, whereas shy birds showed greater exploitation.
21 y flourish after rich winter pickings, while shy males and bold females profit from meagre winters.

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