


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  mortality (q = 0.04 for galactosylation and sialylation).
2 inflammatory activity even in the absence of sialylation.
3 quire an accurate assessment of glycoprotein sialylation.
4 ransferases and GOLPH3 was important for the sialylation.
5 sted as potential inhibitors of cell surface sialylation.
6 ubules, with a concomitant increase in TRPV5 sialylation.
7 ged as a promising model for studying neural sialylation.
8 s on FcgammaRIIIA binding is their increased sialylation.
9  but, more specifically, those which contain sialylation.
10 rotein (fHbp), and lipooligosaccharide (LOS) sialylation.
11 and may act as tissue-specific regulators of sialylation.
12 roughput method for quantifying glycoprotein sialylation.
13 te inactivation was unaffected by changes in sialylation.
14 uitable model to investigate the function of sialylation.
15 larizing 8-16 mV under conditions of reduced sialylation.
16  with respect to glycosylation, particularly sialylation.
17 nervous system-specific function of alpha2,6-sialylation.
18 ome forms of nephrotic syndrome lacks normal sialylation.
19 glycan formation and the balance of N-glycan sialylation.
20 B abrogated factor H binding despite LNT LOS sialylation.
21 s and significantly elevated levels of rhEPO sialylation.
22 rom GSL biosynthesis and toward glycoprotein sialylation.
23 lation and mannose content, while decreasing sialylation.
24 ll types of cancers and results in increased sialylation.
25 ults in increased levels of fucosylation and sialylation.
26 by first removing and then restoring PrP(Sc) sialylation.
27 reduced by desialylation and was enhanced by sialylation.
28 ts at -78 degrees C to afford improved alpha-sialylations.
29 olon tumors have elevated levels of alpha2-6 sialylation, a modification added by beta-galactosamide
30 ssociated with a marked reduction in protein sialylation, a process highly dependent on intralumenal
31 were enriched in SAA but had lower levels of sialylation across glycoproteins.
32  These data suggest a protective role of IgG sialylation against the development of cryoglobulin-medi
33 lation) and augmented by Asn(347) NeuAc-type sialylation (all p < 0.05).
34  cell surface glycans display an increase of sialylation alpha2-6, poly-LacNAc, and fucosylation, all
35                                  In terms of sialylation, alpha2-6 linkage was more abundant than alp
36                Recent evidence suggests that sialylation also affects the binding of chemokines to th
37                                 Glycoprotein sialylation analysis is a common analytical step in char
38 ly, we show that increased levels of protein sialylation and alpha-1,6-linked core fucosylation are o
39 itis but fail to support the significance of sialylation and basophil involvement in the mechanism of
40 verexpression increased alpha2,6-linked CD31 sialylation and dose-dependently counteracted NEU1-media
41                                    Thus, IgG sialylation and endothelial FcgammaRIIB may represent pr
42 ables experimental investigations of defined sialylation and facilitates a rational design of glycan
43                              As increases in sialylation and fucosylation are prominent among cancer-
44 ells, especially the sequences with terminal sialylation and fucosylation, and addition of LacNAc rep
45 in glycosylation, including N-glycosylation, sialylation and fucosylation, were observed between earl
46 ivity leads to a loss of isoform-specific Kv sialylation and function, thereby limiting Kv activity d
47 ted in all three cell populations, increased sialylation and increased core diversity characterized t
48 known regarding the in vivo regulation of Fc sialylation and its role in the progression of inflammat
49                                          The sialylation and LacNAc extension patterns of the three E
50 h different combinations of fucosylation and sialylation and performed side-by-side in vitro FcgammaR
51  mutant (L858R/T790M) had a higher degree of sialylation and phosphorylation at Y1068, Y1086, and Y11
52 recursor N-acetyl-D-mannosamine restored IgG sialylation and preserved insulin sensitivity without af
53 calization of other COG proteins, normalized sialylation and restored normal BFA-induced Golgi disrup
54 N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc) led to improved sialylation and survival of mutant pups beyond P3.
55  produce products with a consistent state of sialylation and, therefore, require an accurate assessme
56  are largely unaffected by adjacent internal sialylation, and in several cases the internal sialic ac
57 mplex and high mannose structures, increased sialylation, and increased alpha-Gal termination in the
58 ain glycosylation features: galactosylation, sialylation, and level of bisecting N-acetylglucosamine
59 alylation is due to aberrant alpha2,8-linked sialylation, and the expression of three genes (ST8sia1,
60 ST activity with malignancy and cell surface sialylation, and the sialylation inhibition activity of
61 lines displayed TNFR1 with elevated alpha2-6 sialylation, and these cells were significantly protecte
62 Gal-I displayed TNFR1 with elevated alpha2-6 sialylation, and this was associated with diminished TNF
63  ST8sia4, and ST8sia6) that mediate alpha2,8 sialylation are downregulated in NKAP-defcient RTEs.
64 s that contribute to the cancer cell-surface sialylation are not well characterized, specifically in
65 was minimally sufficient to elicit extrinsic sialylation, as demonstrated with the FeCl3 model of mes
66 pha1-3,-4 fucosylation, but not the terminal sialylation, assists the binding of BCMA with ligands in
67  all three molecules were absent; again, LOS sialylation attenuated the AP in the absence of both fHb
68 ies of 6-19 IgG3 rheumatoid factor, terminal sialylation attenuated the nephritogenic potential of 6-
69 oter of the ST6Gal-1 gene is critical for Fc sialylation, but P1 does not drive ST6Gal-1 expression i
70 ed to the media of cultured cells shuts down sialylation by a mechanism involving its intracellular c
71 ular hyposialylation, and increasing overall sialylation by extrinsic sialic acid intake reduced ROS
72                                              Sialylation can be involved in protein maturation; howev
73 d that the structural alterations induced by sialylation can be mimicked by specific amino acid modif
74                                  Rather, IgG sialylation can be regulated by the liver and platelets
75          Our study demonstrates that protein sialylation can be reliably and quantitatively character
76 blation of ST6Gal1 in mice revealed that IgG sialylation can occur in the extracellular environment o
77 e implemented this method to investigate the sialylation changes in prostate cancer serum samples as
78 ylneuraminic acid (CMP-NANA) to increase LPS sialylation, convalescent-phase serum bactericidal titer
79                   Inhibitors of cell surface sialylation could be a useful tool in cancer, immune, an
80 ttern, we discovered that the enhanced rhEPO sialylation could be attributed to a decrease in neutral
81                               This effect on sialylation could be reversed by the selective COX-2 inh
82 tions in their extent of galactosylation and sialylation could modulate IgG Fc-dependent effector fun
83                             Accordingly, the sialylation defects progressed with time and paralleled
84                                              Sialylation-deficient Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) epit
85 reports on the direct correlation between GG sialylation degree and brain developmental stage.
86 creting cells do not exclusively control the sialylation-dependent anti-inflammatory function of IgG.
87                                              Sialylation-dependent ligand recognition is also a prope
88 The current work tests a new hypothesis that sialylation determines the fate of prions in an organism
89 alylated IVIg drug candidate with maximum Fc sialylation devoid of unwanted alterations to the IVIg m
90 In contrast, in the absence of fucosylation, sialylation did not adversely impact ADCC.
91 tion of dsPMCAb-derived PrP(Sc) with reduced sialylation did not cause prion disease.
92 logical hurdles in producing defined protein sialylation due to the enormous structural diversity ren
93 rmore, it was possible to detect an impaired sialylation during kidney maturation in a transgenic mou
94 , and further intimate that loss of alpha2-6 sialylation during macrophage differentiation may limit
95                                        Thus, sialylation during T cell maturation is critical to prot
96 st significant effect on the Y1173 site, the sialylation effect is not strong enough to stop cancer p
97                        Our data suggest that sialylation enables recognition of endolyn by galectin-9
98                                          LOS sialylation enhanced binding of fH C-terminal domains 18
99 y gonococcal, but not meningococcal, LNT LOS sialylation enhanced factor H binding.
100 trated that lack of galactosylation, but not sialylation, enhanced the pathogenic activity of 34-3C I
101 eport that SW48 colonocytes lacking alpha2-6 sialylation exhibit beta1 integrin-dependent binding to
102 in excellent agreement with previous in vivo sialylation experiments.
103         Correspondingly, removal of alpha2-6 sialylation from TNFR1 through either neuraminidase trea
104  that changes in Golgi pH can impair protein sialylation, giving a possible mechanism for the observe
105      In addition to exhibiting low levels of sialylation, GNE-deficient cells produced distinct N-lin
106  ascites or solid tumors sorted for alpha2-6 sialylation grew as spheroids, while cells lacking alpha
107   This work provided the first evidence that sialylation has an important biological function in prot
108  role of fragment crystallizable domain (Fc) sialylation has presented an opportunity to develop more
109 ations in this process, especially increased sialylation, have been associated with malignant transfo
110                              Whether altered sialylation impairs nephrin function in human disease re
111 lthough the Cmas(nls) mouse displayed normal sialylation in all organs including kidney, a critical s
112   We examined the enzymatic basis for glycan sialylation in animal systems by determining the crystal
113           We also observed in vivo extrinsic sialylation in animals deficient in ST6Gal-1, demonstrat
114 n AP and broaden the molecular basis for LOS sialylation in AP regulation on meningococci in more tha
115                Strategies to target aberrant sialylation in cancer, however, have evolved comparative
116 this possibility and investigate the role of sialylation in Drosophila, we inactivated DSiaT in vivo
117 -3-O-methyl-D-mannose decreases cell surface sialylation in Jurkat cells in a dose-dependent manner u
118                                  The role of sialylation in kidney biology is not fully understood.
119                                     To study sialylation in macrophages, we treated U937 monocytic ce
120  obstacles for revealing biological roles of sialylation in mammals, Drosophila possesses a sole vert
121  sialylated glycopeptides and an increase of sialylation in most of the glycoproteins identified in p
122                          The role of altered sialylation in multiple myeloma (MM) cell trafficking ha
123 xplanation for the role of terminal alpha2,6-sialylation in precluding the interaction of natural N-g
124    Here we observed no significant extrinsic sialylation in resting mice, suggesting that extrinsic s
125               The key importance of alpha2,3-sialylation in SnL expression was demonstrated by increa
126                                              Sialylation in the context of core fucosylation signific
127                           However, extrinsic sialylation in the periphery could be triggered by infla
128                        In addition, although sialylation in the TKI-resistant mutants suppresses EGFR
129 mination and relative quantitation of IgG Fc sialylation in therapeutic IgG samples.
130            Likewise, estimated variations in sialylation in tissue homogenates might be simply the re
131 tance of altered glycosylation, particularly sialylation, in MM cell adhesion and migration.
132 elative contributions of galactosylation and sialylation, in relation to cryoglobulin activity, to th
133  changes in N-glycosylation; reduced channel sialylation increases hERG channel activity during the a
134                                           OS sialylation, increasing abundance of LA d-glucosamine ve
135                          We demonstrate that sialylation induces significant structural alterations i
136                                 However, LOS sialylation inhibited the rat AP and, as with human seru
137 gnancy and cell surface sialylation, and the sialylation inhibition activity of inhibitors.
138                                  In summary, sialylation is critical during the development of the gl
139            We demonstrate that the defect in sialylation is due to aberrant alpha2,8-linked sialylati
140  an acute phase response when the demand for sialylation is greatest.
141  of the oxazolidinone substructure for alpha-sialylation is illustrated by a comparison study with a
142 on of nonglycosylated peptides revealed that sialylation is increased in most of the glycoproteins, w
143  sialylation of IgG Fc and that defective Fc sialylation is likely a major contributing mechanism for
144                      In particular, N-linked sialylation is markedly reduced (>50%) compared with pla
145 n in resting mice, suggesting that extrinsic sialylation is not a constitutive process.
146 er, important information about glycopeptide sialylation is not duly covered because of in-source and
147 nt in ST6Gal-1, demonstrating that extrinsic sialylation is not mediated exclusively by ST6Gal-1.
148 ning central veins in the liver and that IgG sialylation is powered by serum-localized nucleotide sug
149 ated experimental data and predicted reduced sialylation leads to a 50-70-ms decrease in action poten
150 -6)-linked sialic acids and had very similar sialylation levels as pd-A1PI.
151 we were able to accurately quantify relative sialylation levels of Erythropoietin.
152 Ab), and also generated PrP(Sc) with reduced sialylation levels using the same method but with partia
153 t received PrP(Sc) with original or restored sialylation levels were infected, whereas none of the an
154        Thus, our data suggest that premature sialylation likely contributes to the aberrant IgA1 glyc
155 e developmentally regulated variation in CD8 sialylation may contribute to the developmental tuning o
156 s, rather than increased galactosylation and sialylation, modifies the Fc conformation(s) relevant fo
157 ylation critical quality attributes (GCQAs): sialylation, N-glycolyl-neuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) content
158 s under conditions of full glycosylation, no sialylation, no complex N-glycans, and following enzymat
159                                           Fc sialylation of a CD20-targeting antibody had no impact o
160                                          LOS sialylation of A2594 DeltafHbpDeltaNspA decreased the ra
161 HS2-Angptl4 transgenic rats it increased the sialylation of Angptl4 and decreased albuminuria by more
162                        Our data suggest that sialylation of antigens provides an attractive way to in
163 nd structural evidence for a role of altered sialylation of beta1 integrin in regulating beta1 integr
164 grin structure and function, and the altered sialylation of beta1 integrin regulates beta1 integrin b
165 lar to that of wild-type mice, with improved sialylation of both nephrin and podocalyxin, as well as
166        Together, these results indicate that sialylation of C. jejuni LOS increases DC activation and
167 c 6-phosphate and has a direct impact on the sialylation of cell surface components.
168 athogens from host cells, including terminal sialylation of cell surface glycans.
169                                     We found sialylation of cell surface was significantly increased
170 was only minimal consequence to the alpha2,6-sialylation of circulatory glycoproteins, ablation of th
171            Here, we report that decreased Fc sialylation of circulatory IgG accompanies the acute pha
172 n was divalent cation-dependent and required sialylation of EG.
173 n ST6Gal-I substrate, and show that alpha2-6 sialylation of Fas confers protection against Fas-mediat
174                   We also show that alpha2-6 sialylation of Fas does not alter the binding of CH11, b
175                        Furthermore, alpha2-6 sialylation of Fas inhibits Fas internalization, which i
176 carcinoma cell models, we find that alpha2-6 sialylation of Fas prevents apoptosis stimulated by FasL
177 cytotoxicity (ADCC), while terminal alpha2,6-sialylation of Fc glycan plays a critical role for the a
178                                   Given that sialylation of Fc glycans decreases ADCC, one explanatio
179 yltransferase genes responsible for terminal sialylation of gangliosides and some glycoproteins.
180 5Ac) are considered a limiting factor in the sialylation of glycoproteins.
181                                              Sialylation of gonococcal lipo-oligosaccharide, or expre
182 e marrow chimeras demonstrated that alpha2,6-sialylation of HSPCs is profoundly dependent on circulat
183                  Here, we report that IgG Fc sialylation of human monoclonal IgG1 molecules impairs t
184 racellular ST6Gal-1 in the blood impacts the sialylation of IgG Fc and that defective Fc sialylation
185 at a specific binding site is created by the sialylation of IgG Fc.
186  porin (Por) molecules (PorB.1A or PorB.1B); sialylation of lipooligosaccharide enhances fH binding.
187  expression of factor H binding protein, and sialylation of lipopolysaccharide, which are essential f
188 ility that myelopoiesis is responsive to the sialylation of liver-derived circulatory glycoproteins,
189 ve disease, these data strongly suggest that sialylation of LOS is dispensable for H. ducreyi pathoge
190 o differentiated cell types included greater sialylation of N-glycans in EBs, whereas alpha-Gal-cappe
191 gulation of galectin-1 signaling by alpha2,6-sialylation of N-glycans is not solely dependent on CD45
192      HPLC and LC/MS analysis showed that the sialylation of N-glycans was specifically decreased in K
193 a together with EPO-Fc and the machinery for sialylation of N-glycans.
194 aT mutant phenotypes result from a defect in sialylation of N-glycans.
195                  This study illustrates that sialylation of N-linked glycans creates a prion replicat
196                         Lipo-oligosaccharide sialylation of N. gonorrhoeae resulted in classical path
197 itical shortage of CMP-sialic acid prevented sialylation of nephrin and podocalyxin in the maturing p
198                                       Normal sialylation of plasma proteins was observed in spite of
199 xhibited improved renal histology, increased sialylation of podocalyxin, and increased Gne/Mnk protei
200                             We proposed that sialylation of PrP(Sc) is essential for evading innate i
201                                     Enhanced sialylation of PrP(Sc) is recapitulated in vitro by incu
202 ipid (GSL) biosynthesis, we can increase the sialylation of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO)
203    It has also been validated for monitoring sialylation of recombinant interferon gamma (IFN-gamma)
204 down-regulation, leading to reduced alpha2-6 sialylation of selected receptors.
205 is disclosed only minimal alterations in the sialylation of sera glycoproteins of ST6Gal-1-deficient
206 oiesis by a mechanism independent of hepatic sialylation of serum glycoproteins.
207 rase expression, can critically modulate the sialylation of specific glycans while leaving others vir
208 ialic acid labeling indicated a reduction in sialylation of ST3Gal4(-/-) ventricular Kv4.2 and Kv1.5,
209 alic acid in extracellular ST6Gal-1-mediated sialylation of target cell surfaces.
210                       Specifically, alpha2,6-sialylation of terminal LacNAc residues in the end buds
211 was successfully applied to characterize the sialylation of the apical region of epididymal epithelia
212                                      Altered sialylation of the beta1 I-like domain caused significan
213 tural basis underlying the effect of altered sialylation of the beta1 I-like domain on beta1 integrin
214                         In addition, altered sialylation of the beta1 I-like domain resulted in chang
215     Interaction analyses showed that altered sialylation of the beta1 I-like domain resulted in signi
216 omain-FN-III(9-10) complex caused by altered sialylation of the beta1 I-like domain.
217 he current study, we tested whether alpha2-6 sialylation of the beta1 integrin modulates binding to e
218                         However, the role of sialylation of the extracellular membrane in modulation
219 2E, and V264E) increased galactosylation and sialylation of the Fc and, concomitantly, reduced the af
220 gammaRs but is independent of FcgammaRIIb or sialylation of the Fc fragment in the human setting.
221                                              Sialylation of the Fc fragment is mediated by beta-galac
222  anti-inflammatory activity is attributed to sialylation of the Fc glycan.
223 y activity of IgG is completely dependent on sialylation of the N-linked glycan of the IgG Fc fragmen
224  inhibitor of GSL biosynthesis increases the sialylation of the rhEPO they produce.
225          These studies reveal that modifying sialylation of the soluble glycoprotein angiopoietin-lik
226 expression of ST3Gal-I, leading to increased sialylation of the substrate of ST3Gal-I, core 1 Galbeta
227 a novel apoptotic pathway involving alpha2-6 sialylation of the TNFR1 death receptor by the ST6Gal-I
228  overexpression, we determined that alpha2-6 sialylation of TNFR1 had no effect on early TNF-induced
229                                 The alpha2-6 sialylation of TNFR1 was found to inhibit TNF-induced TN
230 ivates TNFR1, we next evaluated the alpha2-6 sialylation of TNFR1.
231 alpha-selectivities could be achieved in the sialylations of both primary and sterically hindered sec
232         Decreased galactosylation, decreased sialylation (of fucosylated IgG glycan structures) and i
233                   In contrast, the effect of sialylation on ADCC was dependent on the status of core
234      NKAP-deficient T cells have a defect in sialylation on cell surface glycans, leading to IgM recr
235                               The effects of sialylation on Gal-1, Gal-2, and Gal-3 binding to cells
236 but unexplained example is enhanced alpha2-6-sialylation on N-glycans resulting from overexpression o
237 eport, we further investigated the effect of sialylation on the phosphorylation profile of EGFR in TK
238   Here we investigated the impact of reduced sialylation on ventricular repolarization through gene d
239 used by changes either in lipopolysaccharide sialylation or acetylation of the alpha2-9-linked polysi
240 gh extracellular ST6Gal-1 supports extrinsic sialylation, other sialyltransferases are present in sys
241 tion of multigene vectors carrying the human sialylation pathway into glycosylation-destructed mutant
242                                 However, the sialylation pathway was not investigated in Drosophila b
243 oles that CMAS has in the nucleus and in the sialylation pathways of animal cells.
244  Existing analytical strategies to determine sialylation patterns are mostly applied to tissue sample
245 totoxicity (ADCC), whereas terminal alpha2,6-sialylation plays a critical role in the anti-inflammato
246                                        While sialylation plays important functions in the nervous sys
247 ntify new markers for oral cancer, we used a sialylation probe to investigate the glycoproteins diffe
248  of intracellular ST activity and tracing of sialylation process.
249 ) as the chemoselective recognition probe of sialylation product, both of which are encapsulated in a
250                                              Sialylation regulates the in vivo half-life of recombina
251 w as spheroids, while cells lacking alpha2-6 sialylation remained as single cells and lost viability.
252 ry glycoproteins, such that reduced alpha2,6-sialylation results in elevated myelopoiesis.
253 an keratinocytes, to localize hyaluronan and sialylation sites.
254 by restraining TNFR1 at the cell surface via sialylation, ST6Gal-I acts as a functional switch to div
255                                  Because the sialylation state of a receptor can influence its functi
256 l surface expresses multiple molecules whose sialylation state regulates multiple aspects of endothel
257                                           OS sialylation status but not LA structure showed significa
258                           Alterations in the sialylation status in a distinct area of tissues or in a
259 To resolve this controversy, we analyzed the sialylation status of GPIs within PrP(Sc) generated in t
260 and GPI-anchored PrP(Sc) The question of the sialylation status of GPIs within PrP(Sc) has been contr
261         Instead, this work suggests that the sialylation status of GPIs within PrP(Sc) is regulated i
262 strates that, upon colonization of SLOs, the sialylation status of prions changes by host STs.
263 Sc) Furthermore, this work suggests that the sialylation status of PrP(Sc) plays an important role in
264                           In this study, the sialylation status of PrP(Sc) was reduced by replicating
265                        Here we show that the sialylation status of the infectious, disease-associated
266 ion to a wild type host is determined by the sialylation status of the inoculated PrP(Sc) Furthermore
267                   Consequently, the cellular sialylation status under healthy and pathological condit
268 alitative and quantitative estimation of the sialylation status, sialic acids were released, fluoresc
269 g human kidney specimens based on glomerular sialylation status.
270 G-mediated cellular depletion, regardless of sialylation status.
271 racerebral administration depends on PrP(Sc) sialylation status.
272  mimic the structural alterations induced by sialylation, such as F241A, can be promising therapeutic
273  Fc, a mutant that displays increased glycan sialylation, suggests that increased conformational flex
274 ochemical features, such as requirements for sialylation, sulfation, and N-glycosylation, but display
275        Previously, we demonstrated that EGFR sialylation suppresses its dimerization and phosphorylat
276 the human brain with a much higher degree of sialylation than previously reported.
277 evelopmentally attenuated by the increase in sialylation that accompanies T cell maturation and limit
278 r multimers leads to molecules with enhanced sialylation that may be suitable for managing inflammati
279 apsulation and intrinsic lipooligosaccharide sialylation that may promote adherence to mucosal surfac
280 rmine changes in fucosylation and changes in sialylation that were in very good agreement with a norm
281                                         Upon sialylation, the affinities for Fcgamma receptors are re
282 fined the contribution of galactosylation or sialylation to the pathogenic activity of IgG1 and IgG2a
283 ugh we cannot preclude a contribution of LOS sialylation to ulcerative disease, these data strongly s
284 lar endothelial surface undergoes changes in sialylation upon adopting the migratory/angiogenic pheno
285 s mediate tissue damage, induction of IgG Fc sialylation was associated with clinical disease remissi
286                          The requirement for sialylation was examined in the collagen Ab-induced arth
287                                      PrP(Sc) sialylation was found to be critical for effective traff
288                                 Importantly, sialylation was highly specific to pathogenic IgG at the
289                                  However, Fc sialylation was increased 3-fold from the base line upon
290                                              Sialylation was induced in cancer progression to inhibit
291 roscopy, was enzymatically desialylated, and sialylation was quantified by flow cytometry.
292                  To prevent loss of alpha2-6 sialylation, we forced constitutive expression of ST6Gal
293  confirm the physiologic importance of TNFR1 sialylation, we generated overexpressing ST6Gal-I transg
294 ands (fHbp and NspA) and lipooligosaccharide sialylation were deleted in all strains.
295 e animals that received PrP(Sc) with reduced sialylation were infected.
296 cted to glomeruli, whereas no differences in sialylation were observed when whole kidney homogenates
297        Charge species due to deamidation and sialylation were separated by CZE.
298 tose residues per se or the lack of terminal sialylation, which is dependent on galactosylation.
299                         Although blockade of sialylation with 3F-NeuAc does not affect viability of c
300 ha chains would enhance virulence, and their sialylation would enable gonococci to survive within pol

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