


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  RNAP (comprising alpha(2), beta, beta', and sigma subunits).
2 7) consensus sequence) by the RNA polymerase sigma subunit.
3 gp55, replace the host RNA polymerase (RNAP) sigma subunit.
4  beta and beta' subunits and the dissociable sigma subunit.
5  interaction between activating region 3 and sigma subunit.
6 eractions between cII and the RNA polymerase sigma subunit.
7 ubunit, and a distinct helical module in the sigma subunit.
8 h core promoter elements are mediated by the sigma subunit.
9 e achieved by modulating the activity of the sigma subunit.
10 ma28, presumably via an interaction with the sigma subunit.
11  meliloti alpha and E. coli beta, beta', and sigma subunits.
12  representative of an unrelated class of the sigma subunits.
13  altered by the association with alternative sigma subunits.
14 tiation activities by binding one of several sigma subunits.
15 on and Spx-induced cross-linking between the sigma subunit and the -10 region.
16  Here we show that missense mutations of AP2 sigma subunit (AP2S1) affecting Arg15, which forms key c
17                        The adaptor protein-2 sigma subunit (AP2sigma2) is pivotal for clathrin-mediat
18                 The bacterial RNA polymerase sigma subunits are key participants in the early steps o
19 mediate to the open complex, identifying the sigma subunit as a key player directing formation of the
20 igma factors may explain how RbpA stabilizes sigma subunit binding to the core RNA polymerase and the
21                     In eubacteria, the final sigma subunit binds to the core RNA polymerase and direc
22  only between core promoter elements and the sigma subunit, but also between a DNA element upstream o
23 clpX does not influence the concentration of sigma subunits, but is required for the stationary phase
24 es a dileucine motif recognized by the gamma/sigma subunits common to both complexes.
25 s important for the efficient binding of the sigma subunit, confirming previous hypotheses.
26 quaticus RNAPs, likely through affecting the sigma subunit contacts with DNA nucleotides downstream o
27 oter and interacting with the RNA polymerase sigma subunit domain 4 (sigma(4)).
28   Eubacterial RNA polymerase uses the sigma (sigma) subunit for recognition of and transcription init
29  to 15 nucleotides in length, release of the sigma subunit from the enzyme-promoter complex, and init
30 betabeta'omega) and the promoter specificity sigma subunit, has been determined at 4 angstrom resolut
31  similar to that previously reported for the sigma subunit in the bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme
32 ng that RbpA binds directly to the principal sigma subunit in these organisms, but not to more diverg
33                                          The sigma subunit is directly responsible for promoter recog
34 e beta subunit and conserved region 4 of the sigma subunit, is a potential target for regulation.
35 AP2, a heterotetramer of alpha, beta, mu and sigma subunits, links clathrin to vesicle membranes and
36 nary substitutions in various regions of the sigma subunit modulate different steps of the open promo
37 ncoding new homologs of the adaptor beta and sigma subunits named beta4 and sigma4, respectively.
38                                          The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) confers
39                                          The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is requ
40                                          The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) regulat
41                              The dissociable sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase is required fo
42                                          The sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase is strictly re
43 s transcription from P(RM) by contacting the sigma subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase.
44 uence-specific contacts to region 1.2 of the sigma subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP).
45  region (region 1.1) of sigma70, the primary sigma subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, is a n
46                                          The sigma subunit of eubacterial RNA polymerase is essential
47                                          The sigma subunit of eubacterial RNA polymerase is required
48                                          The sigma subunit of procaryotic RNA polymerases is responsi
49                                          The sigma subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase is an import
50 -specific genome segment encoding a putative sigma subunit of RNA polymerase (lmo0423, herein referre
51 ion in bacteria is mediated primarily by the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP), which makes sequ
52 omoter element recognized by Region 4 of the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP).
53 midobenzyl)-EDTA (Fe-BABE) conjugated to the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP).
54 question of whether AraC substitutes for the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase in recognition of the -3
55                                          The sigma subunit of RNA polymerase interacts with the promo
56                                          The sigma subunit of RNA polymerase is a critical factor in
57                                          The sigma subunit of RNA polymerase orchestrates basal trans
58 pression of the rpoS gene, encoding the RpoS sigma subunit of RNA polymerase.
59 uence-specific DNA-binding properties of the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase.
60 us mutations in the AP4S1 gene, encoding the sigma subunit of the adaptor protein complex 4 (AP-4).
61 tion between defined segments of DNA and the sigma subunit of the enzyme.
62 orting signals involving the gamma/delta and sigma subunits of AP-1 and AP-3.
63 ef, and it involved the mu but not the gamma/sigma subunits of AP-1.
64                                          The sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase occur in many
65 with the C-terminal domains of the alpha and sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerase.
66                                              Sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerases are closely
67 g the promoter by direct DNA interaction (as sigma subunits of bacterial RNA polymerases do) or indir
68 ified residues in the alpha, beta, beta' and sigma subunits of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase that a
69 ysis of the interaction between the beta and sigma subunits of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase.
70 astid transcription involves nuclear-encoded sigma subunits of plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase
71  the activation and inactivation of multiple sigma subunits of RNA polymerase in a cascade.
72 in, CT663, which interacts with the beta and sigma subunits of RNAP.
73 ween the mobile modules of the beta' and the sigma subunits of the RNAP appears to be necessary for s
74                                         The "sigma" subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase allows gene
75                                   The sigma (sigma) subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase is essentia
76                                   The sigma (sigma) subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase is required
77                                          The sigma-subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is requ
78                          The 'RNA polymerase sigma subunit paradox' refers to the difficulty reconcil
79 -pentapeptide, is inhibited by region 3.2 of sigma subunit, possibly preventing targeting of RNA to t
80  promoter recognition depends largely on the sigma subunit, promoter discrimination exhibited in spec
81  Universally conserved basic residues of the sigma subunit provide critical contacts with the DNA pho
82                                   The sigma (sigma) subunit provides selectivity for transcription in
83 zero-Angstrom crosslinking demonstrated that sigma subunit region 1.2 directly contacts the nontempla
84  large conformational change that places the sigma subunit region 4 into the correct position for int
85 ors that bind to RNA polymerase (RNAP) after sigma subunit release.
86           Members of the sigma(54) family of sigma subunits require the action of a 'transcriptional
87 al RNA polymerase holoenzymes containing the sigma subunit sigma(N) (sigma(54)) can form a stable clo
88 -flap) and conserved region 4 of the primary sigma subunit (sigma(66) in C. trachomatis).
89 h sporulation, the principal vegetative cell sigma subunit (sigma(A)) persists in the cell but is rep
90 ation of compartment-specific RNA polymerase sigma subunits, sigma(E) in the mother cell and sigma(F)
91                           The RNA polymerase sigma subunit, sigmaH (Spo0H) of Bacillus subtilis, is e
92                           The RNA polymerase sigma subunit, sigmaH, of Bacillus subtilis is required
93 oli genome encodes genes for seven different sigma subunit species while only having single genes for
94 anscription at promoters only if guided by a sigma subunit that directs the core enzyme to a subset o
95 upstream of the recognition hexamers for the sigma subunit (the -10 and -35 hexamers).
96 upstream of the recognition elements for the sigma subunit, the -35 and -10 hexamers.
97 s 1 to 314) and amino acids 94 to 507 of the sigma subunit, together comprising less than one-fifth o
98  transcription depends on the RNA polymerase sigma subunit, which brings catalytically proficient RNA
99 er recognition depends on the RNA polymerase sigma subunit, which combines with the catalytically pro
100 ters are recognized by RNA polymerase (RNAP) sigma subunit, which specifically interacts with the -10
101  during promoter recognition contacts of the sigma subunit with core RNA polymerase and promoter DNA
102                      Interaction of the RNAP sigma subunit with non-template strand bases of a conser
103 er, along with or instead of interactions of sigma subunit with the -35 element, for their activity.
104  and even substitute for interactions of the sigma subunit with the -35 element.
105 lly at the level of the promoter-recognition sigma subunit, with the general lack of homology between

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