


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 followed by left (20.7%), right (15.6%), and sigmoid (14.3%) colon resections.
2                 The means (SDs) of RMSE were sigmoid, 4.1 (1.9); exponential, 6.0 (1.5); and linear 5
3                        Rectal (45 mm Hg) and sigmoid (60 mm Hg) distentions were performed with a com
4  isolated vaginal metastasis revealing a mid-sigmoid adenocarcinoma in a 67 years old woman.
5 murs had greater bowel wall thickness of the sigmoid and descending colon, suggestive of edema contri
6 expression of SLC6A4 and p11 was measured in sigmoid and rectal mucosal biopsy specimens.
7 olyps than women at each location except the sigmoid and rectum.
8 nsverse colon, (2) descending colon, and (3) sigmoid and rectum.
9                               Activation was sigmoid and well described by a fourth power exponential
10  potentially irradiated sites (rectosigmoid, sigmoid, and cecum), and nonirradiated sites (the rest o
11                   The proposed method uses a sigmoid approximation to the area under the ROC curve as
12 ation of labeled cells in the brain showed a sigmoid association between metastasis frequency and dos
13                                          The sigmoid behaviour disappeared under conditions that favo
14 on of total amount of food, often exhibits a sigmoid behaviour, instead of a non-sigmoid one postulat
15 vity of less than 10 dB (309 locations), the sigmoid best-fit regression model had the lowest RMSE in
16 ripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and sigmoid biopsies after seroconversion.
17 ed PCR for HIV RNA and DNA on bulk PBMCs and sigmoid biopsies were negative.
18 of BA using ileal and colonic (ascending and sigmoid) biopsies obtained from patients with PSC with a
19 poplasia of the right lobe of the liver in a sigmoid cancer patient are presented.
20 for rectal and rectosigmoid cancers than for sigmoid cancer.
21 ing chronic diverticular disease (n = 97) or sigmoid carcinoma (n = 115).
22                                         Four sigmoid carcinomas were missed with laparoscopic lavage.
23 e main excitatory neurotransmitters in human sigmoid circular muscle.
24  the only significant difference seen in the sigmoid colon (2.17 for sodium phosphate vs 2.44 for mag
25 stine including rectum (7 cases, 38.9 %) and sigmoid colon (7 cases, 38.9 %).
26 reased risk of adenoma in the descending and sigmoid colon [odds ratio (OR), 1.26; 95% confidence int
27 of interstitial cells of Cajal in the normal sigmoid colon and in the sigmoid colon from patients wit
28           Biopsies were sampled from rectum, sigmoid colon and left colonic flexure from twenty patie
29 a radiation field (one adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon and one epithelioid sarcoma of the chest w
30  adenoma in 3,696 left-sided (descending and sigmoid colon and rectum) adenoma cases and 34,817 endos
31 erpreting air within a redundant right-sided sigmoid colon as air within the cecum in children suspec
32                     The lower segment of the sigmoid colon as described in the 1987 Oak Ridge Nationa
33  99 men) with focal masslike findings in the sigmoid colon at CT colonography, representing chronic d
34  fungi differ between a diseased area of the sigmoid colon chronically affected by diverticulitis and
35 ) A in neurally induced contraction of human sigmoid colon circular muscle.
36 arized epithelia derived from full thickness sigmoid colon dissection from neonatal Lewis rats, adult
37 ) and one in the gefitinib group (related to sigmoid colon diverticulitis/rupture complicated by pneu
38  this study as examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon during colonoscopy, and sensitivity was es
39 Cajal in the normal sigmoid colon and in the sigmoid colon from patients with slow transit constipati
40 ation was rectum in 36%, right colon in 28%, sigmoid colon in 17%, transverse colon 10%, and left col
41 in the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon in CD compared with controls.
42 y of right lower quadrant positioning of the sigmoid colon in infants and young children.
43  died developed intramucosal acidosis of the sigmoid colon intraoperatively.
44                        Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon is an increasingly common disease.
45                                 The shape of sigmoid colon is more anatomically structured, and the d
46                             In children, the sigmoid colon is often within the right lower quadrant.
47 cal, three cecal, three appendicular, and 14 sigmoid colon lesions.
48 V-1-specific CTL in the peripheral blood and sigmoid colon mucosa of infected subjects not on antiret
49 nts with UC had disease extending beyond the sigmoid colon of > or = 8 years' duration; patients with
50 ned from either the ascending, descending or sigmoid colon of patient volunteers during elective colo
51 R) protein levels were seen in ascending and sigmoid colon of PSC patients with correspondingly decre
52 of these patients underwent endoscopy of the sigmoid colon or colon for evaluation of these symptoms.
53 significant effect on p11 mRNA expression in sigmoid colon or rectum was noted from antidepressant tr
54                                              Sigmoid colon position was categorized as in the left or
55 ncing were performed on chronically diseased sigmoid colon tissue (DT) and adjacent tissue (AT) from
56 e studied in 5 samples of normal hepatic and sigmoid colon tissue using duplex reverse-transcription
57                                          The sigmoid colon was in the right lower quadrant in 74 (44%
58 uction of anesthesia, intramucosal pH of the sigmoid colon was measured using tonometry.
59                                          The sigmoid colon was mobilized by a posterior, retroperiton
60                                     When the sigmoid colon was within the right lower quadrant, it of
61 isks for adenoma of the descending colon and sigmoid colon were observed for the two HCAs: 2-amino-3,
62 ence of distal colorectal cancer (rectum and sigmoid colon) was reduced by 50% (0.50, 0.42-0.59; seco
63  strongest for colon adenoma (descending and sigmoid colon).
64 terminal ileum, right colon, left colon, and sigmoid colon).
65      Bowel rupture, which often involved the sigmoid colon, accounted for about a quarter of complica
66 gastric, pooled colorectal, left-side colon, sigmoid colon, and rectal cancers were not associated wi
67  height of proliferating cells in the cecum, sigmoid colon, and rectum and increases cell proliferati
68             Biopsy specimens from the cecum, sigmoid colon, and rectum were collected at baseline and
69                             In the cecum and sigmoid colon, but not in the rectum, the proliferation
70                                       In the sigmoid colon, cell proliferation increased by 0.9 (95%
71 ng in the splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, or rectosigmoid colon.
72 ed in the splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, or rectum vs appendix, cecum, ascending c
73 ed in the splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, or rectum vs appendix, cecum, ascending c
74 he distal large bowel (ie, descending colon, sigmoid colon, or rectum).
75 ,057 incident cases of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon, rectosigmoid junction, and rectum and 1,0
76 ealthy volunteers or UC patients in jejunum, sigmoid colon, rectum, and descending colon can be queri
77    Six were sessile; two were located in the sigmoid colon, two in the transverse colon, one in the a
78 man cecum compared to the terminal ileum and sigmoid colon, whereas T(H)1 and T(H)2 cells do not sign
79 increases cell proliferation measures in the sigmoid colon.
80 ed neoplasia had an adenoma in the rectum or sigmoid colon.
81 el from the third portion of duodenum to the sigmoid colon.
82 ers to changes in the intramucosal pH of the sigmoid colon.
83 sfully mobilized the rectum, mesorectum, and sigmoid colon.
84 olic state of the terminal ileum, cecum, and sigmoid colon.
85                                              Sigmoid colonic mucosal and fecal microbiota samples wer
86                                              Sigmoid colonic samples were stained with antibodies to
87 was significantly decreased in all layers of sigmoid colonic specimens from patients with slow-transi
88 receptors, on three histological sections of sigmoid colons from ten patients with diverticular disea
89 lected from terminal ileum and ascending and sigmoid colons of children (median age 13 years) newly d
90 he equation for three-state kinetics, with a sigmoid component for a change of rate determining step,
91 roduced by each agonist was described by two sigmoid components, and the speed of recovery varied sub
92 uNPs/Xc(50) (slope of the linear part of the sigmoid/concentration at half value of the absorbance) w
93                                   Repetitive sigmoid contractions may induce rectosigmoid hyperalgesi
94 th results from shifting the same underlying sigmoid curve in time and scaling by size.
95                The output of the theory is a sigmoid curve of the observable mean square displacement
96 n Tim9 concentration linearly, it presents a sigmoid curve on Tim10.
97 otein varied with temperature according to a sigmoid curve that paralleled the melting in vitro, but
98                                            A sigmoid curve was fitted to the transition zone between
99  Traditionally, CA has been represented by a sigmoid curve with a wide plateau between about 50 mm Hg
100  on the level of cellular cholesterol fits a sigmoid curve with the highest sensitivity of the Kir cu
101 obtained with the use of the E(max) model (a sigmoid curve with variable slope) were comparable betwe
102  homologous AMA1, all data points followed a sigmoid curve, regardless of the immunogen.
103 The growth of these clusters shows a typical sigmoid curve, suggesting a general multistep self-assem
104  of maximum compliance increase defined by a sigmoid curve-fit with large differences in Pflex seen b
105 ns examined, ASD subjects showed "shallower" sigmoid curves compared to neurotypicals, indicating the
106 thod for estimating systematic change during sigmoid declines in melanic frequencies.
107 imal to moderate esophageal dilation without sigmoid deformity.
108                             In conclusion, a sigmoid dependence of the killing rate on the CTLs durin
109                  The wild-type enzyme showed sigmoid dependence on MgATP concentration with a Hill nu
110    Second, the total killing rate exhibits a sigmoid dependence on the CTL density when killing is a
111 ion, and was partially reversed by rectal or sigmoid distention.
112 ions were repeated after a series of noxious sigmoid distentions.
113 were intraperitoneal abscesses; one, a giant sigmoid diverticulum; and two, sterile fluid collections
114 (50 mug ml(-1) to 1.66 mg ml(-1)) produced a sigmoid dose response curve, with maximal sweating (meas
115                          Data were fitted to sigmoid E(max) models to obtain 24 hour-area under curve
116 namic electroencephalographic effect via the sigmoid Emax model.
117                                A 2-parameter sigmoid fit was fitted to the data, and a significant co
118                                   Assuming a sigmoid fitness function, we explore how a supplement in
119 howed saturation at lower concentrations, as sigmoid fits showed smaller EC50 values and steeper slop
120 ed a distinct bimodal distribution and steep sigmoid frequency curve with only 1.8% of samples within
121                                    A similar sigmoid function fits the normalized event frequency evo
122 he best model is based on a simple algebraic sigmoid function for 1/k versus pH.
123 "); rather, seizure frequency increased as a sigmoid function of time.
124                                 We applied a sigmoid function or third order polynomial to the curves
125 imulus strength were regressed with Gompertz sigmoid function.
126                             Observation of a sigmoid functional response may thus arise from a diluti
127 t such an 'evident' claim might be wrong and sigmoid functional responses in real plankton communitie
128 t mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and sigmoid functions applied.
129 y, these growth curves can be represented by sigmoid functions.
130 his study, we suggest using a two-parameter, sigmoid Gompertz function for parametrizing mineralizati
131                    PFG NMR associated with a sigmoid gradient ramp is an exciting strategy to study d
132 ver a smaller range of absolute sizes, these sigmoid growth kinetics can produce nearly linear allome
133 this inhibition and returns a highly derived sigmoid horn body size allometry to its presumed ancestr
134  same excitatory input, can change a steeply sigmoid I/O curve into a double-sigmoid typical of buffe
135            We found significant depletion of sigmoid IL-22-producing CD4(+) T cells (T-helper type 22
136 e is hyperbolic in the absence of Mg(2+) and sigmoid in the presence of Mg(2+).
137           The glutamate saturation curve was sigmoid, indicating positive cooperativity in the bindin
138                 Uptake in IO and RO bLPM was sigmoid (K(m) approximately 13 mM) with a 2-fold higher
139                       This activity displays sigmoid kinetics and a K(1/2) value for Ca(2+) that is n
140 t the same RH, showed, for the first time, a sigmoid kinetics of phenol-induced mass uptake typical f
141 REB phosphorylation also proceeds with slow, sigmoid kinetics, rate-limited by paucity of CaMKIV, pro
142  exhibit similar rates of cross-linking with sigmoid kinetics.
143 ncentrations as a function of dose displayed sigmoid kinetics.
144 ts with isolated colonic dysplasia above the sigmoid level, postoperative rectal involvement was limi
145 earned the initial task, but often displayed sigmoid-like learning curves, with a variable delay peri
146               World publications grew with a sigmoid (logistic) pattern (predicted maximum of 586.8 a
147 to mean percentage decrement in neutrophils (sigmoid maximum effect (Emax) model).
148 d PK/PD model with an effect compartment and sigmoid maximum effect (Emax) response could be built th
149                                            A sigmoid-maximum effect model describing the relationship
150 e if repetitive high-pressure stimulation of sigmoid mechanoreceptors modulates perception of rectal
151 aken from right, transverse, descending, and sigmoid mesocolon.
152 tal mesorectal excision with retroperitoneal sigmoid mobilization and coloanal, side-to-end anastomos
153 sease tolerance were all well represented by sigmoid models.
154 and edematous mesocolon and mesosigmoid; the sigmoid mucosa appeared petechial which was suggestive o
155 ate IL-22-mediated mechanisms, essential for sigmoid mucosa integrity, were fully operational in long
156 patients with/without DM underwent stool and sigmoid mucosal microbial analysis and were followed for
157 colon (n = 249), descending colon (n = 124), sigmoid (n = 212), and rectum (n = 362)) in 50 subjects.
158  common areas of uptake were cecum (n = 65), sigmoid (n = 60), and ascending colon (n = 50).
159 zooplankton feeding in laboratories show non-sigmoid nature of response for most herbivorous zooplank
160   An alternative approach via the mandibular sigmoid notch (concave superior margin of the mandibular
161 e concentration is correct, a portion of the sigmoid on a log-log plot is very close to linear, allow
162 hibits a sigmoid behaviour, instead of a non-sigmoid one postulated previously based on laboratory ex
163 relationship slopes and (b) the evolution of sigmoid or discontinuous scaling relationship shapes.
164                                              Sigmoid or polynomial functions were applied to the curv
165 lated polyp larger than 20 mm in the rectum, sigmoid, or descending colon suspected to be an adenoma
166             Our expectation is a distinctive sigmoid pattern with one asymptote for lower DD probabil
167  the fractions free/BR follow characteristic sigmoid plots when represented versus redox potential su
168 hird of the curve, the first dose beyond the sigmoid portion of the curve was 200 mg daily, and compl
169        The frequency of right lower quadrant sigmoid position was evaluated for a relationship with p
170                This readout step features a "sigmoid" processing of the signals that provides "filter
171 ctions and colonic crypts were obtained from sigmoid rectal biopsy tissue samples.
172 st common sites of primary colon cancer were sigmoid/rectum (51%), right colon (25%), and left colon
173         Conclusions and Relevance: Pointwise sigmoid regression had a better ability to fit perimetri
174                     Linear, exponential, and sigmoid regression models were used to assess the patter
175                                            A sigmoid relation (y=-6.74/[1+exp (19.9. [x-1.84])]+1.35.
176                       This reveals a steeply sigmoid relationship between avidity and infected cell k
177 tors produced a hyperpolarizing shift in the sigmoid relationship between LTS amplitude and the initi
178 pare the outcomes of laparoscopic lavage and sigmoid resection in perforated diverticulitis with puru
179 e 30 or 90-day mortality rates compared with sigmoid resection.
180                      NO emissions followed a sigmoid response to fertilizer inputs and have emission
181 78; descending colon: SE: 40.32%, SP: 81.99; sigmoid: SE: 19.34%, SP: 87.90; rectum: SE: 71.55%, SP:
182 as present in 79% of patients with ATTR (70% sigmoid septum and 30% reverse septal contour), whereas
183  a new gradient sampling approach based on a sigmoid shape allowing the acquisition of a significant
184 atterns for the sound continuum mirrored the sigmoid shape of the behavioral category identification
185 g plot of DeltaH(mix) vs [GdnHCl] exhibits a sigmoid shaped curve with linear pre- and post-denaturat
186                                   We found a sigmoid-shaped association of CRP and the hazard ratio o
187 blue-shifted Qy absorption maxima, and (d) a sigmoid-shaped circular dichroism spectra.
188 d by R2*at baseline as a function of R1 to a sigmoid-shaped curve.
189 s coreceptor, as indicated by a shift in the sigmoid-shaped infectivity curve toward lower concentrat
190                                            A sigmoid-shaped model that is consistent with previous ob
191      In the domain of working memory (WM), a sigmoid-shaped relationship between WM load and brain ac
192 enography, 2D MR venography failed to reveal sigmoid sinus stenosis in one patient and poorly depicte
193 ollected from a cerebral vein (including the sigmoid sinus, inferior petrosal sinus, and the internal
194 fractures extending to the transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus, or jugular bulb, those of the petrous tem
195 superior sagittal, straight, transverse, and sigmoid sinuses and the internal jugular veins on images
196 superior sagittal sinus and right transverse-sigmoid sinuses.
197 patients with IBS, repetitive stimulation of sigmoid splanchnic afferents results in the development
198 BF) in the absence and presence of rectal or sigmoid stimulation to evaluate 2 hypothesized mechanism
199 ctal sensitivity in patients with IBS, after sigmoid stimulation, 100% of patients, regardless of bas
200 nd after repetitive high-pressure mechanical sigmoid stimulation.
201 erentiation between a benign and a malignant sigmoid stricture can be made in most cases at barium en
202 tion findings in 78 patients with documented sigmoid strictures (43 benign, 35 malignant).
203 = 12), sex, tumor location (right vs left vs sigmoid), surgical technique (laparoscopic vs open), tot
204 a predictive model for mortality in cases of sigmoid (SV) and cecal volvulus (CV) taking into account
205 efore, we assessed the function of blood and sigmoid Th17 cells during both early and chronic HIV inf
206 overy from desensitization follows a similar sigmoid time course for channels with two to four glutam
207                             By analyzing the sigmoid time course of CFTR current activation, we propo
208 closed states were required to reproduce the sigmoid time course.
209 ffects from an oscillatory TF, which follows sigmoid transcription kinetics, were applied to demonstr
210 ction efficiency of manganese with a tangent sigmoid transfer function at hidden layer and a linear t
211 tems' stability for a functional response of sigmoid type (Holling type III).
212                                            A sigmoid-type curve was then generated from these 5 bound
213 ge a steeply sigmoid I/O curve into a double-sigmoid typical of buffer systems.
214 ge, this is the first reported case of recto-sigmoid ulcers associated with use of this phosphate bin
215 nique features of sevelamer-associated recto-sigmoid ulcers which led to her symptoms.
216  graded neck pressure and suction, to elicit sigmoid, vagally mediated carotid baroreflex R-R interva
217 terns demonstrating substrate inhibition and sigmoid velocity curves.
218                        Both activated with a sigmoid voltage dependence centred around -35 to -40 mV,
219 rmal growth factor, and the relationship was sigmoid with an average value of 1.7 for the Hill coeffi

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