


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  kinetics of growth: linear, exponential and sigmoidal.
2 y than with 5-HT and its time course was not sigmoidal.
3  the oxygen binding curve becomes completely sigmoidal.
4 se and steady-state plasma concentration was sigmoidal.
5                                              Sigmoidal acquisition curves are not unique to social le
6 se that governs cellular behavior exhibits a sigmoidal activation curve.
7 central amino acid is necessary for the slow sigmoidal activation produced by minK.
8 curves for wild-type tau fibrillization were sigmoidal and correlated well with measurements of total
9                                     Notably, sigmoidal and exponential curve fit methods have been pr
10 ich we call "inhibited," "uninhibited," and "sigmoidal," and which are found in published data.
11 this critical scan rate, the i-v response is sigmoidal as a result of hemispherical radial diffusion.
12 stant versus phosphodonor concentration were sigmoidal, as were PhoB binding isotherms for the phosph
13             Current-voltage traces exhibited sigmoidal behavior and an exponential attenuation with m
14  elongation process, account for the typical sigmoidal behavior during fibrillation.
15  longitudinal diameter, adjusting the double sigmoidal behavior in response to changes in the time.
16 ypothesis that the mechanistic basis for the sigmoidal behavior is the same for both d-tyrosine activ
17                                              Sigmoidal behavior of sensitizer release in n-butanol an
18 DNA concentrations compared to LoxP, but the sigmoidal behavior of the concentration dependence was m
19           Kinetic analyses indicate that the sigmoidal behavior of the d-tyrosine activation reaction
20                                 The observed sigmoidal behavior presents a paradox, as tyrosyl-tRNA s
21 kinetics from hyperbolic to a decidedly more sigmoidal behavior.
22 y Cys32-modified rsAPX showed no evidence of sigmoidal behavior.
23 trinsic and thioflavin T fluorescence showed sigmoidal behavior.
24 ed five distinct stages characterized by two sigmoidal behaviors, showing the time-dependent transiti
25                                              Sigmoidal binding curves for titration of BioI with azol
26                Fluorescence studies showed a sigmoidal binding profile indicating highly cooperative
27 toxins fail to form oligomers but still show sigmoidal binding to cholesterol-containing membranes.
28 erature dependence of steady active force is sigmoidal both in isometric and in shortening muscle.
29 4-, the velocity dependence on total Mg2+ is sigmoidal, but plateaus at high concentrations of free M
30 ents recovered by the control chimera have a sigmoidal Ca(2+) fluorescence (DeltaF/F) versus voltage
31                                              Sigmoidal calibration curves and detection limits were e
32 s where a linear change in input generates a sigmoidal change in output.
33 sphate, to the pyrenelabeled enzyme caused a sigmoidal change in the fluorescence emission.
34 les and all NaCl-containing LDL samples, the sigmoidal changes in the absorbance units vs. temperatur
35 ing the Hill coefficient (nH) to measure the sigmoidal character of the binding curve.
36  with Ca(II), Sr(II), and Ba(II) were highly sigmoidal, characterized by Hill coefficients of 2.3-6.5
37       The rat R-R tachogram showed a defined sigmoidal component, whereas the fish R-R tachogram was
38                     Four selected genes with sigmoidal concentration-dependent expression profiles (E
39 pendence of the phosphorescence intensity is sigmoidal, consistent with cooperative actin filament bi
40                                              Sigmoidal cooperative substrate binding to slowly fluctu
41 ty of the enzyme: dGTPase activity displayed sigmoidal (cooperative) behavior without DNA but hyperbo
42  reproduce the force/velocity characteristic sigmoidal correlation, while also reproducing the hand-o
43 est are sampled at a fixed time to produce a sigmoidal current-potential curve akin to a pseudo stead
44  curvature induced by endophilin and observe sigmoidal curvature/composition coupling isotherms that
45 d, a second derivative maximum method, and a sigmoidal curve fit method.
46 rate versus velocity curves, rather than the sigmoidal curve obtained with His6-IDE.
47 ds on biofilm permeability (kbr) following a sigmoidal curve on a log-log scale.
48         The pH-dependence of log 1/K(M) is a sigmoidal curve reaching a maximal value at higher pH, s
49 on of the reduction potential and presents a sigmoidal curve that fits a quasireversible model and is
50                                     First, a sigmoidal curve was used to predict the amount of activa
51 relaxation was closely fitted by a Boltzmann sigmoidal curve which allowed us to estimate the mean ME
52 vs. urine osmolality (OsmU) were fitted to a sigmoidal curve, and EC50 was determined by non-linear r
53 orded at different time scales into a unique sigmoidal curve, which clearly highlights kinetic compli
54  the HX reaction as a function of pH gives a sigmoidal curve, which reaches the maximal rate constant
55 ghted distribution of conformers describes a sigmoidal curve, with a transition midpoint near 1.5 kca
56 onstant (k(max)) on the alkaline side of the sigmoidal curve.
57 th peak within the transition region of this sigmoidal curve.
58 ot of k phi versus pH, which gives a typical sigmoidal curve.
59 e nucleotide substrate, but rather follows a sigmoidal curve.
60 rmist transmission conclusions solely on the sigmoidal curve.
61  polyphenols; the reaction is described by a sigmoidal curve.
62 avior of this enzyme is complex and exhibits sigmoidal curves and substrate inhibition.
63 ffusion and transformed these data sets into sigmoidal curves characterizing the phase transition of
64 the exhaustive detection mode instead of the sigmoidal curves for equilibrium-based sensors.
65 Folding was cooperative, as evidenced by the sigmoidal curves in solvent denaturation experiments.
66  peak-shaped CV and the plateau current in a sigmoidal CV, provides a simple means for calculating th
67             The fabricated array illustrated sigmoidal cyclic voltammogram with steady state current
68 eets at a TOD (FTIR) of 72.4 degrees C and a sigmoidal decrease in IgY activity at TOD (ELISA) of 67.
69  and this rotation is often accompanied by a sigmoidal deflection of the cell-cell interface.
70 d Delta21, a 50-ms depolarization produced a sigmoidal DeltaF/F versus voltage curve with a lower tha
71           The activation kinetics were again sigmoidal, demonstrating that the allosteric sites recog
72 ed (deuterated) water density region, with a sigmoidal density profile at the hydrophobic silane-wate
73 irion infectivity follows gp120 density as a sigmoidal dependence and reaches an apparent plateau.
74 performed under special conditions yielded a sigmoidal dependence of fiber tension on temperature--a
75 nt Kd values of 0.05 and 2.3 muM, based on a sigmoidal dependence of heme spin state on Nile Red conc
76 tration data than the Hill model, predicts a sigmoidal dependence of key parameters with calcium conc
77 2 nt, and the unwinding amplitude displays a sigmoidal dependence on [UvrD(tot)]/[DNA(tot)].
78    By contrast, amylin fibrillogenesis has a sigmoidal dependence on heparin fragment length, with an
79 tic analysis for the double mutant reveals a sigmoidal dependence on homocysteine that is not observe
80                   Activation of Her4 shows a sigmoidal dependence on kinase concentration, consistent
81 ol in specific membranes and show a strongly sigmoidal dependence on membrane composition.
82 timuli, and steady-state depression showed a sigmoidal dependence on stimulation frequency, with half
83 e oxidation of L-ascorbate by rsAPX showed a sigmoidal dependence on substrate concentration and data
84                                              Sigmoidal dependence on substrate concentration necessar
85 h respect to the filament axis had a roughly sigmoidal dependence on temperature in relaxing conditio
86 ve behavior: (i) the ATPase activity shows a sigmoidal dependence on the ATP concentration; (ii) ATPg
87  were found transported cooperatively with a sigmoidal dependence on the Cd2+ concentration (n = 1.4)
88 livery efficiency exhibited a characteristic sigmoidal dependence on the field strength.
89 min produced similar results but shifted the sigmoidal dissociation curves to lower urea concentratio
90 subunit dissociation were evaluated from the sigmoidal dissociation data by assuming a single transit
91  in urea for 10 min at room temperature, the sigmoidal dissociation transitions were centered at 3.7,
92 rmers in equilibrium was used to fine tune a sigmoidal, distance-dependent dielectric function so tha
93 on of the tetramer into dimers, leading to a sigmoidal DNA binding curve.
94 e, LDL colocalized with proteoglycans with a sigmoidal dose dependence (inflection point, approximate
95 limitation, we developed and implemented the Sigmoidal Dose Response Search (SDRS) algorithm, a grid
96 taCr (p < .001) and ARF (p < .001) exhibited sigmoidal dose-dependent associations to lowest hematocr
97  The ability of quantification is shown by a sigmoidal dose-response curve fitting to analyze IL-6 pr
98       The percentage of maximal SkBF-[BQ123] sigmoidal dose-response curve indicated a vasodilatory r
99 say was completed in less than 3 min and the sigmoidal dose-response curve spanned an antibody concen
100 tion of RNase H by these metal ions followed sigmoidal dose-response curves suggesting cooperative me
101                   In each group, there was a sigmoidal dose-response relationship between MPS at 1-2
102                  With biologically realistic sigmoidal dose-responses, our model predicted tri-phasic
103 the cascade without feedback showed a steep (sigmoidal) dose-response and a wide, nearly bimodal yEGF
104 so shown to target deoxyguanosine and showed sigmoidal enzyme kinetics (K0.5(deoxyguanosine) = 302 +/
105                                      Using a sigmoidal equation, we fit the pressure-volume data of t
106                        The binding curve was sigmoidal exhibiting an IC(50) of approximately 118 micr
107 12 mixture treatments could be fitted to one sigmoidal exposure-response relationship.
108 th associated with coagulation diameter in a sigmoidal fashion (ex vivo, R(2) = 0.78; in vivo, R(2) =
109 hrough the bacterial membrane increased in a sigmoidal fashion as the AMP binding increased in time,
110 nce intensity time curve that increases in a sigmoidal fashion to a steady state.
111 yer interior and excluded water in a similar sigmoidal fashion.
112  and fusion pore (FP) formation in a sharply sigmoidal fashion.
113 cal reaction in a ball mill exhibits unusual sigmoidal feedback kinetics that differ dramatically fro
114                     Because the lag phase in sigmoidal fibril assembly kinetics is dominated by elong
115  midpoints could be determined accurately by sigmoidal fits.
116       The data were fit to eight univariant, sigmoidal fluence-response curves (R(2) = 0.81-0.95).
117  the other single-loop chimeras, recovered a sigmoidal fluorescence-voltage curve indicative of skele
118                 Modeled lamellipodia exhibit sigmoidal force-velocity relationships and share the wor
119 ng transient cyclic voltammogram (CV) with a sigmoidal forward wave followed by a peak-shaped reverse
120 lular calcium, maintained the characteristic sigmoidal frequency-intensity relationship and generated
121  (20 femtomoles, 1 mL) is estimated from the sigmoidal function best fitting (R(2) = 0.989) IAW exper
122  combined with data from previous studies, a sigmoidal function describes the overall trend throughou
123                                          The sigmoidal function indicated relatively stable amplitude
124 auses antennae to actively move forward as a sigmoidal function of absolute airspeed values.
125 (1 - e(-(t/tau))), where deltaV(L,max) was a sigmoidal function of P(aw) and tau varied with lung vol
126  response curve that can be represented as a sigmoidal function of the odor concentration.
127                           ProP activity is a sigmoidal function of the osmolality.
128 lity distributions were parametrized using a sigmoidal function to determine TVFR0.5 (the temperature
129                                            A sigmoidal function was fit to the data: y = 7.083/(1 + e
130 el blockage functionally acts as a composite sigmoidal function.
131 racellular acidification response asymptotic sigmoidal functions and concentration-response behavior
132                                We found that sigmoidal functions before and after tetanus showed PS e
133 , potentiation can be described by a pair of sigmoidal functions matched to input/output curves; (2)
134 parameters corresponding to cell death to be sigmoidal functions of time.
135        Here we show that dinosaurs exhibited sigmoidal growth curves similar to those of other verteb
136 ubstrate concentrations were best fit to the sigmoidal Hill equation, with a K(0.5) of 19.4 +/- 1.3 m
137 rofile for kynureninase from this source was sigmoidal in all instances.
138 at although growth kinetics are likely to be sigmoidal in most cases, natural selection will restrict
139 the metal-ion dependence of DNA cleavage was sigmoidal in nature, and rates and levels of DNA cleavag
140 n curves were hyperbolic but became strongly sigmoidal in the presence of low concentrations of nucle
141 FTIR)) of 69.5 degrees C, concomitant with a sigmoidal increase in intermolecular (denatured) beta-sh
142 rownian hydrodynamics simulations, we find a sigmoidal increase of the enzymatic rate as a function o
143                                The resulting sigmoidal kinetic curves are analyzed using the 1997 Fin
144  by mercury poisoning, temperature-dependent sigmoidal kinetic curves, and dynamic light scattering.
145  CsgA polymerizes into an amyloid fiber in a sigmoidal kinetic fashion with a distinct lag, growth, a
146              Fibril-forming mutants showed a sigmoidal kinetic profile and showed shorter lag times d
147 uch nonlinear networks (NLN) readily lead to sigmoidal kinetic profiles as a function of the relative
148                                      Unusual sigmoidal kinetic profiles in the Machetti-De Sarlo base
149 aintains glucose homeostasis by displaying a sigmoidal kinetic response to increasing blood glucose l
150 s in modulation from substrate inhibition to sigmoidal kinetics (k(cat) = 1.7 +/- 0.3 s(-1), K(m) = 1
151 t if two structures are assumed to grow with sigmoidal kinetics (logistic and Gompertz) the resulting
152                    The dye oxidation follows sigmoidal kinetics and is reversible if the cells are ex
153                         The observation that sigmoidal kinetics are observed only under single turnov
154 rial strain alone degraded phenanthrene with sigmoidal kinetics but could not degrade alkanes or the
155               The delayed development of the sigmoidal kinetics in phenol-water uptake demonstrates t
156 ther ACATs, EutT catalyzes the reaction with sigmoidal kinetics indicative of positive cooperativity
157                                 MtF exhibits sigmoidal kinetics of mineralization more characteristic
158                               Significantly, sigmoidal kinetics of Pt(0)(n)/Al(2)O(3) catalyst format
159 hermophilus tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase displays sigmoidal kinetics similar to those observed for activat
160 ith soluble diC8 PI(4,5)P(2) as a substrate, sigmoidal kinetics were observed, suggesting the presenc
161                         Butyl-FLIP exhibited sigmoidal kinetics when initial rates are plotted versus
162      Intriguingly, the inactivation exhibits sigmoidal kinetics with a Hill coefficient of 2.5 and an
163 xhibited hyperbolic kinetics, BAM2 exhibited sigmoidal kinetics with a Hill coefficient of over 3.
164  In vivo phosphorylated Cyt c shows enhanced sigmoidal kinetics with COX, and half-maximal turnover i
165 D-tyrosine, the activation reaction displays sigmoidal kinetics with respect to ATP concentration und
166                  In contrast, DGKA displayed sigmoidal kinetics with respect to bulk substrate concen
167 fers caffeoyl and 4-coumaroyl CoAs, exhibits sigmoidal kinetics with these substrates, and is substra
168 ow Si(OH)(4) concentrations, uptake followed sigmoidal kinetics, indicating regulation by an alloster
169  expressed in kidney tissue (M2-PK) displays sigmoidal kinetics.
170 aN is efficiently pumped out by AcrB, with a sigmoidal kinetics.
171 ry system has an advantage to those with non-sigmoidal kinetics.
172 o) of non-CpG residues change in parallel as sigmoidal (logistic) functions of CpG content.
173 ron transport activity of CcO decreases in a sigmoidal manner during the first transition and this de
174 (a) also varied with C6PS concentration in a sigmoidal manner, whereas amidolytic activity of unlabel
175 d flow spectroscopy; the rate increased in a sigmoidal manner, with a Hill coefficient of 4, indicati
176 membrane composition but also on the pH in a sigmoidal manner.
177 responding to its substrate cholesterol in a sigmoidal manner.
178 alpha-helicity and do not show a cooperative sigmoidal melt with temperature, indicating that these m
179                  Neither fragment exhibits a sigmoidal melting curve in the Ca(2+)-free state, sugges
180 tions, a plot of Vmax versus free Co2+ shows sigmoidal metal activation of MetAP1D, both with and wit
181 h is generally achieved by fitting monotonic sigmoidal models.
182                                          The sigmoidal nature of the binding curve suggests that SecA
183 , peak velocity (Cd(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+)), or sigmoidal (Ni(2+)) rate acceleration curves.
184                                   ACD showed sigmoidal, non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics for actin (K(0.
185 nd we observe discrete nucleation events and sigmoidal nucleation and growth kinetics.
186 ge in the substrate-velocity response from a sigmoidal one seen with the native enzyme (Hill coeffici
187 betaN changes the nitrocefin kinetics into a sigmoidal one, suggested that PAbetaN inhibited the effl
188                Parametric functions, such as sigmoidal or logistic functions, have been used for such
189 uation, there are important exceptions where sigmoidal or nonhyperbolic behavior is observed and have
190  hippocampus scaled with the strength of the sigmoidal pattern in spatial memory.
191 e-response curve of split luciferase shows a sigmoidal pattern which indicates cooperativity in oligo
192 formation by the synthetic complex follows a sigmoidal pattern; following a quiescent induction perio
193  one of the possible variants, yield similar sigmoidal patterns as a conformist bias would.
194 his equilibrium could be responsible for the sigmoidal pH dependence of the recovery of the dark-adap
195 a simple second order reaction and exhibit a sigmoidal profile.
196 of syn-2 in the presence of CuCl(2) showed a sigmoidal quenching curve indicating cooperative recogni
197 rm face area, a face-space coding model with sigmoidal ramp tuning provided a better account of the d
198 ucose concentrations, thereby generating the sigmoidal rate dependence that defines kinetic cooperati
199 echanism that gives rise to a characteristic sigmoidal reaction profile.
200  Hb deviates from second-order kinetics, and sigmoidal reaction progress is determined by a balance b
201 reactivation of equilibrium-unfolded mAAT is sigmoidal, reactivation of the short term unfolded prote
202 rs with a time constant of 91 ms whereas the sigmoidal recovery of triggering probability lags behind
203                Proportional increases in the sigmoidal (regular) cell form corresponded with increase
204                     Modelling shows that the sigmoidal relation between force and reciprocal temperat
205 hmark to evidence conformist transmission: a sigmoidal relation between individuals' probability to c
206                                          The sigmoidal relation between tension and reciprocal temper
207 nder ecologically plausible conditions, this sigmoidal relation can also be detected without equippin
208                                            A sigmoidal relationship between [Ca(2+)](i) and LTD indic
209 40 My to identify a well-defined and clearly sigmoidal relationship between atmospheric CO(2) and sea
210               In intact canines, there was a sigmoidal relationship between BOLD MR response and PetC
211                   In vivo studies revealed a sigmoidal relationship between duration and coagulation
212                                    The steep sigmoidal relationship between in vivo Ubx concentration
213                              This produces a sigmoidal relationship between Kv2.1 current density and
214 surface concentrations, however, there was a sigmoidal relationship between the initial velocity and
215 d fast Ca2+ transients, which showed a steep sigmoidal relationship to stimulus intensity.
216 le both pERK and egr1 mRNA show a saturating sigmoidal relationship to the concentration of GnRH expo
217  addition, the probability of severing has a sigmoidal relationship to the crossover dwell time, indi
218 inst the estimated thylakoid lumen pH, and a sigmoidal relationship was obtained with a Hill coeffici
219 ty amplification for competing ligands; both sigmoidal response and affinity amplification exhibit a
220  selenide phase, as manifested by a strongly sigmoidal response in optical spectroscopy and electron
221                             Furthermore, the sigmoidal response in the hippocampus scaled with the st
222                                            A sigmoidal response kinetic analysis was used to calculat
223                             Furthermore, the sigmoidal response of nitrobenzofurazan electrophiles wi
224                          Here, we describe a sigmoidal response that arises primarily from membrane e
225 s biochemical characteristics, including the sigmoidal response to cholesterol, the IC(50) value towa
226 d the NBD-Cys or NBD-Hcy adducts generates a sigmoidal response with a dynamic range of 3 orders of m
227 ow-scan cyclic voltammetry (LSCV) revealed a sigmoidal response with a midpoint potential of -0.17 V
228                                          The sigmoidal responses of the cholesterol sensors involved
229        LiLPPS is a homodimeric enzyme with a sigmoidal saturation curve and Hill coefficient of 2.7,
230                                 However, the sigmoidal sensitizer release was not correlated to solve
231 cromolar concentration range follow apparent sigmoidal sequential first-order kinetics, with rate con
232                Kinetics of E17betaG showed a sigmoidal shape and a mild cooperativity in Hanes-Woolf
233 c response of the bipolar cell has a similar sigmoidal shape and limiting current; however, the respo
234 t versus potential curve dependence showed a sigmoidal shape characteristic of mediated enzyme cataly
235 t its hypothetical nature and emphasizes its sigmoidal shape for reaching.
236 substrate potential features the retraceable sigmoidal shape of a quasi-steady-state voltammogram alt
237 ve P(50) values, coupled with the absence of sigmoidal shape of the O(2) equilibrium curves, was cons
238 ch were best described by a model of inverse sigmoidal shape that is initially concave.
239 a plot of Fmoc released versus time showed a sigmoidal shape.
240 was primarily valued according to a striking sigmoidal shape; its rate of change consistently present
241 rays are represented by two major regimes: a sigmoidal shaped i-v response for arrays acting as indiv
242  M KCl on each of the micro NEEs resulted in sigmoidal-shaped voltammograms which were reproducible a
243 vity versus concentration of coreceptors had sigmoidal shapes, implying involvement of multiple corec
244                                 Although the sigmoidal shifts and line broadening of intermediate exc
245 te provides an intuitive explanation for the sigmoidal shifts in levels of phosphorylated substrate.
246  (i.e. the output RR), but also implements a sigmoidal signal-response relationship.
247  on system parameters that are necessary for sigmoidal signal-response relationships and define key p
248 way to allow plasticity among hyperbolic and sigmoidal signal-response relationships.
249                 The enzymatic time course is sigmoidal, signaling an activation step, prior to turnov
250 eratures (or urea concentrations) and lack a sigmoidal signature characteristic of cooperative unfold
251 kinase is a monomeric enzyme that displays a sigmoidal steady-state kinetic response toward increasin
252       This allosteric behavior gives rise to sigmoidal steady-state kinetics.
253 t initially appears as a twisted and writhed sigmoidal structure with a temperature as high as 10 MK,
254 AnsA is positively cooperative, displaying a sigmoidal substrate dependence curve with an [S](0.5) of
255 fts the reaction kinetics from hyperbolic to sigmoidal such that COX is fully or strongly inhibited u
256                                 The observed sigmoidal supported-nanoparticle heterogeneous catalyst
257 ontent similar to WT and shows a cooperative sigmoidal temperature melt but with a decreased stabilit
258 ase "gated" reaction kinetics and a striking sigmoidal temperature profile that has led to a model of
259 sure of the sample (history dependence), and sigmoidal temporal behavior of the moisture-induced degr
260 ter spacing, the larger the spacing the more sigmoidal the recorded voltammogram.
261 s obtained with DCP-UO22+ from hyperbolic to sigmoidal, the latter characterized by Hill coefficients
262 oiled coil with the nativelike properties of sigmoidal thermal and urea-induced unfolding transitions
263                   All of the mutants display sigmoidal thermal unfolding and urea-induced unfolding c
264                      Further, BHBox showed a sigmoidal thermal unfolding curve with a per-residue van
265 ong desensitizing pulses of serotonin with a sigmoidal time course.
266   THEMATICS measures deviation from typical, sigmoidal titration behavior to identify functionally im
267 anges in the presence of urea show curved or sigmoidal titration curves suggestive of direct urea bin
268 e of the DeltaF/F versus voltage curve, from sigmoidal to bell-shaped, with a maximum at approximatel
269 shape of the substrate saturation curve from sigmoidal to essentially hyperbolic.
270 rge range of sizes, can vary from linear, to sigmoidal to hump-shaped.
271  8A11-Cy5 and DCP-UO22+ species changed from sigmoidal to hyperbolic at high concentrations of protei
272  follow different curve shapes, ranging from sigmoidal to hyperbolic, according to the relative impor
273 imodal and transforms the dose-response from sigmoidal to linear.
274 tion study of compound 12c revealed both the sigmoidal topology of the polyyn-diyl bridge and the fin
275 damage is characterized by a lag phase and a sigmoidal transition, which matches the kinetic profile
276  determined from reversible and well-defined sigmoidal transitions revealed two distinct phases refle
277 iacetyl, acetoin, and 2-butanone) followed a sigmoidal trend described by the modified Gompertz model
278                                          The sigmoidal trend in the degradation curve of unfunctional
279 plex increased more slowly suggesting a more sigmoidal-type progression.
280 PAT to the binding of ATP was observed to be sigmoidal under fixed PhP concentrations, but substrate
281 ded as judged by CD and NMR, and all exhibit sigmoidal urea and thermally induced unfolding transitio
282                                          The sigmoidal v(0)-[S] curve with wild-type YPDC attributed
283  monolayer is confirmed by the appearance of sigmoidal voltammetric profile, characteristic behavior
284                                 Well-defined sigmoidal voltammograms were observed on the nanopipet e
285 ifera, both the stem and petiole had similar sigmoidal vulnerability curves but differed in pressure
286 t globular proteins exhibit a characteristic sigmoidal water adsorption isotherm at ambient condition
287 f linked d and V values that are incident to sigmoidal wave responses.
288 ignal of the LP heme can be transformed into sigmoidal waves upon the addition of substrate.
289  altered substantially after lavage and were sigmoidal with a bell-shaped derivative function.
290            The Na(+)-activation kinetics was sigmoidal with a Hill coefficient of 1.9 +/- 0.1, sugges
291                   The whole kinetic curve is sigmoidal with a lag phase.
292  and the reciprocal absolute temperature was sigmoidal with half-maximal tension at 9.5 degrees C.
293    The ROI-biodegradability relationship was sigmoidal with higher biodegradability associated with P
294 eakly basic drug (quinine; pK(a) = 7.95) was sigmoidal with respect to -dF/M(w) values, with a profil
295 n versus reciprocal absolute temperature was sigmoidal, with a half-maximal tension at 10-12 degrees
296 ension-(reciprocal) temperature relation was sigmoidal, with a half-maximal tension at 8 degrees C.
297              Succinate kinetics by SdcS were sigmoidal, with a K(0.5) of 9 muM and a Hill coefficient
298 dium activation of gemcitabine transport was sigmoidal, with a K0.5 of 8.5+/-0.3 mM for Na+ and a Hil
299  10 degrees C, the association kinetics were sigmoidal, with a very low initial rate.
300     The pH dependence of this interaction is sigmoidal, with an apparent pK(a) for binding close to 5

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