


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tein ions, their conformational profiles are significantly altered.
2 e single and double lambda3r mutants was not significantly altered.
3 ermal growth factor receptor levels were not significantly altered.
4  based on this technique, blood flow was not significantly altered 30min after treatment.
5                                          MPA significantly altered 35 proteins mainly related to nucl
6 133 S-stamped vs 3/32 unstamped) and did not significantly alter 6-month endothelial cell loss (31+/-
7                            The same peptides significantly altered a nicotinic receptor induced behav
8                 Additionally, CPAP treatment significantly altered a total of 47 plasma miRNAs and de
9 2775 unique proteins, of which 316 exhibited significantly altered abundance during LS diet.
10 y established roles in pathophysiology, have significantly altered activity in corresponding diseases
11           Spectral fingerprints of A. baylyi significantly altered after 1-h exposure to pure alkanes
12 ncentrations of luteinising hormone were not significantly altered after 5 days of NKB antagonist (me
13 e found circulating expression profiling was significantly altered after CRT.
14 pair capacity in U2OS cells were found to be significantly altered after TUFM knock-down.
15 we demonstrated how different approaches can significantly alter analysis outcomes.
16 expressions of E-cadherin and alpha-SMA were significantly altered, and these alterations were signif
17 e generation of viable chimeric viruses with significantly altered antigenicity and virulence.
18 choactive or cardiovascular effects, did not significantly alter any of these outcomes.
19  rescue, synapse formation in these fish was significantly altered as a result of delayed AChR expres
20 ese surface properties and performances were significantly altered as CBLG bound to serum proteins.
21  and showed that aberrant DNA methylation is significantly altered at enhancer regions and that the m
22 ed States, cities' hard infrastructures have significantly altered at least 7% of streams, which infl
23 hronic exposure to a neonicotinoid alone can significantly alter bee flight.
24 , and membrane stability were observed to be significantly altered between EAE and control (p < 0.05,
25 ized in beta1-integrin(RNAi) animals without significantly altered body-wide patterning.
26 brain after administration of (64)Cu-GTSM is significantly altered by AD-like pathology in the TASTPM
27  response kinetics of distal inputs were not significantly altered by dendritic filtering.
28 ntified, among which 144 proteins were found significantly altered by diabetes.
29 ctivation in intestinal epithelial cells are significantly altered by germ-free conditions.
30             The amplitude modulation was not significantly altered by head-on-trunk position, but the
31  that average metabolite concentrations were significantly altered by increased body mass (90 of 130)
32 ions) of a flexible fluorescent probe can be significantly altered by its embedding micro-environment
33 ve and neurogenic effects on NSCs, which are significantly altered by microglial miR-155 overexpressi
34 rg(-/-) slices, both forms of plasticity are significantly altered by P42.
35  the interactions between the HK domains are significantly altered by photoconversion.
36 erum amyloid A, and lipid peroxidation, were significantly altered by polybacterial infection, demons
37 , 69.27, p = 0.969; Q = 0.69, I(2) = 0%) was significantly altered by statin therapy.
38  six sites on TSC2 whose phosphorylation was significantly altered by the EC treatment.
39 indicates that the dimensions of PEG are not significantly altered by the presence of either guanidin
40 c effects of individual mutations were often significantly altered by the presence or absence of othe
41 cterize the cell subsets identified as being significantly altered by trauma using cytometry by time-
42 o be interpreted with caution since they are significantly altered by variables like fasting and medi
43 y composition and structure were subtly, but significantly, altered by fertilization, with higher alp
44  whether pathophysiologic changes in pHo can significantly alter CaR responsiveness in both heterolog
45 nses during a simultaneous coinfection would significantly alter CD8 T cell memory in a mouse model w
46 iting DC migration out of the liver does not significantly alter CD8(+) T cell responsiveness, indica
47 rchitecture of the lung microenvironment can significantly alter cell function and injury and demonst
48              Modulation of miR-143 in PASMCs significantly altered cell migration and apoptosis.
49 ypoxia-affected cells undergo sickling which significantly alters cell dynamics.
50 ly rare cells while cell culture methods may significantly alter cellular phenotypes and gene express
51   Untargeted metabolomics further revealed a significantly altered cellular content of 58 metabolites
52                     NAFLD is associated with significantly altered circulating BA composition, likely
53 in (0.32 mg/kg per day) doses also failed to significantly alter cocaine choice.
54 aily sulindac administration in FAP patients significantly altered colorectal stem cell dynamics, whi
55 ming effect of fluctuating resources did not significantly alter community temporal variability.
56 ting reduces junctional current, it does not significantly alter conduction velocity during cardiac f
57 nalysis revealed that individual nucleosomes significantly alter CPD formation, protecting nucleosoma
58 ounterparts, both macrophages and SCs showed significantly altered cytokine gene expression in neurof
59       Modulation of ZIP6 and ZIP7 expression significantly altered cytosolic zinc influx in pancreati
60           As we previously reported, hypoxia significantly altered dendritic cells (DCs) to a DC2 phe
61  prefrontal cortex of the fmr1(-/y) mouse is significantly altered due to changes in several voltage-
62 observe that the crystallization kinetics is significantly altered due to the formation of these inte
63 , miR-195-5p, miR-223-3p, and miR-451a) were significantly altered during the 48 hours interval.
64                     The Three Gorges Dam has significantly altered ecological and environmental condi
65  activation of the M3 RASSL receptor did not significantly alter either M3-M3 homomer or M2-M3 hetero
66 lifoliae in the treatment plots, but did not significantly alter either the species richness or abund
67 hat the occurrence of SNPs within three COMs significantly altered enhancer activity.
68 disrupts MLL2/4 and SETd1B complexes without significantly altering enzymatic activity in vitro Notab
69                Finally, perilipin1 knockdown significantly altered ethanol-induced lipophagy.
70                          As the structure is significantly altered, even at low hydration levels, rep
71 ion in patients with NASH and 177 genes with significantly altered expression in patients with NAFLD,
72                         Of the 65 genes with significantly altered expression in patients with NASH a
73  identified four splicing factors exhibiting significantly altered expression levels in HD patient br
74                  RNA-seq analysis identified significantly altered expression of 62 transcripts share
75 r-depleted monocyte/macrophage cells display significantly altered expression of cell-surface markers
76 Many common TE variants were associated with significantly altered expression of nearby genes, and a
77                  We identified 19 genes with significantly altered expression, including many known t
78 e in charge state upon supercharging without significantly altering folding in solution.
79 und vegetation as cover and flowering is not significantly altered for most species.
80 etics, and biodistribution patterns that are significantly altered from monomeric HP-beta-CD.
81 lication rate, and protein synthesis are not significantly altered from those of the normal rod-shape
82 performed before fructose ingestion does not significantly alter fructose oxidation and storage.
83                            HD mice exhibited significantly altered functional connectivity in multipl
84                           Shaker-iVSD showed significantly altered gating kinetics and formed a catio
85                                      CsA use significantly alters GCF and plasma levels of TGM-2 and
86  results suggest that PenStrep treatment can significantly alter gene expression and regulation in a
87 how that historical introgression of tyr (a) significantly altered genomic composition of the laborat
88 es of membrane oxygenators and pumps did not significantly alter hemostasis.
89 in corticosterone plasma levels, but did not significantly alter HPA-axis activity of non-stressed co
90              Antiprotease antibodies did not significantly alter IgA1P activity.
91 lysis revealed that the experimental regimen significantly altered immune reactivation and DNA repair
92                          NP aggregation will significantly alter in vitro behavior (dosimetry, NP upt
93 tor potential channel C6 in the podocyte was significantly altered in 1,25-vitamin D3-deficient anima
94 ies of the intrinsic carbonyl compounds were significantly altered in 40% ethanol solutions using two
95 wo diglycerides and two acyl-carnitines were significantly altered in AAI treated rats at week 4 when
96 , HLA-DRA and IPMK transcript expression was significantly altered in AD brains compared with control
97 eptin concentrations in saliva and serum are significantly altered in CP and relate closely to curren
98 okinetics of bufuralol and debrisoquine were significantly altered in CYP2D6-HBN mice, the AUC0-8 h b
99 regions of C. jejuni FlhG that are absent or significantly altered in FlhG orthologs are involved in
100 pecific nucleolar proteins whose levels were significantly altered in H1DeltaTKO mESC.
101 k index, pH, lactate, and base deficit) were significantly altered in hypotensive patients.
102 FXR signaling in the liver and intestine was significantly altered in mice with NAFLD as well as in t
103  of BR biosynthesis genes and SAUR genes are significantly altered in mtbri1 mutants.
104          In conclusion, microRNA biogenesis, significantly altered in neutrophils of APS and SLE pati
105                  Of these, 395 proteins were significantly altered in obesity before surgery, and 280
106 pproximately 2% of all analyzed sncRNAs were significantly altered in OIR retinas compared with normo
107 he expression of hnRNP A1/A2 and PTB/nPTB is significantly altered in patients with frontotemporal de
108                RA deformation properties are significantly altered in pediatric PH patients.
109 ctivity of stream-dwelling organisms will be significantly altered in response to future climate chan
110 assessed in permeabilized myofibers were not significantly altered in response to mitoquinone mesylat
111                 LOXL1-AS1 expression is also significantly altered in response to oxidative stress in
112 re associated with protein aggregation, were significantly altered in SH-SY5Y cells treated with MNPs
113  jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis pathway was significantly altered in the course of elevated CO2 trea
114 temic redox balance of cataract patients was significantly altered in the course of glaucoma.
115 phingolipids, and other membrane lipids were significantly altered in the ctl1 mutant, linking CTL1 f
116 position, structure and functional potential significantly altered in the degraded soils with bacteri
117 auxin and salicylic acid) response genes are significantly altered in the F1 hybrids relative to the
118             The abundance of these smRNAs is significantly altered in the leafbladeless1 mutant, sugg
119 osynthetic genes for auxin and cytokinin are significantly altered in the Osarid3 mutant calli.
120 e, ecological and evolutionary dynamics were significantly altered in the three-species system compar
121 t the TET2 expression and 5hmC abundance are significantly altered in the umbilical veins of GDM and
122 hemokines, and co-stimulatory molecules, was significantly altered in tumour-induced DCs compared to
123 e within the first EF-hand domain of PLCzeta significantly alters in vivo Ca(2+) oscillation inducing
124 pated metabolites were also determined to be significantly altered including Krebs cycle intermediate
125 hat genes in the ubiquitination pathway were significantly altered, including: BRCA1, TSPYL5 and PEX1
126    IL-17, alone or synergistically with TNF, significantly alters inflammatory gene expression in cul
127 ack of Cx3cr1 expression was associated with significantly altered intestinal microbiota composition,
128 etragonal phase transition in perovskite can significantly alter its optical, electrical properties a
129 tion-dependent lead in the LFP phase without significantly altering its amplitude.
130 creased the membrane expression of Kv7.4 and significantly altered Kv7.4 current properties.
131  for energy and water balance, but also have significantly altered land-atmosphere CH4 emissions for
132 rk and lipid bilayer of diseased RBCs may be significantly altered, leading to impaired functionality
133 hree iTRAQ experiments and 104 proteins with significantly altered levels (protein ratio >/=1.5 or </
134 duced lamellar bodies in granular layers and significantly altered lipid composition.
135 rventions decreased plasma apoE, but neither significantly altered lipoprotein lipase and cholesteryl
136 ty mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF/HSMS) showed significantly altered lysoPC(18:1), PE(18:3/16:0), PC(20
137  are major epigenetic modifications known to significantly alter mammalian gene expression.
138 rrent emissions trajectory would rapidly and significantly alter many ecosystems and the associated s
139                  These changes are likely to significantly alter mass flowering and fruiting events i
140 allographic defects such as dislocations can significantly alter material properties and functionalit
141               Crystallographic imperfections significantly alter material properties and their respon
142 tworks indicated down regulation of 14 genes significantly altered metformin sensitivity in two breas
143 ryos of stressed Slc6a4 (+/+) dams exhibited significantly altered methylation profiles and different
144 onged exposure of naive wild-type mice to EE significantly altered microglial density and branching c
145 localised glial reactivity in these mice and significantly altered microglial morphology.
146 mbination of both generate exosomes carrying significantly altered microRNA profiles compared to non-
147  (70%) activities, decreased ATP levels, and significantly altered mitochondrial structure.
148     Moreover, C-terminal fragments exhibited significantly altered mobility in denatured immunoblots
149 te of PF/PL/A, and readmission rates did not significantly alter model outcomes.
150                     These findings support a significantly altered model for endocytic recycling in m
151 resistance-associated genetic configurations significantly altered molecular interactions underlying
152            Results showed that LPS treatment significantly altered mRNA levels from 2563 genes.
153 d changes in expression of seven of the most significantly altered mRNAs.
154                     This was associated with significantly altered mTOR, but not Akt or HIF-1alpha, a
155 quencing and LC-MS/MS comparisons pointed to significantly altered MYC-signaling.
156 ological analysis of mature neurons revealed significantly altered neurite length and soma size in CS
157 while permissive to the recognition of CD1d, significantly altered NKT cell development, which result
158 blockade eliminated NOTCH-BCR activation and significantly altered NOTCH downstream targets and B-cel
159 turbation of synaptic input to granule cells significantly alters olfactory-guided behavior.
160  tree genera in the upper Midwestern US have significantly altered over the last two centuries due to
161 serum levels of 96 proteins were found to be significantly altered (P < 0.001, q < 0.01) in mdx mice.
162 k demonstrates that hydrodynamic effects can significantly alter particle deposition relative to expe
163                                              Significantly altered pathways identified through bioinf
164 to ERAP1 trimming and together resulted in a significantly altered peptidome with lower affinity.
165                In addition, mutagenesis of a significantly altered phosphorylation site on xCT (SLC7A
166 deliberate manipulations of their expression significantly alter plant susceptibility to H. schachtii
167  from robbers [2], provided that they do not significantly alter pollinator visitation to the detrime
168                 We found that spike rate was significantly altered prior to seizure in 9 out of 15 su
169             Although it was not predicted to significantly alter protein folding stability, it is pos
170 ucture of the wild-type (WT) channel but has significantly altered protonation and tautomeric equilib
171 ssing cells using RNA-seq reveals that Ptf1a significantly alters pyramidal cell gene expression, upr
172 camera without compromising image quality or significantly altering quantification of myocardial perf
173                           The LAI variations significantly alter radiation regime, within-canopy micr
174 nists by decreasing receptor reserve without significantly altering receptor function.
175 ine substitutions at this critical interface significantly altered RopB-dependent speB expression and
176             We identified trajectories which significantly altered sepsis mortality, and found three
177 genes, which may be used to further filter a significantly altered set of genes identified through wh
178 we show that elevated GDC L-protein activity significantly alters several diagnostic parameters of ce
179 irect evidence that the striatum contributes significantly altered signals to the network in patients
180 monstrate that conserved UBA motif mutations significantly alter SNF1 kinase activation and biologica
181 cover a new defining feature of IDS: mothers significantly alter statistical properties of vocal timb
182 increases the NALP3 protein lifespan without significantly altering steady-state mRNA in human cells.
183 ely activates the innate immune response nor significantly alters steady-state granulopoiesis.
184 hat subclinical levels of plasma LPS in vivo significantly alter T cell proliferative capacity, monoc
185 I lung adenocarcinoma lesions already harbor significantly altered T cell and NK cell compartments.
186                     We found that active MEK significantly alters TDP-43-regulated splicing and that
187   Thus, a single amino acid substitution can significantly alter the AAV capsid integrity to the exte
188 ents showed that polymer conjugation did not significantly alter the Ab's binding affinity or kinetic
189 t the attachment of ACT to a ligand does not significantly alter the binding affinity and specificity
190  ultralow levels of residual antibiotics may significantly alter the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen
191 genes involved in immune responses failed to significantly alter the C. muridarum induction of uterin
192 ein with the double bromodomains of BRD4 may significantly alter the cellular gene expression profile
193 ion to interact with the atmosphere does not significantly alter the characteristics of the AMO in th
194 t the oligonucleotide tertiary structure can significantly alter the chemical composition of the SNA
195 iting in microRNAs, particularly in seed can significantly alter the choice of their target genes.
196 ions, but including spatial contrast did not significantly alter the circadian phase resetting effici
197  delineation of fetal anomalies, it does not significantly alter the course of the pregnancy or the m
198              If successful, this program may significantly alter the current paradigm of AHF patient
199 ear optical process is shown to actively and significantly alter the density excitation response of a
200 lex suggests that the three mutations do not significantly alter the drug-enzyme interactions.
201 n, and this so called "priming effect" might significantly alter the ecosystem C balance.
202 e and oxygen content in the microenvironment significantly alter the efficacy of human CPC-derived ex
203 t kinetics, and not just thermodynamics, can significantly alter the efficiency of self-assembly in a
204 n of PIKfyve in glomerular podocytes did not significantly alter the endosomal morphology, even in ag
205 it is shown that the surrounding solvent can significantly alter the energetic as well as the entropi
206        The KCNE ancillary subunits (KCNE1-5) significantly alter the expression and function of volta
207 onstrate that ingestion of microplastics can significantly alter the feeding capacity of the pelagic
208 he same loop (179, 180, and 182-184) did not significantly alter the functional up-regulation of CaV1
209 ssociated with environmental alterations can significantly alter the impact of these factors in the d
210            The nanodiamond co-deposition can significantly alter the lithium plating behavior, afford
211  prognostic tools that have the potential to significantly alter the management of CVD.
212 s revealed that metabolic resistance did not significantly alter the mating competitiveness of male A
213 rt that manipulations of gonadal hormones do significantly alter the maturation of inhibitory neurotr
214  Nanoscale carbon-based fillers are known to significantly alter the mechanical and electrical proper
215              The use of aSWNTs alone did not significantly alter the mesolimbic dopamine system, wher
216 ; however, leader and trailer lengths do not significantly alter the observed rate constants of PRORP
217 s prove that changes in expression level may significantly alter the organization and mobility of int
218            Although loss of Epb41l5 does not significantly alter the pattern of neural progenitor cel
219 result from underlying genetic variants that significantly alter the phenotype of vascular smooth mus
220    Interestingly, treatment with BBR did not significantly alter the phosphorylation state of AMPK in
221  that overexpression of LIN28B or let-7g can significantly alter the postnatal production of HCs in r
222 ate how changes in vaccine regimen alone can significantly alter the quality of antibody responses to
223 dition of lixisenatide to usual care did not significantly alter the rate of major cardiovascular eve
224 strated that PARP inhibitor olaparib did not significantly alter the rate of PARP1 dissociation from
225               Tight glycemic control did not significantly alter the response profile.
226 e that that direct-write e-beam exposure can significantly alter the rigidity of elastomeric poly(dim
227  was overestimated by >2 points, which could significantly alter the risk profile of hospitals treati
228  innovations culturally, unfamiliar habitats significantly alter the route and pace of human dispersa
229 tingly, these modifications are predicted to significantly alter the secondary structure of the large
230                     With time, growing roots significantly alter the soil physical environment in the
231 applied magnetic fields of moderate strength significantly alter the spin arrangement within the syst
232             Local changes in pH are known to significantly alter the state and activity of proteins a
233 en two dissimilar materials can abruptly and significantly alter the surrounding electric potential,
234 s reveal that the packing of the protein can significantly alter the thermodynamics and kinetics of l
235 stressed growth condition, mutation of lrgAB significantly altered the abundance of 76 proteins (a fo
236 ivalinal affected arterial blood pressure or significantly altered the amyloid pathology in APP mice.
237 ions, including ICDs for SD prevention, have significantly altered the clinical course, now resulting
238        Whether such management advances have significantly altered the considerable mortality rate fo
239 S volume/proportion of minority patients all significantly altered the effect-combined accounting for
240   Tainting participants with unnoticed odors significantly altered the effects, thus verifying their
241 st stressed when associating with hosts that significantly altered the expression of 184 genes under
242 ed that tetracycline-mediated AREG silencing significantly altered the expression of 2331 genes, 623
243                    In addition, the SFA diet significantly altered the expression of 28 transcripts [
244         Overexpression of PsnSHN2 in tobacco significantly altered the expression of both transcripti
245  (OE) of TSPAN5 in a neuroblastoma cell line significantly altered the expression of serotonin pathwa
246               Mechanistically, covR mutation significantly altered the expression of several genes in
247           Overall, we show that rising [CO2] significantly altered the functioning of mycorrhizal ass
248 HMGB1 depletion in XPA-deficient human cells significantly altered the ICL-induced mutation spectrum
249                   The presence of dispersant significantly altered the microbial community compositio
250 ale association with carbonate minerals have significantly altered the molecular signatures of Gunfli
251              We found that effluent addition significantly altered the physicochemical properties of
252   We found that the genotype with root hairs significantly altered the porosity and connectivity of t
253 nockdown in nCPCs or overexpression in aCPCs significantly altered the quality of their secretome.
254                                      Colitis significantly altered the stability of mucosal RGE.
255                                Use of PET/CT significantly altered the stratification of tumor stage
256 eased epithelial cell height at 18 days, and significantly altered the temporal pattern of plasma FT4
257 ions to modulate aquaporin activity, thereby significantly altering the plant hydraulic parameters in
258 emman (FXYD1) inhibits pump function without significantly altering the pump's voltage dependence.
259 le surface, the hydrophilicity is decreased, significantly altering the retention and selectivity obs
260 hylation of the Sm spliceosomal proteins and significantly altering the spliced repertoire of RNAs in
261  broad effects on the transcriptome of Pf-5, significantly altering the transcription of more than tw
262 NaV channels, Tp1a inhibited hNaV1.7 without significantly altering the voltage dependence of activat
263               We show that treatment for CIN significantly alters the biochemistry of the cervix, com
264 e resonant nature of the nanophotonic system significantly alters the design criteria for the necessa
265                      We revealed that DC3000 significantly alters the expression levels of 71% effect
266                    Importantly, loss of Gcn5 significantly alters the genomic distribution of NER rat
267                These data indicate that PalC significantly alters the host response in the MLNs, acti
268  to demonstrate that trace fear conditioning significantly alters the intrinsic excitability of mPFC-
269                                     FR171456 significantly alters the levels of cholesterol pathway i
270  that ex vivo anisotropic mechanical stretch significantly alters the miRNA expression profile in dia
271  Changing the functional groups on the anion significantly alters the open circuit voltage and yields
272  show that the topography of the environment significantly alters the optimal search strategy toward
273                         Polystyrene grafting significantly alters the physical and chemical propertie
274 e countercation in the borate salt (MB(OH)4) significantly alters the physical properties of the hydr
275                      Phospholipid scrambling significantly alters the physical properties of the memb
276 roduces transient reactive intermediates and significantly alters the reactivity of a chemical compou
277                                              Significantly, altering the block copolymer hydrophilic-
278 e, resulting in their functionalization, may significantly alter their toxicity.
279 o individuals' psychological characteristics significantly altered their behavior as measured by clic
280 tion of ASICs within muscle afferents, which significantly altered their pH sensing characteristics.
281 g parameters for thin film materials without significantly altering their physical properties.
282 -nerve interactions at sites of inflammation significantly alter tissue innervation.
283 ipt analyses revealed that the liaS mutation significantly altered transcription of the genes encodin
284 s (1) the dynamic features of signaling that significantly alter transcriptional regulatory patterns
285 and ZBTB16 as candidate CHD genes because of significantly altered transcriptional expression.
286                    More generally, we find a significantly altered transcriptome in the slow-growing
287         Transcriptional profiling identified significantly altered transcripts in response to RAB25 e
288 d had ribosome footprints, including 56 with significantly altered translation under Pi-limited nutri
289  that the expression levels of 29 genes were significantly altered upon isoprene SOA exposure under n
290                   The ps-ns motions were not significantly altered upon substrate binding.
291  coxsackievirus B3 polymerase mutations that significantly altered virus replication rates and in viv
292 sociated with each ChA molecule or salt that significantly altered wettability compared with controls
293 l of cell-specific downstream targets can be significantly altered when the controlling factor is mut
294               Methamphetamine choice was not significantly altered when the FR response requirements
295 olved in cell energy metabolism pathways was significantly altered, which were further validated with
296 both community richness and composition were significantly altered while in the moist tundra, only co
297 sults demonstrated that the BA profiles were significantly altered with ANIT intervention and YCHT po
298 ehind the binding of these modulators can be significantly altered with only minor substitutions to t
299 c blocked swimming motility but also did not significantly alter Xoo/Xoc virulence.
300 d at positions 365, 368, and 373 exhibited a significantly altered ZO-1 interaction profile, while mu

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