


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he inclusions were also positive for Gallyas silver staining.
2 ted fragments was compared by SDS-PAGE after silver staining.
3 ulfate suspension at 0.7 mL/min, followed by silver staining.
4 as serovar specific for Oag and by periodate-silver staining.
5 trometric identification of proteins than is silver staining.
6 regions was evaluated by neuropathology with silver staining.
7 m each group was determined by SDS-PAGE with silver staining.
8  that attainable for protein detection using silver staining.
9 n, specific DNA-affinity chromatography, and silver staining.
10 sses of about 65 and 60 kDa were detected by silver staining.
11  and 8.0 were observed by immunoblotting and silver staining.
12 by two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis and silver staining.
13 70 kDa and 67 kDa in SDS/PAGE as detected by silver staining.
14 f 52 kDa, 24 kDa and 22 kDa as visualized by silver staining.
15 e gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by silver staining.
16 inals and axons was assessed using selective silver staining.
17 at least six polypeptides were identified by silver staining.
18 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after silver staining.
19 ent protein profiles in Western blotting and silver staining.
20 ed the protein to homogeneity as assessed by silver staining.
21 ed more easily with the SYPRO stains than by silver staining.
22 very weakly with SYPRO dyes in comparison to silver staining.
23 ified to apparent homogeneity as resolved by silver staining.
24 es, as compared to the 100 proteins found by silver-staining 2-D gels.
25  more than 1,500 features were visualized by silver staining a narrow pH range (4.9-5.7) 2D gel in wh
26 y controlled conditions of amplification and silver staining allowed exceptional resolution and repro
27                                              Silver staining and (35)S autoradiography of a single ge
28 ined on tissue sections by using methenamine silver staining and a modified Bielschowsky staining, re
29 of nigrostriatal neurons, as demonstrated by silver staining and a reduction of the counts of TH-posi
30                                       Timm's silver staining and immunocytology reveal a second type
31                                         Both silver staining and immunohistochemistry staining reveal
32  exhibited identical LPS banding patterns by silver staining and indistinguishable genotypes.
33                                              Silver staining and mass spectrometry revealed that the
34         Degenerating axons were positive for silver staining and were found in the cortex, cingulate
35                                    Moreover, silver staining and Western blot analyses showed that th
36 ts of the NKCC1 oligomer by avidin blotting, silver staining, and 2D electrophoresis.
37  P. carinii f. sp. muris cysts detectable by silver staining at 5 and 6 weeks after the beginning of
38 ivo field responses to afferent stimulation, silver staining, calpain-induced spectrin breakdown, chr
39 products, separated by PAGE and viewed after silver staining, demonstrate altered fingerprints for 23
40                                 Amino-cupric-silver staining demonstrated degenerative changes throug
41                                   Immunogold silver staining demonstrated the presence of TN on the s
42 tion, thionine staining for pyknotic nuclei, silver staining for degenerating cells, and immunostaini
43 ound that SYBR Gold stain is as sensitive as silver staining for detecting DNA-with a single-step sta
44 lyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining identified two protein bands with appare
45 O. histochemistry followed by NOS immunogold silver staining (IGSS).
46 age was assessed by measuring the density of silver staining in hippocampal regions CA1, CA3 and dent
47 d, spectrin breakdown products; (b) enhanced silver staining in the deep pyramidal neurons of the fie
48     Secreted SMGC visualized by SDS-PAGE and silver staining is 89 kDa in rat and 105 kDa in mouse, a
49                                        Other silver staining methods and immunohistochemical localiza
50                               Using specific silver staining methods, we compared the neurodegenerati
51 reased argyrophilia as detected by selective silver staining methods.
52                               As assessed by silver staining, neurotoxicity was seen almost exclusive
53 were also directly visualized by alcian blue/silver staining of a purified placenta extract.
54                                              Silver staining of infected brain sections showed severe
55                                 SDS-PAGE and silver staining of lysates of SCV and LCV purified by ca
56 ells depleted of NPM1 presented with altered silver staining of nucleolar organizer regions, coupled
57 I O-Ps were detected by Western blotting and silver staining of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-se
58  by nonroutine polymerase chain reaction and silver staining of skin biopsy specimens.
59                                 In addition, silver staining of skin lesions can help establish the d
60                                              Silver staining of the affinity-purified fraction detect
61                                              Silver staining of the fractions purified from the activ
62 ion was determined by cDNA-AFLP coupled with silver staining of the gels.
63                        SDS/PAGE analysis and silver staining of the protein peak revealed this protei
64 eared as a single 61 kDa band after SDS-PAGE/silver-staining, possessed high lysophospholipase activi
65 trin breakdown products and the intensity of silver staining progressively increased to a maximum at
66 tection was accomplished using two different silver staining protocols that preferentially stained ei
67 as analyzed by hematoxylin-eosin, Nissl, and silver staining, relationships between regional vulnerab
68 lfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses and silver staining revealed a 50-kDa protein that, upon cha
69 lectrophoresis of purified Tf190 followed by silver staining revealed three components of Tf190.
70                       SDS-PAGE analysis with silver-staining revealed no impurities, and 85% of the p
71  SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with silver staining showed two bands, and IGFBP-5 zymography
72     Tricine gel electrophoresis, followed by silver staining, showed that site-specific mutation in t
73  mutant model of human NP-C, by amino-cupric-silver staining, showed that the terminal fields of axon
74 imals was processed for degeneration-induced silver staining, TdT-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end-
75 en with electron microscopy and the de Olmos silver staining technique.
76 alize PCR products by a rapid nonradioactive silver-staining technique using a simple device for stai
77 trast to results obtained with commonly used silver staining techniques.
78 sitivity is comparable to that achieved with silver-staining techniques, but fluorescence detection i
79 ers, we demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and protein silver staining that an abundant component of egg case s
80  Here we demonstrate by SDS-PAGE and protein silver staining the presence of a distinct approximately
81                   By both immunoblotting and silver staining, the purified E. coli-expressed enzyme w
82 polyacrylamide-SDS gels and visualization by silver staining, the purified enzyme showed two bands, o
83                       Our SSCP protocol uses silver staining to detect DNA fractionated on large thin
84  We utilized immunoperoxidase and immunogold-silver staining to examine the morphological features an
85 timulated uptake, followed by Timm's sulfide-silver staining to visualize intracellular Zn2+, resulte
86 n protein and was purified to homogeneity by silver staining using glutathione-agarose, Sephacryl S-2
87            Phosphoprotein spots, detected by silver staining, were identified using MALDI-TOF mass sp
88 is of RNA components by immunoprecipitation (silver staining), Western blotting using survival of mot
89 tein from vFH476-infected cells, followed by silver staining, Western blotting, and mass spectrometry
90 tensive neurodegeneration (cresyl violet and silver staining) when evaluated 4 days later.
91 actose excipient and found the smear band by silver staining, which was identified as beta-lactoglobu

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