


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  THI4p is a suicide enzyme undergoing only a single turnover.
2 he sulfide source and is inactivated after a single turnover.
3 h respect to that of the enzyme do involve a single turnover.
4 onstrates that covalent addition occurs in a single turnover.
5 sation of glycine with succinyl-CoA during a single turnover.
6 e photochemically competent and can catalyze single turnovers.
7 ted, the reconstituted enzymes have in vitro single-turnover activities that are 30-120% of that of t
8 sive in the context of a nucleosome, and its single-turnover activity is reduced approximately 500-fo
9                         Here, using ensemble single turnover and equilibrium experiments, as well as
10 ic step size of TraI was measured under both single turnover and pre-steady-state conditions.
11 the accumulation of three intermediates in a single turnover and the decay of the third is rate-limit
12 G TrCel5A from Trichoderma reesei under both single-turnover and "steady state" conditions.
13  enzyme-substrate complex was analyzed using single-turnover and multiturnover kinetic methods.
14 ructural processes in human ribosomes during single-turnover and processive translation reactions.
15             Studies of ATPase activity under single-turnover and rapid mixing conditions showed that
16                                 In addition, single-turnover and steady-state experiments reveal that
17 lysis assays, nucleotide-binding assays, and single-turnover and steady-state GTPase assays, we demon
18 er rates we have established a quantitative, single turnover approach to evaluate substituent and sol
19                  Using a single-nanoparticle single-turnover approach, we study the redox catalysis o
20   We investigated radical reduction during a single turnover Arg hydroxylation reaction catalyzed by
21                        An in vitro real-time single turnover assay for the Escherichia coli Sec trans
22 demonstrated in both steady-state and pseudo-single-turnover assay formats with BGTP.
23           Analysis of ATP hydrolysis through single turnover assays indicates a surprising substrate
24                                 Importantly, single turnover assays revealed that the reaction was co
25                                              Single turnover assays showed that the ATPase activity o
26        In addition, we use pre-steady-state, single turnover assays to directly measure the rate of h
27                                              Single turnover assays with DHHC2 and DHHC3 demonstrated
28                                           In single turnover assays, (BIP)(2)B only inhibited unwindi
29                             Light-initiated, single-turnover assays have been carried out with the pe
30                             Pre-steady-state single-turnover assays on wild-type 9 degrees N polD wer
31 in-BGTP complex decay by 199 -778% in pseudo-single-turnover assays.
32  that the RIIbeta holoenzyme could undergo a single turnover autophosphorylation with adenosine triph
33 ar Fe(III) concentration, being limited to a single turnover by inefficient product release from the
34                                          The single-turnover catalytic rate constants and Michaelis c
35 ter the observed rate constants of PRORP2 in single-turnover cleavage assays.
36  cleavage 16- to 23-fold, as measured by the single-turnover cleavage rate constant.
37  USP2 using stopped-flow florescence under a single-turnover condition.
38 xtracellular K(+) application to EAAC1 under single turnover conditions (K(+) inside) resulted in out
39               Using(18)O-labeled water under single turnover conditions and native high resolution pr
40                                        Under single turnover conditions in the presence of excess con
41                                        Under single turnover conditions in the presence of excess enz
42 t sigmoidal kinetics are observed only under single turnover conditions suggests that this conformati
43  16 possible nucleotide incorporations under single turnover conditions to eliminate the complication
44 elicase DnaB protein has been examined under single turnover conditions using the rapid quench-flow t
45                                        Under single turnover conditions with limiting tRNA, aminoacyl
46 version of androstenedione to estrone (under single turnover conditions) generated a progress curve s
47 ce the E.coli trp repressor from dsDNA under single turnover conditions, although the substrate is un
48 a cyt P450:cyt b(5) molar ratio of 1:1 under single turnover conditions, cyt P450 2B4 catalyzes the o
49                In DNA unwinding assays under single turnover conditions, the mutant NS3h exhibited a
50 ter 12-bp substrate is unwound rapidly under single turnover conditions.
51 tics with respect to ATP concentration under single turnover conditions.
52 RGS proteins, when assayed in solution under single turnover conditions.
53 A dienolate by solvent-derived protons under single turnover conditions.
54 ompetence and was studied under multiple and single turnover conditions.
55 tant (K(D)) and the Michaelis constant under single-turnover conditions (K(M)*), and those in the (+)
56  by using resonance Raman spectroscopy under single-turnover conditions indicate that an initial brid
57                       Kinetic analyses under single-turnover conditions revealed that I-LtrI activity
58                               However, under single-turnover conditions that are commonly employed fo
59 binding constant of MPG toward Hx, but under single-turnover conditions there is apparently no effect
60 ed oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates under single-turnover conditions using rapid-quench flow techn
61 elicase DnaB protein has been examined under single-turnover conditions using the chemical quench-flo
62                                              Single-turnover conditions were applied, wherein phospho
63  deuterium isotope effect was observed under single-turnover conditions when CF-DXP was incubated wit
64                 Unwinding was measured under single-turnover conditions, and the results show that a
65  change the rate of substrate cleavage under single-turnover conditions, indicating that phosphorylat
66                                        Under single-turnover conditions, the intermediate formed with
67                                        Under single-turnover conditions, the ratios of branched to li
68 , bacterial translation) under multiple- and single-turnover conditions.
69 ed by stopped-flow kinetic experiments under single-turnover conditions.
70 using the rapid quench-flow technique, under single-turnover conditions.
71 ely 500 nM for glucosamine 6-phosphate under single-turnover conditions.
72 examined in various base pair contexts under single-turnover conditions.
73 higher rate than with wild-type mutase under single-turnover conditions.
74 drial encoded precursor nad6 t-element under single-turnover conditions.
75 DNAs are unwound with lower amplitudes under single-turnover conditions.
76 ) 1H and 31P{1H} NMR and ESI-MS evidence for single-turnover conversion of 2 into 1, (d) observation
77                                              Single-turnover cytochrome c reduction data linked these
78 or PheH was determined by global analysis of single-turnover data in the reaction of PheHDelta117, a
79                              Our binding and single-turnover data support a conformational rearrangem
80                                              Single turnover DNA unwinding experiments were performed
81 imeric PvuII endonuclease, we have collected single-turnover DNA cleavage data as a function of Mg(II
82 ssile and nonscissile strands on the rate of single-turnover DNA transesterification and the cleavage
83 ssile and nonscissile strands on the rate of single-turnover DNA transesterification and the cleavage
84  DNA intercalators on the rate and extent of single-turnover DNA transesterification.
85 , we use FRET to examine such changes during single-turnover EF-G-dependent GTPase on vacant ribosome
86 kinetic constants for Cu(I) turnover and for single-turnover electron transfer from Cu(I) to the enzy
87 ssembled cytochrome b(6)f complexes exhibits single-turnover electron transfer kinetics comparable to
88 mation and that the pyrimidine synthase is a single-turnover enzyme.
89                                  Inteins are single turnover enzymes that splice out of protein precu
90  or tight substrate binding because they are single turnover enzymes with covalently linked substrate
91                  Thus, calcium can mediate a single turnover event with either ATP or adenosine-5'-(b
92                                              Single-turnover excision kinetics showed that in additio
93  of hypoxanthine by AAG but has no effect on single-turnover excision.
94 as 44 s(-1) (burst experiment) and 48 s(-1) (single-turnover experiment).
95                                              Single turnover experiments at alkaline pH have revealed
96                                              Single turnover experiments reveal that the rate of tran
97                                           In single turnover experiments using plasmid substrates, I-
98                                              Single turnover experiments utilizing substrate 1 gave f
99                                              Single turnover experiments were conducted using 4'-amin
100                                           In single turnover experiments with NOHA, NO forms only in
101                                              Single turnover experiments with substrate 1A produced a
102 1)) substrates, much slower than k(max) from single turnover experiments, confirming that AP-DNA rele
103            Heavy LDH has slowed chemistry in single turnover experiments, supporting a contribution o
104 tically active in steady-state catalysis and single-turnover experiments and displays the same regios
105  and measurements of catalysis were taken in single-turnover experiments by observing the visible abs
106 ady-state kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) and single-turnover experiments further confirm that slow st
107                                              Single-turnover experiments further showed that both the
108   However, when cell extracts were tested in single-turnover experiments in vitro, where redox protei
109                                Surprisingly, single-turnover experiments revealed that Fpg-catalyzed
110                                              Single-turnover experiments show that the rate-limiting
111                          It is also shown in single-turnover experiments that the DHP Fe(IV)O interme
112 ue, we performed engineered footprinting and single-turnover experiments to determine where and how S
113                This was further confirmed by single-turnover experiments using radiolabeled [(32)P]A5
114                   Pre-steady state burst and single-turnover experiments using radiolabeled [1-(14)C]
115                                              Single-turnover experiments were performed in the presen
116 igh-pressure NMR reactor (WiHP-NMRR) enables single-turnover experiments with active mixing; such exp
117                                           In single-turnover experiments, very small amounts of DHD w
118   We further investigated processivity using single-turnover experiments, which show that SNAREs can
119                                              Single turnover flash experiments and biochemical analys
120 city on Q(A)(-) reoxidation kinetics after a single turnover flash, S-state transitions, and O(2) rel
121                        Photoactivation using single turnover flashes revealed D1-D170H and D1-D170V,
122 e delivery of electrons to PSI in saturating single-turnover flashes) showed a strong correlation in
123 ystem II reaction centre is excited by three single-turnover flashes.
124 earlier studies by others, we have developed single-turnover fluorescence stopped-flow methods that a
125                                        Using single-turnover fluorescence stopped-flow methods, here
126 C2394A mutation did not decrease the rate of single-turnover GTP hydrolysis, the >20-fold increase in
127                                              Single turnover GTPase assays reveal that R9AP co-locali
128 rnover assays, FTIR spectroscopy depicts the single turnover GTPase reaction without nucleotide excha
129 ) release is essentially rate-determining in single-turnover GTPase.
130 oupled to helicase movement, we measured the single turnover helicase translocation-dissociation kine
131 illum rubrum transhydrogenase catalyzes fast single-turnover hydride transfer between bound nucleotid
132                            This is the first single-turnover imaging of a molecular catalyst by fluor
133 our method, we systematically determined the single-turnover incorporation kinetics of all four nativ
134       We describe a method for measuring the single-turnover incorporation kinetics of non-fluorescen
135  the burst amplitude and k(pol), the rate of single-turnover incorporation.
136                          Unlike conventional single-turnover intermediate trapping experiments, these
137                                     In depth single turnover kinetic analysis revealed that H285D is
138                                              Single turnover kinetic analysis revealed the Holliday j
139  good as the archetypal HJ resolvase RuvC in single turnover kinetic analysis.
140 y-state kinetic analysis, and the k(chem) in single turnover kinetic analysis.
141 s considerably larger than the K(m) based on single turnover kinetic and equilibrium sedimentation ex
142 clease has been analyzed in steady-state and single turnover kinetic assays and in equilibrium DNA bi
143                                     Finally, single turnover kinetic assays identify DNA binding as t
144                                        Using single turnover kinetic assays, we found that HIV-1 WT R
145                                 Multiple and single turnover kinetic data support a mechanism where a
146 onducted steady-state, pre-steady-state, and single turnover kinetic evaluation of OGG1 in alternate
147                                              Single turnover kinetic experiments reveal that the reac
148 he enzyme to catalyze the complete reaction, single turnover kinetic experiments were performed.
149                          Here we show, using single turnover kinetic methods, that monomers of PcrA a
150 nsfer to tRNA(Tyr) has been determined using single turnover kinetic methods.
151                             Steady-state and single turnover kinetic studies of these variants, combi
152                                              Single turnover kinetic studies on a construct where the
153                        Direct measurement in single turnover kinetic studies show that pyrophosphate
154                                              Single turnover kinetic studies showed that CTP is incor
155 perchlorate in acetonitrile were measured in single turnover kinetic studies.
156                                          The single-turnover kinetic analysis also establishes that t
157                                        Using single-turnover kinetic analysis, we found that I174S ex
158                                              Single-turnover kinetic assays showed that Pol lambda bi
159  We used steady state, pre-steady state, and single-turnover kinetic assays to show that the multiple
160                                              Single-turnover kinetic data for the E288K variant show
161 ia coli has been studied by steady-state and single-turnover kinetic experiments for the 1-deoxy-d-xy
162                                Unexpectedly, single-turnover kinetic experiments of the coupled PRODH
163                         We have also applied single-turnover kinetic experiments with spectroscopic d
164                By contrast, steady-state and single-turnover kinetic measurements indicate that bioti
165                                           In single-turnover kinetic measurements, multiphasic reacti
166                                    Employing single-turnover kinetic methods, we examined human DNA p
167                                              Single-turnover kinetic parameters were obtained for the
168 nts, both the pre-steady state burst and the single-turnover kinetic parameters were similar to those
169                                              Single-turnover kinetic studies indicate that CmlA is fu
170                                    Moreover, single-turnover kinetic studies revealed that while POP5
171                                  Remarkably, single-turnover kinetic studies show that the enzyme cat
172    For MeP substitutions at the +1 position, single-turnover kinetic studies showed that the activati
173                                           In single-turnover kinetic studies, we show that the Y955C
174                                              Single turnover kinetics for the aminoacylation of tRNA(
175                        It was found that the single turnover kinetics of the parent zeolite crystal p
176                                  Analysis of single turnover kinetics revealed a transition state int
177 se variants as recombinant proteins and used single turnover kinetics to characterize their abilities
178 he k(cat) was 1.8 +/- 0.1/s as determined by single turnover kinetics, and the K(m) was 0.20 +/- 0.07
179 namics of OGG1 mutants were characterized by single-turnover kinetics and stopped-flow kinetics with
180 e post-transfer editing activity in LeuRS by single-turnover kinetics demonstrates that the rate-limi
181                             In this article, single-turnover kinetics have been measured on a series
182                                    Real-time single-turnover kinetics reveal size-, catalysis-, and m
183   The specificity constants determined using single-turnover kinetics showed that uracil and hypoxant
184 nd steady-state experiments, we show here by single-turnover kinetics that minihelices are insufficie
185                                      We used single-turnover kinetics to characterize the reactions o
186                                              Single-turnover kinetics validates these observations, c
187 gation of the mechanism of inhibition, using single-turnover kinetics with polymerase in excess of DN
188 rlie sequence discrimination by MED1, we did single-turnover kinetics with the isolated, recombinant
189                                              Single-turnover kinetics, fluorescence anisotropy, and s
190       Here, using ThrRS as an example, rapid single-turnover kinetics, mutagenesis, and solvent isoto
191      Using a combination of steady-state and single-turnover kinetics, we probe substrate association
192 ydration (pK(a) = 7.6) are needed to fit the single-turnover kinetics.
193 ivated rate of P(i) release were measured by single-turnover kinetics.
194                                Analysis of a single turnover L-Arg hydroxylation reaction revealed th
195 een 1 (lambda(max) = 440, 611, 747 nm) under single-turnover-like conditions at -78 degrees C leads t
196 rod) provide more convincing high-resolution single-turnover mapping results and clearly prove the tw
197                                              Single-turnover maximal rates of reaction are similar wi
198 d by the catch mechanism, were determined by single turnover measurements on myosin-bound ADP.
199 ent to catalysis along with steady state and single turnover measurements.
200                          Kinetic analysis of single-turnover nick sealing by ChVLig-AMP underscored t
201  methods to analyze the kinetic mechanism of single-turnover nick sealing by EcoLigA-AMP.
202 py was used to study heme transitions during single turnover NOHA reactions.
203                    Based on steady state and single-turnover nuclease assays, we have assigned the ra
204                We collected time courses for single turnover nucleotide incorporation reactions over
205                             Pre-steady-state single-turnover nucleotide incorporation assays were per
206                                          The single turnover of (1R)(+)-camphor-bound oxyferrous cyto
207 ent state, the maximum rate constant for the single turnover of DHT (k(trans)) was determined to be 0
208 s oxide reductase (N2OR) that is observed in single turnover of fully reduced N2OR with N2O.
209 te rapidly produces an incipient core from a single turnover of iron, upon which subsequent Fe(II) is
210 mation of E.S reaction intermediate during a single turnover of the catalytic cycle appears to provid
211 sults in an enzyme that appears to perform a single turnover of the reaction.
212          The amounts of glycine formed after single turnovers of different preformed binary complexes
213  in tarantula leg muscle fibers by observing single turnovers of the fluorescent nucleotide analog 2'
214 d using a luciferase readout to evaluate the single-turnover PCSK9 proteolytic event.
215 that the iron remains ferric throughout this single turnover "peroxide shunt" reaction.
216                                          The single turnover pH dependence of pre-tRNA cleavage revea
217                                              Single-turnover pre-steady-state kinetics also showed th
218                      Kinetic measurements on single-turnover processes in laccase established fast ty
219 ivity and a 2 x 10(-2) s-1 fast phase during single-turnover processing.
220         Binding analysis indicates that this single-turnover property is caused by tight binding to n
221 ffect of E6APC820A on wild-type activity and single-turnover pulse-chase kinetics.
222 dical intermediates has been investigated by single turnover rapid-freeze quench and EPR spectroscopy
223   Using tRNAs that are proflavin labeled and single-turnover rapid kinetics assays, we identify one o
224                                          The single turnover rate of 4-CB and ATP to form 4-CB-AMP an
225 is-309 to Asn and Asp-210 to Ala reduced the single turnover rate of incision 5 ' to AP sites by at l
226                         However, the maximal single turnover rate of the FEN EXO reaction also yields
227 rts of the human enzyme, indicated a reduced single turnover rate.
228                                 However, the single-turnover rate constant for alkylation does depend
229 contrast with the steady-state reaction, the single-turnover rate constant for dansyl-GCVLS alkylatio
230 ,N(6)-ethenoadenine (epsilonA) from DNA with single-turnover rate constants that are 2.9 x 10(5)-fold
231                                              Single-turnover rate constants were slowed for heavy PNP
232 on 5 ' to AP sites is so fast that a maximal single-turnover rate could not be measured using rapid m
233 he R258A mutant exhibited an increase in the single-turnover rate of correct nucleotide insertion.
234 ever, kinetic data show little effect on the single-turnover rate of DNA cleavage in the absence of N
235 s the human enzyme seems to restore both the single turnover rates and narrow distribution of fast dy
236 rates reduced Km and increased multiple- and single turnover rates of endonucleolytic hydrolysis at n
237 aps of 30 nucleotides or fewer at comparable single-turnover rates.
238 G1,6bisP (12% at approximately 0.1 s) in the single turnover reaction carried out with excess betaPGM
239                              Presteady state single turnover reaction data indicated that the second
240                                          The single turnover reaction initiated by adding dioxygen to
241                                            A single turnover reaction is observed with this ligand th
242                                              Single turnover reaction rates reveal a salt-dependent i
243                            However, when the single-turnover reaction between (18)O2-P and NH2-CAM is
244          The concentration dependence of the single-turnover reaction further reveals that the glutam
245 ples recovered at defined time points in the single-turnover reaction indicate that styrene oxide syn
246              Here, mutagenesis combined with single-turnover reaction kinetics demonstrate that point
247  in the rcf1Delta and rcf2Delta strains, the single-turnover reaction of CytcO with O2 was incomplete
248 stigated the kinetics of ligand binding, the single-turnover reaction of CytcO with O2, and the linke
249 dent reactions, but this variant catalyzed a single-turnover reaction producing a 0.8:1 ratio of prod
250 e diiron site allows for 50% of a productive single-turnover reaction.
251           In contrast, established rates for single turnover reactions between purified MtrC and Fe(I
252                                              Single turnover reactions carried out with betaPGM, [(14
253                                              Single turnover reactions of [(14)C]betaG1,6bisP with ex
254                                              Single turnover reactions of [14C]ATP and phosphate, car
255                              The kinetics of single turnover reactions of the two intermediates with
256                                   Subsequent single turnover reactions were monitored spectrophotomet
257 of HPPD accumulates two transient species in single turnover reactions with the native substrate HPP.
258 ation and N-hydroxyarginine (NOHA) oxidation single turnover reactions, and in the O(2) reactivity of
259  are somewhat smaller than those obtained in single turnover reactions.
260                                              Single-turnover reactions at 0 degrees C gave styrene ox
261 into a bisthiocarboxylic acid species by two single-turnover reactions in which sacrificial desulfuri
262                                              Single-turnover reactions of N2OR for Cu(Z) and Cu(Z)* p
263                                              Single-turnover reactions of the first and second half r
264                                              Single-turnover reduction of cytochrome c by CPR (k(max)
265 e further show that electron transfer during single-turnover reduction of O2 is limited by proton tra
266 easured the spectral changes associated with single-turnover reoxidation by O(2) of substrate-reduced
267 s of three different sizes in real time with single-turnover resolution, we observe clear size-depend
268                          We demonstrate that single-turnover ribosome-dependent EF-G GTPase proceeds
269 delayed to the third flash during a train of single-turnover saturating flashes, the pattern of O2 em
270                                              Single-turnover saturation kinetics for all 16 possible
271 In this work, a detailed 3D single molecule, single turnover sensitive fluorescence microscopy study
272 copy has been used to image and characterize single turnover sites at catalytic surfaces, but is rest
273 ity of R14-RBD/GL on RGS4 is not apparent in single-turnover solution GAP assays with purified Gialph
274 both receptor-stimulated GTPase activity and single turnover, solution-based GAP assays suggested a c
275 that can be farnesylated by FTase only under single-turnover (STO) conditions.
276 tion to the carboxylases was investigated in single turnover stopped flow and quench flow measurement
277                                              Single turnover stopped-flow absorbance experiments indi
278 the transfer reaction was investigated using single turnover stopped-flow and quench-flow assays.
279                                              Single turnover stopped-flow experiments were used to id
280 (nNOSox) have been similarly investigated by single-turnover stopped-flow and rapid-freeze quench EPR
281 te of the flavin intermediate (Dks = 2.3) in single-turnover stopped-flow experiments using (R)-[2-2H
282                                              Single-turnover stopped-flow kinetics experiments demons
283                                              Single turnover studies on HIV reverse transcriptase sug
284                               Here we report single turnover studies that determine and compare the k
285 rate of the isolated adenylation reaction in single turnover studies was also reduced 40-1000-fold by
286 n (L-Arg --> NOHA or NOHA --> citrulline) in single turnover studies, but the W66F mutant showed a 2.
287                           However, rapid mix single-turnover studies showed that T201A T4moH had a fa
288          Consistent with an "iso" mechanism, single-turnover studies with dGTP and 8-oxo-dGTP hydroly
289                                          The single-turnover time courses, measured for the first par
290 d was also observed using a minimal in vitro single-turnover transcription assay, revealing that this
291  the ligand binding domain using an in vitro single-turnover transcriptional termination assay, compl
292 uterium kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) using single turnover transients shows 2- to 4-fold increase i
293 eaction to synchronize the ribosome during a single-turnover translation.
294 both protein molecules in the dimer during a single turnover, traversing from the FAD domain of one m
295 transfer by intact cells, using turnover and single turnover voltammetry.
296                      Correlation analyses of single-turnover waiting times further reveal activity fl
297 of the arylated enzyme intermediate during a single turnover was measured for wild-type and Glu232Asp
298 the (D)k(lim) (ratio of the maximum rates of single turnover) were 1.06 and 2.06, respectively.
299                                  We assessed single-turnover (with Dpo4 in molar excess over DNA) sat
300 Steady-state activity, regiospecificity, and single-turnover yields were also determined for the T201

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