


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oup size and the number of offspring weaned (sired).
2 r the markers that were polymorphic in their sire.
3 eek to maximise the number of offspring they sire.
4  continued offspring production from a given sire.
5 this system depends upon the genotype of the sire.
6 bility of gametes from genetically desirable sires.
7 ce born to N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-mutagenized sires.
8 ating of Col1a2(oim/+) dams to Col1a2(oim/+) sires.
9 ly the male offspring of cocaine-experienced sires.
10 prenatally stressed (F2-S) or control (F2-C) sires.
11 sires but more daughters than sons via small sires.
12 ended from N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-mutagenized sires.
13 alysis of two SIRE-1 subclones revealed that SIRE-1 contains a long, uninterrupted, ORF between the 3
14                                              SIRE-1 is a family of several hundred dispersed copies o
15                 DNA sequence analysis of two SIRE-1 subclones revealed that SIRE-1 contains a long, u
16                            The assignment of SIRE-1 to the copia/Ty1 family was confirmed by comparis
17                                     A 2.4 kb SIRE-1-specific fragment was recovered from a soybean cD
18 arge, copia/Ty1-like retroelement designated SIRE-1.
19 6 sexually active males; 1,227 reported they sired 2,323 pregnancies (69% live births, 1% stillbirths
20 ed twenty-seven male survivors reported they sired 2,323 pregnancies, and 1,915 female survivors repo
21 e not surgically sterile were less likely to sire a pregnancy than siblings (hazard ratio [HR], 0.56;
22  sired infants, and the most successful male sired a much lower percentage of infants (18%) than repo
23 ly associated with a decreased likelihood of siring a pregnancy (per 5000 mg/m(2) increments: HR 0.82
24      Compared with siblings, the HR for ever siring a pregnancy for survivors who had an AAD score =
25 re associated with a decreased likelihood of siring a pregnancy in male survivors of childhood cancer
26                   Among survivors, the HR of siring a pregnancy was decreased by radiation therapy of
27                             Risk factors for siring a pregnancy were evaluated using Cox proportional
28 -15), 2445 (62%) siblings reported having or siring a pregnancy, of whom 2201 (90%) individuals repor
29 ter, 4149 (38%) survivors reported having or siring a pregnancy, of whom 3453 (83%) individuals repor
30 n P. incarnata and explored the fruiting and siring ability of both flower types.
31                            The same stallion sired all F(2)s such that the two full-sibling families
32 ized to test for statistical associations of sire alleles with progeny response to S. enterica serova
33 n of SD(+) spermatids so that SD/SD(+) males sire almost exclusively SD-bearing progeny rather than t
34 h aberrantly low TRDs that were all multiply sired, although the role this might play in natural popu
35 dicate that the probability that a male will sire an EPO in an available brood is the primary source
36  male to sire EPO, the male's probability of siring an EPO in an available brood and the number of of
37 ch effects: these are a t-test of the paired sire and dam pseudovalues from the jackknife procedure a
38                               The results of SIRE and PZA were 100% reproducible between the two inst
39 nificant at the genomewide level in both the sire and the dam-based analyses.
40        The analysis included 1794 sons of 14 sires and 206 genetic markers distributed across all 29
41 that were increased in the sperm of stressed sires and associated with reduced hypothalamic-pituitary
42 type were over-represented in offspring from sires and dams heterozygous for both LCAD and VLCAD muta
43 ted breeding values of 804 Holstein-Friesian sires and pertained to three bTB indicator traits: i) po
44 osomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 18, 20 and 21) in the sires and progeny were genotyped for the markers that we
45 and males on the number of offspring weaned (sired) and on the number of offspring weaned (sired) sur
46 IF), ethambutol (EMB) (collectively known as SIRE), and pyrazinamide (PZA) drug susceptibility testin
47  designs consisting of 2000 sons, 20 related sires, and their ancestors.
48 ing chromosome-wide significance in both the sire- and dam-based analyses in POP 1, and genome-wide s
49       Y chromosome diversity caused males to sire approximately 63% to approximately 98% female proge
50 gaster, the last male to inseminate a female sires approximately 80% of subsequent progeny.
51  and other biologic differences according to SIRE are frequently reported.
52                            Infected dams and sires are both able to transmit ZIKV to the offspring, m
53 rkoman lineage and that English Thoroughbred sires are largely responsible for the predominance of th
54 We introduce an experimental design in which sires are mated to multiple dams, some of which are unre
55 eriod, their 21 mothers, and all 24 possible sires) at 17 microsatellite marker loci and assigned pat
56                                       In the sire-based analysis, 1695 offspring with trait records a
57 as applied whereby QTL were detected using a sire-based linkage analysis, a sparse SNP marker map and
58                                 Initially, a sire-based QTL analysis was used to detect linkage group
59            These findings support the use of SIRES bicistronic vectors for a better assessment of the
60 ple dams, some of which are unrelated to the sire but others are genetically related owing to an arbi
61 s produce more sons than daughters via large sires but more daughters than sons via small sires.
62              Male AB6F1 (A/JCr dam x C57BL/6 sire) but not B6AF1 (B6 dam x A/J sire) mice developed s
63 and SB records from 90,393 primiparous cows, sired by 1122 bulls, distributed over 935 herd-calving y
64                                Using embryos sired by a heterozygous male, we demonstrate germline tr
65 a preferred male, and one when offspring are sired by a less preferred male.
66 s by the same female: one when offspring are sired by a preferred male, and one when offspring are si
67 nclude that female birds invest more in eggs sired by a preferred male, and raise the possibility tha
68  of female and castrated male pigs that were sired by boars represented by 4 breeds.
69                                The offspring sired by extrapair mates were no more fit in terms of re
70 in fertility, and almost 100% of female pups sired by G-AR(-/y) males younger than 15 weeks carried t
71 ins only from further investment in children sired by her son, and thus has less incentive to assist
72                                         Eggs sired by larger males are less vulnerable to predation (
73 IMA-specific Tregs expand during pregnancies sired by males expressing alloantigens with overlapping
74 ecause there is reduced viability of progeny sired by males with a checkpoint-activating defect in th
75 ng the performance of maternal half-siblings sired by males with different call durations.
76  in terms of recruitment than were half-sibs sired by social mates.
77  correlated with the proportion of offspring sired by that male.
78 oods, with fewer than 25% of offspring being sired by the caring male, although caring males sired pr
79 ly correlated with the proportion of progeny sired by the first male to mate relative to tester males
80 wn that fish nests often contain embryos not sired by the nest-tending male (because of cuckoldry eve
81 ng that outcrossed sibs within families were sired by the same father.
82 -generation full-sibling reference families, sired by the same stallion, in which there are 61 indivi
83 been inferred from the proportion of progeny sired by the second male in double-mating experiments [6
84  was found between the proportion of progeny sired by the second-mating male relative to tester males
85  male donors, they do not reject the fetuses sired by those same donors.
86        Paternity analysis within clutches co-sired by two males revealed that female preferences for
87 ely explanation for observations of multiply sired clutches in marine turtles is that these are succe
88                      Pasture trees had fewer sires contributing to mating events, but pollen dispersa
89 MP-responsive element-binding protein to the SIRE; (d) cotransfection of a human C/EBPbeta expression
90 lable from the half-sib pedigree design: the sire, dam and genotypic estimates.
91                     Genotype analysis of the sire, dam, ten clinically unaffected siblings, and an af
92 lotype panel (128 haplotypes sampled from 32 sire/dam/offspring trios phased in a previous study) led
93           Approximately 29% of diploid males sired daughters, showing their ability to produce viable
94 ns found in the literature, when the between-sire degrees of freedom were small.
95 pic strategy was to choose a single mouse to sire each generation using criteria designed to select a
96                                      Puddler-sired eggs contain 2 to 4 times more sodium than those c
97                           Longer-lived sperm sired embryos with increased survival and a reduced numb
98 umber of broods available to a focal male to sire EPO, the male's probability of siring an EPO in an
99  inherited the callipyge mutation from their sire express the phenotype.
100  dawn chorus, egg-laying and male success in siring extra-pair young, providing new evidence that art
101 ce of selection and genetic background (n=33 sire families for GHR; n=14 sire families for NPY; n=36
102 es for GHR; n=14 sire families for NPY; n=36 sire families for GNRHR).
103 background (n=33 sire families for GHR; n=14 sire families for NPY; n=36 sire families for GNRHR).
104    Trait data from a total of 772 hens in 67 sire families from one generation of the pedigree dam li
105  unravel the genomic architecture underlying sire fertility in Holstein dairy cattle.
106 variants and biological processes underlying sire fertility.
107                     Furthermore, p53-/- mice sired fewer offspring than p53+/+ mice did when both gro
108 maintained on the same diet as their dam and sire for 6 months.
109 ved territories but still chose high-quality sires for their progeny.
110                     Remarkably, offspring of sires from both paternal stress groups displayed signifi
111                                         When sires from T. castaneum are mated to conspecific and het
112 espect to disease etiology or outcome across SIRE groups may not be meaningful; in fact, these differ
113 ating of Mstn(tm1Sjl/+) dams to Col1a2(oim/+)sires had a 15% increase in torsional ultimate strength,
114 drug-naive male offspring of cocaine-exposed sires have memory formation deficits and associated redu
115 hat are successful in sperm competition also sire healthy offspring.
116 o for dams in female-pregnant species versus sires in male-pregnant species.
117 x (homeodomain protein) IRES (abbreviated as SIRES) in place of the encephalomyocarditis (EMCV) IRES
118 aternal relatives of females with which they sired infants, and the most successful male sired a much
119 es lacking Heterochromatin Protein 1E (HP1E) sire inviable embryos that undergo catastrophic mitosis.
120 ntercrosses indicates that the effect of the sire is determined by the sperm genotype at Om or a locu
121 populations, the variation segregating among sires is greater than that found in an earlier study for
122 -living nematode species Rhabditis sp. SB347 sire <5% male progeny.
123 will be F1s and first-generation backcrosses sired mainly by the outcrossing lineage, together with s
124 oxidase (Dao1) in the hippocampus of cocaine-sired male progeny.
125 cial purebred lines, including three broiler sire (male) lines and two broiler dam (female) lines, we
126  and determinants of disease on the basis of SIRE may be identified in these studies.
127  x C57BL/6 sire) but not B6AF1 (B6 dam x A/J sire) mice developed spontaneous insulin resistance, NAF
128                                Sneaker males sire more offspring posthumously, indicating that sperm
129 male remates, and that the second males that sire more progeny either induce females to store and use
130 s is advantageous to both sexes: large males sire more young than small males, and large females have
131           Rare males acquired more mates and sired more offspring compared to common males and, as pr
132 tions revealed that conspecific pollen tubes sired more than 98% of seedlings.
133 converge on a small proportion of males that sire most young.
134 ond male to copulate with a female typically sires most of her offspring.
135                                  Because the SIRE motif is composed of a c/EBP binding site and a cAM
136 the genetic literature on polygamy rates and sire numbers per clutch in invertebrate animals that bro
137 iterature on rates of multiple paternity and sire numbers per clutch in viviparous fishes vs. mammals
138 tion via the stallion Nearctic (b.1954), the sire of the most influential stallion of modern time, No
139   The sterol-independent regulatory element (SIRE) of the LDL receptor (LDLR) promoter mediates oncos
140 isrupted Prm1 or Prm2 alleles, but failed to sire offspring carrying the 129 genome.
141       Finally, yellow-throated sneaker males sire offspring via secretive copulations and often share
142  hybrid males with motile sperm still cannot sire offspring.
143 some genes produced haploid male gametes and sired offspring after assisted reproduction.
144       TB-RBP-null male mice were fertile and sired offspring but had abnormal seminiferous tubules an
145 uality territories, pairing with females and siring offspring, than yearlings with intermediate pluma
146 ent attacks increase a male's probability of siring offspring.
147 d with an unrelated male, the unrelated male sired on average twice as many offspring as either broth
148                                 Inbred males sired only one-fifth as many surviving offspring as outb
149 erty; all 5 males and 4 females subsequently sired or delivered litters following transplantation.
150 ith sires potentiated USV after contact with sires or strange males.
151 sis, survivors had a decreased likelihood of siring or having a pregnancy versus siblings (male survi
152 lus a virgin female (aunt), their biological sire, or a castrated male.
153  skew is high, with the most successful male siring over three times as many young as the next most s
154 clearance events and open-pollinated progeny sired post-clearance.
155                             Pups reared with sires potentiated USV after contact with sires or strang
156                                              Siring probability also showed inbreeding depression and
157 ated additive genetic variance in extra-pair siring probability was larger, although the 95% credible
158            Failure of mab-23 mutant males to sire progeny is due primarily to defective sex muscle-me
159  proteins in the hippocampus of male cocaine-sired progeny, some of which were enhanced near the Dao1
160 ed by the caring male, although caring males sired proportionally more offspring in a given clutch th
161  cocaine self-administration in male cocaine-sired rats.
162 in a four-path selection model that included sire(s) of bulls (SB), sire(s) of cows (SC), dam(s) of b
163 n model that included sire(s) of bulls (SB), sire(s) of cows (SC), dam(s) of bulls (DB), and dam(s) o
164 , male morph flowers were more successful in siring seeds.
165 uciferase [rl]) placed between EMCV IRES and SIRES segments.
166 ng that OM induction is mediated through the SIRE sequence in conjunction with a strong activator bou
167 nc finger transcription factor Egr1 with the SIRE sequence in OM-stimulated HepG2 cells.
168         In vitro, the binding of Egr1 to the SIRE sequence is weak, but is strikingly enhanced in the
169                                          The SIRE sequence overlaps the previously described TATA-lik
170 fspring production from daughters to sons as sire size increases.
171 to ovule fertilisation, governing subsequent siring success and seed production.
172                                              Siring success of non-CMS hermaphrodites was higher than
173                                       Biased siring success was not the result of differential embryo
174            Differences in patterns of annual siring success were best explained by age-dependent patt
175 n because increased male allocation enhances siring success when eggs are abundant.
176 ired) and on the number of offspring weaned (sired) surviving to breeding age (two proxies of direct
177                       Aggressive culling and sire testing were used to minimize its prevalence; howev
178 received pollen from a far greater number of sires than trees within remnant forest.
179 ration in male, but not female, offspring of sires that self-administered cocaine.
180 Bdnf promoters was increased in the sperm of sires that self-administered cocaine.
181  as a sterol-independent regulatory element (SIRE) that is critically involved in OM-, transcription
182 te groups where the chance for the killer to sire the next infant is high.
183  in the other group animals were fertile and sired the normal number of pups/litter.
184  2 to 4 times more sodium than those control-sired; this difference is already apparent in eggs laid
185 rafts showed the gene expression mediated by SIRES to be 4- and 8-fold higher, respectively, than EMC
186 was created by crossing four outbred broiler sires to dams of two highly inbred lines.
187 e sires to produce sons and sperm from small sires to produce daughters.
188                Females used sperm from large sires to produce sons and sperm from small sires to prod
189 ysis used only the offspring of heterozygous sires to reduce the influence of selection and genetic b
190               On average, male morph flowers sired twice as many seeds as hermaphroditic flowers.
191 splants, the recipient mice were fertile and sired up to 80 per cent of progeny from donor cells.
192                                The cKO males sired up to two litters but became infertile due to coll
193 ally as a self-identified race or ethnicity (SIRE) variable.
194 ere found to be significantly higher for the SIRES vectors than for the EMCV IRES vectors.
195  within a single ejaculate are equivalent at siring viable offspring.
196            Singleton pregnancies to a single sire were established by embryo transfer and thereafter
197 evaluated, the Gal3 and Gal7 SNPs in broiler sires were found to be associated with antibody producti
198 95 offspring with trait records and their 20 sires were successfully genotyped for the SNPs on the sp
199 ating, as well as the total offspring number sired when males were second to mate were maximized at a
200  downstream tk gene is 12-fold greater using SIRES when compared with EMCV IRES.
201  the mutation inactivating both ACE isozymes sire wild-type and heterozygous offspring at an indistin
202 benefit from high-quality territories and/or sires with high-quality genes.
203 al behavior and the age at which males first sire young is unexpected.

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