


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nded DNA breaks, and improper segregation of sister chromosomes.
2 mosome supercoiling and remove links between sister chromosomes.
3  during cell division to physically separate sister chromosomes.
4 oteolysis and delayed mitotic disjunction of sister chromosomes.
5 ndergo anaphase B and successfully segregate sister chromosomes.
6 ed direct evidence for active segregation of sister chromosomes.
7 egrates, by utilizing transposon ends on two sister chromosomes.
8 annealing of DNA ends generated in different sister chromosomes after transposase nicks DNA near part
9 n studied extensively in the case of dimeric sister chromosomes and when chromosome organization is i
10 g Bacillus subtilis sporulation, segregating sister chromosomes are anchored to cell poles and the ch
11               In mitosis, the centromeres of sister chromosomes are pulled toward opposite poles of t
12 ominant DNA markers, as would be expected if sister chromosomes are rejoined, rather than the 3:1 rat
13                                         When sister chromosomes are segregated during sporulation in
14  to invaginate, the termini of the completed sister chromosomes are transiently held apart at the cel
15 ntromeric platform may provide a signal that sister chromosomes are under tension.
16 res the ParB*ori complex and thereby anchors sister chromosomes at opposite poles.
17 ration after replication and movement of the sister chromosomes away from the division septum prior t
18 ought to depend on the physical proximity of sister chromosomes, because it is inhibited when chromos
19 nd other effects is that thus far replicated sister chromosomes become spatially separated (individua
20 ell and acts to align and stretch duplicated sister chromosomes before their ultimate segregation int
21 poisomerase-mediated entanglements until all sister chromosomes bi-orient along the spindle apparatus
22 n response to the tension that is exerted on sister chromosomes by the forces of the spindle that wil
23 translocase that facilitates decatenation of sister chromosomes by TopIV and resolution of chromosome
24 t due to an inability to unlink precatenated sister chromosomes by Topoisomerase IV.
25 the nuclear pore, Ig gene hypermutation, and sister chromosome cohesion have all been demonstrated or
26                                       In the sister chromosome cohesion model, replication produces s
27 e findings show that, in addition to loss of sister chromosome cohesion, successful anaphase requires
28  a dark chromatid in close apposition to its sister chromosome containing two light chromatids.
29 e cyclin B (CYC-B(S)) in Drosophila embryos, sister chromosomes disjoined normally but their anaphase
30 nome condensation and orderly convergence of sister chromosomes, diverse stress conditions prime bact
31 , formed by homologous recombination between sister chromosomes during DNA replication, are resolved
32 dinates cohesin removal with decatenation of sister chromosomes during mitosis in mammalian cells.
33 n protein, and are sometimes associated with sister chromosome exchange (SCE).
34   Dimer replicon products have experienced a sister-chromosome exchange event in addition to deletion
35 pansion events are accompanied by reciprocal sister-chromosome exchange, producing dimeric plasmids c
36 rearrangements: simple replication slippage, sister-chromosome exchange-associated slippage, and sing
37  induces deletion formation concomitant with sister-chromosome exchange.
38 pleted human cells accumulate fragile sites, sister chromosome exchanges, and double strand breaks at
39 rmation of and resolution of duplications by sister-chromosome exchanges.
40 f the genome during mitosis by ensuring that sister chromosomes form bipolar attachments with microtu
41                 The basis for segregation of sister chromosomes in bacteria is not established.
42 s imply that segregation of Escherichia coli sister chromosomes is not a smooth continuous process bu
43 ies required at the pericentromere only when sister chromosomes lack tension.
44 , formed by homologous recombination between sister chromosomes, normally require cell division to be
45 al steps in the resolution and separation of sister chromosomes occur at the replication terminus, wh
46 id state appears to be restored by reuniting sister chromosomes of a single meiosis.
47                                              Sister chromosome pairing provides a mechanism for the m
48  some cancer cells or in natural endocycles, sister chromosomes remain paired and produce four-strand
49                                              Sister chromosomes remain tightly colocalized for much o
50 y, we demonstrate that these barriers affect sister chromosome segregation by visualizing specific ch
51 hat consequently, the arm regions of mitotic sister chromosomes separate precociously while cohesion
52      As cyclin A destruction is required for sister chromosome separation [7], a failure in Grp-promo
53 vealing a requirement for Cdc20 in efficient sister chromosome separation and chromosome-microtubule
54 bilization of Cyclin A, a known inhibitor of sister chromosome separation in Drosophila.
55 nction of the protease separase in promoting sister chromosome separation, the role of separase durin
56                Sporulating cells contain two sister chromosomes that are condensed in an elongated ax
57 omosome cohesion model, replication produces sister chromosomes that are paired along much of their l
58 omologues reveal that bivalents form between sister chromosomes, the genetically identical products o
59 d Mps1, may prevent premature disjunction of sister chromosomes, the other, consisting of Bfa1 and Bu
60 oint tension magnitude for properly attached sister chromosomes to facilitate robust mechanochemical
61  Bacillus subtilis involves the anchoring of sister chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell.
62 ssion until microtubules attach each pair of sister chromosomes to opposite poles of the mitotic spin
63                   Yeast cells must segregate sister chromosomes to the opposite sides of the bud neck
64 tion of DNA are the driving forces that move sister chromosomes toward their respective origins, whic
65 e removal of cohesion and catenation between sister chromosomes, two physical linkages established du
66 es of chromosome segregation by facilitating sister chromosome unlinking at the division septum.
67  that FtsK segregates the terminus region of sister chromosomes whether they are monomeric or dimeric
68 ough a nonrandom, zipper-like convergence of sister chromosomes, which is proposed to rely on the rec
69      Four alignment patterns of the two <LR> sister chromosomes within a cell have been detected in a

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