


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nism for increasing metabolic power in human skeletal muscle.
2 For example, cnrip1b is expressed in forming skeletal muscle.
3  kidneys and on urea production by liver and skeletal muscle.
4 ype IA fibers, and mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle.
5 slocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane in skeletal muscle.
6  signaling and glycogen synthase activity in skeletal muscle.
7  diet (HFD) caused insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle.
8 usal role in overload-induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle.
9 alities of other organ systems, particularly skeletal muscle.
10 id metabolism, and insulin responsiveness in skeletal muscle.
11 begun to explore the role of this protein in skeletal muscle.
12 luding the hypothalamus, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle.
13 key receptor for the MSTN/activin pathway in skeletal muscle.
14 ponses in highly metabolic tissues, such as, skeletal muscle.
15 bolic programming of glycolytic myofibers in skeletal muscle.
16 s (MICs) on protein phosphorylation in mouse skeletal muscle.
17  conditional depletion of satellite cells in skeletal muscle.
18 e in positioning of myonuclei and functional skeletal muscle.
19  1, were evident in the KO heart, but not in skeletal muscle.
20 novel exercise/HIF-1alpha-regulated genes in skeletal muscle.
21 sistance, and increased proteolysis in mouse skeletal muscle.
22 A levels of lipogenic genes in the liver and skeletal muscle.
23 the age-related defects that occur in rodent skeletal muscle.
24 ion of the reconstructed microcirculation in skeletal muscle.
25 ween the liver, adipose tissue, pancreas and skeletal muscle.
26 d impact the transcriptome and metabolome of skeletal muscle.
27  along with its known aerobic effects in the skeletal muscle.
28 dance on a protein-by-protein basis in human skeletal muscle.
29  in lipid synthesis in both rodent and human skeletal muscle.
30 such as cardiac, nerve, bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle.
31 pression of the DUX4 transcription factor in skeletal muscle.
32 hence, it may affect regeneration of injured skeletal muscle.
33 n ensure increased oxygen delivery to active skeletal muscle.
34 ed the expression of myogenic markers in the skeletal muscle.
35 for glucose metabolism and insulin action in skeletal muscle.
36 o a strategy to combat fatty degeneration of skeletal muscle.
37 ue alterations in glucose homeostasis in the skeletal muscle.
38 which affects the localization of hVps13A in skeletal muscles.
39 imal limb weakness and nuclear aggregates in skeletal muscles.
40 ck filament length is reduced in cardiac and skeletal muscles.
41 ts and potentiates their positive effects on skeletal muscles.
42  especially in hypoxia-tolerant tissues like skeletal muscles.
43 tem cells required for regeneration of adult skeletal muscles.
44  pharyngeal arch mesoderm that gives rise to skeletal muscles.
45 r neurons and subsequent atrophy of proximal skeletal muscles.
46 bility and contractility of both cardiac and skeletal muscles.
47  proteins that interact with PABPN1 in mouse skeletal muscles.
48  protein phosphorylation that occur in mouse skeletal muscle 1 h after a bout of electrically evoked
49 ificant reductions in GU in multiple tissues-skeletal muscle (36.4%), liver (16.1%), brown adipose (2
50                      In light of the role of skeletal muscle activity in the control of systemic meta
51  developed a method of manufacturing modular skeletal muscle actuators that can generate up to 1.7 mN
52 e IL-6 response to exercise is attenuated as skeletal muscle adapts to training.
53 al interactions among various organs: liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, brain, and the endocrin
54 me profiling of individual proteins in human skeletal muscle after a high-fat diet and resistance exe
55 s chemokine and cytokine expression in mouse skeletal muscle after exercise and facilitates molecular
56                                              Skeletal muscle ageing is characterised by atrophy, a de
57                                           In skeletal muscle, agrin binds with high affinity to lamin
58 esulted in significant lowering of blood and skeletal muscle ammonia, increase in lean body mass, imp
59 ance by promoting specific activation of the skeletal muscle AMPK pathway.
60 es insulin's metabolic actions in the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.
61 tes muscle pathology and improves diaphragm, skeletal muscle and cardiac function.
62 pression, restores SERCA function, mitigates skeletal muscle and cardiac pathology, improves muscle r
63 ntary and obese populations, but rarely with skeletal muscle and elite athlete phenotypes.
64 dine receptor ion channel RyR1 is present in skeletal muscle and has a large cytoplasmic N-terminal d
65 human MiPs can successfully engraft into the skeletal muscle and hearts of dystrophic mice.
66 de insight into novel functions of PABPN1 in skeletal muscle and identify proteins that could be sequ
67  positive progenitor cells from fetal bovine skeletal muscle and induced into adipocytes.
68 osphate-5-phosphatase K, also known as SKIP (skeletal muscle and kidney enriched inositol phosphatase
69  potential role in the communication between skeletal muscle and pancreatic beta-cells under lipotoxi
70 exercise, IL-6 is synthesized by contracting skeletal muscle and released into circulation.
71 , we studied gene-gene interactions in human skeletal muscle and renal epithelial cells.
72 rst time the presence of ACSL6 mRNA in human skeletal muscle and the role that ACSL6 plays in lipid s
73 to mRNA and lncRNA networks in rainbow trout skeletal muscle and their regulation by E2 while underst
74 lin resistance to increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and therefore represents an important al
75 duced hypoglycemia affects glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and whether hypoglycemia counterregulati
76 ivity was higher, whereas sensitivity of the skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue was lower in HF
77 nsforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) in skeletal muscles and at their NMJs.
78 cells, macrophages, hepatocytes, adipocytes, skeletal muscle, and finally, those from microbiota as b
79 rm this hypothesis by showing that, in human skeletal muscle, and in contrast to the current view, th
80 r in the liver, nervous system, heart, lung, skeletal muscle, and intestine and illustrate how macrop
81 e 6 (ACSL6) mRNA is present in human and rat skeletal muscle, and is modulated by nutritional status:
82 cal for nuclear positioning and anchorage in skeletal muscle, and is thought to provide an essential
83 we have performed transcriptomic analysis in skeletal muscle, and plasma metabolomics from subjects w
84                                      Viewing skeletal muscle as an endocrine organ that secretes vari
85                               XLKO heart and skeletal muscle, as well as XLKO Ocy454 cells, showed el
86 though gene regulatory networks that control skeletal muscle atrophy after denervation have been esta
87 netic approaches, we showed that AKG rescues skeletal muscle atrophy and protein degradation through
88                                              Skeletal muscle atrophy due to excessive protein degrada
89 nherited neurodegenerative disorder of which skeletal muscle atrophy is a common feature, and multipl
90  function to modulate gene expression during skeletal muscle atrophy or recovery have yet to be inves
91 ay protect against the inflammation-mediated skeletal muscle atrophy which occurs in sarcopenia and c
92 NAs, miRs) have been shown to play a role in skeletal muscle atrophy, but their role is not completel
93 ported to be elevated in several settings of skeletal muscle atrophy.
94 for the attenuation of inflammation-mediated skeletal muscle atrophy.
95    ABSTRACT: Severe burns result in profound skeletal muscle atrophy; persistent muscle atrophy and w
96                                              Skeletal muscle attenuation and quantity as quantified o
97 erstanding of ecotopic lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle being associated with metabolic diseases
98  breakdown, and device failure of engineered skeletal muscle bio-bots as a result of degradation by t
99 sm through which the circadian clock governs skeletal muscle bioenergetics.
100 ject of intense interest within the field of skeletal muscle biology.
101 lucose infusion), and 3) saline control with skeletal muscle biopsies taken just before, 30 min after
102 a lower capacity for fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle biopsies, along with enhanced efficiency
103 cores greater than or equal to 8 underwent a skeletal muscle biopsy from the vastus lateralis at medi
104         We also found that overexpression of skeletal-muscle Bmal1 reduced the recovery response to s
105 stimulated glucose uptake in human and mouse skeletal muscle by blocking the translocation of GLUT4 t
106  is a key regulator of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle by directly controlling the transcriptio
107 ein optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) in differentiated skeletal muscle by reducing OPA1 gene expression in an i
108 Y POINTS: Severe burns result in significant skeletal muscle cachexia that impedes recovery.
109 dual muscle proteins after exercise in human skeletal muscle.-Camera, D.
110    ABSTRACT: The maximum velocity at which a skeletal muscle can shorten (i.e. the velocity of slidin
111 ApN proves to be a powerful protector of the skeletal muscle capable of reversing the disease progres
112 small heat shock protein (HspB8) in ischemic skeletal muscle cells and enhanced ischemic muscle autop
113 odel of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells by implicating p41ARC as a new com
114 gs between identified spinal motoneurons and skeletal muscle cells in larval zebrafish.
115 t that SIRT6 depletion in cardiac as well as skeletal muscle cells promotes myostatin (Mstn) expressi
116    In vitro (macrophages, endothelial cells, skeletal muscle cells under normal and hypoxia serum sta
117 of stem cell myogenesis (transformation into skeletal muscle cells) includes several stages character
118 ARP2/3 subunit p41ARC is a PAK1 substrate in skeletal muscle cells.
119 panded AR causes damage to motor neurons and skeletal muscle cells.
120                                              Skeletal muscle combines multiple signals that contribut
121 ents of circadian enzyme activities in mouse skeletal muscle confirmed that such timing separation oc
122  from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to initiate skeletal muscle contraction and is associated with muscl
123 tress in metabolic tissues such as liver and skeletal muscle, contributing to insulin resistance.
124 secrete cytokines, including IL-6, to repair skeletal muscle damage.
125    While Bin1-/- mice die perinatally from a skeletal muscle defect, Bin1-/- Dnm2+/- mice survived at
126 er, characterization of the DNA methylome of skeletal muscle demonstrates numerous local methylation
127                                Regulation of skeletal muscle development and organization is a comple
128 d suppresses differentiation of myoblasts in skeletal muscle development by attenuating the function
129 Pak1 and Pak2 in mice has no overt effect on skeletal muscle development or regeneration.
130                                              Skeletal muscle development requires fusion of mononucle
131 Myoblast fusion is an indispensable step for skeletal muscle development, postnatal growth, and regen
132 h1 signaling pathway and miRNAs regulate the skeletal muscle development.
133 ellular syncytial formation is a hallmark of skeletal muscle differentiation.
134 , including reductions in cardiac output and skeletal muscle diffusion capacity.
135 is a common form of congenital nondystrophic skeletal muscle disease characterized by muscular weakne
136 EY POINTS: Fibrosis occurs secondary to many skeletal muscle diseases and injuries, and can alter mus
137  only help to unravel the molecular basis of skeletal muscle diseases, but also provide a roadmap for
138 yosin storage myopathy (MSM) is a congenital skeletal muscle disorder caused by missense mutations in
139 cise training in obese mice with cardiac and skeletal muscle disruption of the Autophagy related 7 ge
140 omplex patients who may be at higher risk of skeletal muscle dysfunction, but the clinical implicatio
141 on via mutations in the II-III loop perturbs skeletal muscle EC coupling, but preserves the ability o
142                                          The skeletal muscle ECM substrates enhanced fiber formation
143 s were formulated (i.e. containing smooth or skeletal muscle ECM) and used to culture MPCs in vitro.
144 e that exhibits anti-inflammatory effects on skeletal muscle exposed to acute and chronic inflammatio
145 romeric voltage-gated K(+) channels with the skeletal muscle-expressed KCNC4 (Kv3.4) alpha subunit.
146               In adult mice fed normal chow, skeletal muscle expression of insulin receptor beta and
147                                    ABSTRACT: Skeletal muscle extracellular matrix (ECM) structure and
148                                              Skeletal muscle fiber atrophy develops in response to se
149                               Multinucleated skeletal muscle fibers form through the fusion of myobla
150  muscle fiber size and increased fibrosis in skeletal muscle fibers of D2-mdx mice compared with B10-
151              These findings demonstrate that skeletal muscle fibers release exosomes which can exert
152  is a synapse formed between motoneurons and skeletal muscle fibers that is covered by Schwann cells
153 enes implicated in structure and function of skeletal muscle fibres (ACTG1), neuronal maintenance and
154                                     However, skeletal muscle fibres were hypotrophic and their nuclei
155 pact of ageing on structure and functions of skeletal muscle fibres, likely to be due to a complex in
156                   Therapeutic strategies for skeletal muscle fibrosis should consider the organizatio
157                              Regeneration of skeletal muscle following injury is accompanied by trans
158 ferentiation and is essential for fusion and skeletal muscle formation during embryogenesis.
159      Understanding the mechanisms that drive skeletal muscle formation will not only help to unravel
160 ce that miR-29a and miR-29c are increased in skeletal muscle from patients with type 2 diabetes and a
161 mitochondrial BCAA management is impaired in skeletal muscle from T2D patients.
162 nces, urge caution in applying CR to improve skeletal muscle function across the lifespan in humans.
163         Mitochondrial health is critical for skeletal muscle function and is improved by exercise tra
164            BPA and TBBPA both interfere with skeletal muscle function through divergent mechanisms th
165                        Our results establish skeletal muscle glycogen as the source of TCA cycle expa
166 Wnt signaling during myogenesis and promotes skeletal muscle growth and overload-induced myofiber hyp
167 s is tightly regulated to ensure appropriate skeletal muscle growth and repair.
168 ro myogenesis and in conditions that promote skeletal muscle growth in vivo.
169 ite cells (PSCs) are important for postnatal skeletal muscle growth, and Notch1 signaling pathway and
170 e lacking Klhl31 exhibited stunted postnatal skeletal muscle growth, centronuclear myopathy, central
171 nesis but that it is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth.
172                              Whereas damaged skeletal muscle has a profound capacity to regenerate, h
173 sease gene, but the requirement for KCNE3 in skeletal muscle has been questioned.
174 s limited such that it is only detectable in skeletal muscle, heart, brain and spinal cord.
175                                           In skeletal muscle, however, its role during physiological
176 nship between neuromuscular transmission and skeletal muscle hyperexcitability.
177 letal muscle mass, was strongly increased in skeletal muscle in a mouse model of stroke.
178                              Regeneration of skeletal muscle in adults is mediated by satellite stem
179  and longer term (8.5 and 18.5 months) CR on skeletal muscle in male and female C57Bl/6 and DBA/2 mic
180 ncreased glucose uptake by adipose cells and skeletal muscle in vivo and ex vivo, increased GLUT4, in
181 vestigated lipid profiles over 24 h in human skeletal muscle in vivo and in primary human myotubes cu
182                   Due to the central role of skeletal muscle in whole-body metabolism, we aimed at st
183 ing computed tomography scans, we calculated skeletal muscle index (muscle area at the third lumbar v
184 acutely alter the DNA methylation profile of skeletal muscle, indicating that DNA methylation constit
185  These results demonstrate the importance of skeletal muscle inflammation in aging-mediated insulin r
186 therapy is commonly used in the treatment of skeletal muscle injuries.
187                 Here, using an acute sterile skeletal muscle injury model combined with irradiation,
188                        Lack of HO-1 augments skeletal muscle injury, evidenced by increased creatinin
189 nical therapy attenuates stroke-induced limb skeletal muscle injury.
190 Ps orchestrates the regenerative response to skeletal muscle injury.
191  potential pharmacological target to improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity.
192     Further, as genome occupancy of HDAC3 in skeletal muscle is controlled by the circadian clock, th
193                                              Skeletal muscle is important for overall functionality a
194                                              Skeletal muscle is the major site for insulin-stimulated
195 arco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle, is essential for muscle relaxation and
196         Lean body mass, consisting mostly of skeletal muscle, is important for healthy aging.
197 gic receptors, which are mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, is significantly reduced in dystrophic
198                 KCNE3 was the first reported skeletal muscle K(+) channel disease gene, but the requi
199 strate uptake and protein accretion rates in skeletal muscle, late gestation control (CON) (n = 8) an
200                                  HFD altered skeletal muscle lipid profiles and up-regulated genes in
201                                              Skeletal muscle, liver, and plasma samples were analyzed
202 mplement previous studies on ammonia-induced skeletal muscle loss and lay the foundation for prolonge
203                                Sarcopenia or skeletal muscle loss is a frequent, potentially reversib
204 an body mass, improved grip strength, higher skeletal muscle mass and diameter, and an increase in ty
205 ostatin inhibition would improve recovery of skeletal muscle mass and function after cerebral ischemi
206 levels and no significant difference in both skeletal muscle mass and lean body mass.
207  current RDA or twice the RDA (2RDA) affects skeletal muscle mass and physical function in elderly me
208                        ABSTRACT: Significant skeletal muscle mass guarantees functional wellbeing and
209                 ABSTRACT: The maintenance of skeletal muscle mass is essential for health and quality
210  found that PGC1beta progressively decreases skeletal muscle mass predominantly associated with loss
211  generate a mechanically induced increase in skeletal muscle mass, but the mechanism(s) through which
212 of myostatin, a master negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass, was strongly increased in skeletal
213 ) and its splice variant PGC1alpha4 increase skeletal muscle mass.
214 ese kinases could play a fundamental role in skeletal muscle mechanotransduction.
215 stantly sensing and responding to changes in skeletal muscle metabolism induced by contractile activi
216                                        Using skeletal muscle microsomes, we examined the effects of B
217  In this study, we measured the stiffness of skeletal muscle myofibrils in rigor.
218  missense mutations in the beta-cardiac/slow skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain rod.
219                                The increased skeletal muscle myostatin expression, reduced mammalian
220 act myofibers were laser microdissected from skeletal muscle of 18 sIBM patients and analyzed by a se
221 ute biochemical and molecular changes in the skeletal muscle of human subjects.
222 ) similar to what is observed in contracting skeletal muscle of humans, and may be an important contr
223 led-related protein 2, was down-regulated in skeletal muscle of ICU-acquired weakness patients.
224 se gene expression and enzymatic activity in skeletal muscle of mice in the corticosterone group rela
225 ecting venular dilator reactivity within the skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats (OZR) is impaired.
226 transition in fully activated fibers of fast skeletal muscle of the rabbit occurs during transition f
227 itochondrial (Mt) biogenesis and function in skeletal muscle of young horses.
228 te is significantly reduced in the liver and skeletal muscles of Cry-deficient mice.
229 al hypertrophic growth were also observed in skeletal muscles of these mice.
230 al role for endogenous cell-autonomous human skeletal muscle oscillators in regulating lipid metaboli
231 in red wine, improves exercise endurance and skeletal-muscle oxidative metabolism in animals and may
232 ons in other metabolic tissues (e.g., liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas) through lipotoxicity and infl
233                        Here, we investigated skeletal muscle pathology in myofibers and myofibrils is
234 a-lowering therapy results in improvement in skeletal muscle phenotype and function and molecular per
235             SIRT6-KO mice showed degenerated skeletal muscle phenotype with significant fibrosis, an
236 , we also assessed structural and functional skeletal muscle phenotypes using dual energy x-ray absor
237 ing 241 exercise-responsive genes related to skeletal muscle plasticity.
238                    A clock gene expressed in skeletal muscle plays a bigger role in regulating sleep
239                                           In skeletal muscle progenitors Enhancer of zeste homologue
240 ues, we hypothesized that OPG-Fc, a bone and skeletal muscle protector, acts synergistically with bet
241 mality in cirrhosis that results in impaired skeletal muscle protein synthesis and breakdown (proteos
242 sents a potential site for the regulation of skeletal muscle protein synthesis and muscle mass, it do
243                     In the young population, skeletal muscle pump was found to drive blood pressure c
244 high frequency hearing deficits and impaired skeletal muscle regeneration after injury.
245            Additionally, burn injury induced skeletal muscle regeneration, satellite cell proliferati
246 tive cells, and recruited macrophages during skeletal muscle regeneration.
247                                              Skeletal muscle regrowth following a burn injury require
248 mation leading to the expression of the main skeletal muscle-related proteins and genes, as confirmed
249 lect nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or skeletal muscle relaxants (moderate-quality evidence).
250                                              Skeletal muscle relaxants are effective for short-term p
251 uscle-specific enzyme in more differentiated skeletal muscle remain unknown.
252 thin hours of exposure to hypoxia in in vivo skeletal muscles remain unexplored.
253 m in several tissues; however, their role in skeletal muscle remains poorly characterized.
254 ferative hematopoietic system, whereas TL in skeletal muscle represents a minimally replicative tissu
255 ocking out or restoring BMAL1 exclusively in skeletal muscle, respectively.
256 genic non-coding RNA with MyoD-regulated and skeletal muscle-restricted expression that promotes the
257 energy and substrate metabolism in liver and skeletal muscle, resulting in hepatic ketogenesis and gl
258 uman alpha-cardiac myosin S1 and rabbit fast skeletal muscle S1.
259 erpoising membrane tensions, syndapin III KO skeletal muscles showed pathological parameters upon phy
260           Changed phenotypes include reduced skeletal muscle size and strength, decreased myofiber si
261 ) in heart failure (HF), the extent to which skeletal muscle (SM) energy metabolic abnormalities occu
262 iet and exercise weight-loss intervention on skeletal muscle (SM) mass and selected organs over 2 y u
263 er of fusion), a smORF encoding an essential skeletal muscle specific microprotein.
264                                 Myomerger is skeletal muscle-specific and genetic deletion in mice re
265 rformed clonal multicolor lineage tracing of skeletal muscle stem cells (MuSCs) to address these ques
266                 Activity of satellite cells, skeletal muscle stem cells, is altered following a burn
267 ight a role for Klhl31 in the maintenance of skeletal muscle structure and provide insight into the m
268 e results provide an approach for generating skeletal muscle that is potentially applicable to other
269  hyperthermia (MH) is a clinical syndrome of skeletal muscle that presents as a hypermetabolic respon
270 ry aim of this study was to determine in rat skeletal muscle the influence of a brief (two weeks) HFD
271                                           In skeletal muscle, the adult stem cells maintain a quiesce
272                         KEY POINTS: In human skeletal muscles, the current view is that the capacity
273 ly expressed with high levels in cerebellum, skeletal muscle, thymus and kidney.
274 n) both in vivo in awake rats and ex vivo in skeletal muscle tissue, with a superior safety profile c
275 ectly engages nutrient signaling pathways in skeletal muscle to maintain systemic glucose homeostasis
276 nce, however, has been obtained by combining skeletal muscle transcript abundance profiles with commo
277                        We conclude that fast skeletal muscle troponin sensitizers constitute a potent
278 iated with CCL induces an anabolic effect in skeletal muscle undergoing regrowth after a period of at
279 3 transcript and protein expression in mouse skeletal muscle using Kcne3(-/-) tissue as a negative co
280 ating TBC1D1 in both resting and contracting skeletal muscles, utilizing a rat TBC1D1 KO model.
281 ts suggest that multi-faceted alterations to skeletal muscle venular function in OZR may contribute t
282                             For the shift in skeletal muscle venular function with development of the
283 nance energy transfer (LRET) between the rat skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodium channel (Nav1.4) an
284  KO results in fatal cardiomyopathy, whereas skeletal muscle was asymptomatic.
285                                              Skeletal muscle wasting is prevalent in many chronic dis
286 t negative and constitutively active Ampk in skeletal muscle, we demonstrate that Ulk1 activation is
287  selectively over-expressing PGC1beta in the skeletal muscle, we have found that PGC1beta progressive
288               Using cultured cells and mouse skeletal muscle, we show that TDP-43 acetylation-mimics
289               EEF1A2-deficient zebrafish had skeletal muscle weakness, cardiac failure and small head
290 d to a synaptopathy characterized by ataxia, skeletal muscles weakness and numbness of the extremitie
291                                              Skeletal muscles were functionally impaired from 2 month
292 body carnitine pool is primarily confined to skeletal muscle, where it regulates carbohydrate (CHO) a
293 gs are in contrast to the frataxin-deficient skeletal muscle, where Nrf2 was not decreased.
294 d ferritin levels were elevated in heart and skeletal muscle, where XLalphas is normally expressed ab
295 ed glucose disposal and glucose clearance in skeletal muscle, whereas insulin signaling in glucose tr
296 ression of the cytokine unpaired 2 (Upd2) in skeletal muscle, which acts as a myokine to control gluc
297 TDP-43 pathology in cultured cells and mouse skeletal muscle, which can be cleared through an HSF1-de
298 ticular, damage to mitochondrial proteins in skeletal muscle, which is a loss of mitochondrial proteo
299 connective tissue growth factor by Pofut1 in skeletal muscle, with additional effects on alpha dystro
300 pha1 -adrenergic vasoconstriction in resting skeletal muscle would be independent of KIR , NO, PGs an

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