


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ve fibroblastic subtypes was predicted using SLICE.
2 d across a whole 300 microm-thick myocardial slice.
3  DHK responses in the intact rat nTS and the slice.
4 n mouse dorsal horn neurons from spinal cord slices.
5 ar palsy and corticobasal degeneration brain slices.
6 e lamina I neurons in horizontal spinal cord slices.
7 tently with previous findings in hippocampal slices.
8 of a more heterogeneous vein coverage across slices.
9 ression in voltage-clamp recordings in brain slices.
10 vely profile single neurons from mouse brain slices.
11 o map nanoscale diffusivity in ex vivo brain slices.
12 f CA1 pyramidal neurons in mouse hippocampal slices.
13 us (LC) neurons contained in acute rat brain slices.
14 alcium signals in mouse acute cortical brain slices.
15 d for representative sections in RP specimen slices.
16 ordings and voltage-sensitive dye imaging in slices.
17 hysical properties have been well studied in slices.
18  with a vibratome and handling of myocardial slices.
19 toxylin-eosin-stained whole-mount histologic slices.
20  using whole-cell electrophysiology in brain slices.
21  settings and correct handling of myocardial slices.
22 nt is diminished in SynII-deleted (SynII(-)) slices.
23 NKL also induced TRAP activity in mouse lung slices.
24 es cAMP in neuronal cultures and hippocampal slices.
25 ed prostate cancers on whole-mount pathology slices.
26 ts, such as single dendritic spines in brain slices.
27  Fbxl3(Afh/Afh) compared with Fbxl3(+/+) SCN slices.
28 in order to prepare highly viable myocardial slices.
29 in cardiac myocyte cultures and murine heart slices.
30  of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in bulb slices.
31  anaesthetized rat nTS or applied to rat nTS slices.
32 fter decellularization of human renal tissue slices.
33 ominent short-term plasticity, as studied in slices.
34 lux in ASMCs within mouse precision-cut lung slices.
35  action potentials in rat (both sexes) brain slices.
36 enerated by a cleavage reaction analogous to slicing.
37 icity and spine numbers in acute hippocampal slices 2-3 weeks later.
38                                 We developed SLICE, a novel algorithm that utilizes single-cell RNA-s
39 erform patch-clamp recordings from SCN brain slices across the projected day/night cycle.
40                    Despite lacking efficient slicing activity, these fish have retained the ability t
41 A1 area of the mouse hippocampus in cultured slices, acute slices and in vivo.
42 tatively analyzed using a combination of 2-D slice analysis and 3-D visualization and counting.
43  specific study and (iii) generic methods to slice and dice data across different dimensions in one o
44 h normal and cancerous prostate tissues were sliced and cultured in the presence of the azide-functio
45 nologies for conducting IHC on intact tissue slices and has great potential to be used in the discove
46        By electrophysiological recordings in slices and histological analysis of the uptake of retrog
47   Multiple particle tracking in brain tissue slices and in vivo testing in orthotopic murine malignan
48  mouse hippocampus in cultured slices, acute slices and in vivo.
49     Despite extensive studies in hippocampal slices and incentive from computational theories, the sy
50 s, microglia, and astrocytes in WNV-infected slices and markedly decreased levels of inducible nitric
51 o no significant difference between MI size3-slices and MI sizefull LV (P = 0.93) with an excellent c
52                      Furthermore, using AAR3-slices and MI sizefull LV resulted in 'negative' MSI in
53 hysiological recordings in acute hippocampal slices and primary hippocampal neuronal cultures showed
54 k channels also occurs in intact spinal cord slices and that it is carried out by adaptor protein-2 (
55 ysiological diversity of HA neurons in brain slices and the effect of their acute silencing in vivo i
56  by acute treatment of both tangential brain slices and the isolated guinea pig brain with the potass
57 neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo.
58 c transmission in young animals and cultured slices, and an increase in postsynaptic density protein
59 of THC was evaluated using acute hippocampal slices, and hippocampal cannabinoid receptor type 1 and
60 n small-diameter dorsal root ganglia, spinal slices, and in a mouse model of pain induced by NaV1.7 a
61 ning recordings and pharmacology in vivo, in slices, and in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, it was
62         Experiments in cultured cells, brain slices, and in living mice demonstrate single-neuron spa
63 luated in cultured human cells, liver tissue slices, and mice with acute-on-chronic liver injury.
64 ative in vivo autoradiography of human tumor slices, and on human data now supports a shift to sstr a
65 ific cell types in dissociated cortex, brain slices, and the brains of live mice.
66 les are firstly scanned to produce grayscale slices, and the corresponding fracture area, length, ape
67 T1 and T2 mapping are more accurate than a 3-slice approach for delineating the AAR, especially in th
68 ovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) using a 3-slice approach has been shown to accurately quantify the
69 ss the MOB and AOB, using an in vitro, brain slice approach in postnatal 15-30 day mice.
70   We aimed to compare the performance of a 3-slice approach to full left ventricular (LV) coverage fo
71                 Adult ventricular myocardial slices are 100- to 400-mum-thick slices of living myocar
72                    Furthermore, since tissue slices are routinely used for diagnostics in clinical se
73 sing the number of perivascular profiles per slice area accessed by IgG by approximately 50%.
74 ed on pyramidal neurons in acute hippocampal slices at 270 DAT, was reduced in epileptic mice but res
75  (SFT) were measured using T1-weighted axial slices at the level of the umbilicus and the upper borde
76       We used the in vitro entorhinal cortex slices bathed in 4-aminopirydine (4-AP) as an experiment
77 nsorial properties and volatile compounds of sliced bread during 90days of storage.
78 icity (STDP) has been studied extensively in slices but whether such pairings can induce plasticity i
79  in dissociated cultured neurons or in brain slices, but not in the intact living brain.
80 odies are captured from perfused mouse brain slices by patch clamping, and lipids are analyzed using
81 l nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) in brainstem slices by recording from retrogradely labelled NTS proje
82  all subjects using short axis and long axis slices by steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequences
83 o difference between the AARfull LV and AAR3-slices by T1 (P = 0.054) and T2-mapping (P = 0.092), wit
84                                      Virtual slicing by means of 2D XRF tomography, combined with hol
85 han acting on the nerves within the pancreas slice, CCK cellular actions directly affected human acin
86 s to infer ancient hominid behaviors such as slicing, chopping, and percussive actions during butcher
87                               In spinal cord slices, clonidine reduced the frequency of capsaicin-ind
88 -induced increase in cAMP levels in midbrain slices, consistent with reported effects of inhibition o
89 ages of the perpendicular and parallel brain slices containing mesh electronics showed that the distr
90            Notably, images of sagittal brain slices containing nearly the entire mesh electronics pro
91                                              Slices containing Pten-deleted neurons showed increased
92                                              Slices containing the adhesive-dentin interface were cov
93 al of this work was to study drying of pequi slices (convective or vacuum drying at 40 degrees C and
94                 All patients underwent multi-slice CT imaging with a triphasic protocol, which includ
95                                Routine multi-slice CT of the paranasal sinuses was performed to look
96 t two radiology departments equipped with 64-slice CT scanners, Khartoum, Sudan.
97 ed 186 cases of NSCLC with preoperative thin-slice CT scans.
98  at 2260 m included CMS symptom score, multi-slice CT, perfusion CT, pulse oximetry (SpO2%), and hemo
99 th 19 pinhole collimators interfaced with 64-slice CT.
100                      This hybrid Organotypic Slice Culture Assay coupled with RT-QuIC (OSCAR) permits
101 ative detection of prions from an infectious slice culture model on a reduced time scale.
102 stem coupled to an ex vivo prion organotypic slice culture model to rapidly advance rationale-based h
103 ibed a novel organotypic 3xTg-AD mouse brain slice culture model with key Alzheimer's disease-like ch
104                            Organotypic brain slice culture models provide an alternative to early sta
105 l-induced demyelination model on organotypic slice culture, in a BDNF-dependent manner.
106              We utilized ex vivo spinal cord slice cultures (SCSC) to demonstrate that anti-inflammat
107  imaging of graded potentials in organotypic slice cultures and in Drosophila.
108 ng platform and that the prions generated in slice cultures are biologically active.
109 dings highlight the utility of 3xTg-AD brain slice cultures as a rapid and reliable in vitro method f
110 ng in vivo treatment are replicated in brain slice cultures from 3xTg-AD mice.
111   Similarly, in organotypic corticoamygdalar slice cultures from immature rats, treatment with letroz
112                      Using organotypic brain slice cultures generated from embryonic mice of various
113  CA1 pyramidal neurons in mutant hippocampal slice cultures that are essentially devoid of presynapti
114                                     In brain slice cultures, Treg accelerated developmental myelinati
115 etection of action potentials in organotypic slice cultures.
116                              We found that a slicing-defective AGO4 was unable to fully recover AGO4-
117 ent detection of peptide elongation in acute slices demonstrates robust translation in distal process
118 metimes also a G-A mismatch) enhances target slicing, despite disrupting seed pairing important for t
119  the protein level is found in patient tumor slices displaying a vasculogenic mimicry (VM) phenotype.
120 tivation of the pathway in acute mouse brain slices drove IN activity despite small amplitude synapti
121 ectroencephalographic (vEEG) monitoring, and slice electrophysiology outcomes were obtained up to 270
122                                      We used slice electrophysiology to measure connectivity changes
123                                              Slice electrophysiology was employed to measure excitabi
124                                              Slice electrophysiology was used to measure glutamatergi
125 r, together with immunohistochemistry, acute slice electrophysiology, and optogenetic circuit mapping
126 approach of gene transfer, systems and brain slice electrophysiology, behavior, and immunohistochemis
127 the addition of IGF1 to acute olfactory bulb slices elicited the GABAergic LTP in mitral cells by enh
128 ut also provides information on the electron slice emittance and energy spread.
129 ofile can be directly related to the derived slice emittance as a function of intra-bunch coordinate
130 ntal area (VTA) dopamine neurons in midbrain slices ex vivo.
131 P-AP delay in vivo and shorter AP latency in slice experiments, is consistent with increased synaptic
132 -AP delay in vivo, and shorter AP latency in slice experiments, is consistent with increased synaptic
133 nts in both cultured neurons and hippocampal slices exposed to E2, while their frequency was unaffect
134 tory cortical neurons supporting the present slice findings.
135                                           In slices, five pairings of subthreshold presynaptic activi
136  introduce a preparation of peripheral nerve slices for patch-clamp recordings.
137 nsgene-labeled markers in a 1-mm thick brain slice from adult mice, and 14 days were required for det
138 ved in layer II horizontal connections of EC slices from 2 month old mhAPP mice, whereas at later sta
139 s using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in slices from adult rats.
140 argeted patch-clamp recording in spinal cord slices from adult transgenic mice that express enhanced
141 ting breast cancer cells in live acute brain slices from an experimental mouse model of breast cancer
142                    We found, in acute rat OB slices from both sexes, that inhibitory synchrony is evi
143                  In contrast, in hippocampal slices from calpain-1 knock-out (KO) mice, application o
144                                  Half of the slices from each animal were pre-incubated in normal art
145 tion in pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices from either sex.
146             This dampening effect is lost in slices from GluA2 KO mice, indicating a requirement of G
147 ered synaptic properties in the BL: in acute slices from juvenile (prepubertal) female rats, wash-in
148 ation of SD in layers 2-3 of visual cortical slices from juvenile rats.
149 dal neurons and fast-spiking interneurons in slices from male and female mice and in the isolated fem
150 urons and POMC neurons was examined in brain slices from male and female mice.
151               In each case, imaging in brain slices from male or female animals revealed electrically
152 did not prevent the generation of LTP in the slices from males.
153                           Blocking mGluRI in slices from mice lacking EAAC1 restores D1R expression a
154                      Using acute hippocampal slices from mice of either sex with genetic conditional
155            Here we show in acute hippocampal slices from mice that endogenous NPY, released in respon
156    Here we use GCaMP Ca(2+) imaging in brain slices from mice to address how nerve terminal Ca(2+) is
157 gs from basal amygdala (BA) neurons in brain slices from mice with channelrhodopsin genetically targe
158 cordings from MSO principal neurons in brain slices from Mongolian gerbils.
159 nced by activation of protein kinase C or in slices from morphine-treated rats.
160 timuli, GFP-identified GnRH neurons in brain slices from OVX+E or OVX female mice were recorded durin
161                          In acute cerebellar slices from postnatal day (P)12-14 mice, light-evoked EP
162 r paradigm, Arc-expressing IGCs in acute AOB slices from resident males displayed stronger excitation
163 on and repeated firing up to 100 Hz in brain slices from Swiss male mice.
164 dependent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal slices from Tg(CJD) mice, which model a genetic form of
165 f highly viable adult ventricular myocardial slices from the hearts of small and large mammals, inclu
166 echnique on contiguous T1-weighted axial MRI slices from the level of the prostate base to the apex.
167 ulation and an optogenetic approach in brain slices from the mouse, we investigated the synaptic prop
168                          Using precision-cut slices from the porcine lung to passage the parental vir
169                                     In brain slices from these animals, single-trial hybrid optical v
170 l and anatomical approaches in ex vivo brain slices from transgenic mice, it was found that 2 weeks o
171  with cancer cell spheroids, and microtissue slices from tumors, and normal organs.
172          Dynamic clamp studies in cerebellar slices from weanling mice demonstrate that synaptic exci
173  confirmed in patch-clamp recordings in bulb slices from wild-type and connexin 36-knockout (KO) mice
174 ly increased following treatment of striatal slices from wild-type mice with quinpirole, a D2R agonis
175                      Here, using hippocampal slices from young adult male rats and mice, we report th
176                Here we demonstrate that MILI slicing generates a 16-nt by-product that is discarded a
177                             At 7 T, a single slice GluCEST technique was used to estimate in vivo glu
178                             Studies in brain slices have led to a model in which rhythmic synchronize
179 pplicability and high predictive accuracy of SLICE in determining cellular differentiation states and
180 and function can be studied using myocardial slices in vitro.
181                  We found that, in rat brain slices, increasing the supply of the physiological trans
182 mouse granule neurons and ex vivo cerebellar slices indicate that ZNHIT3 is indispensable for granule
183 ast partly because Argonaute2-catalyzed mRNA slicing is impaired.
184                Activation of PKA in striatal slices leads to phosphorylation of Ser88, and this is ac
185                Here, Gao et al. extend multi-slice methods to electrons in the multiple scattering re
186 ly integrate data collected in the 'fine phi-slicing' mode (in which the rotation angle per image is
187  culture, IL-34 expression in a rodent brain slice model with intact neuron-microglial networks exace
188      Using cyclic voltammetry in mouse brain slices, nAChR-dependent spontaneous dopamine transients
189               The smallest diameter of supra-slice objects in the Catphan phantom were taken into con
190 tic terminals using two photon microscopy in slices obtained from forebrain specific HCN1 deficient m
191 a of the greatest amount of effusion on each slice of the three slices used.
192                                           In slices of corpus callosum from mice subjected to a demye
193 re the authors study Up/Down states in acute slices of entorhinal cortex, and find that Up states pro
194                                        Tooth slices of human healthy extracted third molars were dece
195 ct, a data extraction tool to export defined slices of liquid chromatography/ion mobility/mass spectr
196 acted directly from the surface of ultrathin slices of liver tissue prior to detection by high-resolu
197  myocardial slices are 100- to 400-mum-thick slices of living myocardium that retain the native multi
198 trophysiological recordings from hippocampal slices of mice lacking PRMT8 reveal multiple defects in
199 cells, in primary neuronal culture, in brain slices of mouse and monkey, and in mouse brain in vivo.
200 h validation in cultured neuronal assays, in slices of mouse dorsal striatum, and in behaving mice.
201 dings from LIII pyramidal neurons from acute slices of mouse medial entorhinal cortex, we find that s
202                               In acute brain slices of murine layer 2/3 cortical neurons, we determin
203 mensional infrared (2D IR) spectra on tissue slices of porcine eye lenses.
204 RP caused sustained excitation of neurons in slices of rat spinal cord.
205 teromer, could then be identified in situ in slices of rat ventral tegmental area (VTA) with MAPK act
206 sions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-develo
207 ted these forms of plasticity in hippocampal slices of rodents.
208 P-TOFMS images relative to the corresponding slices of the 3D mu-CT reconstruction.
209                                           In slices of the central amygdala, DCUK-OEt acted primarily
210 ocaine-induced inhibition of DA clearance in slices of the nucleus accumbens.
211 his paradigm was then used in layers I-IV of slices of the rat motor cortex to determine the percent
212 hoton Ca(2+) imaging in male rat acute brain slices of the somatosensory neocortex, we found that the
213 lf a bowl (65g) of breakfast cereal and four slices of toasted (122g) or untoasted bread (160g).
214 nderstood adaptive pathway links cytoplasmic slicing of target RNA by the PIWI protein MILI to loadin
215           Electrochemical etching is used to slice off single-crystalline AlGaN/GaN layers while pres
216 heir pattern of spread in disinhibited brain slices over millimeters.
217 ne major challenge is to extract tomographic slice parameters instead of projected electron beam prop
218 as determined via whole animal and brainstem slice patch clamp experiments.
219 I was similar between the 2 approaches, MSI3-slices performed poorly when MSI was <0.50.
220                              Using the brain slice preparation for cellular recordings, superfusion o
221             We have developed an organotypic slice preparation of the normal portions of human pancre
222 tudy, we established an in vitro mouse brain slice preparation that retains connectivity across the e
223 ll patch-clamp recordings in the spinal cord slice preparation with attached dorsal roots also demons
224 ayer V pyramidal neurons in an ex vivo brain slice preparation, we found that operant self-administra
225 On the basis of studies in cell cultures and slice preparations, it is hypothesised that synaptic rem
226 ynapses have been performed largely in brain slice preparations, without consideration of physiologic
227 ptogenetics to explore connectivity in acute slice preparations.
228 zation of neurons in the rostral Re of brain slices prepared from adult male mice.
229 aw circuits, as revealed by both spinal cord slice recordings and behavior assays.
230                                        Using slice recordings and modeling of synaptic activity at ce
231                                        Using slice recordings before hearing onset and in vivo record
232                             Through in vitro slice recordings coupled with laser-scanning photostimul
233                               Using in vitro slice recordings, we have analysed postsynaptic function
234 overy from AP depression that we observed in slice recordings.
235                               Human pancreas slices represent excellent preparations to examine pancr
236 R agonist [Thr(4),Gly(7)]-OXT to hippocampal slices resulted in an acute and lasting potentiation of
237 n Scn8a(N1768D/+) pyramidal neurons in brain slices revealed early afterdepolarization (EAD)-like AP
238 N2B S1413L in GluN2A/B-deficient mouse brain slices revealed only partial rescue of synaptic current
239   Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices revealed that intrinsic excitability of DG granul
240  proteins, AGO4 is an endonuclease that can 'slice' RNAs.
241                  In this implementation, the slice selectivity depends on the conductivity of the mat
242 , our experimental data in mouse hippocampal slices show that acetylcholine biases STDP toward synapt
243 ordings from mEC stellate cells in rat brain slices showed that GTx inhibited delayed-rectifier K(+)
244      Patch clamp experiments on hypothalamic slices showed that the mean amplitude of the putative EN
245 stochemical staining of mice and human brain slices shows DAM with intracellular/phagocytic Abeta par
246 rophysiology, activation of mGlu5 in ex vivo slices significantly reduced KCa2 channel currents in la
247 ated secretory responses from human pancreas slices similar to those previously observed in dispersed
248  distances using a mathematical model termed SLICE (statistical inference of co-segregation).
249 tically from transcripts, informed by a thin-slicing study of participant ratings of officer utteranc
250                                              SLICE successfully measured the differentiation states o
251                 AGOs use miRNAs as guides to slice target mRNAs to produce truncated 5' and 3' RNA fr
252 litude increase was observed in neurons from slices that had been pre-incubation in gabapentin.
253  we investigated whether in mice hippocampal slices these distinct forms of LTP are specifically regu
254 120 kVp, current tube time product - 86 mAs, slice thickness 1 mm.
255                              We then applied SLICE to scRNA-seq of embryonic mouse lung at E16.5 to i
256 ippocampal neurons or ex vivo human cortical slices to AbetaOs transiently decreased intracellular AT
257 rdings in rat (both sexes) neocortical brain slices to assess the ionic mechanisms supporting persist
258 electrophysiology in acute mouse hippocampal slices to dissect the roles of P/Q- and N-type VGCCs.
259 ure and multielectrode recordings from brain slices to explore intrinsic excitatory connectivity of t
260 xtracellular field recordings in hippocampal slices to investigate adaptations in synaptic function a
261 uangxitoxin-1E (GTx; 10-100 nm) in rat brain slices to investigate Kv2 channel functions in mEC layer
262 ically evoked NMDAR responses in acute brain slices to investigate mechanisms by which channel blocke
263 omerular stimulation in mouse olfactory bulb slices to measure the synaptic dynamics of afferent-evok
264 d whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brain slices to reveal how nanomolar concentrations of KYNA al
265  of ultrapure silicon is lost as kerf during slicing to produce wafers.
266 2+) measurements in mouse precision-cut lung slices, to simulate Ca(2+) oscillations and changes in m
267 ippocampal LTP, and this effect is absent in slices treated with either a glial toxin or an adenosine
268                                We found that slice treatment with hyaluronidase occluded the effect o
269 mount of effusion on each slice of the three slices used.
270 tage changes in acutely prepared mouse brain slices using 2P illumination.
271 rticobasal degeneration patient brain tissue slices using autoradiography studies.
272 2beta1gamma1 GABAAR pentamers in hippocampal slices using cell-surface cross-linking, followed by Wes
273 with microelectrode arrays and ex vivo brain slices, using whole-cell voltage clamp.
274  universal detection power, and (b) in REMPI-slice velocity map ion imaging (VMI) detection technique
275  failure are shown, demonstrating myocardial slice viability, maximum contractility, Ca(2+) handling
276 and the excitability of LHb neurons in brain slices was higher, whereas the amplitude of medium after
277    Time-lapse two-photon microscopy in adult slices was used to determine the precise molecular-event
278  electrophysiological techniques on in vitro slices, we investigated gamma-aminobutyric acidergic (GA
279 me-lapse superresolution microscopy in brain slices, we report that axons grow wider after high-frequ
280                In cultured neurons and brain slices, we show that Cal-Light drives expression of the
281 s of PKA activity in acute mouse hippocampus slices, we show that endogenous Galphaq-coupled muscarin
282    Here, using mouse organotypic hippocampal slices, we show that the extracellular AMPAR N-terminal
283 n hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in brain slices, we showed that the effects of INaP on Rin and ta
284          Here, in acute mouse olfactory bulb slices, we test how the two major classes of olfactory b
285 ramidal neurons of both primary cultures and slices, we triggered a unique form of AIS plasticity by
286                                   The potato slices were fried in rapeseed oil under vacuum at 125 de
287              For most species, only a few 2D slices were needed to accurately estimate Sm within 10%
288        Subsequently, nucleus accumbens brain slices were prepared, and we tested for changes in the r
289                    In adulthood, hippocampal slices were prepared.
290                                 Then the 2-D slices were stacked to create a complete 3-D image using
291                                         Beef slices were wrapped in special three-layer sheets of pac
292 ional circuit mapping in ex vivo acute brain slices, which preserve in vivo-like connectivity of axon
293  endogenous dynorphin from D1R-SPNs in brain slice while using whole-cell patch recording to measure
294 sectioning of a nanostructured material into slices with 0.34 nm lateral resolution and with a corres
295 adiographic labelling of Alzheimer's disease slices with 11C-PBB3 and 18F-AV-1451 were noted.
296 as well as normal and cancer cells in tissue slices with high accuracy.
297 bined two-photon imaging microscopy in brain slices with in vivo work in rats and C57BL/6J mice to ex
298 novel preparation of living peripheral nerve slices with preserved cellular architecture and used a p
299 mory in young mice, while treatment of brain slices with TIMP2 antibody prevents long-term potentiati
300  for heart explantation, tissue preparation, slicing with a vibratome and handling of myocardial slic

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