


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  sequelae include redness, edema, and tissue slough.
2  with the surgical area and buccal vestibule sloughed.
3 ncident with fulminant rejection and mucosal sloughing.
4  diversity and nursery conditions in Elkhorn Slough, a highly eutrophic estuary in central California
5 ignificant airway epithelial cell damage and sloughing, along with mucus production.
6                                              Sloughing, also described, protects the midgut from viru
7  confirmed the presence of APMV-1 antigen in sloughed alveolar cells in lung tissue from autopsy.
8 MeHg (2-21% as MeHg) in deposits of recently sloughed and accumulated Cladophora in a nearshore topog
9  load in the airway epithelium, which became sloughed and necrotic, and promoted an IFN-alpha/beta(lo
10 massive bleeding from generalized epithelial sloughing and a large longitudinal ulcer proved fatal.
11 kdown of Eps8 in the testis caused germ cell sloughing and BTB damage, concomitant with occludin misl
12 of diabetes dramatically reduced endothelial sloughing and improved vasoreactivity.
13 ere sig nificantly decreased, and epithelial sloughing and luminal cell apoptosis increased from 6 to
14                         Initially, germ cell sloughing and rupture of the blood-testis barrier occur
15 5-4 and DU1090/pDU1212, extensive epithelial sloughing and severe inflammation.
16 on likely prevents epithelial cell death and sloughing and thereby promotes bacterial colonization.
17  superoxide dismutase, prevented endothelial sloughing, and dramatically improved arterial vasoreacti
18 ncluded mucosal ulcerations, epithelial cell sloughing, and inflammation.
19  features were most abnormal (cell rounding, sloughing, and layering; grade 2) and HAF intensity prof
20 ent with higher ciliated cell contents, cell sloughing, and slightly compromised tight junctions.
21 tivity, cytopathology, growth kinetics, cell sloughing, apoptosis, and cytokine and chemokine respons
22 ease of progeny virus, increased apical cell sloughing, apoptosis, and occasional syncytia.
23 esions comprised rare foci of dysplastic and sloughed cells in respiratory bronchioles.
24                   Microscopic examination of sloughing cells indicates they possess highly convoluted
25 is) assemblages, as well as in regions where sloughed Cladophora accumulates, methylmercury (MeHg) pr
26 e present) when vegetation typical of a deep slough dominated the principal drainage outlet of the Ev
27 ace, undergo differentiation, and eventually slough due to apoptosis.
28  walls, as well as by inflammatory cells and sloughed epithelial cells that were located in the air s
29 ity that infections were lost by midgut cell sloughing, explaining why higher numbers of primary infe
30 ions and further degrade the tissue, causing sloughing (flaking) of lesional epidermis, but rapid wou
31 ytes that migrate outward and are ultimately sloughed from the skin surface as enucleated squames.
32 t in acute wound fluids as well as in fibrin sloughs from patients with infected wounds.
33 amellar bilayers; and/or 3) "swell-shrinkage-slough" from hydration/dehydration.
34                                         Skin sloughing has been shown to reduce the number of cultiva
35 hogenesis, the protective role of enterocyte sloughing in enteric ischemia-reperfusion and chronic lo
36                             The reduction in sloughing in the mutant does not affect the overall grow
37 d spores with an exosporium that was readily sloughed, indicating that ExsB was required for stable e
38 ms the root cap and sheds root cap cells but sloughing is less efficient compared to wild type.
39                      Whether these cells are sloughed mature endothelial cells or functional circulat
40 in post-metamorphic amphibians, routine skin sloughing may regulate infection.
41 pithelial cells when conjunctival epithelial sloughing occurred.
42 accumulation of more planktonic phase and by slough of the biofilm surface-adsorbed phase not yet enm
43  and the histologic findings of necrosis and sloughing of airway epithelium.
44  nonciliated epithelial cells, apoptosis and sloughing of apical epithelial cells, occasional syncyti
45 usion, backflow, release of particulates, or sloughing of biofilms from pipe walls had occurred.
46 1,4-beta-D-glucanases may have a role in the sloughing of border cells from the root tip.
47 r of stem cells in the crypts as well as the sloughing of cells from the villus tips.
48 isease, this response leads to the death and sloughing of ciliated cells of the Fallopian tube.
49 ly located for the induction of ACAID by the sloughing of corneal cells into the AC, the results repo
50 ts mediate oxidative stress, senescence, and sloughing of endothelial cells.
51                           From 1 to 3 hours, sloughing of endothelium, formation of thrombi, and depo
52 n ill animals included villous blunting with sloughing of epithelial cells, submucosal edema, infiltr
53 rus to counter the host's principal defense, sloughing of infected midgut cells, by accelerating the
54  tubules, and the loss of this activity upon sloughing of injured epithelia promotes BMP7 signaling i
55 , decreased developmental time increases the sloughing of midgut cells, which is predicted to hinder
56 maturation, degeneration of late spermatids, sloughing of postmeiotic germ cells from the seminiferou
57  in human exposure to the prion agent, while sloughing of prion-infected epithelial cells at the muco
58                                          The sloughing of root cap cells from the root tip is importa
59 ce enlargement, loss of alveolar septae, and sloughing of the bronchiolar epithelium were observed in
60 -FU developed, within 1 week of treatment, a sloughing of the epidermis persisting for 3 weeks, follo
61 estruction of these M cells and subsequently sloughing of the epithelium.
62      Microscopic examination showed complete sloughing of the esophageal epithelium with a striking s
63 d sperm motility, and in several animals, in sloughing of the germinal epithelium.
64 le redundant genes regulating the process of sloughing of the root cap, including AtCel3/At1g71380, t
65 P9Delta hlyA(1)::cat but that it did provoke sloughing of the uroepithelium and bladder hemorrhage wi
66  move up from the basal layer and eventually slough off from the surface.
67 rimarily alveolar type (AT) I cells, die and slough off, resulting in enhanced permeability.
68 preferentially affect cells that are soon to slough off.
69                             Sperm SNAREs are sloughed off during the acrosome reaction, paralleling t
70 Bacterial taxa that colonized the filter and sloughed off in the filter effluent were able to persist
71                In most instances, cells have sloughed off under flow conditions.
72 irculating within the slug, eventually being sloughed off.
73 aled atrophy, impaired cell-cell contact and sloughing off of spermatogenic cells in seminiferous epi
74 pithelial characteristics led to a premature sloughing off of the Cdc42-null epithelial cells.
75 ceptor neurons (ORNs) in the OSE resulted in sloughing off of the OSE from nasal turbinates into the
76 lose contact with adjacent cells, eventually sloughing off the culture plate surface, with most cell
77 f bacteria, at the exterior surface material sloughs off to foil attacks by hosts or other organisms,
78 es, while the edges and bases of lesions and sloughed-off tissues in IEUs in human immunodeficiency v
79 ogeny of a mutated cell will dominate, or be sloughed out of, a crypt.
80  0.04), but only 3 the 17 lesions had dermal sloughing (P = 10(-5)).
81 whether species specific differences in skin sloughing patterns could regulate Bd population growth o
82 he least susceptible species, an increase in sloughing rate occurred at lower infection loads, and sl
83 Australian frog species to Bd, and monitored sloughing rates and infection loads over time.
84 hibian skin, and Bd infection increases skin sloughing rates at high loads.
85                                              Sloughing reduced Bd load on the ventral skin surface, i
86  rate occurred at lower infection loads, and sloughing reduced Bd load up to 100%, leading to infecti
87                               Excessive cell sloughing resulted in fewer epithelial cell layers in sp
88 esophagitis may cause ulceration and mucosal sloughing severe enough to result in massive upper gastr
89 e two-layered embryonic epithelium begins to slough shortly before these primordia fuse, bringing the
90  an increase in circulating endothelial cell sloughing, superoxide anion, and vasoconstriction in dia
91 eceptor blockade reduced the epithelial cell sloughing that accompanies P. aeruginosa infection.
92 -elevation sawgrass ridges and low-elevation sloughs that has degraded due to hydrologic modification
93                  As intestinal cells die and slough, the contained copper is eliminated in the stool.
94 sed significant damage, including epithelial sloughing; the epithelial damage caused increased system
95  These findings indicate that the ability of sloughing to act as an effective immune defence is speci
96 populations from central California (Elkhorn Slough, Tomales Bay, and Del Monte Beach), using multilo
97 spectrum MMP inhibitors ilomastat, CellTech (Slough, UK), and BB-94 were added to the contracting fib
98         During each experiment, a floodplain slough was artificially inundated for 3 h.
99                                          The slough was typically a source of dissolved phosphorus an
100         Conversely, the drop in Bd load with sloughing was only temporary in the more susceptible spe

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