


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  type C lysosomes were similarly buoyant and sluggish.
2 onceptually surface-mediated reaction remain sluggish.
3 trast, granular dynamics are extraordinarily sluggish.
4 se at low temperature, dynamics becomes very sluggish.
5 the intramolecular reactions tend to be more sluggish.
6 contrast, binding and release of cyanide are sluggish.
7 a human homologue of Drosophila melanogaster sluggish-A (slgA), which encodes proline dehydrogenase r
8 bditis elegans result in slowed development, sluggish adult behaviors, and an increased lifespan.
9 ion of the AbetaCu(I) complex is kinetically sluggish and Abeta damage is occurring following reoxida
10 in the "as-isolated" ferric/cupric enzyme is sluggish and without linkage to proton translocation.
11 nsaturated ketones or esters instead proceed sluggish and/or with poor stereoselectivity.
12 fects of sexual vigor (sexually vigorous vs. sluggish) and social condition (housing in isolation vs.
13 emperatures, the exchange reactions are very sluggish, and the materials have properties of classical
14 both primary amines and secondary amines and sluggish aniline nucleophiles at 65-85 degrees C reactio
15 rgy conversion efficiency, mainly due to the sluggish anodic half reaction, the O2 evolution reaction
16                                          The sluggish anodic O2 evolution reaction (OER) always resul
17    Solvent choice is critical, however; only sluggish arylation is observed in DMF or DMSO, whereas t
18 inetics of peptide secretion might not be as sluggish as sometimes thought.
19 heir attention between modalities; but such "sluggish attention shifting" (SAS) appeared only when dy
20 ntal disorders, are considered evidence for "sluggish" auditory processing.
21 ed various cardiovascular defects, including sluggish axial and head circulation, absence of circulat
22     Their vertical orientation suggests very sluggish background circulation below depths of 1,000 ki
23                               Underlying the sluggish barrier recovery in aged skin are diminished mR
24 on kinetics on Pt in alkaline media are very sluggish, being over 100 times slower than in acidic med
25 oton donor past the rate-limiting step and a sluggish buffer that maintains the bulk but not local pH
26 r futile catalytic cycling is low due to its sluggish catalytic activity in yeast.
27 ed polycythemia and hypoxemia, and lower and sluggish CBF compared to CMS patients without cerebral e
28 isplayed growth factor nonresponsiveness and sluggish cell cycle progression; marked telomere shorten
29                                      Because sluggish cells are equally efficient but more numerous,
30                                              Sluggish cells transmitted information at lower rates th
31 ling of the heme is coupled to a kinetically sluggish change in structure or conformation.
32 ea of low productivity and particle flux and sluggish circulation.
33 gh blood retention at early time points with sluggish clearance from liver by 24 h.
34                   This results in a delayed, sluggish cortical S-cone signal which is then integrated
35  nucleophiles, such as aromatic amines, onto sluggish (cumbersome) Michael acceptors without any prom
36         We infer that this was achieved by a sluggish deep overturning cell, comprised of well-mixed
37 nation for why reaction times are usually so sluggish: delaying the mean time of movement initiation
38                                          The sluggish dissociation of bactericidal macrolides correla
39 pin glasses are a longstanding model for the sluggish dynamics that appear at the glass transition.
40 owever, results in severe shuttle effect and sluggish electrochemical kinetics.
41                                              Sluggish electron transfer (ET) kinetics with the specie
42 odized congeners that we attribute to a more sluggish electron transfer from the catalyst resting sta
43 other catechol and catecholamines, undergoes sluggish electron transfer with k0(app) between 10(-4) a
44  to evaluate the possibility that an already sluggish electron-transfer step is slowed by 30-fold by
45 hat M. pneumoniae AcpS is kinetically a very sluggish enzyme compared with those from E. coli and S.
46              The growth kinetics of beta1 is sluggish even at high temperatures, and presumably occur
47 mical reactions that are otherwise extremely sluggish (even with the best synthetic catalysts) and re
48 l: greatly enlarged with incompetent valves, sluggish flow, and delayed lymph clearance.
49 , distended capillaries with leaky walls and sluggish flow.
50 cording intracellularly from large brisk and sluggish ganglion cells.
51  + 4, and these are probably faster than the sluggish GCs that arborize in stratum 5.
52  than the WT LetS sensor protein, leading to sluggish gene expression and a variety of phenotypic pro
53  an inefficient ER retention signal leads to sluggish Golgi to ER transit of COX-2.
54 ns suggest that--far from being geologically sluggish--granite magmatism is a rapid, dynamic process
55 ated gel (CdS@ZAVA gel) can be attributed to sluggish growth of the quantum dots inside the gel matri
56 rticle reswelling kinetics were found due to sluggish heat dissipation (millisecond time scale) from
57 emands, but often limited by the kinetically sluggish hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on the surfac
58 onstrated that blood flow was typically more sluggish in CNV than in normal choriocapillaris.
59               The reaction proved remarkably sluggish in comparison to aminolysis of unsubstituted be
60                             The FDA has been sluggish in considering scientific knowledge about the i
61 ese rare transcomplementing clones were very sluggish in developing, grew very slowly thereafter, and
62 d velocity discrimination is associated with sluggish initiation of smooth pursuit.
63          Because the system as a whole is so sluggish, it is difficult to see changes in indices of c
64 ve been hampered by requiring chemistry with sluggish kinetics and background side reactions.
65 imiting tradeoffs between modest brightness, sluggish kinetics and limited signalling dynamic range i
66                                Improving the sluggish kinetics for the electrochemical reduction of w
67 t years have focused on (i) accelerating the sluggish kinetics of the catalyst at the cathode and (ii
68         However, DUFCs still suffer from the sluggish kinetics of the urea oxidation reaction (UOR) o
69 high DA concentrations), the reaction showed sluggish kinetics on this electrode.
70 andoned because of oxidative instability and sluggish kinetics.
71 ited by inherent large volume variations and sluggish kinetics.
72  show an extremely low light sensitivity and sluggish kinetics.
73 gaster, we undertook a screen based upon the sluggish larval phenotype of known motor mutants.
74 that the ice layer convects in the so-called sluggish lid regime, a unique convective mode not previo
75 on, but not neuronal development, that cause sluggish locomotion similar to animals lacking EGL-8 (PL
76  in the dorsal hypothalamus (DH) relative to sluggish males.
77 t in susceptibility to viral infections, but Sluggish mice displayed high susceptibility to group B s
78 tions in the KLP64D gene cause uncoordinated sluggish movement and death, and reduce transport of cho
79 ofound defects in sperm motility, exhibiting sluggish movement without forward progression.
80 splayed respiratory distress, rough coat and sluggish movement, and subsequent lethality due to multi
81                                   The Map3k8(Sluggish) mutation does not result in susceptibility to
82  fundamental frequency, and smaller and more sluggish neural responses.
83 dothelial transport (TET) is responsible for sluggish NN304 action.
84 e Last Glacial Maximum was neither extremely sluggish nor an enhanced version of present-day circulat
85 l and the noble gases, the transformation is sluggish, occurring over a range of >40 GPa.
86 longer residence time for oceanic fixed N-a "sluggish" ocean N budget during ice ages.
87                                    Otherwise sluggish or completely ineffective radical reductions of
88 ater-driven passive dispersal of gametes, or sluggish or sedentary adult life habits in the absence o
89 hat its physiologic counterpart is a type of sluggish or W-cell with an OFF center, an ON surround, a
90 our calculations categorize Fe(III)-OOH as a sluggish oxidant, as both proximal and distal oxygen ato
91 mes P450 where compound II was shown to be a sluggish oxidant.
92                                          The sluggish oxidants [Fe(IV) (O)(TMC)(CH3 CN)](2+) (TMC=1,4
93 ctrical sources is limited at present by the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in pH-neutral m
94 ale H2 production is greatly hindered by the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) kinetics at the
95                                            A sluggish peroxidase in its native state, when bound to C
96 ted in a genetic screen for suppressors of a sluggish phenotype caused by a hyperactive SLO-2.
97 trols throughout pupation, with particularly sluggish progression through the early stages of mitosis
98 st proton kinetics induce H2O2 formation and sluggish proton flux produces O2(-), proton transfer rat
99 ion to the desired metabolite, although at a sluggish rate.
100                            The poisoning and sluggish reaction rate associated with CO-contaminated H
101          This is because ORR is inherently a sluggish reaction; it is also because inexpensive and su
102                                              Sluggish reactions could be promoted by gentle heating,
103    Yet their use has been limited due to the sluggish reactivity of the weakly nucleophilic aniline s
104 ecessary to invoke other mechanisms, such as sluggish readjustment of the rotational bulge, to explai
105 turant, folding of mPrP(23-231) is extremely sluggish, regardless of pH.
106 e this data to show that in these cases, the sluggish response is most probably due to slow adjustmen
107                             The increasingly sluggish response of a supercooled liquid as it nears it
108                     They discover an initial sluggish response of the hairless tail epidermis to woun
109 esponses to the offset of light and slow and sluggish responses to the onset of light.
110                                  Cells with "sluggish" responses, i.e., lower firing rates, and speci
111  reoxygenation with room air results in more sluggish restoration of depressed cerebral and systemic
112 propriately, but cardiomyocyte production is sluggish, resulting in a ventricular deficit coupled wit
113 elopment remains stagnated mainly due to the sluggish scission of magnesium-chloride bond and slow di
114 bility of LIBs is kinetically limited by the sluggish solid-state diffusion process in electrode mate
115 h may partly explain the physiological brisk-sluggish spectrum of ganglion cell spiking patterns.
116 ed in an enhanced rate of hydrolysis for the sluggish substrate, diethyl p-chlorophenyl phosphate, an
117                   The hPTH response was more sluggish than seen with serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5
118 responses, and that these responses are more sluggish than their mossy fiber counterparts.
119 tances where the amine exchange reaction was sluggish, the Mannich base was quaternized with methyl i
120 rollback motion, flow in the mantle wedge is sluggish, there is no mass flux around the plate and pla
121              They apparently correspond to a sluggish transient or phasic W-cell with an ON-OFF recep
122                                          The sluggish transmetalation rates observed for the preferre
123  the light-evoked sEPSCs and spike trains of sluggish-type ganglion cells.
124 s during detachment can explain the observed sluggish unbinding of cadherin monolayers.
125  Perturbing positive feedback gave rise to a sluggish, variable entry and progression through mitosis
126 rystallography, we show, in contrast, that a sluggish variant of Bacillus subtilis CM, in which a cat
127 ective (DS)], comparing small vs. large and "sluggish" vs. "brisk." Cells in guinea pig retina were f
128 mologies between K pathways in primates and "sluggish/W" pathways in nonprimate visual systems.
129                                              Sluggish was identified in a population of third generat
130  is, fast when they are free in solution and sluggish when they are constrained within closely packed
131 show that this phase transition is extremely sluggish, which led to the observed broad x-ray diffract
132 n, electron transfer from pa-Bfd to pa-HO is sluggish, which strongly argues against the possibility
133 is agreed upon regarding why a fluid becomes sluggish while exhibiting but unremarkable structural ch
134     The spectrally opponent surround appears sluggish, with a long delay (approximately 20 ms) relati
135 ols, the deturgescence process was extremely sluggish, with significantly lower rates and longer t1/2
136  intervention for device-detected AT remains sluggish, with some clinicians delaying treatment and in

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