


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (i.e., temperature, water availability, and solar radiation).
2 s in response to soil water availability and solar radiation.
3 sensitive to changes in both temperature and solar radiation.
4 ias of 0.23 V versus Ag|AgCl under simulated solar radiation.
5 urce, environmental pH, iron speciation, and solar radiation.
6 rface or in volcanic vents in the absence of solar radiation.
7 ps under forest canopies that expose them to solar radiation.
8  energy transduction, and protection against solar radiation.
9 and negatively correlated with the amount of solar radiation.
10 inely subjected to DNA damage induced by UVB solar radiation.
11 fects the extent to which they interact with solar radiation.
12 depth and the consequent impacts on incident solar radiation.
13 tratosphere by smoke, which strongly absorbs solar radiation.
14  preventing skin damage resulting from acute solar radiation.
15  cause scattering and absorption of incoming solar radiation.
16 e against some of the deleterious effects of solar radiation.
17 ed cloud cover and the resulting increase in solar radiation.
18 sphere in the solar system not controlled by solar radiation.
19 erosols enhance scattering and absorption of solar radiation.
20 e epidermal damage seen in response to acute solar radiation.
21 longwave radiation, wind speed, and incoming solar radiation.
22 erogeneity modulated impacts of rainfall and solar radiation.
23 nditions with PAM fluorescence under natural solar radiation.
24 ct against harmful effects of exposure to UV solar radiation.
25  diurnal cycles of the OVOC measurements and solar radiation.
26 getically this accounts for much of incoming solar radiation.
27 , including changes in exposure to mutagenic solar radiation.
28 es them the preferred target for terrestrial solar radiation.
29 ental chemical interactions of canopies with solar radiation.
30 romoting hydrogen production under simulated solar radiation.
31 ction in the stratosphere, blocking incoming solar radiation.
32  to a flow of energetic charged particles or solar radiation.
33 aytime GEM flux was strongly correlated with solar radiation.
34  chemical reactions initiated by high-energy solar radiation.
35 ment distinguished by hypersalinity and high solar radiation: (1) The proteome is highly acidic, with
36                                              Solar radiation absorbed by marine phytoplankton can fol
37 rates the rate of snowmelt by increasing the solar radiation absorbed by the snowpack.
38                         The relation between solar radiation, air humidity and temperature, and pesti
39 ere relaxing with increasing temperature and solar radiation, allowing an upward trend in NPP from 19
40 ainst both elevated metal concentrations and solar radiation, allowing them to persist under the hars
41                                              Solar radiation alone did not inactivate B. subtilis spo
42 describing the dust absorption efficiency of solar radiation, although it is highly variable.
43          Deserts, with a combination of high solar radiation and availability of large areas unusable
44 unstressed growth conditions, total incident solar radiation and average growing season temperature m
45 ns due to relevant climatic parameters, e.g. solar radiation and average temperature, characterising
46  the Earth's radiation balance by scattering solar radiation and by acting as cloud condensation nucl
47 ffectively degrade common organic dyes under solar radiation and can perform very well in photo-assis
48 l Irradiance Monitor (SIM) instrument on the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite
49        With a solar forcing derived from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment data, modeled OH
50 shed solar spectral irradiance data from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment suggest a solar U
51   In high altitude Andean streams an intense solar radiation and coinciding metal pollution allow the
52  in which state b is coupled to a via, e.g., solar radiation and coupled to the valence band reservoi
53 c microhabitat gives protection from intense solar radiation and desiccation, and it provides mineral
54 ir distribution, to different intensities of solar radiation and different air temperatures.
55 on, incorporating a distribution of incoming solar radiation and diffusion of heat consistent with a
56 ation nuclei, oxidative stressors--including solar radiation and Fe limitation--may be involved in co
57 se modified tetrapyrroles for the capture of solar radiation and its conversion to chemical energy.
58 , the periodicity, the incident angle of the solar radiation and its wavelength are varied in the wid
59 flower activity were associated with greater solar radiation and lower rainfall during El Nino years.
60 ompounds in atmospheric aerosols that absorb solar radiation and may play an important role in planet
61 anin counteracts both the adverse effects of solar radiation and of metals.
62  in forest productivity with elevation, with solar radiation and plant functional traits (leaf dry ma
63 Ms) incorporating land cover, precipitation, solar radiation and selected aqueous chemical measuremen
64   The ability of sulfate aerosols to reflect solar radiation and simultaneously act as cloud condensa
65 ated by a sulfuric acid proxy that considers solar radiation and SO(2) levels.
66                   The combination of intense solar radiation and soil desiccation creates a short cir
67                                   Under weak solar radiation and stagnant moist meteorological condit
68                   Nevertheless, variation in solar radiation and temperature at the timescale of hour
69 ormation in the spring and fall when reduced solar radiation and temperatures reduce emissions from l
70 s, despite similar natural forcings, such as solar radiation and the North Atlantic Oscillation, duri
71             Clouds' efficiency at reflecting solar radiation and trapping the terrestrial radiation i
72 -hemisphere heating of haze by absorption of solar radiation and winter-hemisphere cooling due to inf
73 ts including, among others, climate warming, solar radiation, and alterations of atmospheric componen
74 -400 m apart differ dramatically in aridity, solar radiation, and associated vegetation.
75 Vitamin D is made in the skin on exposure to solar radiation, and it is necessary to optimal skeletal
76  linked to projected cloud trends, reflected solar radiation, and model sensitivity.
77 y reference evapotranspiration, temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation together, but nonline
78  (reference evapotranspiration, temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation) in China simultaneou
79  cover with a resulting increase in received solar radiation, and secondarily by a decrease in the st
80 , or fivefold stronger effect than rainfall, solar radiation, and the Multivariate ENSO Index, respec
81  compounds, the scattering and absorption of solar radiation, and the reactive uptake of gas species
82 tures (greater than 50 degrees C), driven by solar radiation, are the primary cause of nitrogen loss
83                       Our findings emphasize solar radiation as a significant driver of mass balance
84    Living in a region of residence with high solar radiation as an adult was also associated with an
85 l microbial agents and simulated and natural solar radiation as light sources.
86 ssful synthesis employing neat substrate and solar radiation as the sole energy source to drive this
87 g-but through an enhancement of net absorbed solar radiation (ASR).
88                      Long-term variations in solar radiation at Earth's surface (S) can affect our cl
89  a reduction of 22.8 W m(-2) of net incoming solar radiation at surface.
90  of longwave radiation and that of reflected solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, this study
91 e and some organic aerosol particles scatter solar radiation back into space and can cool Earth's sur
92 bstantial daytime temperature, humidity, and solar radiation barriers.
93 cts of interannual variation in rainfall and solar radiation between 2007 and 2016 on seedling surviv
94 aerosols in the satellite-observed clear-sky solar radiation budget over the world's oceans.
95 ied with temperature, rather than cumulative solar radiation, but no inherent absorptivity difference
96                       Absorption of incoming solar radiation by aerosols, however, can reduce the clo
97 e gases is offset by increased reflection of solar radiation by clouds with smaller droplets that for
98 ic antenna complexes capture and concentrate solar radiation by transferring the excitation to the re
99                                        Thus, solar radiation, by diminishing infectivity of the paras
100                       Daily skin exposure to solar radiation causes cells to produce reactive oxygen
101                                              Solar radiation causes immunosuppression that contribute
102           The simulated decreases in surface solar radiation, changes in surface and atmospheric temp
103                     For particles reflecting solar radiation, clouds of CO2-ice or H2O-ice particles
104                                              Solar radiation comprises <10% of UV, and thus the purpo
105                                              Solar radiation contains ultraviolet B (280-315 nm) and
106  particularly the ultraviolet wavelengths in solar radiation, contributes to the etiology of cutaneou
107 ts for a quarter of the total opacity at the solar radiation/convection zone boundary.
108                        Incoming and outgoing solar radiation couple with heat exchange at Earth's sur
109  it affects the absorption and scattering of solar radiation, creates cloud condensation nuclei and p
110 d near-infrared range of the spectrum, where solar radiation culminates, but also the emissivity of t
111  and the CRU temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation datasets.
112 ly achievable with a moderately concentrated solar radiation, demonstrating their potential as an eff
113  causes: variation in environmental drivers (solar radiation, diffuse light fraction, and vapor press
114                                          The solar radiation dose in the oceanic upper mixed layer (S
115 l mechanism that contributes to regulate the solar radiation doses reaching the earth's biosphere.
116 et by not only scattering but also absorbing solar radiation due to the presence of the so-called "br
117 time, the presence of RGM was increased when solar radiation exceeded 200 W m(-2), suggesting a photo
118 t high incidence of exposure to HPV, and the solar radiation exposure that people in this region of t
119 suggest the association of this disease with solar radiation exposure, HIV, and human papilloma virus
120 e predominant causative agent is ultraviolet solar radiation exposure, with the majority of cases occ
121 nd mirrors the concurrent global increase in solar radiation fluxes at Earth's surface and may have c
122  stations in the NOAA database combined with solar radiation from the NASA-POWER database were in muc
123                     The temporary absence of solar radiation gives particular insight into different
124  which could convert water to H(2) driven by solar radiation (H(2)O + hnu --> 1/2O(2) + H(2)).
125   Major adaptations on the AS are because of solar radiation, heat, and drought, whereas those on the
126               The DeltaT 0-50 was related to solar radiation, horizontal heat flux, relative humidity
127 easonal cycle is timed to the seasonality of solar radiation in a manner that is suggestive of antici
128  tubular photocatalytic reactor that may use solar radiation in combination with artificial radiation
129 itivity of plants under the broad spectra of solar radiation in nature.
130 ment in response to different wavelengths of solar radiation in nature.
131                    Due to the attenuation of solar radiation in the indoor environment, the possibili
132 ate climate change by intentionally reducing solar radiation incident on Earth's surface.
133 tal productivity is the product of the total solar radiation incident per unit land area and the effi
134 ed uniform photoprotective responses to high solar radiation, including increased de-epoxidation of p
135 aches based on satellite indices of absorbed solar radiation indicate marked heterogeneity in NPP for
136 , we demonstrate that UV-B levels present in solar radiation inhibit maize (Zea mays) leaf growth wit
137         The optical conversion of incoherent solar radiation into a bright, coherent laser beam enabl
138 Using photovoltaics (PV) to directly convert solar radiation into electricity for battery electric ve
139 erns in a lake survey: higher penetration of solar radiation into lakes correlated with smaller epide
140 the aerosol effect on the shallow clouds and solar radiation is -11 +/- 3 W/m2 for the 3 months studi
141  energy contained with the UV wavelengths of solar radiation is absorbed within the epidermis and upp
142                                     UVB from solar radiation is both an initiating and promoting agen
143 ops and increasing the efficiency with which solar radiation is converted into biomass has recently b
144             Thus the spectral composition of solar radiation is crucial in determining atmospheric st
145  model of Triton's atmosphere, in which only solar radiation is present, predicts a large column of c
146  spectral range of 290-320 nm of terrestrial solar radiation is responsible for formation of cyclobut
147 ction, even in rainforests where much of the solar radiation is shielded by the forest canopy.
148 ucture, as a broader part of the spectrum of solar radiation is used and the thermalization loss of p
149 oling of the climate may provide a basis for solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering.
150  "upstream" climate interventions, including solar radiation management techniques and carbon dioxide
151 , the changes are related to obliquity-paced solar radiation, manifest as variations in total summer
152                The parasite's sensitivity to solar radiation may underlie patterns in a lake survey:
153 model simulation and the other inferred from solar radiation measurements made over a 12-year period
154 all (positive at the C. panamensis site) and solar radiation (negative at the C. panamensis and Cyper
155  compensated by their reflection of incoming solar radiation (negative radiative forcing).
156 V radiation obscured facilitative effects of solar radiation on biotic decomposition.
157                        The effects of pH and solar radiation on Fe dissolution have also been explore
158 fects of pH, simulated cloud processing, and solar radiation on iron solubility have been explored.
159 f daily minimum and maximum temperatures and solar radiation on rice yields in tropical/subtropical A
160  studies have examined the effects of non-UV solar radiation on skin physiology.
161      We evaluated the effect of cultivar and solar radiation on the melatonin content of Capsicum ann
162  has amplified the effects on temperature of solar radiation on west-facing slopes.
163  exert a systematic modulating effect on the solar radiation penetrating into the subsurface layers,
164 meters of 0.2 to 0.4 micrometer experience a solar radiation pressure force as much as twice the forc
165 of the 2- to 4-astronomical unit region, the solar radiation pressure must be 1.4 to 1.8 times the fo
166 ch 2009, evolving slowly under the action of solar radiation pressure, in agreement with independent
167 imate balance of gravitational attraction by solar radiation pressure.
168 craft, autonomously stabilized by modulating solar radiation pressure.
169                        UVB is a component of solar radiation primarily responsible for causing damage
170 ers (i.e., TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles) under solar radiation produces significant amounts of hydrogen
171         Renewable natural resources, such as solar radiation, rainfall, wind, and geothermal heat, to
172 t wavelengths as long as 355 nm pertinent to solar radiation reaching a large portion of Titan's atmo
173  severe aerosol pollution over China reduces solar radiation reaching the surface.
174                                              Solar radiation reaching this planet is distributed over
175 they influence climate by absorbing incoming solar radiation resulting in a highly uncertain warming
176                         At low latitudes the solar radiation should result in a weak planet-wide glow
177                    It was found that surface solar radiation (SSR) decreased considerably with wind s
178     Most proposals involve managing incoming solar radiation such that future greenhouse gas forcing
179 rge sample exposed to high levels of ambient solar radiation, sun protection and skin examination pra
180  witnessed strong negative trends of surface solar radiation, surface evaporation, and summer monsoon
181 ment probably due to varying factors such as solar radiation, temperature, brine volume, and atmosphe
182 ssessed considering environmental variables (solar radiation, temperature, chlorophyll a concentratio
183              The AS receives 200-800% higher solar radiation than the ES.
184 e the spectral components of the ultraviolet solar radiation that cause significant oxidative damage
185 rth's albedo, i.e., the fraction of incident solar radiation that is reflected back to space.
186 rations have a large impact on the amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface.
187 nditions, such as atmospheric turbulence and solar radiation, that affect CO(2) exchange between leav
188  direct and indirect reduction of short-wave solar radiation, the increased cloudiness and cloud liqu
189           Apart from broadband absorption of solar radiation, the performance of photovoltaic devices
190 truments that measure spectral extinction of solar radiation throughout the entire atmosphere.
191 efficiency with which plant canopies convert solar radiation to biomass, we provide an upper-envelope
192 n memory of recent trends in temperature and solar radiation to decide whether to feed on a particula
193 h, which uses the large per-photon energy of solar radiation to excite electrons, as in photovoltaic
194 re optically thin enough to allow sufficient solar radiation to penetrate through them and raise surf
195 iour that will enable the dynamic control of solar radiation transmittance through windows.
196 ime series, an anomalous diffusion model for solar radiation transport in the cloudy atmosphere, and
197 rms of strong decreases in measured incident solar radiation up to the mid-1980s, has monotonically i
198 gy input via leaf litter, increased incident solar radiation (UV and PAR) and increased algal product
199 oxidative environment, including ultraviolet solar radiation (UVR).
200 y changes in air temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit and frost at a s
201 st electron transport in leaves under canopy solar radiation was shown to be a major contributor to t
202    Significant variables (p < 0.05) included solar radiation, water temperature and water conductivit
203     In contrast, community-wide responses to solar radiation were predominantly positive.
204 ce and amount are primarily driven by summer solar radiation, which is controlled by the Earth's prec
205   Black carbon (BC) aerosol strongly absorbs solar radiation, which warms climate.
206 ely linked to elevated temperatures and high solar radiation, while the sensory profiles displayed ma
207  Increasing sea levels and altered rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed, waves, and oceanic currents
208  surface air also showed more net heating by solar radiation, with operative temperatures up to 4 deg
209 cal melanoma risk factor is ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation, with the highest risk associated with i

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