


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 here, ages are relative to the origin of the Solar System).
2 he first steps of formation of solids in our Solar System.
3 similar to the ratios in rocky bodies in the Solar System.
4 tic activity among these bodies in the early Solar System.
5 hich occurs on airless bodies throughout the solar system.
6 s of atmospheric circulation not seen in the solar system.
7 of finding habitable environments beyond the solar system.
8  surprisingly so, as they are missing in our solar system.
9 s a potentially important constituent in the solar system.
10 nts to a dramatic early history of the inner Solar System.
11 usively around the four giant planets in the Solar System.
12 odies is a ubiquitous process throughout the solar system.
13  chaotic planetary system reminiscent of the solar system.
14  other dynamically stable populations in the Solar System.
15 tudy volatile element depletion in the early solar system.
16 unusual processes that occurred in the early solar system.
17 adiation event during accretion in the early solar system.
18 knowledge of smaller meteoroids in the outer solar system.
19 nd that are smaller than those we see in the Solar System.
20 iscent of the orderly arrangement within the solar system.
21 lar oxygen isotopic composition of the inner solar system.
22 ive remnants of planetesimals from the early Solar System.
23 150 million years after the formation of the solar system.
24 ast than any adjacent pair of planets in the solar system.
25 d have also been discovered elsewhere in the Solar System.
26 0 million years (Myr) after the birth of the Solar System.
27 eme environments on Earth and throughout the Solar System.
28 ogical and geochemical systems and the early Solar System.
29  of water and organic compounds in the early solar system.
30 l to the use of comets in studying the early solar system.
31 ng the most highly reflective objects in the Solar System.
32  a large short-period comet within the inner Solar System.
33 een in the atmospheres of planets in our own Solar System.
34 ad dates that define the absolute age of the solar system.
35 olar System bodies record the history of our Solar System.
36 atmosphere can also differ from those in the Solar System.
37  on the TRAPPIST-1 planets compared with the solar system.
38 ct imply a much younger age than that of the solar system.
39 d diversity of early-formed materials in the Solar System.
40 ture between Earth and the ice giants of the Solar System.
41 ter systems) must be much weaker than in the Solar System.
42 t are dynamically stable over the age of the Solar System.
43 e Kuiper belt is a remnant of the primordial Solar System.
44 nd evolution of life on Earth and within our solar system.
45 st such structure thus far identified in the Solar System.
46 f properties is unique among vortices in the solar system.
47 c processes that operated in the early inner solar system.
48 re the injection of radiogenic 26Al into the solar system.
49 arth and where to seek life elsewhere in the Solar System.
50 r nucleosynthetic contributions to the early solar system.
51 alter the spin states of small bodies in the solar system.
52 vide insight into the evolution of the outer Solar System.
53 ic radar observations of a small body in the solar system.
54 onent of the original building blocks of the solar system.
55 e to its primary, than any other moon in the Solar System.
56 an ancient (per)chlorate presence across our solar system.
57  largest volcanic complex on Mars and in the Solar System.
58  in planetesimals that accreted in the outer Solar System.
59 al collapse that led to the formation of the solar system.
60 icle aggregation during the formation of the Solar System.
61 es are abundant on rocky bodies of the inner solar system.
62 rganic-rich asteroids that reside within the Solar System.
63 ate its magnetic field, the strongest in the solar system.
64  ago and on the origin of water in the inner Solar System.
65  not previously definitively observed in the Solar System.
66 cording early delivery of water to the inner Solar System.
67 y to addressing numerous questions about our solar system.
68 e, by analogy with other large basins in the Solar System.
69 gradually losing volume, over the age of the Solar System.
70 l-rich molecular cloud material in the inner Solar System.
71 oon and the bombardment history of the early Solar System.
72 ized cometesimals in the early stages of the Solar System.
73 out its formation and evolution in the early solar system.
74 agreement with the observed structure of the Solar System.
75 nation compared with other reservoirs in the solar system.
76  the search for life on other planets in our solar system.
77 s in the interstellar medium or in the outer solar system.
78  of the large nitrogen isotopic range in the solar system.
79 e ubiquitous in planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
80 ities far greater than those observed in our Solar System.
81 t are inconsistent with the structure of the Solar System.
82 arable to the mass of large asteroids in the Solar System.
83  preserve material from the formation of the solar system.
84 t of a meteorite, likely formed in the early solar system about 4.5 Gya.
85 stent with previous estimates of the initial solar system abundance of 146Sm and a 142Nd/144Nd at ave
86  evidence for organic synthesis in the early solar system activated by an anomalous nitrogen-containi
87   The timing of water accretion to the inner solar system also has implications for how and when life
88 microlensing planet detections suggests that solar system analogs may be common.
89 y of planetary systems, yet the frequency of solar system analogs remains unknown.
90 m material more carbon-rich than expected of Solar System analogues.
91 sols are common among the atmospheres of our solar system and beyond.
92  dynamics in a diverse set of planets in the Solar System and elsewhere.
93 tury from observations of planets in our own Solar System and has served as a cornerstone of planet-f
94 dditional formation mechanism for GWs in the solar system and indicates that the Moon contains a reco
95 on with low temperature ices relevant to the solar system and interstellar medium.
96 ail is the largest cohesive structure in the solar system and marks the loss of vast numbers of heavy
97 implications for the origins of water in the solar system and other astrophysical environments.
98 n, another radionuclide present in the early solar system and produced in the same events.
99 one of the oldest hydrogen reservoirs in the solar system and show that Vesta contains the same hydro
100  of interplanetary dust throughout the inner solar system and the associated impacts on Mars's atmosp
101 ve determined the evolutionary course of our Solar System and the planetary bodies within it.
102  surfaces of small rocky bodies in the inner solar system and their spatial and size distributions gi
103 rial formed at high temperature in the inner solar system and transported to the Kuiper belt before c
104 This configuration is similar to that of our Solar System, and contrasts with the isolated hot Jupite
105 s perhaps the most important molecule in the solar system, and determining its origin and distributio
106    Thus, Jupiter is the oldest planet of the Solar System, and its solid core formed well before the
107 es on the terrestrial planets throughout the solar system, and on at least Earth and Mars impacts hav
108 , the study of isotopic heterogeneity in the Solar System, and other studies.
109 predicted chaotic dynamical behaviour of the Solar System, and provides a constraint for refining num
110 y bodies, the delivery of water to the inner Solar System, and the formation of prebiotic molecules.
111 n our understanding of dust evolution in the solar system, and transport from the middle atmosphere t
112 onized astronomy, offering new insights into solar system architecture and planet demographics.
113 bundances of (92)Nb and (146)Sm in the early solar system are determined from meteoritic analysis, an
114 archetypal examples of planets, those of our solar system are merely possible outcomes of planetary s
115 rates that most of the gross features of the solar system are one outcome in a continuum of possibili
116                      The small bodies in the Solar System are thought to have been highly affected by
117  flares--the most powerful explosions in the solar system--are also efficient particle accelerators,
118 the same star-formation processes in our own solar system as those that we can observe now through te
119 uded a spike in the bolide flux to the inner solar system at ca. 3.85-3.95 Ga (the Late Heavy Bombard
120 incorporated into the "building material" of solar systems, biorelevant molecules such as glycerol co
121 ar is of the order of 10(6), as measured for Solar System bodies and binary stars and as often applie
122 se early notions, revealing the diversity of Solar System bodies and displaying active planetary proc
123 ondritic meteorites, and their signatures on solar system bodies have been sought for decades.
124                          The orbits of small Solar System bodies record the history of our Solar Syst
125                      Asteroids are primitive Solar System bodies that evolve both collisionally and t
126 In particular, CO2 ice is present in several solar system bodies, as well as in interstellar and circ
127 plain the origin of nucleobases in the inner Solar System bodies, including meteorites and extra-terr
128                                        Inner solar system bodies, including the Earth, Moon, and aste
129 ng of volatiles derived from primitive outer solar system bodies.
130 processes controlling the evolution of small solar system bodies.
131 n returned the first sample of a known outer solar system body, comet 81P/Wild 2, to Earth.
132 is 76 AU, far greater than that of any other Solar System body.
133 coupling which is unusual for planets in our solar system but may be common for close-in extrasolar p
134 erturbations in the current structure of the Solar System, but are consistent with dynamical ejection
135 rent orbits of the four giant planets in the Solar System by disrupting a theoretical initial resonan
136 could instead be readily produced within the Solar System by heavy solar-wind ions exchanging electro
137 s an important barrier to exploration of the solar system by human beings because of the biological e
138           Relative to younger objects in the Solar System, CAIs contain positive r-process anomalies
139 million years after the oldest solids in the solar system, calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAI
140 s range in the earliest formed solids in our Solar System, calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), a
141                               The observable Solar System can be divided into three distinct regions:
142 hanism, or that fresh water-ice in the outer Solar System can persist for gigayear timescales.
143  to be present, survived, and evolved in the solar system carrying ee gives support to the idea that
144 e isotopic signature extending from an inner Solar System composition toward a (26)Mg*-depleted and (
145 e uniform, and yet distinct from the average Solar System composition.
146 has not been possible to define a primordial solar system composition.
147 5(-21)(+23) million years after the onset of solar system condensation.
148           Dynamical models can produce inner Solar System configurations that closely resemble our So
149 are most beautiful and dynamic places in the solar system, consisting of ice particles in a constant
150 hat they formed in a different region of the solar system, contrary to predictions of recent dynamica
151 s are much more highly irradiated than their solar system counterparts.
152 f planets, which are very common yet have no solar system counterparts.
153 ervations that reveal details of the core on Solar System dimensions.
154 nd magnetic flux that travel out through the solar system, driving extreme space weather.
155 ibility that GWs are expelled from any young solar system early in its history, thus populating inter
156                Throughout the history of the Solar System, Earth has been bombarded by interplanetary
157 of extreme environments from which the early solar system emerged and evolved.
158 grains formed in the innermost region of the solar system ended up much farther out in the solar syst
159 portant role in prebiotic reactions in early solar system environments.
160 ce of short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system, especially (60)Fe, (26)Al, and (41)Ca, req
161 tem configurations that closely resemble our Solar System, especially when the orbital effects of lar
162 tely defining the absolute timeline of early Solar System events.
163 l is representative of the earliest stage of solar system evolution in which a chiral molecule has be
164                         Water throughout the solar system exhibits deuterium-to-hydrogen enrichments,
165       Nitrogen isotopic distributions in the solar system extend across an enormous range, from -400
166 rves the average isotopic composition of the solar system for elements heavier than lithium, we concl
167 tiation within the first 30 million years of Solar System formation and implies the formation of a co
168 he potential role of photochemistry in early solar system formation and may help in the understanding
169 roperties determine comet evolution and even solar system formation because comets are considered rem
170                                              Solar system formation may have been "triggered" by ioni
171                                      Current Solar System formation models do not predict conditions
172 anetary bodies during the earliest stages of Solar System formation remain poorly understood.
173 an approximately 200 Myr into the history of Solar System formation would not have resulted in a redu
174 ntact protoplanet from the earliest epoch of solar system formation, based on analyses of howardite-e
175 much debated, with distinct implications for solar system formation, dynamics, and geology.
176 es until at least approximately 3-4 My after Solar System formation.
177 iate until about 4 to 11 million years after solar system formation.
178 ave occurred as early as 30-75 Myr after the Solar System formation.
179  million years ago, 3.8 million years after solar system formation.
180 ximately 1 My and approximately 3-4 My after Solar System formation.
181 likely occurred within less than 10 My after Solar System formation.
182 e to hydrogen, it is estimated that when the Solar System formed, the circumstellar disk must have ha
183 ound stars that lived their lives before the solar system formed.
184 terials in the disk where the planets of our solar system formed.
185 , more than about 60 million years after the Solar System formed.
186 hat neutral interstellar atoms flow into the solar system from a different direction than found previ
187 ell documented to have occurred in the early Solar System from the recognition of numerous basaltic m
188 es hit the surfaces of airless bodies in the Solar System, generating charged and neutral gas clouds,
189            The upper atmospheres of the four Solar System giant planets exhibit high temperatures tha
190                      No known objects in the Solar System have such extreme dimensions.
191 e were two populations of impactors in early solar system history and that the transition occurred ne
192 reated during the first ~50 million years of solar system history, indicating that portions of the ma
193  formed within the first 30 million years of solar system history-indicates that the mantle may have
194 in records of the first few million years of solar system history.
195  formed within the first 60 million years of solar system history.
196 rhaps extending well into the second half of solar system history.
197 +/- 0.06 Gyr demonstrates formation early in Solar System history.
198 roximately 30 Myr after the formation of the solar system, immediately followed by the Moon-forming g
199 Moon-to-Mars-sized protoplanets in the inner Solar System in 0.1-1 Myr, and these collided more energ
200 ary disk is consistent with formation of our Solar System in an active star-forming region of the gal
201 his system resembles a scaled version of our solar system in that the mass ratio, separation ratio, a
202 ets harbor the most pristine material in our solar system in the form of ice, dust, silicates, and re
203 sozoic owing to the chaotic diffusion of the solar system in the past.
204  in a comet proves that the formation of the solar system included mixing on the grandest scales.
205 n reproduce the basic structure of the inner solar system, including a small Mars and a low-mass aste
206 ected from all the magnetized planets in our Solar System, including Earth.
207 ay provide a unique window into the earliest Solar System, including the origin of short-lived radioi
208 the timing of its accretion within the inner solar system is important for understanding the dynamics
209  short-lived radioisotopes were added to the Solar System is necessary to assess their validity as ch
210 ly 750,000 known asteroids and comets in the Solar System is thought to have originated outside it, d
211 there has been no way of telling whether the Solar System is typical of planetary systems.
212             When viewed in this context, the Solar System is unusual.
213 he age of Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, is still unknown.
214  far the largest retrograde satellite in the Solar System (its mass is approximately 40 per cent grea
215                  Most planetary rings in the Solar System lie within a few radii of their host body,
216  powerful persistently active volcano in the Solar System, Loki Patera.
217 ically derived from gases in the early inner solar system (< approximately 2 AU), and that bulk inner
218 neutron-capture events that contaminated the solar system material at ~100 million years and ~30 mill
219 The data suggest that high-temperature inner solar system material formed, was subsequently transferr
220                 That such a diverse suite of solar system materials share this feature is interpreted
221      Through the laboratory study of ancient solar system materials such as meteorites and comet dust
222 aise the possibility that the planets in our solar system might not be biologically isolated.
223  considered the most primitive bodies in the solar system, N2 has not been detected.
224 olar system ended up much farther out in the solar system, not only the asteroid belt but even in the
225        The 'snowline' conventionally divides Solar System objects into dry bodies, ranging out to the
226  and circumstellar regions, making a stop in solar system objects that could have delivered organic s
227 ble gases differ in the Sun from other inner solar system objects.
228 es for unsampled units on the Moon and other Solar System objects.
229 100 million years after the formation of the Solar System, OIB and MORB mantle sources must have diff
230 us formed shortly after the formation of the solar system or that the current activity was triggered
231  approximately 1.5 My after the start of the Solar System or the transport of precursors from the con
232 r out of cometesimals accreting in the early solar system or, alternatively, out of comparable-sized
233 y of our lineage (on Earth, elsewhere in the solar system, or on an extrasolar planet) would provide
234 s that is inconsistent with recent models of solar system orbital architecture that require an early,
235 ions of these effects to physical chemistry, solar system origin models, terrestrial atmospheric and
236  Mission are primarily silicate materials of solar system origin.
237 e comet nuclei during migration to the inner solar system, perhaps explaining this lack of a substant
238 lude that Pluto's atmosphere is unique among Solar System planetary atmospheres, as its radiative ene
239 planet systems containing analogs of all the solar system planets except Mercury.
240                                    Including solar system planets yields a relation: rho = 2:32 + 3:1
241 ite groups requires isolation from the outer Solar System, possibly by the opening of disk gaps from
242 ain, and the chaotic dynamical nature of the Solar System predicted by theoretical models has yet to
243                               In the nascent solar system, primitive organic matter was a major contr
244              The isotopic composition of our Solar System reflects the blending of materials derived
245 vering and characterizing planets beyond our solar system relies upon measurement of weak Doppler shi
246                                   Bulk inner Solar System reservoirs record positively correlated var
247 g the brief visit by the object to the inner Solar System reveal it to be asteroidal, with no hint of
248  of albedos is among the largest observed on Solar System rocky bodies.
249  (< approximately 2 AU), and that bulk inner solar system S-isotope composition was chondritic (consi
250 igins of the (33)S anomalies, or of the bulk solar system S-isotope composition.
251 ing within the first 10 million years of the Solar System's approximately 4.5 billion-year history, s
252                                    The inner solar system's biggest and most recent known collision w
253 ecause they preserve a record of some of the Solar System's earliest ( approximately 4.5 Gy) chemical
254            This finding implies that, if the solar system's formation was typical, abundant interstel
255 d by most scenarios for the formation of the solar system's innermost planet.
256 active earlier in its history.Mars hosts the solar system's largest volcanoes, but their formation ra
257                               Mars hosts the solar system's largest volcanoes.
258  by rapid groundwater evacuation scoured the Solar System's most voluminous channels, the southern ci
259 e has finally allowed testable models of the Solar System's origin to be developed and potential abod
260           Like our Moon, the majority of the solar system's satellites are locked in a 1:1 spin-orbit
261                        In this scenario, the Solar System's terrestrial planets formed from gas-starv
262 ion, can explain the low overall mass of the Solar System's terrestrial planets, as well as the absen
263 and its viability as the sole source for the solar system's water.
264 f the most geologically active bodies in the solar system, Saturn's moon Enceladus not only coats its
265 g stars (analogues of the Kuiper Belt in our Solar System) show a variety of non-trivial structures a
266  largest cosmic catastrophes occurred in our solar system since the accretion of the planets.
267 ich inclusions, (CAIs)] represent the oldest Solar System solids and provide information regarding th
268 on years after the formation of the earliest solar system solids.
269 aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs), the oldest Solar System solids.
270 ch grains were important constituents of the solar system starting materials.
271             The presence of 'Oumuamua in the Solar System suggests that previous estimates of the num
272 ouble pulsar will supersede the best current solar system tests.
273 suggest that, shortly after the birth of the Solar System, the molten metallic cores of many small pl
274                                       In our Solar System, the planets formed by collisional growth f
275                                       In the solar system, the planets' compositions vary with orbita
276                                 In the inner solar system, the planets' orbits evolve chaotically, dr
277 ly coplanar and circular orbits found in our Solar System; their orbits may be eccentric or inclined
278 equires the (92)Nb/(92)Mo ratio in the early solar system to be at least 50% lower than the current n
279 gous to where the rocky planets orbit in the Solar System, to retaining at most a meagre amount of co
280 bundances and planetary configuration of the Solar System today, but there has been no way of telling
281    Just as secular chaos is reorganizing the solar system today, so it has likely helped organize it
282  of more than a thousand planets outside our Solar System, together with the significant push to achi
283 ch an event occurs sufficiently close to our solar system, traces of the supernova debris could be de
284 e nuclei inferred to be present in the early solar system via meteoritic analyses, there are several
285                            In the cold outer solar system, volcanism can occur on solid bodies with a
286 quires a nearby supernova shortly before our solar system was formed, suggesting that the Sun was for
287   This suggests that material from the outer Solar System was incorporated into Ceres, either during
288 al are expected to survive only in the outer Solar System, we infer that, similarly to cometary bodie
289 essentially all rocky materials in the inner solar system were enriched in (17)O and (18)O, relative
290 cal and chemical conditions during the early solar system when comets formed.
291 sess models of the formation dynamics of the solar system, when combined with measurements of the bul
292 g region is perhaps the only location in the Solar System where large-scale collisional processes are
293  the condensation of the first solids in the Solar System, whereas others claim a date later than 50
294 gainst an influx of water ice from the outer solar system, which has been invoked to explain the nons
295  interstellar medium flows through the inner solar system while being deflected by solar gravity and
296  satellite of Saturn, is the only one in the solar system with a dense atmosphere.
297 ation belts, unlike all other planets in the solar system with internal magnetic fields.
298 on is one of the most common elements in the solar system, with a fractional abundance of 10(-4) rela
299 xtant curium-247 to uranium-235 in the early solar system, with an initial 247Cm/235U ratio of approx
300 ition of many of the satellites in the outer Solar System) would generally be expected.

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