


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 crystallization of barite into a Ba1-xRaxSO4 solid solution.
2 ween sections 5 and 6, due to formation of a solid solution.
3 hains move smoothly apart to accommodate the solid solution.
4 s Li-Pt liquid alloy was quenched into Li-Pt solid solution.
5 totype system: the hexagonal YMnO(3)-YInO(3) solid solution.
6 as a conglomerate, and even more rarely as a solid solution.
7 y homogeneous, forming a completely miscible solid solution.
8  increased surface area and roughness of the solid solution.
9 ction lies a short-range-order mechanism for solid solutions.
10 roteins) is also displayed with multipeptide solid solutions.
11 stoichiometric compounds as models of dilute solid solutions.
12 ompared to the well-known PbTe(1)(-)(x)Se(x) solid solutions.
13 f that the systems (AgSbTe2)(1-x)(PbTe)x are solid solutions.
14  to those of certain concentrated binary FCC solid solutions.
15 rization of room-temperature LixMn1.5Ni0.5O4 solid solutions.
16 limited to the goal of creating single-phase solid solutions.
17 accounts for the compositional dependence of solid-solution alloy critical potentials.
18           We find the surprising result that solid solution alloys become less likely as the number o
19 cific elements, in single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys can lead to substantial reduction
20 e nickel metal and single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys of 50%Ni50%Co (NiCo) and 50%Ni50%F
21 t MgH2 can indeed be destabilized by forming solid solution alloys of magnesium with group III and IV
22 ures in equiatomic single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys, and more importantly, reveals its
23 ared to the corresponding PbTe(1)(-)(x)Se(x) solid solution alloys.
24                    Single-phase concentrated solid-solution alloys (SP-CSAs) have recently gained unp
25 dazole-3-oxide-1-oxyl (BImNN) crystallize as solid solutions (alloys) across a wide range of binary c
26 tigate competition between an entropy-driven solid solution and enthalpy-driven phase separation.
27  two stable polymorphs in the TaSe(2-x)Te(x) solid solution and find that the 3R polytype shows a sup
28 lerated with the recent discovery of several solid solution and ordered phases involving at least two
29 -equilibration of the solid to a Ba1-xRaxSO4 solid solution and visible effects on the particle size
30 lloy falls between those of analogous simple solid solutions and amorphous materials and test the eff
31 th BaF2, to create nanostructured Ba1-xCaxF2 solid solutions and increased its ionic conductivity by
32                                      GaP-ZnS solid solutions and multilayered structures have a tunab
33 as phase ions that form the Ce(x)Zr(1-x)O(2) solid solutions and those that condense to delta-Al(2)O(
34  diffraction, the simultaneous occurrence of solid-solution and two-phase reactions after deep discha
35 ent occurrence of and transition between the solid-solution and two-phase reactions.
36 ich forms a single-phase face-centered cubic solid solution, and found it to have exceptional damage
37 es significantly, the system deviates from a solid solution, and phase separation of the GeS1-xSex (5
38 ods of technologically important Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 solid solutions, and demonstrate the existence of previo
39 well for multiphase composites, single phase solid solutions, and equivalent ionic substituted single
40 terials in solution, spin-coated thin films, solid solutions, and Langmuir films.
41 rs at x = 0.1, but the conductivities of the solid solutions are enhanced and the activation energies
42                Gallium nitride (GaN) and its solid solutions are excellent photocatalytic materials;
43                            Alloy and nitride solid solutions are prominent for structural, energy and
44                           TaC, HfC and their solid solutions are promising candidate materials for th
45 w considers defect chemistry of TiO2 and its solid solutions as well as defect-related properties ass
46 roach we form a novel rocksalt Mg0.4 Fe0.6 N solid solution at between 15 and 23 GPa and up to 2500 K
47 anocrystals behave as metastable homogeneous solid solutions at room temperature and tend to phase se
48 s a result of the formation of NaNbO3-NaTaO3 solid solutions at temperatures above 700 degrees C.
49 owth of a strained epitaxial Pb-rich calcite solid-solution at the calcite (104)-water interface.
50 n between entropically driven atomic mixing (solid solution behavior) and enthalpy-driven phase separ
51 als no 2-phase transformations, but a single solid-solution behavior during battery cycling.
52 c ordering within the Mn(1-x)Sn(x)Bi(2)Se(4) solid-solutions below 50 K switches from antiferromagnet
53 RD measurements indicated the formation of a solid solution between AFm-I(2) and AFm-SO(4) for the I-
54                           The formation of a solid solution between AFm-I(2) and AFm-SO(4), with a sh
55 in the formation of a spinel phase that is a solid solution between magnetite (Fe3O4) and chromite (F
56  proposition that the LAST family behaved as solid solutions between the PbTe and AgSbTe2 compounds.
57 ype precipitates have been used to reinforce solid-solution body-centered-cubic iron for high-tempera
58 0.2Ta0.2Cr0.2Ti0.2)B2, possess virtually one solid-solution boride phase of the hexagonal AlB2 struct
59 nd (Pb(0.95)Sn(0.05)Te)(1-x)(PbS)(x) are not solid solutions but phase separate into PbTe-rich and Pb
60 is readily soluble in Fe represents an ideal solid-solution case to better understand the light-eleme
61                             In Pb1-xSb2x/3Se solid solutions, cation vacancies are intentionally intr
62 ightly hypostoichiometric TaC, HfC and three solid solution compositions (Ta1-xHfxC, with x = 0.8, 0.
63      Such polytypism can create a multiphase solid-solution compound with a large number of interface
64 responsive properties by the mixed component solid-solution concept are included, and as well example
65 ositions across the (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowustite solid solution confirms that ferrous iron (Fe(2+)) under
66 gate the ground-state structures of PbTiO(3) solid solutions containing Ni, Pd, and Pt.
67                       The free energy of the solid solution continuously varies with the enantiomeric
68 h CsCl and CuAu-I symmetries, or disordered, solid solution crystals when slowly cooled.
69 nt variables in composition of these ternary solid solution crystals.
70                           Control studies on solid-solution crystals reveal that the third [100] orie
71 hips of these materials, we have synthesized solid-solution Cs2Sn1-xTexI6.
72 be the synthesis and characterization of the solid solution Cu(2)Zn(1-x)Fe(x)GeSe(4).
73 nto Au occurs, and the atomically disordered solid solution Cu(x)Au(1)(-)(x) exists.
74 bility, and thermoelectric properties of the solid solutions Cu(2+x)Zn(1-x)GeSe(4) (x = 0-0.1) are re
75 tituting Cu into the Fe lattice, forming the solid-solution Cu(y)Fe(1-y)F(2), reversible Cu and Fe re
76 ed for essentially by phonon scattering from solid solution defects rather than the assistance of end
77 ed via core structural transition from cubic solid solution [denoted as face centered cubic (fcc)] st
78 olled cation non-stoichiometry combined with solid-solution doping by metals supervalent to Li+ incre
79 ring lithiation, and moreover stabilizes the solid solution during lithiation.
80  that both nanostructures and point defects (solid solution) effectively scatter phonons in this syst
81 nditions facilitating the fast attainment of solid-solution equilibria (e.g., in stagnant waters), Fe
82                    Lattice parameters of the solid solutions evidently follow Vegard's Law.
83 es to an important non-relaxor ferroelectric solid solution exhibiting the so-called composition-indu
84                     The existence of the TZF solid solution explains the absence of eutectic melting
85 oduced three different sulfides: monosulfide solid solution [(Fe,Ni)1-xS], pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)9-xS8]
86 gher valent transition metals to create wide solid-solutions fields with exceedingly rare and complex
87 solubility, the production of supersaturated solid solutions followed by the segregation of elements
88 system where, neither an alloy nor a nitride solid solution form at ambient conditions and bulk MgN a
89 t were obtained by determining the extent of solid solution formation between a graphite source and a
90                        This failed, however: solid solution formation of the stacked loop form is usu
91  such as LiCoO2, lithiation proceeds through solid-solution formation, whereas in other materials suc
92 of multiple strengthening mechanisms such as solid solution hardening, forest dislocation hardening,
93 vianite, thus forming a vivianite-symplesite solid solution identified as Fe3(PO4)1.7(AsO4)0.3.8H2O.
94 n of composition in the magnetite-ulvospinel solid solution, important uncertainties remain about the
95 condly on suppressing the formation of RE-Ba solid solution in a controlled manner within large grain
96                                          The solid solution in the P21/n space group was found to be
97 ious reports of the occurrence of a complete solid solution in this system.
98 to rationalize the formation of high-entropy solid solutions in these metal diborides.
99  In a recent neutron total scattering study, solid solutions in this system were reported to feature
100 tead involves two thermodynamically distinct solid solutions in which the Li exclusively occupies the
101 t affected by the immobilized charges at the solid-solution interface and those resulted from the app
102 strates a lowered free energy barrier at the solid-solution interface in the presence of CA.
103 mer-decorated phospholipid monolayers at the solid-solution interface was investigated using neutron
104 istics of the electrical double layer at the solid-solution interface, blocking surface sites, or pro
105 ure dependence of a chemical reaction at the solid/solution interface is studied by scanning tunnelin
106     Understanding the atomic-scale growth at solid/solution interfaces is an emerging frontier in mol
107                                         This solid solution is a kinetic product of crystallization m
108               Bi(0).(5)Na(0).(5)TiO(3)-based solid solution is among the most promising lead-free pie
109 and 1800 K show that while no Re-Zn alloy or solid solution is formed, a novel Re(3)ZnN(x) ordered so
110 ution is formed, a novel Re(3)ZnN(x) ordered solid solution is formed, at 20 GPa, with nitrogen occup
111 rhard, and the bulk modulus of the 48 atom % solid solution is nearly identical to that of pure ReB2.
112             The Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) disordered solid solution is widely used in piezoelectric applicati
113 candidates; however, depolarization of these solid solutions is a longstanding obstacle for their pra
114 kel to binary and to more complex quaternary solid solutions is observed.
115     A key signature of relaxor-ferroelectric solid solutions is the existence of polar nanoregions, a
116  the crystalline peroxide via a Li deficient solid solution (Li(2-x)O2) phase.
117 meter-scale state-of-charge heterogeneity in solid-solution Li1- x Ni1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 secondary par
118                Here we report that the 50/50 solid solution, Li1+x(V0.5Ti0.5)S2, delivers a reversibl
119               The lattice parameters for the solid solutions linearly increase along both the a- and
120   Furthermore, 7-9 can also form crystalline solid solutions (M,M')(NPBA)2(NO3)2(MeOH)2 (M, M' = Co2+
121 -stage kinetic process involving mixed quasi-solid solution/macroscopic two-phase transformations ove
122 which form a combination of a nanostructured/solid solution material as determined by transmission el
123                                With these, a solid solution material, [Zr6 O4 (OH)4 (L1)2.6 (L2)0.4 ]
124 om a solid solution of alpha-LiAl, revealing solid solution-mediated crystallization of beta-LiAl.
125                      We discovered a Type II solid solution (mixed crystal) of the enantiomers of the
126 not be explained on the basis of a classical solid solution model.
127 trecker reaction illustrate the potential of solid solution MOFs to provide the ability to address th
128  metal in equivalent crystallographic sites (solid solution MOFs) exhibit catalytic activity, which i
129                               The pyrochlore solid solution (Na(0.33)Ce(0.67))2(Ir(1-x)Ru(x))2O7 (0</
130  architectures on the atomic scale (Na and M solid solution), nanoscale (MSe nanoprecipitates), and m
131                                            A solid solution of a ferroelectric and a spin-glass perov
132 nfirm the transformation of beta-LiAl from a solid solution of alpha-LiAl, revealing solid solution-m
133 he formation of an electronically conductive solid solution of chromium(iii) and aluminium oxides in
134 arge-trap flash memory element is based on a solid solution of copper and zirconium oxides (Cu-ZrO2)
135                Single microcrystals of a 1:1 solid solution of n-C32H66/n-C36H74 have been grown by e
136 e layer was granular consisting of grains of solid solution of Ti(Zr)ON segregated by amorphous ZrO(2
137              The carbide is a substitutional solid solution of Zr-Ti containing carbon vacancies that
138            By doping ZrN into the TiN layer, solid solution of ZrTiN was formed and the lattice const
139 ly homogeneous thin films that are amorphous solid solutions of Al2O3 and transition metal oxides (TM
140                                   Mesoporous solid solutions of anatase-based titanium-vanadium oxide
141                                              Solid solutions of Ce1-x Ndx O2-0.5x , Ce1-x Smx O2-0.5x
142                                      Similar solid solutions of enantiomers may exist in other system
143         High-entropy alloys, near-equiatomic solid solutions of five or more elements, represent a ne
144 kite solar cells based on alloyed perovskite solid solutions of methylammonium tin iodide and its lea
145 nsition explains the difficulty in preparing solid solutions of the P2(1)/n form with guests of formu
146                                              Solid solutions of the rare earth (RE) cations Pr(3+), N
147 rides, we have synthesized and characterized solid solutions of this material with tantalum (Ta), man
148 he ReB2-type structure can be maintained for solid solutions of tungsten in ReB2 with tungsten conten
149 xagonal symmetry, attempts were made to form solid solutions of UICs containing guests from the two c
150          Motivated by these results, ternary solid solutions of WB(4) were produced, keeping the conc
151 rs with the concept of mixed-component MOFs (solid solutions) offers very rich additional dimensions
152  may warrant further studies into additional solid solutions or ternary compounds taking this structu
153 thode where delithiation occurs via either a solid-solution or a two-phase mechanism, the pathway tak
154 y of TZF to simultaneously form racemate and solid solution originates from its conformational flexib
155 tions and reaction pathways in the long term solid-solution partitioning and solid-phase distribution
156 ting phases, the tendency for a single-phase solid-solution pathway with exceptional reaction kinetic
157 eal the existence of a continuous metastable solid solution phase during rapid lithium extraction and
158 n many cases their structure is not a single solid solution phase, and that the rules may not accurat
159               Here we report a generalizable solid/solution-phase strategy for the synthesis of discr
160 opy Alloys (HEAs), with predominantly single solid solution phases are a current area of focus in all
161 ntropy increases the stability of disordered solid solution phases.
162 ence due to the elusive metastable nature of solid solution phases.
163 nal phonon scattering centers such as excess solid solution point defects and grain boundaries.
164  to phonon scattering by entropically driven solid solution point defects rather than conventional en
165 ace-charge theory applicable to concentrated solid solutions (Poisson-Cahn theory) was applied to des
166 es in thin films, as well as in concentrated solid solutions (polyisobutylene matrix), with peak abso
167                                      All the solid solutions possess high specific surface areas, up
168         This work suggests that concentrated solid-solution provides an effective way to enhance radi
169 SrSiO3 (C12/C1) is shown to provide a larger solid solution range (0 < x </= 0.45) in Sr1-xNaxSiO3-0.
170                                          The solid-solution range, which is reduced at higher current
171  cation is inserted reversibly over a finite solid-solution range.
172  doped with an array of tungsten levels as a solid solution ranging from 0.38-13.8 W/Ti atom % was fo
173 ed Zn at each pH over a 10-fold range in the solid/solution ratio.
174 e number of mobile oxygen vacancies in these solid solutions reaches a maximum near those composition
175 ge, crack healing is possible in the reverse solid-solution reaction occurring during discharge.
176 ervation was revealed to be initiated by the solid-solution reaction of the LiMO2 phase on charge to
177 ealing being principally associated with the solid-solution reaction of the LiMO2 phase.
178 d the relationship between the two-phase and solid-solution reactions remain controversial.
179 eering the atomic structure that extends the solid-solution region and suppresses phase transformatio
180   We were able to pinpoint that the extended solid-solution region with suppressed phase transformati
181 system at 400 degrees C reveal five separate solid solution regions that show three distinct substitu
182                The crystal structure of this solid solution resembles that of the enantiomorph but ha
183 itions that span the MoSe2-WSe2 and WS2-WSe2 solid solutions, respectively.
184 ermal transport calculations of the complete solid solution series Cu2ZnGeSe(4-x)S(x) (x = 0-4).
185 ous end-member of the merrillite-whitlockite solid solution series.
186 c ordering within the Mn(1-x)Sn(x)Bi(2)Se(4) solid-solution series can be rationalized by taking into
187 mpositions of manganese-tin-bismuth selenide solid-solution series, Mn(1-x)Sn(x)Bi(2)Se(4) (x = 0, 0.
188 gh piezoelectricity in relaxor-ferroelectric solid solution single crystals is a breakthrough in ferr
189 on document the recovery of a Ge(0.9)Sn(0.1) solid solution (space group P4(3)2(1)2, a = 6.014 (1) A,
190 n become the driving force for cubic nitride solid solution stability.
191 reaction proceeds through a Na2-xLixMg2P3O9N solid solution (stage 1) followed by a two-phase reactio
192 ive or more major elements may stabilize the solid-solution state relative to multiphase microstructu
193 from massive substitutional and interstitial solid solution strengthening as well as from the composi
194 ers vary systematically, we demonstrate that solid-solution strengthening can be effectively employed
195 ility known from advanced steels and massive solid-solution strengthening of high-entropy alloys.
196 stent barite: (1) formation of a Ba1-xRaxSO4 solid solution surface layer on the barite or (2) a comp
197 ing channel consisting of an amorphous Ta(O) solid solution surrounded by nearly stoichiometric Ta(2)
198 ly large band gap narrowing in the NixMg1-xO solid solution system.
199 t the synthesis of a mesoporous Mn0.5Ce0.5Ox solid solution that is highly active for the selective o
200 gh-performance piezoelectrics are lead-based solid solutions that exhibit a so-called morphotropic ph
201             Similar to the (Zr,Hf)NiSn based solid solutions, the unsubstituted ZrNiSn compound also
202 y used here should be equally applicable for solid solution thermoelectrics and provides a strategy f
203                       The end members and 10 solid solutions UxTh(1-x)SiO4 with x = 0.12-0.92 were su
204                     Substitution renders the solid solutions visible-light active.
205     Understanding the kinetic implication of solid-solution vs. biphasic reaction pathways is critica
206 dulus of 335 +/- 3 GPa for the hardest WB(4) solid solution, W(0.93)Ta(0.02)Cr(0.05)B(4), and showed
207 ated on the basis of preparation of (U,Th)O2 solid solutions, was obtained.
208                 Using the example of a Cu-Au solid solution, we demonstrate that compositional variat
209                The lattice parameters of the solid solutions were calculated using their XRD patterns
210                                          The solid solutions were have been characterized by XRD, SEM
211 CrCoNi, as a single-phase face-centred cubic solid solution, which displays strength-toughness proper
212 l Li-ion dynamics and atomic disorder in the solid solutions, which are correlated to the ionic diffu
213 pplications are usually complex, engineered, solid solutions, which complicates their manufacture as
214 4(2-) and SeO4(2-) have a propensity to form solid solutions, which limits the selectivity between th
215 ttributed to the formation of a Mn0.5Ce0.5Ox solid solution with an ultrahigh manganese doping concen
216                                            A solid solution with the AgCN structure exists in the (Cu
217  The obtained Ce(0.7)Zr(0.3)O(2) powders are solid solutions with a cubic phase.
218 (2-x)Sn(x)S(2) nanocrystals are single phase solid solutions with cubic NaCl-type structure.
219 Se(m+3n) nanomaterials behave as homogeneous solid solutions with lattice parameter trending as a fun
220  that the high electromechanical coupling in solid solutions with lead titanate is due to tuning of t
221                             A MoS2(1-x) P(x) solid solution (x = 0 to 1) is formed by thermally annea

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