


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e ED-2003 applied for the first time for QDs solubilization.
2 perties that typically result from detergent solubilization.
3  tetrameric PSI structure prior to detergent solubilization.
4 into the aqueous solution results in partial solubilization.
5  to explain the actual mechanism involved in solubilization.
6 ein machine is tuned for enzymatic cellulose solubilization.
7 sistently reported to require 2-6 m urea for solubilization.
8 raction network that remains after 1% Triton solubilization.
9 or a better suitability for membrane protein solubilization.
10 tion may explain the observed differences in solubilization.
11 ible endothermic transition at all stages of solubilization.
12 wo-state irreversible model at all stages of solubilization.
13 rhodopsin thermal bleaching at all stages of solubilization.
14 ts role in enzymatic and microbial cellulose solubilization.
15 stinguishable for all bR's, and reflected PM solubilization.
16 roteins that are associated with Axl and Mer solubilization.
17 ally with membranes, requiring detergent for solubilization.
18 tabilized hLHR dimers/oligomers to detergent solubilization.
19 a2 arrangement that requires a detergent for solubilization.
20  forms dimers that can be purified following solubilization.
21 t under 170 degrees C is effective on sludge solubilization.
22  SMA variants tested in the various steps of solubilization.
23 n that was efficiently isolated by detergent solubilization.
24 able number of zwitterion moieties for water solubilization.
25 questers the IMP from water and promotes its solubilization.
26 ation promote the speed and yield of vesicle solubilization.
27 as an alternative to extraction and in vitro solubilization.
28 ut these effects are lost upon peptidoglycan solubilization.
29 t micelles or liposomes for membrane protein solubilization.
30 y all play distinct roles in the kinetics of solubilization.
31 nhanced WAS solubilization, with the highest solubilization (0.16 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/mg
32 hemical studies focusing on combination drug solubilization, 3-drug PEG-b-PCL micelles were evaluated
33 ligible volatility at room temperature, high solubilization ability, and tunable selectivity.
34  of multiple genes involved in Pi uptake and solubilization, accumulation of organic acids, enhanced
35  applications as membrane transport and salt solubilization agents and sensors.
36 rged as a powerful tool for membrane protein solubilization and analysis.
37 anic solvent for simultaneous sample analyte solubilization and AuNPs stabilization.
38 and adaptive immune responses, and mediating solubilization and clearance of immune complexes.
39 ing to salt stress acclimatization, nutrient solubilization and competitive root colonization.
40 on of cyclodextrin-based technology for drug solubilization and delivery.
41          Sample losses are minimized because solubilization and digestion are carried out in a single
42  surfactant commonly used to improve protein solubilization and digestion efficiency, can lead to in
43 to the duodenum, where it contributes to the solubilization and digestion of lipid-soluble nutrients.
44                                The increased solubilization and elimination of DHT corresponded to sl
45 r systems were first characterized for their solubilization and encapsulation of the drug.
46         The rhamnolipid caused a significant solubilization and enhanced biodegradation of PAHs sorbe
47                               Because matrix solubilization and increased wall plasticity have not be
48      This potentially results in cholesterol solubilization and leakage from lysosomes.
49 L)18 gene), (iv) required pU(L)25 for proper solubilization and localization within the viral replica
50 sing results as a pretreatment, with similar solubilization and markedly better dewaterability levels
51 e protein complexes as well as by the direct solubilization and nanoparticle incorporation of a viral
52 dhesive restorative systems on growth factor solubilization and odontoblast-like cell differentiation
53 n suffer from low accuracy due to incomplete solubilization and potential volatilization, whilst othe
54      It is likely that they are required for solubilization and presentation of the hydrophobic ubiqu
55                                              Solubilization and proteolytic activation are necessary
56 in right-side-out membrane vesicles or after solubilization and purification in dodecyl-beta-D-maltop
57 ld provide useful information for optimizing solubilization and purification protocols of these prote
58 can vary depending on the detergent used for solubilization and purification.
59 he loss of the lipid bilayer during membrane solubilization and purification.
60 l properties of glutamate transporters after solubilization and reconstitution in liposomes and in tr
61     Styrene-maleic acid copolymers allow for solubilization and reconstitution of membrane proteins i
62 otocol of frontal cortex processing includes solubilization and reduction/alkylation of proteins in t
63   One such mechanism is the microbial-driven solubilization and remineralization of complex forms of
64 ethod in combination with sequential protein solubilization and shotgun two-dimensional liquid chroma
65           This raises the question of how Hh solubilization and spreading is achieved.
66 ipod amphiphiles are designed to promote the solubilization and stabilization of intrinsic membrane p
67                        The approach provides solubilization and subsequent digestion of viral coat pr
68         Herein we report our method of water solubilization and subsequent functionalization of a var
69 tin matrix exhibited remarkably low collagen solubilization and sustained the bulk elastic properties
70                           Inefficient starch solubilization and the inability to standardize sugar co
71 in (AFABP/aP2) facilitates the intracellular solubilization and trafficking of lipids within the aque
72  Gram-negative Enterobacteria using on-slide solubilization and trypsin digestion of proteins, follow
73 e mammalian membrane proteome that relies on solubilization and tryptic digestion of membrane protein
74 and may be necessary for protein extraction, solubilization, and denaturation; however, their presenc
75 , polyethylene glycol (PEG) groups for water solubilization, and either primary amines or biotin grou
76 d in translation, stress protection, protein solubilization, and metabolism.
77 somal fractionation, chemical cross-linking, solubilization, and one-step affinity purification using
78 n of elution buffers, detergents for protein solubilization, and stabilizers to maintain complex inte
79  variables: the support medium; gas molecule solubilization; and the catabolic population.
80 mong the variables studied, starch standard, solubilization approach, and wavelength detection affect
81                     Type of starch standard, solubilization approach, iodometric reagents, and wavele
82 on tissue retrieval by biopsy and subsequent solubilization, are limited in terms of accurate represe
83 tic formulations that greatly enhance tissue solubilization as well as preserve bioactivity of solubi
84 n mixtures were not amenable to Triton X-100 solubilization at one or more temperatures.
85 PG) showed better association with cell wall solubilization at RT than the enzymes involved in arabin
86  cellulose deconstruction and lignocellulose solubilization at simulation conditions, enabling a high
87 ield of: (a) disintegration degree [DD (%)] (solubilization), (b) filtration constant [F(c) (cm(2)/mi
88 sulfate (SDS) decellularization or stepwise, solubilization-based antigen removal using amidosulfobet
89 is not known how SMA composition affects the solubilization behavior of SMA.
90                      Concomitant with matrix solubilization, beta-expansin treatment induced creep, r
91 anced paclitaxel (PTX) to humans due to drug solubilization, biocompatibility, and dose escalation.
92 with ripening appeared not related to pectin solubilization but to weakening of glycan bonding and lo
93 nt, there is a large increase in the overall solubilization, but the nanotubes are suspended as bundl
94                                    Cellulose solubilization by a Cel48S and Cel48Y double knockout wa
95 ence that CipA plays a key role in cellulose solubilization by C. thermocellum, and it raises interes
96  by differential centrifugation and membrane solubilization by digitonin.
97 est that chaotropes primarily induce protein solubilization by direct binding to concavity in the mol
98                      This was achieved after solubilization by dodecylphosphocholine and purification
99                      Interestingly, membrane solubilization by some detergents is relatively slow and
100                          We have studied the solubilization by Triton X-100 of binary mixtures compos
101 y, computationally assisted membrane protein solubilization (CAMPS) has been reported, where exposed
102 s and poly(2-oxazine)s with respect to their solubilization capacity for two extremely water insolubl
103 perature indicated the greater triglycerides solubilization capacity of lecithin based microemulsions
104                        It was found that the solubilization capacity of the micellar carrier systems
105 sm, which is significantly stronger than the solubilization caused by the co-solvent effect.
106 ipid biosurfactant is more efficient for the solubilization compared to the synthetic surfactants.
107 tors to be automatically lysed under a given solubilization condition and the lysates to be injected
108 ing and enrichment by optimizing washing and solubilization conditions and implementing sample fracti
109 ns of two biosensor approaches for screening solubilization conditions for G-protein-coupled receptor
110                                 Establishing solubilization conditions for membrane-associated recept
111                                          Our solubilization conditions maintained high-affinity bindi
112 ecies are only observed under less favorable solubilization conditions, consistent with aggregation o
113 y of macromolecular dispersion agents for NT solubilization correlates with the topological and elect
114                 Once the system melted down, solubilization could occur.
115 rm of plots, that we have called temperature-solubilization diagrams.
116 n membrane proteins are effective isolation, solubilization, digestion and multidimensional liquid ch
117 nd oxidation of Fe in modulating trace metal solubilization, dispersion, and plant uptake.
118           To understand the pathways of iron solubilization during atmospheric transport, we exposed
119 nced SGD altered mercury partitioning and/or solubilization dynamics in coastal waters.
120 he natural membrane environment by detergent solubilization eliminates most receptor activities, pres
121 s combinations of biochemical techniques for solubilization, enrichment, and immunoprecipitation.
122  become the dominant oligomers after peptide solubilization, even at low (1 muM) concentrations and s
123 bound Rab GTPases and, thus, is not merely a solubilization factor.
124 nfolding is a more important phenomenon than solubilization for increased DNPH labeling.
125 ost amenable to overexpression and detergent solubilization for structural and biochemical analyses.
126 was comparable with that by the conventional solubilization formulation (Taxol(R)), but yielded less
127                      LIPY was purified after solubilization from inclusion bodies; the enzyme display
128 sidues of SpoIVFB were required for improved solubilization from membranes by Pro-sigma(K)(1-126) and
129 -126) parts contributed to improving SpoIVFB solubilization from membranes, but only the sigma(K) par
130 ust deposition as well as the extent of iron solubilization from the dust once it enters the ocean.
131 ta-expansin were negative and polysaccharide solubilization had weak temperature dependence, which in
132                                              Solubilization has been assayed in the 4-50 degrees C ra
133 he addition of cholesterol to the 2% cholate solubilization/immobilization (s/i) buffer and to the mo
134  sensor 1 in viscosity measurements involves solubilization in a liquid of interest and excitation of
135 n formation followed by selective (Ld phase) solubilization in a model system with a complex biologic
136 e in the study of membrane proteins is their solubilization in a stable and active conformation when
137 geneous, monodisperse, and well-folded after solubilization in Anzergent 3-14 at the analyzed concent
138 anhydride-based amphiphilic polymers for QDs solubilization in aqueous media.
139        The origin of resistance to detergent solubilization in certain membranes, or membrane compone
140 or studying intact membrane proteins involve solubilization in detergent.
141 solated from primary alphabeta T cells after solubilization in digitonin.
142 of bioactives from lipid droplets, and their solubilization in mixed micelles.
143 lated proteins, as measured by resistance to solubilization in nonionic detergent and by copatching w
144 rs to enhance both polarization (via monomer solubilization in surfactant micelles) and adherence of
145                                  Lower metal solubilization in the bulk soils should translate into r
146 e probability of achieving the required drug solubilization in the colon with the CCSD concept and th
147 of osteoclast-derived MMP-7 to promote RANKL solubilization in the tumor-bone microenvironment was ex
148 thesis, stability in the membrane and, after solubilization, in detergents are not well understood fo
149                                      Protein solubilization is a key step in mass spectrometry-based
150                                        Water-solubilization is achieved in the last step of each synt
151 ize aggregates in the effluent show that the solubilization is based on a sub-CMC aggregate-formation
152 f action of SMA copolymers in which membrane solubilization is mainly driven by the hydrophobic effec
153 lipids at pH > pHagg, we found that membrane solubilization is promoted by a low charge density and b
154 tor profiles while avoiding crosslinking and solubilization issues.
155     We describe a microwave-assisted protein solubilization (MAPS) method to dissolve proteins in rea
156 ) suggest that PuO(2).xH(2)O((am)) reductive solubilization may be important in reducing environments
157 n into the lipid membrane and that efficient solubilization may be improved by a more homogenous dist
158 e most commonly used vortex-assisted protein solubilization method, MAPS reduces the solubilization t
159 ration (cmc) of ent-DCA, determined by a dye solubilization method, was identical to the cmc of natur
160 e strains was determined by sodium hydroxide solubilization METHOD: The affinity of celecoxib to synt
161 e compared four different protein extraction/solubilization methods-urea, thiourea/urea, phenol, and
162                                      Aqueous solubilization, necessary for many types of biophysical
163 ees C, thus for some SM-cholesterol mixtures solubilization occurred both above and below 25 degrees
164  absence of DMRB, EDTA facilitated reductive solubilization of 89% (without AQDS) to 98% (with AQDS)
165 e the fact that all particles are created by solubilization of a common FC/PL membrane domain.
166   Therefore, the surfactant-induced membrane solubilization of a negatively charged phospholipid (DPh
167 et protein is isolated by homogenization and solubilization of a source (e.g., cell line) followed by
168 nditions for the overexpression and membrane solubilization of an MsrQ-GFP fusion and set up a purifi
169 s likely through two independent mechanisms: solubilization of and interaction with the C-terminal de
170 hat acidification to pH 2.0 achieved good Zn solubilization of around 70%, but only 3-7% of Cu was be
171 fferent extents, probably because they favor solubilization of base surfaces.
172 AG-F) showed greater ability in reducing the solubilization of C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide (I
173 es not directly associate with caveolin-1 as solubilization of caveolae disrupts their interaction.
174 xperimental data demonstrating that enhanced solubilization of cellulose can be achieved by the THF-w
175 quired for intestinal absorption and biliary solubilization of cholesterol and lipids.
176        Repletion of plasma gelsolin leads to solubilization of circulating actin aggregates and signi
177       The CK1 inhibitors (DRB and CK1-7) and solubilization of CK1 restored microtubule sliding in pf
178  be considered when using a protein-assisted solubilization of CNT in water for biomedical applicatio
179 nactive RAB6_T27N mutant led to an increased solubilization of COH1 from lipid membrane preparations.
180                    Our results indicate that solubilization of crystalline cellulose by C. thermocell
181 m that CipA is, in fact, necessary for rapid solubilization of crystalline cellulose, the gene was de
182       The comparison of the in vitro data on solubilization of Cu NPs and in vivo data on Cu accumula
183       Attempts were also made to enhance the solubilization of curcumin in aqueous equimolar mixed su
184 o the inner monolayer cause relatively rapid solubilization of detergent-saturated bilayers.
185 e acids (BAs), whose primary function is the solubilization of dietary lipids for digestion and absor
186                           We found excellent solubilization of different 3rd generation taxoids irres
187  as other micelle forming detergents, is the solubilization of different membrane proteins.
188 changes are associated with a slower rate of solubilization of DMPC vesicles by apoE4-mut1 and reduce
189 ipid surfactant at sub-CMC concentrations on solubilization of dodecane in porous media under dynamic
190                  ApoA-I-mediated spontaneous solubilization of either multilamellar or unilamellar ve
191 per, we report on the successful loading and solubilization of EpoB in a poly(d,l-lactic-co-glycolic
192 cinic acid (EDDS) leads to stabilization and solubilization of Fe at natural pH.
193 stances (EPS) and the subsequent release and solubilization of fixed metals.
194              Furthermore, UNC119 facilitated solubilization of G(t) from dark-adapted rod OS membrane
195 rescued the cloche lens phenotype, including solubilization of gamma-crystallin, increased lens trans
196 report one-pot synthesis, encapsulation, and solubilization of high-quality quantum dots (QDs) based
197 etreatments should be applied to enhance the solubilization of holocelluloses and increase their furt
198 ere we devise a general strategy for in vivo solubilization of IMPs in structurally relevant conforma
199              This technique, called SIMPLEx (solubilization of IMPs with high levels of expression),
200                                              Solubilization of integral membrane proteins in aqueous
201 l-length, monomeric BAK by mutagenesis-based solubilization of its C-terminal alpha-helical surface.
202 tivity was also sufficient to invoke partial solubilization of lamin A/C from permeabilized Hep2 cell
203 cal research that can offer a detergent-free solubilization of membrane proteins maintaining their na
204 f a sample processing workflow allows entire solubilization of membrane proteins.
205 ability of detergents for the extraction and solubilization of Mistic-tagged membrane proteins.
206                                    Digitonin solubilization of mitochondria demonstrated that ABCB6 i
207 ivo evidence for Shh shedding and subsequent solubilization of N-terminal-truncated proteins.
208  less selective but show an enhanced overall solubilization of nanotube material.
209             A methodology for the reversible solubilization of other fullerene derivatives based on t
210 he HDL particles produced by apoA-I-mediated solubilization of phospholipid (PL)/free (unesterified)
211          PIP2 also increased the spontaneous solubilization of phospholipid liposomes by apoA1.
212  HDL particles created by either spontaneous solubilization of phospholipid multilamellar vesicles or
213 tenna sizes was achieved with mild detergent solubilization of photosynthetic membranes and fractiona
214 nisms contributing to chemical and enzymatic solubilization of plant cell walls is critical for enabl
215 ypothesis that Abeta immunization results in solubilization of plaque Abeta42 which, at least in part
216                This study measured reductive solubilization of plutonium(IV) hydrous oxide (Pu(IV)O(2
217 all Hsps also facilitate the Hsp104-mediated solubilization of polyglutamine in yeast.
218 om the beginning, considerably improving the solubilization of precipitated proteins.
219   pressurized water extraction showed a high solubilization of protein material up to 95% of inserted
220 n infected cells, Y451A and P452A diminished solubilization of pU(L)6, reduced incorporation of the p
221              In summary, we propose that the solubilization of RANKL by MMP-7 is a potential mechanis
222 and quantifying the surfactant insertion and solubilization of SLBs offers additional insights into t
223 wed that CAPB could dramatically enhance the solubilization of soluble proteins (PN), polysaccharides
224  lead to the solute concentration gradients: solubilization of solutes by micelles and differential a
225  measurement of optical density loss and the solubilization of substrate.
226 ocatalytic saccharification through complete solubilization of the biomass, including the lignin frac
227                                              Solubilization of the C18 fundamental circuit of alpha-g
228                                              Solubilization of the Cu NPs applied to the leaves was a
229 ia coli, the substrate dramatically improved solubilization of the enzyme from membranes with mild de
230                        Upon dodecylmaltoside solubilization of the membrane fraction, Cx26M34A and Cx
231 erfacial Marangoni flows induced by micellar solubilization of the oil phase.
232 esence of pectin from the fruit hampered the solubilization of the phenolic compounds (with exception
233                     The results suggest that solubilization of the polysulfur linkage is a key parame
234 finally, the peptides destabilize and induce solubilization of the supported membranes.
235 have demonstrated limited diameter-selective solubilization of the SWNTs as revealed by UV/vis/NIR an
236  to the same enzymatic state that removal or solubilization of the transmembrane domains does.
237 d for optimization of the SMA technology for solubilization of the wide variety of cell membranes fou
238 r was used to effect a non-detergent partial solubilization of thylakoids from spinach.
239                                    Detergent solubilization of thylakoids post cross linking and blue
240 y of lecithin-based microemulsion system for solubilization of triglycerides which can potentially be
241              Dendrimerization as a method of solubilization of UCNPs opens up numerous possibilities
242 ified beta-expansin from maize pollen led to solubilization of wall matrix polysaccharides, dominated
243 on of MjK2 responsible for the dependence of solubilization on high salt concentrations since express
244 entrations of monovalent salt can induce the solubilization or crystallization of NPs and proteins.
245     The approach did not require any protein solubilization or purification and may be a general appr
246 ermine its utility as a pretreatment (sludge solubilization) or postreatment (organic matter removal)
247 esult in composition change, area expansion, solubilization, or the formation of protrusion features
248 served profound synergistic and antagonistic solubilization patterns for the coformulation of the two
249               Studied variables were protein solubilization pH (acid vs. alkaline) and blending step
250                                 After tissue solubilization, photo-tagged proteins are isolated and i
251  that these changes were due to differential solubilization, photodegradation, evaporation, and/or bi
252 udy was to develop and evaluate a novel drug solubilization platform (so-called solid nanodispersion)
253 ydrotrope at any proportion, show unexpected solubilization power and allow strange but yet unexplain
254 maceutical toxicity profiles, and their high solubilization power of both polar and nonpolar compound
255 ) as sodium salt is commonly used in protein solubilization prior to tryptic digestion, but the prese
256  number of protein-containing micelles after solubilization, providing the number of reconstituted ch
257 emical and biophysical techniques, detergent solubilization, purification, and lipid reconstitution a
258                        We review examples of solubilization, purification, long-term stabilization of
259 s of a combination of selective Triton X-114 solubilization, radiolabeling with [(3)H]palmitic acid,
260  exhibited a 100-fold reduction in cellulose solubilization rate, although it was eventually able to
261 -I is the main determinant of in vitro lipid solubilization rates, whereas loss of cellular lipid rel
262 mple vial containing proteins suspended in a solubilization reagent is placed inside a domestic micro
263 ability initiate a response resulting in the solubilization, reduction, and uptake of soil iron.
264 evels of RIG-I and NS1 within an IPS-1-rich, solubilization-resistant fraction after cell lysis.
265 oduced the effect that small improvements in solubilization resulted in significant potentiation of t
266 issue culture cells, we performed a polysome solubilization screen and identified conditions that dis
267 ane proteins pertaining to their extraction, solubilization, stabilization, and crystallization, as w
268 , quantification of hydroxyproline (collagen solubilization), static and dynamic nanomechanical analy
269 potato starch standards, and utilize similar solubilization strategies, but had not been comprehensiv
270                                      A novel solubilization strategy combined with sensitive proteomi
271 he aqueous solutions were assessed by pyrene solubilization studies.
272 tion, compared to other conventional protein solubilization techniques.
273     We performed medium-scale expression and solubilization tests on 351 rationally selected membrane
274 st, 'Karantoki' showed more extensive pectin solubilization than 'Morphitiki'.
275 ups turned out to provide significantly less solubilization than tert-butyl groups in these compounds
276                                         Upon solubilization, the retinal 5HT4 receptor retained the b
277                                         Upon solubilization, the retinal adenosine A1 receptor retain
278 tein solubilization method, MAPS reduces the solubilization time significantly, increases the amount
279 lipid/detergent 1:20 mol ratio) and extended solubilization times (24-48 h) certain mixtures were not
280 polymeric ligands for quantum dot (QD) water solubilization to yield biocompatible and derivatizable
281  in detergent micelles, suggesting detergent solubilization traps the protein in a nonactivatable sta
282 ysis, nuclei isolation/washing and chromatin solubilization under mild conditions are bypassed to avo
283  The results hold promise for polysaccharide solubilization under mild conditions, as well as for new
284 erol mixtures were special in that detergent solubilization was accompanied, for certain temperatures
285 o engage in mixed-mode mechanisms for solute solubilization was established.
286                                              Solubilization was further improved by using a mixture o
287  of these processes, we conclude that matrix solubilization was linked closely to changes in wall pla
288                   Without AQDS, bioreductive solubilization was slower ( approximately 22 days) and l
289 e protein content of the deposits, following solubilization, was assayed by Western blotting.
290 ein crosslinking followed by ionic detergent solubilization, we show that Hsp93 directly binds to the
291 neral adding high-melting lipids limited the solubilization, whereas the addition of low-melting lipi
292 odegradation of soil-sorbed PAHs by micellar solubilization, which increase the cell exposure to the
293 drogen bonding, polar, and ionic) for solute solubilization while keeping it intact during analyte el
294    After capping with a multilayer shell and solubilization with a multidentate ligand, this class of
295 pe receptor, in the absence of ligand, after solubilization with a variety of detergents.
296 e show that, upon isolation of membranes and solubilization with detergent, the biochemical character
297      Inactivation of membrane-bound seHAS by solubilization with Nonidet P-40 was prevented by TO-CL,
298 tokes radius of 6.3 nm can be obtained after solubilization with the non-ionic detergent C(12)E(8), f
299 up to 2.13 mg N/L substantially enhanced WAS solubilization, with the highest solubilization (0.16 mg
300      We propose here a general principle for solubilization without conventional surfactants: the bal

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