


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rrelate well with Kosower Z values (based on solvatochromism).
2 Stokes shift, high quantum yield, and strong solvatochromism.
3 ighly fluorescent with a pronounced emission solvatochromism.
4 action effects with respect to quenching and solvatochromism.
5 henolates 3a-d, which revealed a reversal in solvatochromism.
6 rity sensors with a strong positive emission solvatochromism.
7 high quantum yields, and strong fluorescence solvatochromism.
8 hat causes a large Stokes shift and positive solvatochromism.
9 narrow and asymmetric and exhibits only weak solvatochromism.
10 nce in polar aprotic solvents accompanied by solvatochromism.
11                                              Solvatochromism and concentration-dependent emissions of
12                                              Solvatochromism and NMR chemical shift studies of 1 and
13 generation dendrimers (G2 and G3) to exhibit solvatochromism and thermochromism, while their oligomer
14 alibrated by vibrational Stark spectroscopy, solvatochromism, and MD simulations.
15 ) forms, solution-state kinetic experiments, solvatochromism, and NMR studies.
16 ivative exhibit a large Stokes shift, strong solvatochromism, and quantum yield values up to 0.47; th
17 nine forms, in conjunction with computation, solvatochromism, and solution NMR studies, we have inves
18 ingly, the compounds exhibited excited-state solvatochromism attributable to the structural reorganiz
19 nt polarity, leading to substantial negative solvatochromism (Deltalambda approximately 10(2) nm) and
20 s a deep purple solid that exhibits positive solvatochromism in solution.
21                       All the dyes displayed solvatochromism in the emission spectra characteristic o
22 ne-containing derivatives displayed positive solvatochromism in the fluorescence spectra indicating a
23 ately 1 for the pure acceptors), and notable solvatochromism in the fluorescence suggests emission fr
24 s, as well as a remarkable positive emission solvatochromism, indicating charge-transfer character in
25                                       Strong solvatochromism is also displayed.
26 ansfer (CT) excited states, but the emission solvatochromism is not more pronounced.
27 -BF2 and p-HOPyDI:Zn (excited state pK(a)'s, solvatochromism, kinetics, and thermodynamics of proton
28                           Differences in the solvatochromism of [Rc(CH)(3)Rc](+) and [Fc(CH)(3)Fc](+)
29                                          The solvatochromism of each dye was studied in 28 organic so
30  HRS data in methanol show that the stronger solvatochromism of the Fe(II) complexes causes their NLO
31 s, including emission wavelength tunability, solvatochromism, red-edge excitation, chemical stability
32  series of optical spectroscopy experiments, solvatochromism studies, density functional theory (DFT)
33 c character in the PMC form, as found in the solvatochromism studies.
34                         This strong emission solvatochromism suggests the formation of an intramolecu
35                                     It shows solvatochromism that is similar to five other PRODAN der
36                  On the basis of chromophore solvatochromism, these results are consistent with a les
37  deltaomega(0)(t) is a dynamic analog of the solvatochromism used in interpreting solvent effects on
38 und that all compounds exhibit a reversal in solvatochromism, which is interpreted in terms of the ab

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