


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in H-D exchange rates that reflect relative solvent accessibility.
2 ucture in a way that is strictly governed by solvent accessibility.
3 t the primary factor governing reactivity is solvent accessibility.
4  the center of the contact region with a low solvent accessibility.
5 d an increase in the thiopurine-binding site solvent accessibility.
6 to enzymatic digestion, suggesting increased solvent accessibility.
7 h are suitable for circular permutation than solvent accessibility.
8 n hydrophobic residues with a high degree of solvent accessibility.
9 strongly, positively correlates with protein solvent accessibility.
10 xplain about half of the variance of protein solvent accessibility.
11 rves as a quantitative measure of side-chain solvent accessibility.
12 protein evolution such as residue packing or solvent accessibility.
13 similar affinities and associated changes in solvent accessibility.
14 ng dependent on its intrinsic reactivity and solvent accessibility.
15 sidues 138-145, showed no regular pattern in solvent accessibility.
16 , and substrate binding causes a decrease in solvent accessibility.
17  mobility of tertiary structure elements and solvent accessibility.
18  area reveals the method successfully probes solvent accessibility.
19 mbering atoms and residues to calculation of solvent accessibility.
20 ng evidence for their physical proximity and solvent accessibility.
21  both the peptide's secondary structures and solvent accessibility.
22 patially resolved measurements of changes in solvent accessibility.
23 e NTD in these species gains flexibility and solvent accessibility.
24 d and used to express the magnitude of their solvent accessibility.
25 nsitive to protein conformational change and solvent accessibility.
26 yme-inhibitor thioester adduct stability and solvent accessibility.
27 0, residues of the GH loop exhibit decreased solvent accessibilities.
28  analytical formula for the approximation of solvent accessibilities.
29 Fields) to predict secondary structure (SS), solvent accessibility (ACC) and disorder regions (DISO).
30 myeloperoxidase and ONOO(-), suggesting that solvent accessibility accounted in part for the reactivi
31 oxyl radical cleavage was used to define the solvent accessibility along the backbone of a ribozyme d
32                    Nearly all differences in solvent accessibility among subunits disappear after the
33 roups, are crucial for these properties, but solvent accessibility and a disulfide bond (present in o
34 cal electrophiles is therefore gated by both solvent accessibility and additional electrostatic facto
35 e of oxidation may not be dictated solely by solvent accessibility and amino acid identity.
36 graphy-mass spectrometry (DXMS) to probe the solvent accessibility and backbone flexibility of the C2
37 y structure, JPred also makes predictions of solvent accessibility and coiled-coil regions.
38 s of His122 and Tyr125 not only enhanced the solvent accessibility and conformational flexibility of
39 veral types on the basis of their length and solvent accessibility and counts were made for the repla
40 resulting RNA model rationalizes independent solvent accessibility and cryo-electron microscopy struc
41  restructured dimer interface with decreased solvent accessibility and dynamics.
42                                              Solvent accessibility and energy calculations of the map
43 A and Mg2+, the H-helix showed a decrease in solvent accessibility and flexibility that was relaxed o
44 ER2/neu antibody at three sites differing in solvent accessibility and local charge.
45                                          The solvent accessibility and local pKa of the adducted and
46 Furthermore, a detailed analysis correlating solvent accessibility and local structural contacts for
47 o demonstrate the feasibility of determining solvent accessibility and membrane immersion depth of ea
48 y heterogeneous; each residue has its unique solvent accessibility and motional environment.
49 ,3 family, but with variations in side-chain solvent accessibility and orientation.
50 its environment, which consists of predicted solvent accessibility and secondary structure of each am
51 pe labeling and (19)F NMR to investigate the solvent accessibility and side-chain dynamics of aromati
52 d by JoY, which include secondary structure, solvent accessibility and sidechain hydrogen bonds, XSuL
53 photoreactivity of His is determined by both solvent accessibility and structural flexibility.
54 ed fluorescence quenching to investigate the solvent accessibility and surface charge of the soluble
55  receptor has tertiary structure that limits solvent accessibility and that its conformation changes
56 of the TPQ ring possess different degrees of solvent accessibility and that the rates of C5 [double b
57 predicted secondary structure, the predicted solvent accessibility and the contact prediction scores
58  shown by large increases in probe dynamics, solvent accessibility and the elimination of all intersu
59 owed reasonable agreement between amino acid solvent accessibility and the resulting oxidation status
60 s demonstrate that adding predicted relative solvent accessibility and torsion angle information impr
61 new structural information such as predicted solvent accessibility and torsion angles into the profil
62  specific naive T cell frequency and peptide solvent accessibility and/or mobility for a subset of mo
63                        The site with partial solvent-accessibility and neutral charge displayed both
64 g amino acid sequence, secondary structures, solvent accessibilities, and residue-residue contacts to
65 sordered secondary structure, an increase in solvent accessibility, and a decrease in intrinsic stabi
66 on, the smaller the PF value, the higher the solvent accessibility, and a value of 1 indicates full e
67 d scores, predicted secondary structures and solvent accessibility, and amino acid properties.
68 S, approximately 66% Q3 accuracy for 3-state solvent accessibility, and approximately 0.89 area under
69          A correlation between antigenicity, solvent accessibility, and flexibility in proteins was d
70 ses a higher anionic surface charge density, solvent accessibility, and greater degree of local confo
71  be defined in terms of secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and hydrogen bonding status.
72 nergy, strain energy, solvation free energy, solvent accessibility, and hydrophobic, polar, acid, and
73 or changes in the size, secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and intrinsic stability of the ol
74 tween the protein compactness, inferred from solvent accessibility, and mRNA structure, inferred from
75 r effect can be measured by contact order or solvent accessibility, and network analysis shows a spec
76        NMR studies of imino proton lifetime, solvent accessibility, and NOE connectivity suggest that
77 end of the m- and n(B)-values, the degree of solvent accessibility, and the midpoint potential observ
78 hreshold (hits) are removed if residues have solvent accessibilities appreciably lower than those obs
79 which predictions of secondary structure and solvent accessibility are made.
80 ss spectrometry, we were able to monitor the solvent accessibilities around 13 cysteines distributed
81  also inhibits membrane fluidity and reduces solvent accessibility around the lipid headgroup region.
82 footprinting and mass spectrometry for their solvent accessibility as a function of Ca(2+) concentrat
83 recall of 55.4%, while not requiring residue solvent accessibility as an input.
84        Hydroxyl radicals are ideal probes of solvent accessibility as their size approximates a water
85 tion, and used EPR to determine dynamics and solvent accessibility at each site.
86  in many laboratories, provides a measure of solvent accessibility at individual nucleotides.
87 e used to construct a high-resolution map of solvent accessibility at individual reactive sites.
88 direct and quantitative approach for probing solvent accessibility at the base pairing face of guanos
89 us, phosphorylation causes subtle changes in solvent accessibility at the interdomain interface of Ch
90  methods to distinguish H/2H exchange due to solvent accessibility at the interface from H/2H exchang
91 wed by LC/MS/MS, providing information about solvent accessibility at the peptide and even the amino-
92                              The kinetics of solvent accessibility at the protein-protein interface b
93           A simple volume-based, rather than solvent accessibility-based, model is constructed for De
94 ic features of membrane proteins, as well as solvent accessibility, by utilizing the lactose permease
95 otection include all of the sites of reduced solvent accessibility calculated from two different crys
96 itution tables, evolutionary trace analysis, solvent accessibility calculations and 3D-structures wer
97 s of PAI-1 are underestimated by theoretical solvent accessibility calculations derived from crystall
98 lyses (helicity, disorder, and polarity) and solvent accessibility calculations were performed to ide
99 allel to the different conditions, since its solvent accessibility changed only in the presence of si
100 comparably protected by DNA, consistent with solvent accessibility changes calculated from core domai
101                                              Solvent accessibility changes in this transiently phosph
102 yses on this novel substitution matrix (i.e. solvent accessibility charge volume (SCV) matrix) suppor
103 usly reported NMR data satisfied most of the solvent-accessibility constraints.
104 with predicted secondary structure, relative solvent accessibility, contact map and beta-strand pairi
105     We present an approach for incorporating solvent accessibility data from electron paramagnetic re
106 d glob models can be further refined against solvent accessibility data, if available, and then conve
107 y the hydroxyl radical reactions, amino acid solvent-accessibility data for native and denatured C14S
108 uclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data and the solvent-accessibility data obtained in this study.
109 luorescence measurements, in addition to the solvent-accessibility data presented here, was generated
110 predictors for secondary structure, relative solvent accessibility, disordered regions, domains, disu
111 2 and residues 126-132, undergo decreases in solvent accessibility due to steric contacts with PPACK
112  the interface are crucial factors affecting solvent accessibility during the reaction pathway; compu
113 , whereas the N-terminus retains most of its solvent-accessibility during aggregation, and the hydrop
114                   X-ray crystallographic and solvent accessibility experiments suggest that these sol
115                                          The solvent accessibility expressed by the PF values agreed
116 of properties including secondary structure, solvent accessibility, flexibility, conservation, quater
117                  Complex formation decreased solvent accessibility for both actin-bound probes, but i
118 onitor both local nucleotide flexibility and solvent accessibility for nearly all nucleotides in the
119      After addition of MalF-P2, an increased solvent accessibility for residues in the vicinity of th
120 ith conformational changes playing a role in solvent accessibility for these mutants.
121  to wild-type, indicating that the change in solvent accessibility for unfolding was similar.
122  from predictions of secondary structure and solvent accessibility, from the region between two resid
123 ns, including secondary structures, relative solvent accessibilities, functional motifs and polymorph
124 ORS) and predictions of secondary structure, solvent accessibility, globular regions, transmembrane h
125 ture and predictions of secondary structure, solvent accessibility, globular regions, transmembrane h
126 one-dependent conformational change limiting solvent accessibility had occurred.
127         Residues exhibiting higher levels of solvent accessibility have been shown to contact TCR, bu
128 orphology has implications in topics such as solvent accessibilities in proteins, vibrational energy
129 ringent conformational constraints, reducing solvent accessibility in almost all histone regions by >
130 ield a near-perfect measure (r >or= 0.82) of solvent accessibility in an RNA with a complex tertiary
131 ase cleavage produced significant changes in solvent accessibility in the AID and upper lobe of the c
132 the fVIII C2 domain, are consistent with the solvent accessibility in the context of the entire fVIII
133 sidue, Cys327, out of three, has an enhanced solvent accessibility in the inward-facing (relative to
134 allosteric inhibition, as shown by increased solvent accessibility in the upper and lower lobes, incl
135 Amide H/D exchange experiments indicate that solvent accessibility increases across the entire LRP1 c
136 icted to be a large contributor, because the solvent accessibility increases only slightly in mutant
137           ANSmal emission properties and its solvent accessibility indicate that Cys-24 is in an aque
138 obic pockets and positions with intermediate solvent accessibility, indicating that hydrophobic inter
139 sidues from profile, secondary structure and solvent accessibility information.
140            In the native state, the order of solvent accessibility is as follows: W118 > W60 > W104.
141  modified at side chains with medium to high solvent accessibility is compatible with such a view.
142 ing protein secondary structure and relative solvent accessibility is important for the study of prot
143 res of various protein sites regarding their solvent accessibility is revealed, where high-PF regions
144                               Finally, local solvent accessibility is shown to be a primary determina
145 the structure is determined according to its solvent accessibility, its position relative to the seco
146   Here we describe a new NMR method, SALMON (solvent accessibility, ligand binding, and mapping of li
147 s to decrease the stability (DeltaG) and the solvent accessibility (m-value) of the N if I transition
148 mpact carbohydrate conformation with greater solvent accessibility observed for smaller phospholipid
149 ated conformational changes could change the solvent accessibilities of affected residues, as reflect
150 consisted of PSI-blast sequence profiles and solvent accessibilities of each surface residue and 14 o
151                                          The solvent accessibilities of individual tryptophan residue
152                 Under native conditions, the solvent accessibilities of most 2-AP-labeled RNA substra
153                                              Solvent accessibilities of the active-site-bound spin pr
154                                          The solvent accessibilities of the lysine residues were alte
155                                          The solvent accessibilities of the probe sites, as measured
156 ue pairs, pairwise distance and the relative solvent accessibilities of the residues.
157                           Differences in the solvent accessibilities of the seven quasi-equivalent ca
158 numbers, types of coordinating residues, and solvent accessibilities of these sites are providing ins
159                                  The data on solvent accessibilities of various amino acids within th
160 mains in the kinase-off state by probing the solvent accessibility of 129 cysteine substitutions.
161  the enzyme-aminoglycoside complex increases solvent accessibility of a number of amides and is respo
162 cessible area, traditionally used to measure solvent accessibility of a protein site, of the sulfur a
163 n the presence of CTFs was comparable to the solvent accessibility of Abeta(1-40) oligomers formed in
164 , only CTFs but not Abeta(21-30) reduced the solvent accessibility of Abeta(1-42) in region D1-R5.
165                                  The reduced solvent accessibility of Abeta(1-42) in the presence of
166 ords an in situ, real-time monitoring of the solvent accessibility of Abeta1-42 at various stages of
167 hat RNA binding creates heterogeneity in the solvent accessibility of ADAR2 tryptophan residues, with
168 ing (HRF) provide rich information about the solvent accessibility of amino acid side chains of a pro
169 ure changes in protein structure via altered solvent accessibility of amino acid side chains.
170 eveloped accurate methods for predicting the solvent accessibility of amino acids from a protein sequ
171 25-HC changes the position, orientation, and solvent accessibility of cholesterol, shifting it into t
172 gand binding results in clear attenuation of solvent accessibility of Cys at position 326 and a margi
173 ication can also be used to easily probe the solvent accessibility of cysteine residues, which provid
174  is altered by H3K4me3, we mapped changes in solvent accessibility of cysteine thiols by differential
175 challenged with an alkylating agent to probe solvent accessibility of different residues in the fibri
176 nsive reagents to study local changes in the solvent accessibility of DNA, RNA and proteins associate
177 inge element, as evidenced by the diminished solvent accessibility of FMal relative to the native str
178 become a powerful approach for measuring the solvent accessibility of folded protein structures.
179 escence quenching experiments to observe the solvent accessibility of helix B at pH 6.0 and 7.4.
180  of several residues, resulting in decreased solvent accessibility of hemes and the withdrawal of a p
181        We report a method for expressing the solvent accessibility of histidine imidazole groups in p
182               To quantitatively describe the solvent accessibility of imidazole groups in proteins, i
183  spectrometry has been used to determine the solvent accessibility of individual residues in monomeri
184 s in secondary structure states and relative solvent accessibility of individual residues in proteins
185                       Agonists do not affect solvent accessibility of loop F, whereas certain antagon
186 a reproducibility and inflates the perceived solvent accessibility of Met-containing peptides.
187                We measured the peptide level solvent accessibility of multiple Abeta(1-40) aggregated
188 nge (HDX) mass spectrometry to determine the solvent accessibility of mVP40 residues in the absence a
189 is associated with a significant increase in solvent accessibility of one of the disulphide bonds (li
190 does not significantly alter the packing and solvent accessibility of other regions of the molten glo
191                                          The solvent accessibility of R696 is likely mediated by the
192 eactive of chemical oxidants; it reports the solvent accessibility of reactive sites on macromolecule
193 hereas acetylation disclosed the decrease in solvent accessibility of regions containing Lys 447 and
194 anine nucleotides resulted in changes in the solvent accessibility of regions of each protein that le
195 with the three other P450 2B enzymes and the solvent accessibility of residues in the ligand-free cry
196 he other three His residues, and changes the solvent accessibility of residues near His31 and near th
197           We established that mutation type, solvent accessibility of residues, and the predicted eff
198 H/(2)H exchange mass spectrometry to compare solvent accessibility of RIIbeta and the C subunit in th
199 ct is properly marked by the increase in the solvent accessibility of selected amino acids at the cyt
200 supporting its use as a rapid measure of the solvent accessibility of specific residues, and in some
201 In site-directed spin labeling, the relative solvent accessibility of spin-labeled side chains is tak
202 ity, their largest effect is in altering the solvent accessibility of the active site by expanding th
203 he enzyme toward the state(s) with decreased solvent accessibility of the active site so that the flu
204                             For example, the solvent accessibility of the alphaB-loop-alphaC region i
205 n be used to accurately estimate the average solvent accessibility of the amino acid side chain in th
206 ransition states and that the high degree of solvent accessibility of the AP active site also contrib
207  initiation of unfolding is due to increased solvent accessibility of the backbone atoms near the sma
208 e protein conformation but also decrease the solvent accessibility of the backbone atoms, thereby sta
209                There is no difference in the solvent accessibility of the bound FlAsH irrespective of
210 e structure of the Ig-fold and increases the solvent accessibility of the C-terminus.
211 to the active site of the caspase eliminates solvent accessibility of the catalytic dyad.
212  the active site of the caspase to eliminate solvent accessibility of the catalytic residues.
213 reased the amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange solvent accessibility of the contact region between the
214  both N( *) and IE have retained native-like solvent accessibility of the core, suggesting that they
215                                          The solvent accessibility of the Cu(II) in PcoC may allow fo
216                                          The solvent accessibility of the Cys residues is also determ
217 (3.50) and Asp-542(6.30) and the increase in solvent accessibility of the cytosolic extensions of hel
218       The similar excited-state lifetime and solvent accessibility of the fluorophore N-1-pyrenyl-mal
219       This transition largely attenuates the solvent accessibility of the heme pocket and causes an u
220  properties of the TnC(F29W) mutants and the solvent accessibility of the hydrophobic amino acids in
221                                          The solvent accessibility of the indole side chains was foun
222 mical modification of 3-OST-1 to measure the solvent accessibility of the lysine residues.
223 nd it provides a measure of residue-resolved solvent accessibility of the native protein.
224 markably well correlated with the fractional solvent accessibility of the native side chains at the c
225 here the U5-tract is located, increasing the solvent accessibility of the neighboring bases while mai
226 opt a unique conformation that decreases the solvent accessibility of the peptide backbone.
227                         We observe increased solvent accessibility of the platinated DNA strand, whic
228 he luminescence observed is dependent on the solvent accessibility of the pyrazine nitrogen atoms, an
229 n X-ray crystal structures, we find that the solvent accessibility of the reactive atom in the side c
230  the residues' chemical reactivities and the solvent accessibility of the reactive carbons and sulfur
231 de chains occurs at rates in accord with the solvent accessibility of the residue so that the extent
232                                          The solvent accessibility of the residue was shown to direct
233 erties of the interactions between residues, solvent accessibility of the residues and their secondar
234  Hydroxyl radical footprinting can probe the solvent accessibility of the ribose moiety of the indivi
235 technique that monitors the local changes in solvent accessibility of the RNA backbone on millisecond
236 H) analyses that report local changes in the solvent accessibility of the RNA backbone.
237 size/rigidity as well as the composition and solvent accessibility of the selectivity filter.
238 rget peptides are governed by changes in the solvent accessibility of the side-chain probe residues.
239 ere we determined the membrane partition and solvent accessibility of the TMD in bicelles that mimic
240                                              Solvent accessibility of the Tyr ring was studied using
241 amino-acid, the electrostatic properties and solvent accessibility of the whole active site in LaCADS
242 e residues in proteins in order to probe the solvent accessibility of these residues as a function of
243 ified by a fluorescent probe, revealing more solvent accessibility of this position than would be pre
244 hortening of the Ca(2+) switch helix changes solvent accessibility of Thr-171 and Leu-174 that affect
245                                          The solvent accessibility of thrombin in its substrate-free
246                        H(2)O(2) enhanced the solvent accessibility of Trp residues in PMCA, whereas a
247 rotein structure suggests a key role for the solvent accessibility of Tyr168 in promoting molecular i
248 or maintenance of this structure and reduces solvent accessibility of U36.
249                              Remarkably, the solvent accessibility of W118 in the alpha-LA molten glo
250                 These include a high average solvent-accessibility of residues within the recognition
251 ation (e.g. reports on individual nucleotide solvent accessibility offered by hydroxyl radical (()OH)
252  and subsequent elucidation of the effect of solvent accessibility on the sites of oxidation.
253  include buriedness (as measured by relative solvent accessibility), packing density (as measured by
254 y, intersubunit spin-spin proximity, and the solvent-accessibility parameters in the two states clear
255 s in hydrogen bonding, residue depth, and/or solvent accessibility predicted from the crystal structu
256 structure prediction accuracy of 82.0% while solvent accessibility prediction accuracy has been raise
257             A recently introduced method for solvent accessibility prediction trained on a set of sol
258 ools include secondary structure prediction, solvent accessibility prediction, disorder region predic
259                                     Multiple solvent accessibility probes can be applied simultaneous
260 hich involves the application of established solvent-accessibility probes and chemical crosslinkers w
261 s were defined as amino acid groups based on solvent-accessibility, radius, atomic depth, and interac
262                                              Solvent accessibility reagents, such as dimethyl sulfate
263  nucleocapsid protein p7 (NC) were probed by solvent-accessibility reagents and electrospray ionizati
264            This approach, "pseudoatom-driven solvent accessibility refinement", was validated by refo
265 s of these His residues were correlated with solvent accessibility-related parameters both by crystal
266 e devised a cost measure matrix based on the solvent accessibility, residue charge, and residue volum
267 ined information arising from local relative solvent accessibility (RSA) between two residues into th
268  evolutionary rate of sites and the relative solvent accessibility (RSA) of the corresponding residue
269 ter of mass (GCM) of the structure, relative solvent accessibility (RSA), and the use of relative ent
270 lementary to widely studied measures such as solvent accessibility (SA), residue depth (RD) and to th
271                     The resulting changes in solvent accessibility show strong correlation with exper
272 dicted 1D structure (secondary structure and solvent accessibility) significantly improved over seque
273                       A gradual reduction in solvent accessibility, spreading from the C-terminal reg
274  characterized as a paramagnetic reagent for solvent accessibility studies, and it is shown that abso
275 tion and residual dipolar couplings, and the solvent accessibility studies.
276 ine-scanning mutagenesis in conjunction with solvent-accessibility studies using the membrane-imperme
277  with theoretically derived pKa and relative solvent accessibility surface values.
278 st accurate predictions are obtained using a solvent-accessibility term, the C(beta) density, and a s
279 d had greater overall, and SAM binding site, solvent accessibility than 108V COMT at 37 degrees C.
280 eractions, higher local stability, and lower solvent accessibility than segments 5-25 and 70-75, sugg
281 that the isolated subunit has overall higher solvent accessibility than the native dimer, with the ex
282  a molecular level, we determined changes in solvent accessibility that occur when an enzyme binds to
283 ver, H/DX demonstrated significantly greater solvent accessibility throughout most of the GSTA1-1 seq
284 esponding changes are observed in either the solvent accessibility to molecular oxygen or the maximal
285 kbone flexibility, hydrophobic interactions, solvent accessibility to polar groups and intrinsic back
286 compact si-face transition structure reduced solvent accessibility to the amide oxygen with a "closed
287 ker sequence plays a key role in controlling solvent accessibility to the FAD cofactor, as evidenced
288 pen or close the top of the beta-barrel, and solvent accessibility to the protein cavity favors diffu
289 ethanethiosulfonate reagents, denoting their solvent accessibility to the translocation pathway.
290 edictors of secondary structure and relative solvent accessibility together with their multi-class va
291         In this work, we integrate predicted solvent accessibility, torsion angles and evolutionary r
292 d aspects of structure (secondary structure, solvent accessibility, transmembrane helices (TMSEG) and
293 regions on IL-23 with reduced backbone amide solvent accessibility upon antibody binding were identif
294 cludes information on the conformational and solvent accessibility variation of the enzyme-bound cofa
295                                              Solvent accessibility was assessed based on the relaxati
296 (residues 147-349) showed that the increased solvent accessibility was less than would have occurred
297                           Sequence-dependent solvent accessibility was measured as a change in power
298  that the alpha-factor-dependent decrease in solvent accessibility was not because of steric hindranc
299                                No changes in solvent accessibility were seen in the regulatory domain
300 f a ligand bound to a protein by mapping its solvent accessibility, which was used to unambiguously d

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