


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eolytically active lysosomes enriched in the soma.
2 ns in nuclear migration and anchorage in the soma.
3 on potentials and few sodium channels in the soma.
4 K channel expression at the pyramidal neuron soma.
5 ndfeet hundreds of micrometers away from the soma.
6  by decreased retrieval from the axon to the soma.
7 t delivers cargo from the distal axon to the soma.
8 solated after blocking GABAa receptor on the soma.
9 itic tips than for motion inwards toward the soma.
10 ntaining somatodendritic proteins toward the soma.
11 e on late endosomes for transport toward the soma.
12 distal axonal processes far removed from the soma.
13 e that maximises the current transfer to the soma.
14 ons and maximise the current transfer to the soma.
15 omical location of the retinal ganglion cell soma.
16 hereas most proteins are trafficked from the soma.
17 o X chromosomes is inactivated in the female soma.
18 sly by ions diffusing within the ER from the soma.
19 from its typical progression relative to the soma.
20 ity of synapses located more proximal to the soma.
21 ngthened and relocated proximally toward the soma.
22 equences, which are then eliminated from the soma.
23 egraded at the ONH than in the ganglion cell soma.
24 61, which accumulates alpha-synuclein in the soma.
25  requirement for retrograde transport to the soma.
26  these cells and thus convert them to actual soma.
27 mulation of unprocessed proforms in neuronal soma.
28 n germ cells when they are present in a male soma.
29  at apical dendrites, without inhibiting the soma.
30 uation and normalizing EPSP amplitude at the soma.
31 on, caused TH1-S31E accumulation in the cell soma.
32 orm amplitude of approximately 0.2 mV at the soma.
33 venation no matter how far they are from the soma.
34 d in the anterograde direction away from the soma.
35 he transport of signaling endosomes into the soma.
36 nuate excitatory signals passing to the cell soma.
37 nal Ca(2+) independently from actions at the soma.
38 an 26 mV) but are strongly attenuated at the soma (0.5-1 mV) and that the estimated neck resistance (
39 s 91 +/- 15 million, the volume of pyramidal soma 1,512 microm(3) , and the nuclear volume 348 microm
40 re-expressing p75NTR, the frequency of small soma 200-400 microm2 motor neurons increased, whereas th
41 shold membrane potential fluctuations at the soma affect neurotransmitter release from synaptic bouto
42 to what extent the phenomena observed at the soma after induction of LTP/LTD reflects the actual (loc
43  leading to its significant reduction in the soma and abnormal retention within late endosomes in dis
44  We recorded the membrane potential from the soma and apical dendrite of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neuro
45 cerebellum, basket cells (BCs) innervate the soma and axon initial segment (AIS) of Purkinje cells (P
46 itochondrial length in retinal ganglion cell soma and axon, but no degeneration.
47 ven the strong electrotonic coupling between soma and axon, the >25 mV depolarization associated with
48  PAD-induced spiking are arguably similar in soma and axon.
49 f soluble TNFalpha, effectively protects RGC soma and axons.
50 of DCVs after they bud from the Golgi in the soma and before they are trafficked to their release sit
51 nonical X dosage states that differ from the soma and between the sexes.
52   PTP1B inactivation prevents TrkA exit from soma and causes receptor degradation, suggesting a "gate
53 tic function are synthesized in the neuronal soma and conveyed via slow axonal transport.
54 network (TGN) and the plasma membrane of the soma and dendrites but not the axon.
55 ed ion channels in the AIS from those of the soma and dendrites have hampered understanding how AIS p
56 s were found to be unevenly clustered on the soma and dendrites of dopamine neurons within the substa
57 ntitative experimental measurements from the soma and dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
58 iched MAP, was aberrantly distributed in the soma and dendrites of mutant Purkinje cells.
59 is, we performed patch-clamp recordings from soma and dendrites of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons,
60 so develops substantially more slowly in the soma and dendrites than the development of the 1D MPS in
61 icroscopy recently revealed that, unlike the soma and dendrites, the axon membrane skeleton is struct
62 er distinct from that of HCN channels in the soma and dendrites.
63 cluster at inhibitory synapses mainly on the soma and dendritic shafts.
64  cytoskeletal protein present throughout the soma and dendritic tree of cerebellar Purkinje cells, to
65 rgoing IGF-1R knock-out reduced their apical soma and developed leaner dendrites, indicative of remar
66 ng reduction in astrocyte free Ca(2+) in the soma and endfeet.
67  of varying the AIS position relative to the soma and found that AIS distal relocation of both Nav an
68 and acts by controlling sex identity in both soma and germ line.
69  is achieved both at nerve terminals and the soma and is independent of membrane hyperpolarization an
70 hat augmenting viability of the motor neuron soma and maintaining functional neuromuscular junction c
71 ng sex chromosome dosage compensation in the soma and meiotic sex chromosome inactivation in the germ
72                         We hypothesized that soma and neurite microcompartments exhibit distinct mech
73 nt, TH1-S31E, was distributed throughout the soma and neurites.
74  epigenome is distinguished from that of the soma and progenitor cells.
75 e synapses were localized exclusively on the soma and proximal dendrites, placing them in a good loca
76 thod and restricting channelrhodopsin to the soma and proximal dendrites, we are able to reliably evo
77 eled putative Renshaw cell synapses on their soma and proximal dendrites.
78              Axonal autophagosomes enter the soma and remain confined within the somatodendritic doma
79 h synaptic charge-transfer from dendrites to soma and spike propagation along the axon.
80 e data implicate different mechanisms in the soma and terminal in the transition to chronic pain.
81 all dye molecules diffused within ER between soma and terminal showing a single continuous ER compart
82 onal communication of Ca(2+) changes between soma and terminal.
83 ndependent, variation in contrast across the soma and the dendrite.
84 rase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive soma and the eventual loss of 5HT neurons in the DRif an
85 stance, denoting the path length between the soma and the start of the AIS, and to produce invariant
86 he trafficking of axonal retromer toward the soma and thus enhances protease transport to lysosomes,
87 eted siRNA led to striking protection of RGC somas and axons from hypertension-induced damage.
88 mulation and promoted robust survival of RGC somas and axons, supporting a critical role for tau alte
89  segment (AIS), controls retrograde (axon-to-soma) and anterograde (soma-to-axon) traffic of Tau.
90 channels are preferentially located near the soma, and control the frequency and pattern of spontaneo
91 l transcriptome in radial glia, far from the soma, and establish a tractable mammalian model for stud
92 s force for retrograde movements towards the soma, and kinesins move cargo in the opposite, anterogra
93  Ca(2+) channels decreased linearly from the soma, and leveled at the distal apical dendrite.
94 ts secreted from axons were processed in the soma, and many were dependent on somatic endocytosis for
95 nically isolate radial glia endfeet from the soma, and we use photoconvertible proteins to demonstrat
96 myelinated axons started more closely to the soma, ankyrin G, betaIV-spectrin, and the ion channel ex
97 hat the germ line is not segregated from the soma are characteristics of Hydra that may make nonsenes
98 ontrast, autophagosomes generated within the soma are less mobile and tend to cluster.
99             In Tetrahymena, the germline and soma are partitioned into two different nuclei within a
100                                          The soma area of motor neurons re-expressing p75NTR was alwa
101      Ganglion cells were classified based on soma area, dendritic field size, and branching of dendri
102 by increasing the number of neurites and the soma area.
103 cessful completion of migration and neuronal soma arrest occurs below the first stable branch point o
104 r; and (iii) using organelle motility inside somas as an intrinsic contrast agent.
105                                  Once in the soma, autophagosomes are confined to the somatodendritic
106  image was then used to locate recorded cell somas, axon initial segments, and axon trajectories, and
107 cal synapses develop in a soma-soma, but not soma-axon (removal of soma) configuration, indicating th
108      Neurons were cultured in a soma-soma or soma-axon configuration and synapses explored electrophy
109 (cholinergic) synapses between soma-soma and soma-axon pairs were indistinguishable, with both exhibi
110                                         Dual soma-axon patch-clamp recordings combined with axonal Na
111 dritic spikes that reliably propagate to the soma/axon.
112                               Close to their soma, axons almost exclusively targeted inhibitory inter
113 ries substantial information that reveals GC somas, axons, and other retinal neurons and permits thei
114 L7 is part of a local feedback loop with the soma because it regulates cumulus cell replication.
115                           Concomitantly, the soma becomes less mobile and the leading process acquire
116  cell types are always recorded first at the soma before backpropagating into the dendrites while und
117 er and size of proprioceptive sensory neuron soma between symptomatic SOD1(G93A) and control mice.
118  increase in SNAP25 cleavage detected in the soma chamber compared with nonstimulated neurons.
119 zed rule: for all nerve pathway origins, the soma cluster centroids in closest proximity are those wh
120 P amplitude increased with distance from the soma, compensating for dendritic attenuation and normali
121 n a soma-soma, but not soma-axon (removal of soma) configuration, indicating the requirement of gene
122  hypermethylation of 1 allele throughout the soma (constitutional epimutation) is an accepted mechani
123 s constructed and validated, confirming that SOMA construction is feasible.
124       We find that at steady state, the cell soma contains populations of autophagosomes derived from
125                                    This germ-soma demarcation has evolved independently in dozens of
126 llular matrix molecules that encapsulate the soma, dendrites, and axon segments of neurons in a latti
127 g to determine the signaling patterns in CA1 soma, dendrites, and axons associated with place field f
128 s stimulated by either Ca(2+) or 2-DG in the soma, dendrites, and axons of hippocampal neurons, with
129 reticulum (ER) that elaborate throughout the soma, dendrites, axon and presynaptic terminal.
130 el predictions and experimental results: net soma depolarizing currents increased choice hysteresis,
131                                We placed the soma depolarizing electrode over medial frontal PFC.
132                          Here we report that soma depth and dendritic path lengths within each cortic
133  Germline genes often become re-expressed in soma-derived human cancers as "cancer/testis antigens" (
134 t competing requirements of the germline and soma dictate organismal stress resistance as animals beg
135 mmed genome rearrangement during germline to soma differentiation.
136 % of the outer stratifying cells) have their soma displaced to the inner nuclear layer.
137                   The origin of the germline-soma distinction is a fundamental unsolved question.
138 diated Ca(2+) signals >400 mum distal to the soma, due to unusually tight electrotonic coupling of th
139  (4E-BP1) prevents neuronal misplacement and soma enlargement, while partially rescuing dendritic hyp
140           Inner stratifying cells have their soma exclusively in the ganglion cell layer and include
141 ation of specific mRNAs transported from the soma, exposing new mechanistic layers within stem cells
142 period, projections emerge from the cellular soma, extending toward a specific subpopulation of matur
143                                          Our SOMA faithfully represents the tissue-based molecular as
144  fluorescently tagged cholera toxin in their soma five days after injecting this retrograde tracer in
145  tracing via "backfilling" of the dye to the soma, followed by functional imaging in the labeled cell
146                                            A SOMA for a previously validated CCRCC-specific supervise
147                                            A SOMA for the CCRCC-specific SPC prognostic gene signatur
148 ls may be able to communicate changes in the soma from one generation to the next.
149 r that: axon-axon gap junctions close to the soma gave the best match to experimentally measured coup
150 vitro with endocrine cells and at the neuron soma, growth cones, neurites, axons, and dendrites but n
151             Dendritic tapering away from the soma has been suggested to both equalise contributions f
152   Interactions between the germ line and the soma help optimize reproductive success.
153 icrovesicular uptake as well as both soma-to-soma "horizontal" and bidirectional "vertical" synaptic
154                                          The soma, however, contains autophagosomes at different matu
155 tion zone (SIZ) that are often distal to the soma in invertebrate neurons.
156 otentials to antidromically propagate to the soma in retrograde signaling.
157 in injured and uninjured nerves in the skin, soma in trigeminal ganglion, and central terminals in th
158 ) and medium-field monostratified cells with somas in the ganglion cell layer (GCL).
159                  M1-like cells typically had somas in the ganglion cell layer, with 23% displaced to
160                          Calretinin-positive somas in the inner nuclear and the ganglion cell layer w
161 d and narrow-field monostratified cells with somas in the inner nuclear layer (INL) and medium-field
162 tochondrial degradation and mitophagy in RGC somas in vitro, it does not affect transport dynamics an
163           We perform morphometry on GC layer somas, including projection of GCs onto photoreceptors a
164 r how low sodium channel availability in the soma influenced the temporal precision of action potenti
165 mongst organisms, the importance of germline-soma interactions is a common theme.
166 ith neuronal cell bodies) to understand glia-soma interactions.
167        Segregation of the germ line from the soma is an essential event for transmission of genetic i
168 ch Nav1.6 nanoclusters are maintained in the soma is biologically different from axonal localization.
169  inhibitory input and that distance from the soma is compensated for by an increase in synaptic densi
170 annose-6-phosphate receptors (CI-MPR) in the soma is disrupted in mutant hAPP neurons, causing defect
171                                  Because the soma is interposed in the signal conduction pathway, the
172 i-dependent functions occur in the mammalian soma is unclear.
173 ctrophysiological properties recorded at the soma, it is not yet clear whether these differences are
174                                  In neuronal somas, KCC2b immunoreactivity was concentrated at the pl
175 arply in the dendrite with distance from the soma (length constant, 53.6 mum), but their attenuation
176 de synthesis suggesting that supply from the soma limits presynaptic neuropeptide accumulation.
177 kinin1 and Pet1 (Tac1-Pet1 neurons), mapping soma localization to the caudal medulla primarily and ax
178 1 shows all L4B neurons, regardless of their soma location in blob or interblob columns, as projectin
179                        Irrespective of their soma location, the dendrites of secretagogin amacrine ce
180 ifying cells cover the retina independent of soma location.
181  Schwann cells had no impact on motor neuron soma loss from the spinal cord or ongoing systemic and p
182  nearly all found to express Kv3.1b in their soma membranes.
183  corresponding to neuronal structures (i.e., soma, neurite).
184 ns and co-localizes with lysosome markers in soma, neurites and synaptic boutons.
185 measure regional atrophy, neuronal loss, and soma neuronal atrophy in 3 components of the GP-the exte
186                    ameiotic1 mutants (normal soma, no meiosis) accumulate both 21-nt and 24-nt phasiR
187 ts produce a 5- to 6-fold larger EPSP at the soma of CA2 compared with CA1 PNs, which is sufficient t
188  an unusually strong excitatory drive at the soma of CA2 pyramidal neurons, with EPSPs that are 5-6 t
189 in the soma of daf-2 worms compared with the soma of control worms.
190  actin-capping protein, in the dendrites and soma of cultured hippocampal neurons at different develo
191 py to analyze cell-surface Nav1.6 within the soma of cultured hippocampal neurons.
192 line transcripts are not up-regulated in the soma of daf-2 worms compared with the soma of control wo
193  the L-type calcium current is larger in the soma of dopamine neurons of the SNc, leading to a higher
194 d Tc-Ago3, are also expressed throughout the soma of early embryos.
195 the presynapse in mature neurons, and on the soma of immature neurons in the hippocampus.
196    dMiroT25N accumulated mitochondria in the soma of larval motor and sensory neurons, and prevented
197       Unlike in most vertebrate neurons, the soma of many arthropod and mollusc neurons is placed at
198 null mutant, TH1-S31A, was restricted to the soma of neuroblastoma cells, with decreased association
199 enance, was dynamically repositioning in the soma of newborn cells during this initial integration st
200 lar transcriptomes of neural projections and soma of primary mouse cortical neurons and two neuronal
201 ric alphaSyn were injected directly into the soma of pyramidal neurons in mouse neocortical brain sli
202  membrane trafficking defect was observed in soma of sensory neurons expressing mutant dSpt1, consist
203 much higher number of L-type channels in the soma of SNc DA neurons, as well as a smaller single-chan
204             Here we show that the individual somas of neurons within the retinal ganglion cell (RGC)
205 age compensation states between germline and soma offer unique perspectives on sex chromosome inferti
206 tive pretapetal cells), and msca1 (no normal soma or meiocytes)--lack 24-nt phasiRNAs.
207  showing a spatial specificity to either the soma or the axon.
208                          Nav channels in the soma play a role in the transfer of axonal output inform
209 rve to innervate the labrum, indicating that soma position was independent of function and target are
210 morphology to individual neuron types, where soma position, dendritic architecture, and axonal projec
211  connections to cells at and below their own soma positions.
212 ns, which was confirmed after examination of somas post injection of a retrogradely transported antib
213  severe attenuation as they propagate to the soma, potentially reducing the influence of distal input
214 iating mutants that ultimately eradicate the soma-producing lineage.
215 ose instead that the absence of unicellular, soma-producing populations reflects their susceptibility
216          The absence of natural unicellular, soma-producing species previously prevented these hypoth
217 ations but are outcompeted by multicellular, soma-producing strains, suggesting that multicellularity
218 has dimensions similar to a pyramidal neuron soma, providing confined emission and electrophysiologic
219 ace and by simultaneously recording from the soma, proximal and distal dendrites of neocortical pyram
220 luorescence revealed the maintenance of cone soma, putative cone pedicles, and both rod and cone bipo
221 how abnormalities predominantly within their soma, rather than the apical dendrite.
222 ribution of mitochondria out of the neuronal soma regardless of the employed motor, likely by promoti
223  about gap junctions: locations close to the soma; relatively small numbers; many indirect connection
224 of irreversible conversion from germ line to soma, reproductive division of labor, and clonal multice
225    Transgenic cell labeling showed Tac1-Pet1 soma resident largely in the caudal medulla.
226 -zipper kinase (DLK) is critical for axon-to-soma retrograde signaling following nerve injury.
227 show evidence for cell differentiation, germ-soma separation, and programmed cell death.
228 uire activity at the site of injury, axon-to-soma signaling, and transcription.
229                   Specific features, such as soma size and axon outgrowth, are graded along the spira
230 rites with increased autophagy, shrinkage of soma size and axonal pathology even in the pons region.
231 TOR in the VTA had no significant effects on soma size and dendritic morphology of VTA neurons but si
232 hese four GABAergic subtypes differ in their soma size and distribution among IC subdivisions.
233 we used cluster analyses based on changes in soma size and roundness to yield novel insights into the
234                 A sex difference in neuronal soma size favoring males was also evident, but only on t
235 dent increases of dendritic arborization and soma size in both mouse and human cultures as measured 7
236 led significantly altered neurite length and soma size in CS patients.
237  neurons lacked detectable SP and had a mean soma size of 473 +/- 14 mum(2) (n = 5); 89% of the CGRP(
238 ess produced an enhanced reduction of neuron soma size within deprived dLGN layers.
239 ys produced a complete restoration of neuron soma size, and also reversed the significant loss of neu
240                  We found that DACs density, soma size, and primary dendrite length are all significa
241                                        Their soma size, neurochemical profile, and peripheral and cen
242 nuclear PTEN alone is sufficient to regulate soma size.
243 rontal cortex, and decreases in VTA dopamine soma size.
244 ced DeltaFosB, and reduction of VTA dopamine soma size.
245 s have typically been limited to measures of soma size.
246 the nucleus partially restores regulation of soma size.
247         In addition, motor neuron counts and soma sizes were recorded.
248 that chemical (cholinergic) synapses between soma-soma and soma-axon pairs were indistinguishable, wi
249                   Neurons were cultured in a soma-soma or soma-axon configuration and synapses explor
250 idence that electrical synapses develop in a soma-soma, but not soma-axon (removal of soma) configura
251   Not only are Golgi present in the neuronal soma (somal Golgi), they also exist in the dendrites as
252 olarizations from MNTB axon terminals to the soma, some hundreds of microns away.
253 is often accompanied by the misexpression of soma-specific proteins and the initiation of somatic dif
254 the lesion site in the axon back to the cell soma stimulates the increased growth capacity of injured
255 tion in promoting lysosome biogenesis in the soma, suggesting a potential approach for rescuing lysos
256 s to cell bodies, where they are inserted on soma surfaces and promote phosphorylation of resident na
257                  We designed a high-efficacy soma-targeted opsin, finding that fusing the N-terminal
258  inputs as dendrite-targeting excitation and soma-targeting inhibition (the latter contributes non-di
259 xplain how dendrite-targeting excitation and soma-targeting inhibition generate these field potential
260           Most circuit models postulate that soma-targeting parvalbumin-positive GABAergic neurons ar
261 ulthood, with greater FMRP reductions in the soma than in the neurite, despite several-fold elevation
262                     Conversely, far from the soma the targets were mostly other excitatory neurons, a
263                 Kv 3.1b is restricted to the soma, the primary neurite and the axon branch.
264  molecules are studied on the surface of the soma: the voltage-gated potassium and sodium channels Kv
265 ess and despite their large magnitude at the soma they could be as distal as Na+ currents.
266 though axons often emanate directly from the soma, they may also originate more distally from a dendr
267     How commensals gain access to epithelial soma through densely packed microvilli rooted on the ter
268  BACE1 from presynaptic terminals toward the soma, thus reducing synaptic Abeta production.
269 te that the outward transport of dynein from soma to axon terminal is driven by direct interactions w
270             In particular, the efficiency of soma to dendrite voltage transfer is highly asymmetric i
271 unusually tight electrotonic coupling of the soma to distal dendrites.
272 municate synaptic Ca(2+) changes back to the soma to influence other critical cell processes.
273 ed primarily by increased transport from the soma to the axon but rather by decreased retrieval from
274 action potential to travel from the neuronal soma to the axon terminal, defining the temporal manner
275 e cells resembling action potential from the soma to the dendrites.
276 egulates the mobilization of lipids from the soma to the germline, which supports fecundity but at th
277 tertissue transport of fat reserves from the soma to the germline.
278 d nerve growth factor (NGF) is necessary for soma-to-axon transcytosis of TrkA receptors in sympathet
279 s retrograde (axon-to-soma) and anterograde (soma-to-axon) traffic of Tau.
280 omosome-regulatory functions contribute to a soma-to-germline model for cancer, in which activation o
281 tially microvesicular uptake as well as both soma-to-soma "horizontal" and bidirectional "vertical" s
282 st that, during maintained depolarization, a soma-to-terminal [Ca(2+)] gradient develops within the E
283 adient within the rod ER lumen that promotes soma-to-terminal diffusion of Ca(2+) to replenish intrat
284 ndrite is larger for motion outward from the soma toward the dendritic tips than for motion inwards t
285 ders; and unbiased stereology to compare the soma volume of layer V pyramidal and gigantopyramidal ne
286  treatment on the total number, density, and soma volume of septal cholinergic cells, which were visu
287 me decline, 60% neuron loss, and 34% reduced soma volume.
288 by 31%, with 48% neuron loss and 64% reduced soma volume.
289              The predictive power of the RRS SOMA was then prospectively validated in an independent
290  the distance of activated synapses from the soma, was dendritic in origin, and involved SK-dependent
291                                  From SIZ to soma, we observed and quantified selective morphological
292  addition, weakly labeled cells with a large soma were identified as parasol ganglion cells.
293 ge may occur in distal regions, far from the soma where most lysosomal degradation is thought to occu
294 antly in the retrograde direction toward the soma, where mature lysosomes are mainly located.
295  vacuoles (AVs) from distal axons toward the soma, where mature lysosomes are mainly located.
296 n underwent retrograde transport to the cell soma, where they fused with lysosomes both in vitro and
297 or and the stress-stiffening response of the soma, whereas neurofilaments have a predominant contribu
298 ynamic clamp to mimic sodium channels in the soma, which yielded normal, overshooting action potentia
299 ess blocked the CUS-induced decreases in 5HT soma within the DRif and its projections to the mPFC.
300  the normalization of dendritic EPSPs at the soma would increase the importance of input timing versu

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