


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es not alter gene expression in a variety of somatic cells.
2 otential role of OCT4 in normal and diseased somatic cells.
3 hanced reprogramming in both mouse and human somatic cells.
4 tes from other readily and safely accessible somatic cells.
5 r cell-autonomous de novo DNA methylation in somatic cells.
6 rs that control the functions of surrounding somatic cells.
7 hway to maintain the male identity of testis somatic cells.
8 , but little is known about its functions in somatic cells.
9 ccessory protein DNMT3L to recruit DNMT3A in somatic cells.
10 of permanent variation of gene expression in somatic cells.
11 n formation and silencing in human and mouse somatic cells.
12 aining the spermatogonial stem cell niche in somatic cells.
13 ted by Notch2 signaling from the neighboring somatic cells.
14 that its translation is under the control of somatic cells.
15 e detection of megabase-scale CNVs in single somatic cells.
16 s antiviral RNAi in differentiated mammalian somatic cells.
17 t demonstrated a functional role for OCT4 in somatic cells.
18 erential access to the benefits conferred by somatic cells.
19 ons were reported for piRNAs in germline and somatic cells.
20  developing gonads on the basis of cues from somatic cells.
21 roblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) expression in somatic cells.
22 cer is a disease potentiated by mutations in somatic cells.
23 ome are generally silenced in differentiated somatic cells.
24 like mutational processes operating in human somatic cells.
25 tion complexes similar to those described in somatic cells.
26 g to achieve gene knockouts and knock-ins in somatic cells.
27 n the same allele but in less than 5% of her somatic cells.
28 ing multiple chromatin-based transactions in somatic cells.
29 tion of multiple mutations in populations of somatic cells.
30 ipotent stem cells, as well as directly from somatic cells.
31 xpressed exclusively from a single allele in somatic cells.
32 d in cancer occurred years earlier in normal somatic cells.
33 tity, as well as for centromeric cohesion in somatic cells.
34 etween mitochondrial and nuclear DNA in some somatic cells.
35 ontain more genomic variations than cultured somatic cells.
36  expressed in human fetal germ cells than in somatic cells.
37 otein at only 6% the level of their adjacent somatic cells.
38  (H1.10 and H1.0) subtypes, all expressed in somatic cells.
39 epended on KAP1 in both mouse ESCs and human somatic cells.
40 xpansion of the repeat tract in germline and somatic cells.
41  are tolerated or how they are propagated in somatic cells.
42 nsitions are coordinated by RA from Sertoli (somatic) cells.
43 uppresses antiviral RNAi in mature mammalian somatic cells(12-21).
44  splicing of Gypsy mRNAs in cultured ovarian somatic cells, a process required for the production of
45                                              Somatic cells acquire mutations throughout the course of
46             During the course of a lifetime, somatic cells acquire mutations.
47 or inducing lineage-specific stem cells from somatic cells across lineage boundaries have been challe
48                                     Although somatic cell activation of the embryonic stem cell (ESC)
49 d transiently, during development in diverse somatic cells and adult precursor tissues.
50 egulated loci is preserved in differentiated somatic cells and can occur in the absence of exogenous
51 ntral process to ensure genomic stability in somatic cells and during meiosis.
52 required for male gonadal differentiation in somatic cells and germ cells [2-4].
53 ost organisms consist of two cell lineages - somatic cells and germ cells.
54 developmental gene loci differ between human somatic cells and hPSCs, and that changes in the chromat
55                                  Here, using somatic cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
56 nsplantation of PGCs aggregated with gonadal somatic cells and showed that reconstituted ovaries exhi
57 tiation from hPSCs or direct conversion from somatic cells, and highlight their applications in resea
58 events the death of cultured RPL10-deficient somatic cells, and Rpl10l-promoter-driven transgenic exp
59  evidence that OCT4 has a functional role in somatic cells, and they highlight the potential role of
60 n ALADIN participates in spindle assembly in somatic cells, and we have also shown that female mice h
61 ponse in plants and invertebrates, mammalian somatic cells appear incapable of mounting an RNAi respo
62                                        Plant somatic cells are generally acknowledged to retain totip
63 es in plants and animals when differentiated somatic cells are induced into a pluripotent state, but
64 ts known to express germ-line genes in their somatic cells are long-lived.
65 a broad spectrum of germ-line genes in their somatic cells are not long-lived.
66 ential components of ATR signaling in murine somatic cells are spatially confined to unpaired chromos
67 ripotency is the ability to give rise to all somatic cells as well as the germ cells of an adult mamm
68 uch as Nanog, Sox2, and Lin28, can reprogram somatic cells back into pluripotent cells, termed induce
69               The ability to reprogram adult somatic cells back to pluripotency presents a powerful t
70 xcluded from constitutive heterochromatin in somatic cells based on work performed on mouse embryonic
71                                           In somatic cells, BRCA2 is needed for RAD51-mediated homolo
72 are generally transcriptionally repressed in somatic cells but can be robustly induced upon infection
73 t to induce a male identity in adult ovarian somatic cells, but it acts through a Dsx(M)-independent
74 on, p53 regulation and cell proliferation in somatic cells, but its role in embryonic stem cells is u
75 n maintenance are similar between pollen and somatic cells, but the efficiency of CG methylation is h
76 ls and downregulated to different extents in somatic cells, but the transcriptional mechanisms are un
77 d by Yamanaka's induction of pluripotency in somatic cells by mere four TFs.
78 as shown by the induction of pluripotency in somatic cells by the ectopic expression of defined trans
79 c cells suggests that the sexual identity of somatic cells can be reprogrammed in the adult Drosophil
80 rovides in vivo evidence that differentiated somatic cells can be reprogrammed into cancer initiating
81                                              Somatic cells can be successfully reprogrammed into plur
82                               Alternatively, somatic cells can be temporarily activated via a common
83                                              Somatic cells can be transdifferentiated to other cell t
84                                          Our somatic cells can provide fitness benefits that exceed t
85                                        Human somatic cells cannot regenerate in this way and differen
86      L1 retrotransposition can also occur in somatic cells, causing genomic mosaicism, as well as in
87                                   In cycling somatic cells, centromere identity is maintained by an e
88 tor contributing to developmental failure in somatic cell cloned embryos.
89 ivates a primary piRNA pathway in Drosophila somatic cells coincident with oncogenic transformation.
90  >50-fold "shotgun" cellular coverage of its somatic cell composition.
91                         Mammary quarter milk somatic cell count (SCC) and N-acetyl-beta-d-gluconamini
92 es from cows in early lactation or with high somatic cell count, the root mean square error of predic
93  in early lactation and in samples with high somatic cell count.
94                             The influence of somatic cells counts (SCC) in milk on bioactive amines i
95 uld have vastly different fitness effects on somatic cells dependent on the tissue microenvironment i
96 nknown whether electrophysiologically-active somatic cells derived from separate germ layers can be i
97 thylation appears to be necessary for proper somatic cell development in vivo.
98 ore sex determination and most genital ridge somatic cells differentiated into steroidogenic cells in
99 he expression of Sf1 was upregulated and the somatic cells differentiated into steroidogenic cells in
100                 There is ample evidence that somatic cell differentiation during development is accom
101      Our study uncovers a novel mechanism of somatic cell differentiation during gonad development.
102 hat both BMP2 and E2 action is essential for somatic cell differentiation for PF formation.
103                           Thus, we show that somatic cell differentiation is controlled by PI3K/Tor s
104 far more essential for this process than for somatic cell divisions.
105 nuppy, the world's first cloned dog, and its somatic cell donor, Tai, a male Afghan hound.
106 metazoa, DNA elimination typically occurs in somatic cells during early development, leaving the germ
107 e activity eliminates H4K20me1 enrichment in somatic cells, elevates X-linked gene expression, reduce
108 ed to investigate the kinematic behaviour of somatic cells emerging from hESC differentiation and to
109 with RNA-seq data from germline-enriched and somatic cell-enriched Caenorhabditis elegans samples, we
110 Cell, Pae et al. (2017) show that GCL blocks somatic cell fate by specifically destroying the Torso R
111 i appear abruptly after germinal and initial somatic cell fate specification and then diminish, where
112 rosine kinase (RTK) and major determinant of somatic cell fate.
113 re required for commitment to differentiated somatic cell fates.
114 are exposed to numerous signals that specify somatic cell fates.
115 uki (2017) describe the direct conversion of somatic cells from both mice and humans into robust inte
116                                Reprogramming somatic cells from one cell fate to another can generate
117 ction, enveloped virus entry into cells, and somatic cell fusion.
118  elegans Epithelial Fusion Failure 1 (EFF-1) somatic cell fusogen can replace HAP2/GCS1 in one of the
119                                 Mutations in somatic cells generate a heterogeneous genomic populatio
120 SPR/Cas9 system has revolutionized mammalian somatic cell genetics.
121 inserting L1 sequences into new locations of somatic cell genomes.
122 al model of L1 transcriptional activation in somatic cells, governed by individual-, locus-, and cell
123                      Direct reprogramming of somatic cells has been demonstrated, however, it is unkn
124 ears, but their direct conversion from human somatic cells has not yet been reported.
125               Phenotypic plasticity of adult somatic cells has provided emerging avenues for the deve
126                          Previous studies in somatic cells have shown that midzone MTs become highly
127  VASA and SYCP3 induced direct conversion of somatic cells (hFSK (46, XY), and hMSC (46, XY)) into a
128                 We thus now propose that, in somatic cells, homologous dsDNA-dsDNA interactions betwe
129                            Selection between somatic cells (i.e., intercellular competition) can dela
130 e chaperone CAF-1 to be a novel regulator of somatic cell identity during transcription-factor-induce
131 atic landscapes, yet the mechanisms by which somatic cell identity is subsequently maintained remain
132  We find that an insulin peptide produced by somatic cells immediately outside of the stem cell niche
133 ts transcriptional activity in diverse human somatic cells, implying the possible benefit from using
134 stence of somatic mutations in a fraction of somatic cells in a single biological sample.
135 cation, prevents dedifferentiation of mature somatic cells in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.
136 mic epithelium (CE) give rise to most of the somatic cells in both XX and XY gonads.
137  The ability to induce targeted mutations in somatic cells in developing organisms and then track the
138  be subject to extensive remodeling in plant somatic cells in response to developmental and environme
139 t there are differences between germline and somatic cells in the way that the basal splicing machine
140  fundamentally different from differentiated somatic cells in their innate immunity, which may have i
141 s that acquisition of a germ-cell program in somatic cells increases lifespan and contributes to daf-
142 ss within-species variation in iPSCs than in somatic cells, indicating the reprogramming process eras
143               Lineage reprogramming of adult somatic cells into iCPCs provides a scalable cell source
144               The ability to reprogram adult somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs
145 OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and cMYC (OSKM) reprograms somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs
146            Recently, the conversion of human somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells and in
147                                Reprogramming somatic cells into induced-pluripotent cells (iPSCs) pro
148                         Direct conversion of somatic cells into neurons holds great promise for regen
149                     The ability to reprogram somatic cells into pluripotent cells that can be differe
150 et-derived growth factor-AB converts primary somatic cells into tissue-regenerative multipotent stem
151               The primary goal of a dividing somatic cell is to accurately and equally segregate its
152 unication between the oocyte and surrounding somatic cells is critical for the normal development of
153 study suggests that transcription of DUX4 in somatic cells is modified by variations in its epigeneti
154 wever, the role of PRC2 in lineage-committed somatic cells is mostly unknown.
155  heterochromatin, and where BMI1 function in somatic cells is to stabilize the repetitive genome.
156 TERT) gene, which remains repressed in adult somatic cells, is critical during tumorigenesis.
157 To understand the impact of transposition in somatic cells it is essential to reliably measure the fr
158 fects of those alterations on the fitness of somatic cells lead to evolutionary adaptations such as i
159 referred mode of homologous recombination in somatic cells leading to an obligatory non-crossover out
160 , the developmental course specific for each somatic cell lineage has not been clearly defined.
161    Here, we construct a comprehensive map of somatic cell lineage progression in the mouse testis.
162 nts multiple transposition bursts in a given somatic cell lineage that later contributes to different
163 orld's oldest known continuously propagating somatic cell lineage.
164 erm line commitment, which occurs before the somatic cell lineages are established.
165 naling in niche establishment by segregating somatic cell lineages for differentiation.
166           Clonally transmissible cancers are somatic cell lineages that are spread between individual
167  LHX9, and a loss of differentiated cells in somatic cell lineages.
168 differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to somatic cell lineages.
169 lymorphic L1HS-Ta copies in 12 commonly-used somatic cell lines, and identified transcriptional and e
170 evolutionary mechanisms in both germline and somatic cell lines.
171 umulate during meiosis and persist as anther somatic cells mature and haploid gametophytes differenti
172 Chromosome missegregation is rare in typical somatic cell mitosis, but frequent in cancer cell mitosi
173                        We also show that, in somatic cells, MLL4 is dispensable for maintaining cell
174      This leads to mutation accumulation and somatic cell mosaicism in multicellular organisms, and i
175 nformation processing in non-neural metazoan somatic cell networks.
176 fore investigated the role of miR-449b using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryo model.
177                                 Furthermore, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) enabled replacement
178  The generation of pluripotent stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has recently been a
179                                        Human somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) holds great potenti
180 nresolved issue in the cloning of mammals by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the mechanism by
181  embryonic stem cell (hESC) derivation using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) limits its potentia
182                                              Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) provides an excelle
183  rescuing and propagating valuable genetics, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) research has contri
184 served in the traditional reprogramming with somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).
185 induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs) or by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).
186 ear-pluripotency by blastocyst injection, by somatic cell nuclear transfer and by induced pluripotent
187                                              Somatic cell nuclear transfer has established that the o
188 D4(+)T cells expressing the same TCR as this somatic cell nuclear transfer nTreg model had a reduced
189 pecificity determines iNKT function, we used somatic cell nuclear transfer to generate three lines of
190                                        Using somatic cell nuclear transfer, Hazen et al. (2016) exami
191                                Together with somatic cell nuclear transfer, iPSC generation reveals t
192 ackground using epigenetic reprogramming via somatic cell nuclear transfer.
193 model using a combination of CRISPR/Cas9 and somatic cell nuclear transfer.
194 line and generated PERV-inactivated pigs via somatic cell nuclear transfer.
195    The health of cloned animals generated by somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been of concern
196                                        Every somatic cell of iciHHV-6+ individuals contains the HHV-6
197 e could not detect P-granule proteins in the somatic cells of daf-2 mutants by immunostaining or by e
198 expressed in Sertoli cells of the testes and somatic cells of embryonic ovaries.
199 equired for nuclear pore complex function in somatic cells of flies and women, this specific amino ac
200 and mtDNA are retained and propagated within somatic cells of higher organisms, recent in vitro and i
201 ed that expression of germ-line genes in the somatic cells of long-lived daf-2 mutants confers some o
202                        ophis is expressed in somatic cells of male and female gonads, as well as in a
203 complexity, but polyploidy can also arise in somatic cells of otherwise diploid plants and animals, w
204 uced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from the somatic cells of patients in combination with subsequent
205                                              Somatic cells of patients with TTS and control subjects
206 olve sex-specific molecular signals from the somatic cells of the developing gonads and a suite of in
207 tion of Lys36 on histone 3 (H3K36me3) in the somatic cells of young and old Caenorhabditis elegans.
208     A human model using reprogrammed patient somatic cells offers an attractive alternative, as it ca
209 fter the induction of reprogramming in human somatic cells on day 7 from the 20-24 day process.
210  enumerate other specific cell types such as somatic cells or cells from tissue or liquid biopsies.
211 l types are directly reprogrammed from human somatic cells or differentiated from an iPSC intermediat
212 of target genes that are expressed either in somatic cells or in the germline requires the dsRNA-sele
213 t the piRNA pathway may be present in select somatic cells outside the gonads, the role of a non-gona
214 A demethylation induced by XPC expression in somatic cells overcomes an early epigenetic barrier in c
215        However, in some species and in human somatic cells, Piwil proteins bind primarily to tRNA.
216  illustrates the sequential establishment of somatic cell populations during testis morphogenesis.
217 ese, the regulation is monodirectional, with somatic cells preferring to splice at the distal 3' spli
218       Here, we demonstrate that mature human somatic cells produce abundant virus-derived siRNAs co-i
219 y is regulated in HD affected stem cells and somatic cells remains largely unclear.
220 nal networks are sequentially reactivated as somatic cells reprogram to achieve pluripotency.
221  as FBXL10) controls stem cell self-renewal, somatic cell reprogramming and senescence, and tumorigen
222  drive cellular plasticity in the context of somatic cell reprogramming and tumorigenesis.
223 ects of RNA metabolism, the roles of RBPs in somatic cell reprogramming are poorly understood.
224 enhanced the ability of ES cells to initiate somatic cell reprogramming in heterokaryons.
225 tors modulate this process and contribute to somatic cell reprogramming is not clear.
226 hromatin architecture is reconfigured during somatic cell reprogramming is poorly understood.
227             Even though different methods of somatic cell reprogramming result in stem cell lines tha
228       Finally, Rif1 acts as a barrier during somatic cell reprogramming, and its depletion significan
229 evelopment in vitro and, increasingly due to somatic cell reprogramming, cellular and molecular mecha
230 7 depletion compromises ESC self-renewal and somatic cell reprogramming, globally increases m(6)A RNA
231  the comprehension of the complex process of somatic cell reprogramming, many questions regarding the
232 ferentiation (TD) is a recent advancement in somatic cell reprogramming.
233 ripotency of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and somatic cell reprogramming.
234 ternative splicing regulatory network during somatic cell reprogramming.
235 ation along with active transcription during somatic cell reprogramming.
236 iation and, conversely, acts as a barrier to somatic-cell reprogramming.
237 in-specific protease 26 negatively regulates somatic cell-reprogramming process by stabilizing chromo
238 egans germline, reprograming germ cells into somatic cells requires chromatin perturbation.
239 ntaneous HR occurs at very low rates in most somatic cells, restricting the use of standard gene targ
240  lack of telomerase expression in most human somatic cells results from its repressive genomic enviro
241 ns unclear how intercellular signaling among somatic cells results in only one cell in the sub-epider
242  estimated for milk, fat, and protein yield; somatic cell score (SCS); productive life (PL); and daug
243                                           In somatic cells, spindle bipolarity is determined by the p
244  highlights the epigenetic plasticity of the somatic cell state.
245  to promote a male identity in adult gonadal somatic cells suggests that the sexual identity of somat
246                               First, gonadal somatic cell-targeting Amhr2-Cre mice were crossed with
247 apeutics using hPSCs to generate and replace somatic cells that are lost as a result of disease or in
248 arily conserved archaic embryonic program in somatic cells that can be de-repressed for oncogenesis.
249                               In contrast to somatic cells, the first meiotic spindle assembles in th
250                             In comparison to somatic cells, the oocyte transcriptome has a shorter po
251                           The preparation of somatic cells, their reprogramming and the subsequent ve
252                                    Unlike in somatic cells, there are few nucleosomes in sperm, and t
253 strates that miR-128 controls L1 activity in somatic cells through two independent mechanisms: direct
254 hful resetting of the epigenetic memory of a somatic cell to a pluripotent state during cellular repr
255 rs and microRNAs that directly reprogram one somatic cell to another.
256 ing embryonic stem cells or by reprogramming somatic cells to become induced pluripotent stem cells.
257 ar to the type of reprogramming that induces somatic cells to become pluripotent or to change their c
258 rentiation, and the induced reprogramming of somatic cells to cardiomyocytes.
259     Here we tested the ability of human male somatic cells to directly convert into a meiotic germ ce
260 eggs can induce the nuclear reprogramming of somatic cells to enable production of cloned animals.
261 an transfer gene-regulatory information from somatic cells to germ cells may be able to communicate c
262                             Reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
263                             Reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
264 to hotspot codons 12 and 13 of Kras in adult somatic cells to initiate tumors in the lung, pancreas,
265 hereas it functions non-cell-autonomously in somatic cells to maintain spermatogonial stemness.
266 he fitness cost of producing nonreproductive somatic cells to outweigh any potential benefits.
267 torial code was initially found to reprogram somatic cells to pluripotency, a "second generation" of
268 onic stem cells (hESCs) and reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency.
269 d c-Myc (bHLH DBD), which together reprogram somatic cells to pluripotency.
270  Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc (OSKM) reprogram somatic cells to pluripotency.
271 actors can directly reprogram differentiated somatic cells to target cell types.
272 ble strategy is to drive germ-line traits in somatic cells, to try to confer some of the germ lineage
273  of epigenetic memory is required to convert somatic cells towards pluripotency.
274                                           In somatic cells, transcription of L1 elements is repressed
275                             Derived from any somatic cell type and possessing unlimited self-renewal
276                  Lineage conversion from one somatic cell type to another is an attractive approach f
277 sts are directly converted to various mature somatic cell types by brief expression of the induced pl
278 ental signaling pathways can generate mature somatic cell types for basic laboratory studies or regen
279 ent cells (iPSCs) provides new access to all somatic cell types for clinical application without any
280 Leydig and theca-interstitium) are two major somatic cell types in mammalian gonads, but the mechanis
281 ansgene expression in multiple primary human somatic cell types, thereby representing a highly attrac
282 diversity that exists between distinct plant somatic cell types.
283 lineage determination of male germ cells and somatic cell types.
284 many quality control mechanisms operating in somatic cells undergoing growth.
285    The induction of cellular pluripotency in somatic cells was substantially impeded by the shRNA-med
286 ATM loss leads to a mild HDR defect in adult somatic cells, we find that ATM inhibition leads to seve
287                                   In various somatic cells, we found that reprogramming is accompanie
288   Here, using Xenopus egg extracts and human somatic cells, we show that actin dynamics and formins a
289                In contrast, cohesin-depleted somatic cells were poorly reprogrammed in heterokaryons,
290                          This contrasts with somatic cells, where DNA damage fails to affect mitotic
291                                    Unlike in somatic cells, where the APC/C first targets cyclin A2 f
292 nscriptase (hTERT) gene is repressed in most somatic cells, whereas the expression of the mouse mTert
293 bution in the nuclei of female germlines and somatic cells, which can be reversed by codepleting Nup1
294 oform (TET1s) is preferentially expressed in somatic cells, which lacks the N terminus including the
295           However, upon differentiation into somatic cells, which normally silence telomerase, cells
296                  In contrast to silencing in somatic cells, which requires dsRNA expression in each g
297  cell mis-migration and differentiation into somatic cells, which resulted in generation of infertile
298 descendants produce the next generation, and somatic cells, which support, protect, and disperse the
299 m cells (ESCs) differs markedly from that in somatic cells, with ESCs exhibiting a more open chromati
300 embryos, is conditionally deleted from Xi in somatic cells (Xi(Xist)).

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