


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rescue of the clinical phenotype amenable to somatic gene therapy.
2 ents, and to develop and test strategies for somatic gene therapy.
3 d the development of efficient protocols for somatic gene therapy.
4 the potential to be an important vehicle for somatic gene therapy.
5 reating an inherited retinal degeneration by somatic gene therapy.
6 , gene expression, adoptive cell therapy and somatic gene therapy.
7           We investigated the application of somatic gene therapy by use of a gibbon-ape-leukaemia-vi
8 constructs may be effective in a strategy of somatic gene therapy for a dominant negative/gain of fun
9                                              Somatic gene therapy for the treatment of dyslipidemia i
10                                              Somatic gene therapy has been proposed as a means to ach
11 Thus, our study demonstrated the efficacy of somatic gene therapy in a mouse model of CMD.
12                                              Somatic gene therapy is a promising approach for treatin
13 ns for the development of new strategies for somatic gene therapy of dominant genodermatoses.
14                                              Somatic gene therapy of hemoglobinopathies depends initi
15                                              Somatic gene therapies require targeted transfer of the
16                                     Ideally, somatic gene therapy should result in lifetime reversal
17 s not feasible using current strategies, but somatic gene therapy, targeting G6Pase to the liver and
18                                              Somatic gene therapy will require efficient, scale-indep

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