


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e almost no data on protein synthesis in any somatic stem cell.
2 egulation of stemness and differentiation of somatic stem cells.
3 ifelong self-renewal is a unique property of somatic stem cells.
4 ransdifferentiation events between different somatic stem cells.
5 mall populations of observable germ-line and somatic stem cells.
6 rs responsible for pluripotency induction in somatic stem cells.
7 n neural stem cells that also apply to other somatic stem cells.
8 little is known about shelterin functions in somatic stem cells.
9  mesenchymal (MSCs) and hematopoietic (HSCs) somatic stem cells.
10 ce and for regulating the differentiation of somatic stem cells.
11 for maintenance of the resident germline and somatic stem cells.
12 ral solid cancers share characteristics with somatic stem cells.
13 ng been postulated to impair the function of somatic stem cells.
14  transplantation of both human embryonic and somatic stem cells.
15 (Gef26) results in loss of both germline and somatic stem cells.
16 g germline stem cells that are distinct from somatic stem cells.
17  signaling can promote self-renewal of adult somatic stem cells.
18 like previous examples of sexually dimorphic somatic stem cell activity, the sex differences in intes
19                    Even tissues endowed with somatic stem cells age while the germline appears immort
20 racing, we demonstrate the existence of such somatic stem cells and confirm that of germ-line stem ce
21 CIs express markers associated with germ and somatic stem cells and gene products that implicate CIs
22 ood circulation, there exists an exchange of somatic stem cells and germline stem cells, resulting in
23  GSCs, yet maintained a normal population of somatic stem cells and hub cells.
24   Planarian neoblasts are pluripotent, adult somatic stem cells and lineage-primed progenitors that a
25 rom a replicative decline in the function of somatic stem cells and other self-renewing cells.
26 rs can cause permanent epigenetic changes in somatic stem cells and that these accumulate over the li
27 dicates that sex maintenance occurs in adult somatic stem cells and that this highly conserved proces
28 een implicated in both normal (embryonic and somatic) stem cells and CSCs.
29 is expressed at the cell surface of multiple somatic stem cells, and it is widely used as a cell surf
30 anscripts are enriched in ES cells and other somatic stem cells, and its ortholog is essential for he
31 l cord injuries with therapeutically plastic somatic stem cells, and suggest that neural stem/precurs
32  issue in stem cell biology is whether adult somatic stem cells are capable of accessing alternate ti
33       In the Drosophila testis, germline and somatic stem cells are housed together in a common niche
34 sing differentiation, whereas the dom mutant somatic stem cells are lost because of defective self-re
35                            When unperturbed, somatic stem cells are poised to affect immediate tissue
36 , metastasis, and drug resistance, and, like somatic stem cells, are thought to be capable of unlimit
37 lained by the pervasive use of glycolysis by somatic stem cells as opposed to the predominance of mit
38 n requires the normal hedgehog signal of the somatic stem cells as well as proximity to the niche.
39 ing system, we found that both germ-line and somatic stem cells, as well as their progeny, adjust the
40          In Drosophila testes, germ line and somatic stem cells attach to a cluster of support cells
41 in has yet been functionally linked to adult/somatic stem cell behavior in vivo or to organ regenerat
42 repair plays a crucial role in embryonic and somatic stem cell biology and cell reprogramming.
43                   In planarians, pluripotent somatic stem cells called neoblasts supply new cells for
44 ferating cells of M. lignano, represented by somatic stem cells, called neoblasts, and germline cells
45 th age, and how the regenerative capacity of somatic stem cells can be enhanced to promote healthy ag
46                                              Somatic stem cells contribute to tissue ontogenesis, hom
47                                              Somatic stem cells cycle slowly or remain quiescent unti
48 maintains both germline stem cells (GSC) and somatic stem cells (CySC).
49 onsible for corto suppression of the GSC and somatic stem cell defects of Yb mutants.
50  aging mechanisms that erode the function of somatic stem cells during aging, we have conducted a com
51 tosis congenita, a syndrome characterized by somatic stem cell dysfunction in multiple organs leading
52 uently, follicle cell progenitors, including somatic stem cells enter the niche, respond to Dpp, and
53            This work establishes function in somatic stem cells for another member of a putative impr
54 s of cellular physiology remain unstudied in somatic stem cells, for example, there are almost no dat
55        Because the regenerative potential of somatic stem cells generally weakens with increasing age
56                                              Somatic stem cells have been claimed to possess an unexp
57 ands" (CIs) as a niche for putative germ and somatic stem cells in Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial c
58                            Resident pools of somatic stem cells in many organs are responsible for ti
59 nsidered one of the most valuable sources of somatic stem cells in regenerative medicine.
60                    Here, we demonstrate that somatic stem cells in Schistosoma mansoni are biased tow
61                 Understanding the biology of somatic stem cells in self renewing tissues represents a
62 lates the proliferation of both germline and somatic stem cells in the Drosophila melanogaster ovary
63 rdinating the proliferation of germ line and somatic stem cells in the Drosophila ovary.
64                            Here we show that somatic stem cells in the Drosophila testis contribute t
65                                        Adult somatic stem cells in various organs maintain homeostati
66 hanisms that regulate the differentiation of somatic stem cells into specific cell types.
67 get chinmo prevents transformation of testis somatic stem cells into their ovarian counterparts.
68 ation; however, the role of these enzymes in somatic stem cells is largely unknown.
69 tent stem cell self-renewal, but its role in somatic stem cells is unknown.
70 cells, but contrary to its critical roles in somatic stem cells, it is dispensable for their prolifer
71                                          The somatic stem cells likely correspond to the ultrastructu
72   Conversely, the feminization of the testis somatic stem cell lineage caused by loss of chinmo is en
73                                              Somatic stem cells maintain tissue homeostasis by dynami
74 elial cadherin (DE-cadherin) is required for somatic stem cell maintenance and, consequently, the api
75 establish a strict link between dyskerin and somatic stem cell maintenance in a telomerase-lacking or
76 gate the specific role played by dyskerin in somatic stem cell maintenance.
77                                      Because somatic stem cells may respond to shifts in organismal p
78 hat Wolbachia reach the germline through the somatic stem cell niche in the D. melanogaster germarium
79 st that Wolbachia are highly abundant in the somatic stem cell niche of long-term infected hosts, imp
80                    We sought to determine if somatic stem-cell niches more broadly are immune-privile
81 ern reflects maximum telomere restoration in somatic stem cells of early buds and suppression of telo
82 anism because of the presence of an abundant somatic stem cell population, the neoblasts.
83 the stem cell niche, which itself includes a somatic stem cell population.
84                                              Somatic stem cell populations participate in the develop
85 ifically eliminated oogenic stem cells while somatic stem cell populations were not affected.
86 re, in fact, derived from the nuclei of rare somatic stem cells present in adult tissues, rather than
87 esses JAK-STAT signaling specifically in the somatic stem cells, preventing them from displacing neig
88                                      Ovarian somatic stem cells produce follicle cells, which undergo
89           A dynamic pool of undifferentiated somatic stem cells proliferate and differentiate to repl
90                           Precise control of somatic stem cell proliferation is crucial to ensure mai
91 anscription factor, nkx-2.2, is required for somatic stem cell proliferation, suggesting a niche-like
92 a new and tractable control point for adult, somatic stem cell regulation.
93 studies proposing such "plasticity" of adult somatic stem cells remain controversial, and in general,
94                                              Somatic stem cells require telomerase activity, as evide
95  ISWI and DOM control germline stem cell and somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila ovary,
96 somatic niche cells to control germ line and somatic stem cell self-renewal.
97 an embryonic stem cells and cells from other somatic stem cell sources.
98  promoting self-renewal and proliferation of somatic stem cells (SSCs) in the Drosophila ovary.
99 t pluripotency in germ stem cells (GSCs) and somatic stem cells (SSCs) may have had shared common evo
100 ated cell adhesion is required for anchoring somatic stem cells (SSCs) to their niches in the Drosoph
101 ision of both germline stem cells (GSCs) and somatic stem cells (SSCs), the two constituent stem cell
102 hog is the only known signal for maintaining somatic stem cells (SSCs).
103 ce of stem cells (germline stem cells, GSCs; somatic stem cells, SSCs) in the Drosophila ovary by spe
104                First, excess Hh signaling in somatic stem cells stimulates somatic cell over-prolifer
105  at the tip of the testis where germline and somatic stem cells surround the apical hub, a cluster of
106 outcomes that the lack of PRC2 can have in a somatic stem cell system.
107                                  As in other somatic stem cell systems, NSCs are proposed to be predo
108 hms in division frequencies of germ-line and somatic stem cells that act cooperatively to produce mal
109            In Drosophila, there must also be somatic stem cells that produce the cyst cells that acco
110  rectifying their gene expression, elevating somatic stem cell therapeutic potential beyond solely ce
111 ation, and to assess the plasticity of adult somatic stem cells to become male germ cells.
112 during recurrent epigenetic reprogramming of somatic stem cells to produce, recurrently and reversibl
113                               The ability of somatic stem cells to self-renew and differentiate into
114 (HSCs) represent one of the first recognized somatic stem cell types.
115 precedented partnership between two distinct somatic stem-cell types and are indicative of a unique n
116                        Inactivation of Rb in somatic stem cells typically leads to their overexpansio
117  stem cell competition, in which germline or somatic stem cells vie for residency in the niche.
118 ifferentiation has become a common claim for somatic stem cells, yet how such cells can be directed t

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