


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           This sound-related somatotopic activation in precentral gyrus shows that, d
2                      The abilities to detect somatotopic activation within the ganglion and to segreg
3 both verbs and nouns produced characteristic somatotopic activations in the motor strip, with words r
4                 Genital representations were somatotopic and bilaterally symmetric, and their relativ
5                          When inspecting the somatotopic and nonsomatotopic connectivity patterns, a
6       Gradient continuity may be crucial for somatotopic and other topographical organization, and it
7 ese high-level representations are basically somatotopic and that area 3b neurons amplify some featur
8  visual polar-angle representations in these somatotopic areas gradually shifts from near the horizon
9 ull-body air-puff stimulation suits revealed somatotopic areas of the face and multiple body parts fo
10 ive orexin A hypothalamic innervation with a somatotopic arrangement of the projections in the nucleu
11 or sagittal sinus suggest a highly organised somatotopic arrangement of the trigeminal innervation of
12 regation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary
13 , we demonstrate interhemispheric functional somatotopic connectivity of these homunculi, such that t
14 matosensory areas, and that the rehearsal of somatotopic coordinates in memory is accomplished by mod
15  thalamus was used to indicate the degree of somatotopic correspondence at the SI and SII injection s
16  thalamus was used to indicate the degree of somatotopic correspondence at the SI and SII injection s
17 rlap appeared to be related to the degree of somatotopic correspondence.
18  results, however, present an alternative to somatotopic cortical reorganization, namely, cortical pl
19  hemispheres of owl monkeys, focusing on the somatotopic distribution of evoked movements, thresholds
20 sses underlying negative BOLD participate in somatotopic encoding in M1 but not in the SMA.
21 ld facilitate texture discrimination through somatotopic encoding of frequency content.
22 nsity of [3H]KA sites at all ages was low, a somatotopic expression of [3H]KA sites was missing, and
23 n of peripheral receptors, thus generating a somatotopic facial map during development.
24 ifferent motoneuron pools are organized in a somatotopic fashion in the motor column related to the t
25 he inferior olive, where they terminate in a somatotopic fashion.
26 aken together, our results elucidate a novel somatotopic functional organization of the mammalian pai
27 n M1 and SMA and negative BOLD in M1 contain somatotopic information, enabling prediction of the movi
28 homunculi, thus confirming that they contain somatotopic information.
29 ose, upper lip, lower lip, and chin caused a somatotopic lateral-to-medial, ipsilateral response patt
30  Sensorimotor representation was found to be somatotopic, localized in stereotactic space to rolandic
31 ttern was neither located at the ipsilateral somatotopic location nor randomly distributed.
32 moving body part from inside and outside its somatotopic location.
33 d passive movements were calculated for each somatotopic location.
34 ngue were also differentially activated in a somatotopic manner when subjects listened to the lip- or
35 both maps of the ELL terminate in a detailed somatotopic manner within the midbrain NL.
36 whisker touch excites vS1 and later vM1 in a somatotopic manner.
37 nsory, also projected in a similar, strictly somatotopic, manner, and the arbors from these neurons o
38 rly, cutaneous nerves established a "normal" somatotopic map in the dorsal horn, but in more rostral
39  tactile hairs form a complete 3-dimensional somatotopic map in the mesothoracic ganglion.
40 ociceptors project to a spatially-organised, somatotopic map in the primary somatosensory cortex.
41  innervating the cortex) and at P6 (when the somatotopic map is well established) resulted in a marke
42                          Further, a putative somatotopic map of frequency selectivity was observed in
43 lly arrayed subtypes, establishing a central somatotopic map of peripheral target innervation.
44 pic maps of these cerebellar nuclei with the somatotopic map of projections to RTP from primary motor
45 on appears to be embedded within the classic somatotopic map of skeletomotor representation.
46         These competing requisites include a somatotopic map of the body, a map of hand location in s
47 sory cortical area 3b in macaques contains a somatotopic map of the hand, encompassing representation
48                      Each VC cluster forms a somatotopic map of the ipsilateral body, a "sensory aplu
49       Sensory input from the tailfan forms a somatotopic map on the projecting LG dendrites, which to
50                 Here, we present a disrupted somatotopic map phenotype in cortex, in clear contrast t
51 als that the somatosensory system can form a somatotopic map to integrate bilateral sensory inputs, b
52 os in the horizontal plane (the plane of the somatotopic map).
53 l signal reduction or disorganization of the somatotopic map, such as disturbed continuity.
54 sal accessory olive, however, formed a clear somatotopic map.
55 en a key contributor to our understanding of somatotopic maps and developmental plasticity.
56 respect to the detailed electrophysiological somatotopic maps and histologically determined hand-face
57 jects scanned, four, mirrored, within-finger somatotopic maps defining the extent of the Brodmann are
58                                        These somatotopic maps differed from those in the cat in that
59          During this period, we found stable somatotopic maps in both the anesthetized and awake stat
60                                              Somatotopic maps in the cortex and the thalamus of adult
61 be a powerful influence on reorganization of somatotopic maps in the somatosensory cortex.
62     Injury-induced reorganization of central somatotopic maps is a phenomenon that has proven to be u
63 onance imaging analysis methods, we observed somatotopic maps of the digits in contralateral SI.
64 entral to ventrolateral RTP appears to match somatotopic maps of these cerebellar nuclei with the som
65 y system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps.
66 ntribute to the formation of retinotopic and somatotopic maps.
67 ant mice (AC1-/-) have disordered visual and somatotopic maps.
68 d4 signaling in the formation of the whisker somatotopic maps.
69 avioural research, such as demonstrations of somatotopic motor cortex activations following the prese
70 m the mechanosensory lateral line organize a somatotopic neural map.
71                             Importantly, the somatotopic neural organization of pain systems can shed
72 nts, significantly outperforming alternative somatotopic or muscle-based models.
73 iceptively mediated sensation depends on the somatotopic or spatiotopic configuration of thermal inpu
74 generate "warm-cold-warm" patterns in either somatotopic or spatiotopic coordinates.
75                                A reversal of somatotopic order and an enlargement of receptive fields
76 e three facial stimulation sites exhibited a somatotopic organization along the longitudinal (rostroc
77 ts treated with MAM on E33 demonstrated that somatotopic organization and receptive field size are no
78 a preservation of tactile responsiveness and somatotopic organization but, in addition, involves tran
79 erminals in the neostriatum followed a crude somatotopic organization in which the amount of overlap
80 iological recording techniques to assess the somatotopic organization of brainstem and thalamic areas
81 admill locomotion, 3 min/d, 5 d/week) on the somatotopic organization of forelimb and hindlimb somato
82 ges, surprisingly, we found that there is no somatotopic organization of motor units.
83                                          The somatotopic organization of somatosensory cortex of the
84                       In order to reveal the somatotopic organization of the gracile nucleus of the d
85                                          The somatotopic organization of the lateral striatum has bee
86 exact location of the neck motor area in the somatotopic organization of the motor homunculus is stil
87 rtially fits into the traditional concept of somatotopic organization of the nucleus.
88 nfirm the previously postulated ipsilateral, somatotopic organization of the sheep's sensory cortex.
89 ed a qualitatively and quantitatively normal somatotopic organization of vibrissae follicle input to
90 ed sagittal orientation, in keeping with the somatotopic organization present in the pattern of prima
91 two fields that corresponded in location and somatotopic organization to the second somatosensory are
92 e responsiveness, receptive field locations, somatotopic organization, and spatial properties of repr
93                        In the present study, somatotopic organization, architectonic features, and pa
94           Because of the spinal motoneuronal somatotopic organization, motor coordination implies int
95               To investigate conservation of somatotopic organization, we compared trigeminal nerve o
96                                   To examine somatotopic organization, we separately stimulated the l
97 e primary motor cortex and to its underlying somatotopic organization.
98 iveness to cutaneous stimuli and patterns of somatotopic organization.
99  dorsal horn cell receptive fields (RFs) and somatotopic organization.
100 ties of coherence indicate a differentiated, somatotopic organization; so far, however, little attent
101                              Retinotopic and somatotopic organizations have been described in the cla
102  trigeminal nerve, a major relay station for somatotopic pattern formation in the trigeminal system.
103 ntrast, mGluR1alpha was never localized in a somatotopic pattern in barrel field cortex.
104                                            A somatotopic pattern of AMPA receptors with fewer [3H]AMP
105                                    At P60, a somatotopic pattern of binding was not apparent.
106                        After that point, the somatotopic pattern of GluR6,7 subunit expression was lo
107                                            A somatotopic pattern of mGluR5 immunoreactivity persisted
108     With repetitive recordings of SEPs, this somatotopic pattern was reliably recorded for up to 16 w
109 e binding to mGluRs was not distributed in a somatotopic pattern.
110                                 By contrast, somatotopic patterns exist in the spinal trigeminal subn
111 ent of connectivity and the establishment of somatotopic patterns in the three main relay stations of
112 uR expression coincide with the emergence of somatotopic patterns in this region.
113 ncidences and sizes of receptive fields, (3) somatotopic progressions, (4) properties of representati
114        Fibers from one whisker had precisely somatotopic projections but highly varied morphologies.
115 neuronal aggregates in layer IV that receive somatotopic projections from whiskers on the rodent's sn
116 organization of the trigeminal ganglion, its somatotopic projections upon the principal sensory nucle
117 M representations in this task were based on somatotopic rather than allocentric spatial coordinates.
118              Similarly, inputs from distinct somatotopic regions of the somatosensory cortex are inte
119                   There was evidence both of somatotopic reorganization and of anatomic reorganizatio
120 cord in adult primates result in large-scale somatotopic reorganization due to which chin inputs expa
121 distributed more widely and covered a larger somatotopic representation including more proximal parts
122    However, under those conditions where the somatotopic representation is given priority over the ac
123 umn in cyprinid fish, ideally suited for the somatotopic representation of oropharyngeal and bodily s
124 insular cortex that provides the basis for a somatotopic representation of selectively nociceptive la
125 -1 antigen distribution was localized to the somatotopic representation of the footpad dermatome with
126 s anatomical data indicate that the detailed somatotopic representation present in the ELL is lost in
127  epileptic seizures he developed the idea of somatotopic representation.
128 road, rather than focal, sensorimotor cortex somatotopic representation.
129 ve convergent projections from corresponding somatotopic representations in SI and SII, but also sugg
130 ve convergent projections from corresponding somatotopic representations in SI and SII, but also sugg
131                We agree with others that the somatotopic representations of different body parts over
132 aking, responses were distributed throughout somatotopic representations of speech articulators in mo
133  are organized in a pattern corresponding to somatotopic representations of the body (e.g., whiskers,
134 ghly overlapped and fuzzy borders, as do the somatotopic representations of the sensorimotor cortex i
135                                              Somatotopic representations, assessed with two 7 tesla f
136 dibular trigeminal nerve branches maintain a somatotopic segregation and generate spatially organized
137  simpler movements were represented and more somatotopic segregation was observed, and an anterior st
138 ea 1 and area 3a, respectively, have similar somatotopic sequences.
139 wing electrical forepaw stimulation revealed somatotopic signal enhancement in the primary and second
140  of everyday movements and understanding the somatotopic specificity of this pathway in the context o
141 ary motor cortex (M1) possesses a functional somatotopic structure-representations of adjacent within
142 s was integral to illustrating comprehensive somatotopic structure; complex tasks can potentially hel
143           The observed pattern suggests that somatotopic subcortical remapping, projected to the cort
144 first 3 weeks of postnatal development, when somatotopic whisker representations are sequentially est

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