


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 renal transplant recipients underwent duplex sonography.
2 enosis were seen only with contrast-enhanced sonography.
3 tumors were also evaluated with preoperative sonography.
4 in image analysis in cardiac radiography and sonography.
5 s stability were evaluated by carotid duplex sonography.
6 distortions not visualized at mammography or sonography.
7 al radiography, gray-scale and color Doppler sonography.
8 collect blood samples and conduct ultrasound sonography.
9 ignant and benign lesions at mammography and sonography.
10 ing urinalysis, blood chemistries, and renal sonography.
11 maging and again during enhanced transrectal sonography.
12 cale, harmonic gray-scale, and power Doppler sonography.
13 atological features, or transcranial doppler sonography.
14 asymptomatic control subjects also underwent sonography.
15 ay not be detected with enhanced transrectal sonography.
16 incidental finding on high frequency scrotal sonography.
17 is similar to that reported previously using sonography.
18 ant breast tumour which is hyperechogenic on sonography.
19 e prospectively evaluated with power Doppler sonography.
20  solitary cyst in one kidney, confirmed with sonography.
21  a thick wall, an irregular wall, or both at sonography.
22 ignant foci) and during enhanced transrectal sonography (257 [80%] of 323 malignant foci).
23                                         With sonography, a mean of 2.5 needle passes (range, 1-5) wer
24                          This study compared sonography, a modern imaging technique, with conventiona
25                  High resolution endoluminal sonography allows quantitative measurement of variceal s
26 arked ascites and confirmed in both cases by sonography and angiography.
27 nderwent prospective evaluation by abdominal sonography and by flat and upright abdominal x-rays.
28  6 h post-occlusion, was assessed by Doppler sonography and cerebral blood flow (CBF) values after cl
29 enoses, detectable via submandibular Doppler sonography and cervical magnetic resonance angiography (
30 tomy of the carotid arteries and the Doppler sonography and CT angiography findings of the left commo
31 -two consecutive patients who underwent both sonography and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the la
32 e roles of radiography, computed tomography, sonography and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, as well
33 essment index (HOMA), and liver steatosis by sonography and the fatty liver index (FLI).
34     Current imaging techniques, particularly sonography, are noninvasive and accurate for identificat
35      Cervical length assessed by endovaginal sonography between 16 weeks' and 18 weeks 6 days' gestat
36                                  Second-look sonography by radiologists provides a valuable check of
37 tification and evaluation at mammography and sonography, (c) relevant percutaneous biopsy considerati
38                                              Sonography can be used to differentiate full- from parti
39        In atypical PD variants, transcranial sonography can detect striatal hyperechogenicity, and di
40                  Real-time contrast-enhanced sonography (CES) is a relatively new technique in provid
41 physical examination, laboratory values, and sonography compared with a reference standard of either
42        The authors determined the utility of sonography compared with plain x-rays in the diagnosis o
43 r forms of medical image analysis, including sonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance
44                             Imaging studies (sonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imag
45 a inhibitors was given and repetitive duplex sonography confirmed arterial flow.
46 perfusion scintigraphy, transcranial Doppler sonography, CT angiography and MR angiography are used.
47                                           At sonography, cystic areas were more often seen in maligna
48                                              Sonography demonstrated bowel obstruction by showing flu
49                                              Sonography demonstrates low accuracy in the diagnosis of
50                         Enhanced transrectal sonography depicted prostate cancer in 24 sites in 15 su
51                                              Sonography detected 127 definite erosions in 56 of 100 R
52                            In early disease, sonography detected 6.5-fold more erosions than did radi
53 f the peroneus quartus muscle is common with sonography due to variation in the location of the muscu
54  standard of care in the United States, with sonography employed selectively based on clinical findin
55   A combination of clinical, laboratory, and sonography findings can be potentially helpful in making
56 is an infiltrative breast cancer with occult sonography findings in a patient with a history of a lon
57 uded computed tomography (CT) (10 patients), sonography (five patients), and magnetic resonance (MR)
58  to endoscopy, which was superior to Doppler sonography for detection of recurrent portal hypertensio
59 work has demonstrated that dynamic abdominal sonography for hernia (DASH) is accurate for the diagnos
60                               Venous doppler sonography for the evaluation of calf DVT may be limited
61   The utility of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination in children is
62                      Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) has modest sensitivity for
63 mine the ability of Focused Assessment Using Sonography for Trauma (FAST) to discriminate between sur
64 equired and for results of focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST).
65 ed investigations, such as focused abdominal sonography for trauma, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, spi
66                                           At sonography, four masses were thought to arise outside th
67  through December 1996 in which preoperative sonography had also been performed.
68 ts with undetectable mRNA and benign thyroid sonography had benign disease.
69                                          Hip sonography has been developed, refined, and critiqued fo
70                  High-resolution endoluminal sonography (HRES) was used to image and measure esophage
71                         Enhanced transrectal sonography improves sensitivity for the detection of mal
72 reatinine clearance in all patients and with sonography in 17 patients.
73 th those of bilateral lower-extremity venous sonography in 308 patients.
74 between computed tomography and transcranial sonography in assessing volumes of hyperdense lesions (i
75 minary data suggest a role for power Doppler sonography in assessment of serial changes in synovial i
76 l vascular resistance measured using Doppler sonography in stable kidney transplant recipients.
77  clefts can be observed in utero at prenatal sonography in the coronal and axial planes.
78                      Focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) has been extensively utilize
79                                              Sonography is a reliable technique that detects more ero
80 variceal size by high resolution endoluminal sonography is an accurate, reproducible method of determ
81                                              Sonography is as sensitive but more specific than plain
82            These results suggest that duplex sonography is not a sensitive test in predicting the pre
83                                 Transvaginal sonography is the single best diagnostic modality for ev
84                                              Sonography is useful for identifying the extratesticular
85 of an intrauterine pregnancy on transvaginal sonography (LR+ 111; 95% CI, 12-1028; n = 6885), and the
86 l patterns in the basal ganglia transcranial sonography, magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imagin
87 fistulography, anal endosonography, perineal sonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and comput
88             For infiltrative breast lesions; sonography might not always be as helpful as mammography
89              The main difference between CT, sonography, MRI, and PET or SPECT is not technologic but
90 ack of adnexal abnormalities on transvaginal sonography (negative LR [LR-] 0.12; 95% CI, 0.03-0.55; n
91                             At power Doppler sonography, none of 16 patients with transient synovitis
92            Before hospital discharge, duplex sonography of the access site was performed in 4231 (94%
93   Initial experience with the use of dynamic sonography of the elbow for diagnosing ulnar nerve dislo
94                                      Dynamic sonography of the elbow was used to aid in the accurate
95 e) underwent posteroanterior radiography and sonography of the MCP joints of the dominant hand.
96 d in 6 patients through transcranial Doppler sonography of the middle cerebral artery.
97 iography, or dedicated CT and abdominopelvic sonography or contrast-enhanced CT.
98 n structural abnormalities with transcranial sonography or diffusion-weighted MRI or showing striatal
99 ed with the results of anatomic imaging (CT, sonography, or MRI) and (131)I imaging when performed.
100 contrast-enhanced CT, contrast-enhanced MRI, sonography, or PET/CT follow-up); or clinical follow-up.
101 gnostic accuracy during enhanced transrectal sonography (P =.027).
102                 Intraobserver reliability of sonography readings was assessed using video recordings
103 rements were made by angiography and Doppler sonography, respectively.
104 rared spectroscopy and trans-cranial Doppler sonography, respectively.
105       In 102 pregnant patients, transvaginal sonography revealed an intrauterine fluid collection wit
106                                              Sonography revealed bilaterally enlarged echogenic kidne
107                                              Sonography revealed that the region of color level detec
108                            Real-time virtual sonography (RVS) is a diagnostic imaging support system
109                               Overall breast sonography should always be correlated with mammography
110 using coarse functional transcranial Doppler sonography should be interpreted with more caution.
111 rounding the issue of when and how often hip sonography should be performed.
112                                              Sonography showed solid, hypoechoic masses in 28 cases.
113 search using functional transcranial Doppler sonography showed that blood flow velocity in the anteri
114   Twenty-eight days after treatment, Doppler sonography showed that blood flow velocity was preserved
115  patients treated contemporaneously with the sonography study.
116    However, diligent use of abdomino-scrotal sonography, supported by relevant laboratory data can cl
117                                           At sonography, they appeared as unique echogenic casts with
118 tumor size was determined by mammography and sonography; tumor size at surgery was determined from pa
119 an cancer algorithm (ROCA), and transvaginal sonography (TVS) for women at high risk of ovarian cance
120 omen (aged 29-55 years) in whom transvaginal sonography (TVS) suggested an abnormal endometrial echo
121 ery stenosis was suspected, baseline Doppler sonography was performed followed by two studies perform
122                                     Targeted sonography was performed with high-frequency (10-MHz cen
123 d with only 6% of cases in which second-look sonography was predicted not to be of value.
124                                       Duplex sonography was routinely performed on the first postoper
125                                Power Doppler sonography was used in eight symptomatic knees in seven
126  for intra- and interobserver reliability of sonography were 0.75 and 0.76, respectively.
127 ho were fasting to undergo routine abdominal sonography were examined.
128 unenhanced abdominal CT within 2 weeks after sonography were excluded.
129 elected imaging techniques (eg, transvaginal sonography with color Doppler and MR imaging) to the pre

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