


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sts designed with considerable ingenuity and sophistication.
2  and continue to be amazed at its growth and sophistication.
3 issues in vitro with unprecedented levels of sophistication.
4 -DA interactions of previously unappreciated sophistication.
5 al control translates into a higher level of sophistication.
6 tics unmatched in robustness and aerodynamic sophistication.
7 rtility have greatly increased in number and sophistication.
8 tisan bias that often worsens with cognitive sophistication.
9 to create synthetic systems of unprecedented sophistication.
10 al element and how to deploy it with greater sophistication.
11 l epithelial progenitor niches in regulatory sophistication.
12 op mathematical models of various degrees of sophistication.
13 esis improved to impressively high levels of sophistication.
14 empts have not yet reached the same level of sophistication.
15 egrative regulatory mechanism of exceptional sophistication.
16 n factors in their structural and functional sophistication.
17 his protein machine evolved to this level of sophistication.
18 etic manipulations of greater complexity and sophistication.
19  reverse ubiquitin signals with equally high sophistication.
20 e strategy being used, an index of executive sophistication.
21 nvironment of intellectual and technological sophistication.
22                    Whether increasing device sophistication accounts for the observed decrease in rel
23 y in a way that minimizes the need for donor sophistication and also displays the "all or nothing" na
24 ices (VADs) reaching an impressive degree of sophistication and complexity owing to the contributions
25 de range of models differing in mathematical sophistication and computational complexity has been pro
26 g a potential dichotomy between the need for sophistication and ease of production.
27                    Different levels of model sophistication and effects of structural motifs are expl
28 ctivation has reached an impressive level of sophistication and efficiency, emerging as a fundamental
29           However, to increase the degree of sophistication and expand the scope of our work, we argu
30 recently gained attention for its surprising sophistication and experimental tractability.
31                       These devices range in sophistication and expertise and target various features
32 ability of both, demonstrates a new level of sophistication and flexibility in animal, particularly i
33                                          The sophistication and flexibility of the patterning procedu
34  of astrophysics, still in an early stage of sophistication and in need of more theoretical understan
35                                The continued sophistication and integration of biomolecular simulatio
36 ew vast remotely stored data with a level of sophistication and interactivity that approximates deskt
37 nosis usually requires considerable clinical sophistication and it is expensive to deploy clinicians
38 olecular techniques are rapidly advancing in sophistication and may soon be useful as adjunctive bact
39 rostatic), and in the past three decades the sophistication and power of techniques to interrogate th
40 importance, necessary to increase structural sophistication and realize the promise of nanostructured
41 As cardiovascular clinical trials improve in sophistication and therapies target specific cardiac mec
42 ith increased surgical expertise, anesthetic sophistication, and availability of epoprostenol, PPHTN
43 olutionary increase in brain size, cognitive sophistication, and metabolic rate.
44   The mechanism of these fossil whales lacks sophistication, and still retains some of the key elemen
45  rotations has been modelled with increasing sophistication, but the biomechanics of actual semicircu
46   These findings highlight the computational sophistication by which sperm sample gradients for deter
47 ces in drug delivery, they fail to match the sophistication exhibited by innate biological entities.
48 ur present realization that a great level of sophistication exists in transcriptional regulation.
49  revealing an unexpected degree of technical sophistication for the period.
50 ring simulators of high versus low technical sophistication found no significant difference in skill
51 ince antiquity, but recently their degree of sophistication has increased significantly.
52 ion of hip US, however, increased diagnostic sophistication has led to uncertainty as to how to inter
53 bases, anion receptors of varying degrees of sophistication have been synthesised, which consist of c
54                    Experiments of increasing sophistication have demonstrated that known interstellar
55                Computer models of increasing sophistication have predicted an important role for elec
56                              With increasing sophistication, however, comes greater potential for mal
57              Animal models and an increasing sophistication in analyzing human GVD have provided impo
58 rates an unsuspected level of complexity and sophistication in avian alarm calls.
59 ry explanations behind these feats of social sophistication in bacteria and, most recently, has provi
60 oncomitant with development of neuromuscular sophistication in chordates.
61                      What are the degrees of sophistication in cognitive behavior displayed by these
62  the complexity of haplotypes themselves and sophistication in computation.
63 sequencing data comes the need for increased sophistication in data organisation, presentation and se
64           These findings indicate remarkable sophistication in how trail pheromones are used to regul
65 s in many bacteria, taste is also a sense of sophistication in humans.
66  through cooking them, suggesting an overall sophistication in Neanderthal dietary regimes.
67 hs and bats, these results reveal unexpected sophistication in one of the simplest ears known and a n
68 and urging greater methodological rigour and sophistication in order to advance their science.
69 ated with NGS technologies requires care and sophistication in order to draw compelling inferences ab
70 eration and sharing but a whole new level of sophistication in our analytical capability--a fundament
71 ued that further advances will require equal sophistication in parsing reward into its specific psych
72                         The current level of sophistication in scleroderma research is reminiscent of
73 are gaining renewed interest as the level of sophistication in the application of minimum invasive su
74 droxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD), and reveal new sophistication in the chemical lexicon used by bacteria
75 trate male sperm allocation of unprecedented sophistication in the fowl Gallus gallus.
76  animal CaM suggested an additional level of sophistication in the intracellular role of calcium regu
77 They also demonstrate previously unsuspected sophistication in the organization and information conte
78 ification of anatomy leads to a new level of sophistication in the understanding and treatment of orb
79 tion exchange, are revealing a high level of sophistication in these organisms that occupy low branch
80  readout or characterization, and, as device sophistication increases so do the concomitant FRET requ
81 by harnessing the same machinery that builds sophistication into the brain and using it to make novel
82                                    A further sophistication involves the engineering of trifunctional
83                                Despite their sophistication, many of these models are unable to repro
84 c manipulation with the spatial and temporal sophistication necessary to mimic natural microcircuit a
85 i et al., in a dazzling display of technical sophistication, now disentangle the coupling between the
86     These results demonstrate the functional sophistication of apparently simple nerve nets, and the
87 he decrease in sequencing cost and increased sophistication of assembly algorithms for short-read pla
88                                  The current sophistication of available molecular genetic techniques
89 this area, an increase in the complexity and sophistication of behavioral paradigms designed for nonh
90 y circuits based on OECTs and to improve the sophistication of bioelectronic devices.
91  the imagination but have yet to acquire the sophistication of biological systems, which assemble str
92                       Despite the increasing sophistication of biomaterials design and functional cha
93              Such findings reveal remarkable sophistication of body plasticity in humans, suggesting
94            This presents a previously unseen sophistication of cell manipulation by hijacking the gen
95 ntrols lineage commitment and illustrate the sophistication of critical transcriptional regulators an
96  technologies improve and costs decline, the sophistication of data has outgrown available computatio
97 sential provides insights into the metabolic sophistication of E. coli and into the evolutionary pres
98 umstances has grown tremendously, as has the sophistication of efforts to address them.
99                                          The sophistication of folding patterns and functions display
100                              Early increased sophistication of human tools is thought to be underpinn
101            Our linear equation increases the sophistication of IBW equations by replacing them with a
102 wever, contrasts sharply with the increasing sophistication of imaging instrumentation.
103                  Many recent advances in the sophistication of implanted devices are reviewed herein.
104 indings further highlight the complexity and sophistication of innate immune responses at the earlies
105 ated behaviour to elucidate the richness and sophistication of interactive inference.
106 wo distinct reproductive modes documents the sophistication of its underlying developmental biology.
107 nted experts will increase the psychological sophistication of judges and juries, and evidence-based
108                                            A sophistication of life by 3,700 Ma is in accord with gen
109                         Although lacking the sophistication of modern biostatistics, several of Holme
110                                          The sophistication of movement control may substantially con
111 of molecular systems has only emphasised the sophistication of networks within the cell.
112 fficulty representing the level of strategic sophistication of others, namely inferring others' mindr
113 uggesting that the latter could indicate the sophistication of pheromone communications within specie
114  interaction research has since revealed the sophistication of plant metabolic, developmental, and si
115 obes, as well as underscores the breadth and sophistication of plant-microbial interactions.
116 ity of cytoreductive surgical techniques and sophistication of postoperative care, it appears that an
117                                  Whereas the sophistication of research designs and data analysis for
118          Despite the increased intensity and sophistication of research on pain mechanisms in the pas
119 s unprecedented and illustrates the chemical sophistication of ribozyme active sites.
120                     To understand better the sophistication of spiral ganglion response properties, w
121                               The increasing sophistication of synthetic biology is creating a demand
122 L), and these suggestions have reflected the sophistication of technology available at the time.
123        Advances in animal models of disease, sophistication of technology in imaging, and gene silenc
124 tions, features that parallel the functional sophistication of the cochlear amplifier.
125  the part of psychologists will increase the sophistication of the expert testimony that they proffer
126                                          The sophistication of the genetic regulatory circuits and th
127                                          The sophistication of the insect olfactory system is elegant
128 s unusual feature emphasizes the variety and sophistication of the molecular mechanisms that can be a
129 calculate a minimal theoretical bound on the sophistication of the nonlinearities in auditory process
130 es were proposed, depending on the degree of sophistication of the pigment synthesis.
131 olved the problem of the lack of statistical sophistication of the scientific editors by bringing in
132 these results demonstrate the complexity and sophistication of the splenic MZ in sensing and respondi
133                           Given the level of sophistication of the techniques and the importance of i
134 previously on imaging despite the increasing sophistication of the techniques.
135 ous growth in the variety, availability, and sophistication of the types of respiratory viral tests,
136  but have yet to achieve the microstructural sophistication of their natural counterparts.
137 loped, but they are often costly or lack the sophistication of their proteomics counterparts.
138 nfulfilled goals, in spite of the increasing sophistication of this technology.
139             These flight behaviors match the sophistication of those seen in migrant birds and help e
140 ce are unmatched in terms of the variety and sophistication of tools available to label, monitor and
141 rch animal has burgeoned with the increasing sophistication of tools for genetic manipulation, a comp
142                              Early increased sophistication of tools may require the co-evolution of
143 d are opening questions on the diversity and sophistication of viral adaptations that optimize transm
144 ding of DC biology, coupled with the growing sophistication of viral vectors developed for gene thera
145 ystems are still far from a similar level of sophistication, partially because of the lack of modular
146 package of quantitative advantages in social sophistication, perhaps based on more efficient memory,
147  material structures with a similar level of sophistication, precision, and superior functions as tho
148 c variation on a scale, and with a degree of sophistication, previously unimagined.
149  or kicking, are behaviors that have reached sophistication primarily in younger species, particularl
150 omputerized agent using different degrees of sophistication (recursive inferences) and applied an eco
151 re inappropriate, given the public's limited sophistication regarding genetics and the lack of compre
152 arbour organisms that are models of adaptive sophistication remains to be seen.
153 ntum chemical studies with various levels of sophistication reproduce our experimental results includ
154 ght change has recently reached the level of sophistication required for accurate predictions.
155 imental clarity but often lack the technical sophistication required for biological realism.
156      Nanoparticles with increasing molecular sophistication, specific targeting properties, and uniqu
157  the impact of unemployment has increased in sophistication, strengthening the causal conclusion that
158 play a new level of structural-architectural sophistication, such as controlled domain size and the n
159 ternal cost factors with different levels of sophistication, suitable for energy systems modeling, op
160 approach, irrespective of its complexity and sophistication, surpasses simple randomisation for preve
161 e to control how they stretch with much more sophistication than inflating balloons.
162   Overall, the field has attained sufficient sophistication that increased cooperation between those
163 resupposes an even higher level of cognitive sophistication that is not expected in an invertebrate.
164 the rest of medicine promises technology and sophistication, the basic model of primary care has chan
165 ommunities of Escherichia coli of increasing sophistication to assess the outcomes of synergistic cro
166  to apply algorithms of different degrees of sophistication to the images and extract desired metrics
167 narios of execution with different levels of sophistication, up to the one where a workflow can be ex
168  nests and determine the degree of technical sophistication used in their construction.
169  produce saccades belies their computational sophistication, which can be studied quantitatively in t
170 health practice have increased in number and sophistication with advances in data collection, analysi
171  These findings illuminate the computational sophistication with which insects construct behaviour.

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