


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1             We propose Clostridium aldenense sp. nov. and Clostridium citroniae sp. nov. as names for
2                       Mycoplasma alligatoris sp. nov. was cultured from multiple organs, peripheral b
3 le species, which we name Borrelia americana sp. nov.
4 berculate, Yubaartar zhongyuanensis gen. and sp. nov., is reported from the Upper Cretaceous of Luanc
5  described as Emarellia grisea gen. nov. and sp. nov; the sixth isolate represents a sister species i
6 , for which the name Neisseria bacilliformis sp. nov. is proposed.
7  garinii, B. burgdorferi, and B. bavariensis sp. nov.
8 ssettii, Borrelia carolinensis, and Borrelia sp. nov.
9 oci from seven samples representing Borrelia sp. nov. isolated from nymphal Ixodes minor collected in
10 n and the gene p66 clearly separate Borrelia sp. nov. isolates from South Carolina into two subgroups
11               We propose that seven Borrelia sp. nov. isolates from South Carolina and two California
12 neophyton lignieri: Palaeoglomus boullardii (sp. nov. Glomeromycota) colonizes parenchyma in a discon
13                    Combresomyces caespitosus sp. nov. consists of spherical oogonia bearing densely s
14   The type strain of Varibaculum cambriensis sp. nov. is CCUG 44998(T) = CIP 107344(T).
15  a novel species; the name Penicillium canis sp. nov. is proposed.
16 d as a new species, Actinomyces cardiffensis sp. nov.
17                         Helicobacter cetorum sp. nov. has been cultured from the stomach of Atlantic
18 with the proposed name Helicobacter cetorum, sp. nov. (type strain MIT 99-5656; GenBank accession num
19 aldenense sp. nov. and Clostridium citroniae sp. nov. as names for these new species.
20 adapiform skeletons (Ignacius clarkforkensis sp. nov.; Dryomomys szalayi, gen. et sp. nov.), and the
21 tinct species of spruce (Picea critchfieldii sp. nov.) was widespread in eastern North America during
22 ell as the pxmABC operon in M. denitrificans sp. nov. strain FJG1(T) in response to hypoxia.
23 ate reductase NarGH serving M. denitrificans sp. nov. strain FJG1(T) to conserve energy during oxygen
24 rial methanotroph Methylomonas denitrificans sp. nov. strain FJG1(T) couples methane oxidation to nit
25 ose the new species Cellulomonas denverensis sp. nov., with the type strain W6929 (ATCC BAA-788(T) or
26 hominin species (Australopithecus deyiremeda sp. nov.) from 3.3-3.5-million-year-old deposits in the
27 ibe them as a new species, Strychnos electri sp. nov, in the plant family Loganiaceae (Gentianales).
28 AA-781(T) = CCUG 47861(T)); and Enterococcus sp. nov. CDC PNS-E3, type strain SS-1730(T) (= ATCC BAA-
29 s were provisionally designated Enterococcus sp. nov. CDC Proposed New Species of Enterococcus 1 (CDC
30 CC BAA-780(T) = CCUG 47860(T)); Enterococcus sp. nov. CDC PNS-E2, type strain SS-1729(T) (= ATCC BAA-
31 rhomaleosaurids (Stratesaurus taylori gen et sp. nov.; Avalonnectes arturi gen. et sp. nov) and the m
32 gen et sp. nov.; Avalonnectes arturi gen. et sp. nov) and the most basal plesiosauroid, Eoplesiosauru
33 est known myodocope, Luprisca incuba gen. et sp. nov.
34 rmally describe Rhizosmilodon fiteae gen. et sp. nov.
35  et sp. nov., and Ampezzoa triassica gen. et sp. nov.
36 siosauroid, Eoplesiosaurus antiquior gen. et sp. nov.
37 mall bolosaurid, Eudibamus cursoris, gen. et sp. nov. and confirms the widespread distribution of Bol
38 he cochleosaurid Nigerpeton ricqlesi gen. et sp. nov. and the stem edopoid Saharastega moradiensis ge
39 c analysis places Asilisaurus kongwe gen. et sp. nov. as an avian-line archosaur and a member of the
40            Savannasaurus elliottorum gen. et sp. nov. comprises one of the most complete Cretaceous s
41 a tubular fossil Yuganotheca elegans gen. et sp. nov. from the Cambrian (Stage 3) Chengjiang Lagersta
42                       Nidelric pugio gen. et sp. nov. from the Cambrian Series 2 Heilinpu Formation,
43 scribe Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Mendoza Province,
44             Protoclaviger trichodens gen. et sp. nov. is a stem-group member of Clavigeritae, a speci
45              Namapoikia rietoogensis gen. et sp. nov. is up to 1 meter in diameter and bears a comple
46                  Pampaphoneus biccai gen. et sp. nov. was a dinocephalian "mammal-like reptile" membe
47            Tubes of Funisia dorothea gen. et sp. nov. were anchored within the shallow, sandy sea bed
48                   Martialis heureka (gen. et sp. nov.) also constitutes the sole representative of a
49 d pollinarium (of Meliorchis caribea gen. et sp. nov.) attached to the mesoscutellum of an extinct st
50 atheroidan mammal (Gurbanodelta kara gen. et sp. nov.) discovered at the South Gobi locality in China
51 om South Carolina (Cotylocara macei, gen. et sp. nov.) that has several features suggestive of echolo
52 rkensis sp. nov.; Dryomomys szalayi, gen. et sp. nov.), and the most plesiomorphic extant tree shrew,
53 t the cultivation of Lenisia limosa, gen. et sp. nov., a newly discovered breviate colonized by relat
54 Here we present Janusiscus schultzei gen. et sp. nov., an Early Devonian (approximately 415 Myr ago)
55 pecies of mites, Triasacarus fedelei gen. et sp. nov., and Ampezzoa triassica gen. et sp. nov.
56 stem edopoid Saharastega moradiensis gen. et sp. nov., as relicts of Carboniferous lineages that dive
57  a second species, Gigantotermes rex gen. et sp. nov., based on one of the largest soldier termites y
58 ne described as Krishnatermes yoddha gen. et sp. nov., comprising the worker/pseudergate, winged repr
59  a fossil, Kulindroplax perissokomos gen. et sp. nov., from the Herefordshire Lagerstatte (about 425
60                 Rapetosaurus krausei gen. et sp. nov., from the Maevarano Formation of Madagascar, pr
61 actyloidea, Kryptodrakon progenitor, gen. et sp. nov., from the terrestrial Middle-Upper Jurassic bou
62 of a primitive bird, Rahona ostromi, gen. et sp. nov., has been discovered from the Late Cretaceous o
63 l aleocharine, Mesosymbion compactus gen. et sp. nov., in Burmese amber ( approximately 99 million ye
64 which we name Mitosporidium daphniae gen. et sp. nov., possesses a mitochondrial genome including gen
65 r from Ganzhou, Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov., represented by a remarkably well-preserved spe
66             Masiakasaurus knopfleri, gen. et sp. nov., represented by several skull elements and much
67 rmation of Myanmar, Afrasia djijidae gen. et sp. nov., that is remarkably similar to, yet dentally mo
68 ies of allosauroid--Siats meekerorum gen. et sp. nov.--providing the first evidence for the cosmopoli
69                   One-Anebos phrixos gen. et sp. nov.-is of uncertain affinities, and preserves porti
70 all articulated specimens of Wiwaxia foliosa sp. nov. from the Xiaoshiba fauna (Cambrian Stage 3, Hon
71 to be formally named as Citrobacter gillenii sp. nov. and Citrobacter murliniae sp. nov., respectivel
72 ngs, a new species, "Bacteroides goldsteinii sp. nov," is proposed.
73  The type strains of Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococc
74 three novel species, Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococc
75 roperties, we classify Brachyspira hampsonii sp. nov. as a unique species with genetically diverse ye
76                              A. houstonensis sp. nov. was associated with abscesses.
77 with three strains, Actinomyces houstonensis sp. nov., was phenotypically similar to A. meyeri and A.
78  isolates have been designated N. kruczakiae sp. nov.
79 haracters recognizes Teilhardina magnoliana, sp. nov., as the most basal member of this genus current
80    We propose the name Helicobacter marmotae sp. nov. for these organisms.
81 member of this group, Xandarella mauretanica sp. nov., from the middle Cambrian (Stage 5) Tatelt Form
82  new forstercooperiine, Pappaceras meiomenus sp. nov., from the late Early Eocene Arshanto Formation,
83  describe a new species, Gelidium millariana sp. nov., previously identified as G. isabelae from Aust
84 tos canceri n. gen. et n. sp. and M. mimicus sp. nov., respectively).
85 perm seed-bearing organ, Umkomasia mongolica sp. nov., based on hundreds of three-dimensionally prese
86 plex, and it has been named M. montefiorense sp. nov.
87 olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov. are WAL 10418(T) (= CCUG 53341(T) = ATCC BAA-13
88 olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov., are proposed.
89  gillenii sp. nov. and Citrobacter murliniae sp. nov., respectively.
90 e propose the name Corynebacterium nigricans sp. nov. for this group of coryneforms.
91 dings, two new species, "Bacteroides nordii" sp. nov. and "Bacteroides salyersae" sp. nov, are propos
92 'Methanoflorens stordalenmirensis' gen. nov. sp. nov., belonging to the uncultivated lineage 'Rice Cl
93 estman species, Hastocularis argusgen. nov., sp. nov., reconstructed with microtomography (microCT).
94  species, Varibaculum cambriensis gen. nov., sp. nov.
95 Palaeoendogone gwynne-vaughaniae (gen. nov., sp. nov. Mucoromycotina) colonizes parenchyma in the bas
96 cription of Cenarchaeum symbiosum gen. nov., sp. nov., a symbiotic archaeon closely related to other
97 s gen. nov. as Inquilinus limosus gen. nov., sp. nov., or as Inquilinus sp.
98 us gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov. are WAL 10
99 us gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov., are propo
100 lus, for which the name Bacillus oryziterrae sp. nov. is proposed.
101 inifera clade; the name Exophiala polymorpha sp. nov. is proposed.
102  classified as a new species, Kingella potus sp. nov.
103 ns be classified as Actinomyces radicidentis sp. nov.
104                          Combresomyces rarus sp. nov. consists of spherical oogonia bearing widely sp
105 id fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans sp. nov., from this salamander population.
106 nordii" sp. nov. and "Bacteroides salyersae" sp. nov, are proposed.
107                          Pelagornis sandersi sp. nov. is represented by a skull and substantial postc
108 se the designation Enterococcus sanguinicola sp. nov.
109 ium be classified as Helcococcus seattlensis sp. nov.
110  The bivalved euarthropod Clypecaris serrata sp. nov., recovered from the Cambrian (Stage 3) Hongjing
111  we propose the name Mycobacterium sherrisii sp. nov.
112                The name Mycoplasma sphenisci sp. nov.
113 e propose the name Tsukamurella strandjordae sp. nov.
114    We propose the name Mycobacterium triplex sp. nov. for this new taxon.
115 gative helicobacter, Helicobacter typhlonius sp. nov., which was isolated from colonies of laboratory
116 inii, B. afzelii, B. japonica, B. valaisiana sp. nov., and B. andersonii), but the RFLP patterns vari
117  for which the name Cardiobacterium valvarum sp. nov. is proposed.

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