


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing transcript diversity both temporally and spatially.
2        However, population studies often use spatially aggregated data to draw inferences about popul
3 hese data sources can be temporally limited, spatially aggregated, subjective, and burdensome for the
4 ynthetic momentum-space lattices to engineer spatially and dynamically controlled disorder to observe
5  enables the identification of proteins from spatially and genetically defined regions of the brain.
6  understand the taxonomy and metabolism both spatially and temporally across geochemically different
7  non-invasive imaging modalities in order to spatially and temporally analyze biochemical and biomech
8 tions, the responses of both parameters vary spatially and temporally and are dependent on species, e
9 ease endogenous NPY release in patients in a spatially and temporally appropriate manner.
10 rolled by local inhibitory interneurons in a spatially and temporally defined manner.
11 hat each of these magmatic systems were both spatially and temporally distinct.
12 y in a single year, inadequately account for spatially and temporally distributed impacts from wastew
13 in Arctic freshwater fishes before 2001 were spatially and temporally heterogeneous, as those in the
14 n evapotranspiration remain uncertain due to spatially and temporally limited direct measurements.
15                         Our data demonstrate spatially and temporally limited protein oxidation withi
16  their proper synaptic target sites requires spatially and temporally precise modulation of biochemic
17                                 We report on spatially and temporally resolved measurements of megaga
18 ractions in a bio-energetically constrained, spatially and temporally resolved model of global fisher
19 to develop experimental strategies to induce spatially and temporally sophisticated perturbation of n
20 he underlying mobility, are poorly suited to spatially and temporally sparsely sampled data, and perm
21  far from its normal expression domain or by spatially and temporally uniform exposure to a Nodal inh
22 ndicated microbiology to have stability both spatially and temporally, and between treatment plants a
23 roteins modulate signalling pathway activity spatially and temporally.
24 ogical events leading to carcinogenesis both spatially and temporally; examine the overlap between me
25  have been shown to vary inter-specifically, spatially, and temporally.
26 mediated lateral inhibition, which imparts a spatially antagonistic surround to individual cone recep
27 Unlike other cell types, T cells do not form spatially arranged tissues, but move independently throu
28 logic gates and signal transmission lines by spatially arranging reactive DNA hairpins on a DNA origa
29 ing multinode acoustic standing waves, and a spatially arrayed detector, can increase analytical and
30 nd children and that this reorganization was spatially associated with the transcription levels of sp
31        This does not occur in mammals, where spatially bandpass early filtering means that linear sys
32 ribution of Si(-O-Si)4-n (-O-Al)n species is spatially biased as opposed to being random.
33 mazonian forest inventory plot locations are spatially biased toward areas with high probability of a
34           The auditory periphery is arranged spatially by frequency, not spatial location.
35     The model produces highly interpretable, spatially-circumscribed topics that enable flexible deco
36 oop structure that brings UAS1 and UAS2 into spatially close proximity.
37                                Activation of spatially clustered and temporally synchronized excitato
38                                   We found a spatially clustered subpopulation of scene-selective uni
39 ldspots have a median size of 2.1 Mb and are spatially clustered.
40 nations of transcription factors, located at spatially coherent anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, a
41   Detection of apoptotic cells can therefore spatially compartmentalize or prevent premature or ectop
42 or the first time from long-term (1984-2014) spatially complete satellite records, that increased clo
43 nset of cytokinesis proved to be required to spatially confine membrane accumulation.
44 vances in the detection and visualization of spatially confined surface and bulk phonons in nanostruc
45 ng highly specific, extremely sensitive, and spatially confined.
46  and autonomous division can be activated by spatially confining azobenzene photomechanics in condens
47 self-face recognition during synchronous and spatially congruent integration of different sensations
48 es occur primarily in large-scale, multiday, spatially connected episodes with scales of >1,000 km an
49 between the four PFTs and that they would be spatially conserved across the two experimental sites.
50 l erosion of thickened lithosphere, which is spatially consistent with recent potassic volcanism and
51 which provide structural integrity, but also spatially constrain cells, and must therefore be modifie
52 r stacking of aromatic residues, which would spatially constrain the keratin 1/keratin 10 end domains
53 ons among specific classes of TFs, with both spatially constrained and flexible grammars.
54 roads, but since these are networks that are spatially constrained, geometrical properties play a fun
55 g a three-dimensional diffusion process to a spatially constrained, two-dimensional one.
56 nce of on-the-ground measurements to provide spatially continuous, high-resolution information on wat
57 simplify surface code networks which require spatially controlled interaction between atoms, and we p
58 l devices, but also offers the capability of spatially controlling cell organization for fundamental
59          We demonstrate that neither loss of spatially coordinated apical constriction nor its comple
60  across tonotopically mapped auditory cortex spatially correlate with R1-estimated myeloarchitecture,
61 lt models of the cerebellar input layer with spatially correlated input patterns, and systematically
62 A subset of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) is spatially correlated with transcription factors (TFs) ac
63 , these proteins must activate aPKC within a spatially defined membrane domain on one side of the cel
64 s specific to attachment status, we reveal a spatially defined role for Aurora-B kinase in retarding
65  OMAAT as an effective toolkit for analyzing spatially defined samples in MSI.
66 pplication of MSI for comparing thousands of spatially defined spotted samples has been limited.
67 eneral, a framework for how the cytoskeleton spatially defines cell-plate formation is lacking.
68 n in-plane dielectric heterostructure with a spatially dependent bandgap, as an initial step towards
69 ents of an underlying elastic substrate, the spatially dependent forces that cells or tissues impart
70 fuser has been tuned to obtain surfaces with spatially dependent reflection coefficients having unifo
71 crystal, based on Maxwell's equations with a spatially dependent two dimensional inhomogeneous dielec
72                              Here, we show a spatially-dependent phenotypic overlap between hypertrop
73                                  The temporo-spatially differently activated pathways revealed a glob
74 esults, which we tested experimentally using spatially diffusing laboratory populations of yeast.
75 d stochastic pacing on the nodal dynamics of spatially discordant alternans, we provide intuition for
76                                         Both spatially discrete and continuous mechanistic models are
77       Odor stimulation produces two types of spatially dispersed, odor-distinctive patterns of respon
78 n carrying long-distance information between spatially distant areas of the nervous system and in con
79 broad peptide binding footprint encompassing spatially distant peptide residues.
80 mine the origins of evolutionary pressure on spatially distant residues and to understand the sources
81 is thaliana) possesses six LAZY genes having spatially distinct expression patterns.
82  permit comparison with other temporally and spatially distinct haematopoietic-supportive zebrafish n
83  It is internalized by these fungi, but uses spatially distinct modes of entry into these fungi.
84 ing 29 cancer-associated genes across the 23 spatially distinct prostate samples were identified.
85 tracellular mixtures can phase separate into spatially distinct regions with differing compositions.
86 ason score of 4 + 5) was performed across 23 spatially distinct regions.
87 nbiased hierarchical clustering reveals five spatially distinct subpopulations within the chick dorsa
88 arallel expression of multiple transgenes in spatially distinct tissues in vivo.
89                                    These two spatially distinct, individually weak docking interactio
90             However, the mechanisms by which spatially distributed brain regions share and combine in
91 on local damages and undervalue regional and spatially distributed damages in compensation algorithms
92 ing PA imaging at two laser wavelengths, the spatially distributed hemoglobin oxygenation reflecting
93 to flexibly reconfigure interactions between spatially distributed networks.
94  spread and recovery crucially underlie many spatially embedded networked systems ranging from transp
95 cal structure and large network distances in spatially embedded networks, lead to meso-scale patterns
96 sed cascading failures in real and synthetic spatially-embedded network structures, and propose mitig
97 are initiated at stereotyped intervals, both spatially (every 137 degrees in a pattern called phyllot
98            Correspondingly, descendants from spatially evolving invasions exhibit greater mean and va
99 on gradient ( 1,500 to 300 mm), we compared spatially explicit 2011 climatic anomalies to our canopy
100 ulnerability, including an overall index and spatially explicit categories designed to inform managem
101                                        These spatially explicit colonization dynamics can result in h
102  make sense of many types of data, including spatially explicit data and time-series data.
103                                          The spatially explicit data set may also serve as a starting
104                  We used a species-specific, spatially explicit forest landscape model (LANDIS-II) to
105  underlying diversification; (ii) performing spatially explicit landscape analyses to identify enviro
106                                      Using a spatially explicit model and data from experimental carc
107                                              Spatially explicit modeling of leaf water transport poin
108   We present advances for LCA that integrate spatially explicit modelling of land change and ecosyste
109                                   We coupled spatially explicit sediment geochemistry (i.e., separate
110         We support our conceptual model with spatially explicit simulations of behavioural variation
111                              With coalescent spatially explicit simulations, we examined the impact o
112 on small-mammal habitat use using 4 years of spatially explicit small-mammal trapping and vegetation
113                     We illustrate the use of spatially explicit stochastic models to optimize targeti
114 rom an eight-year tag-recapture program with spatially explicit, capture-recapture models to re-exami
115                                      We used spatially explicit, individual-based genetic simulations
116            We use this approach to construct spatially explicit, probabilistic, and empirically deriv
117                   In this analysis we used a spatially explicit, simplified bottom-up approach, based
118                        We use a mechanistic, spatially explicit, stochastic, individual-based mathema
119                             We used existing spatially-explicit global datasets to estimate the produ
120                               Here we employ spatially-explicit individual-based evolutionary simulat
121                                        These spatially extended patterns were not explained by task v
122        Thrombin however failed to induce the spatially extensive response in microvessels of mice lac
123 blique (45 degrees ) for two stimulus types (spatially filtered noise textures and sinusoidal grating
124                        Timely, accurate, and spatially fine-grained baseline data are essential to de
125 during the Haines jump would not average out spatially for a bulk system.
126 e/lysosome, which is distinct temporally and spatially from the previously discovered long-term adapt
127 t-driven mutagenesis can be used by cells to spatially (gene-specifically) and temporally (only upon
128              Nighttime warming reinforced by spatially heterogeneous cloudiness was found to signific
129               Bubble size distributions were spatially heterogeneous even over relatively small areas
130 ic electrodes, are difficult to adapt to the spatially heterogeneous nanostructured electrode materia
131 ve shown that dry supermicron SSA tend to be spatially heterogeneous particles with sodium- and chlor
132                      Spread at all sites was spatially heterogeneous, suggesting that environmental h
133 centrations in the shallow subsurface can be spatially highly variable within small scales, particula
134 ce-enhanced Raman scattering substrates with spatially homogeneous hot spots are developed.
135             This shift away from traditional spatially homogeneous reactors towards dynamic and non-e
136 CAP exhibits a spontaneous transition from a spatially homogeneous state to a modifiable pattern that
137 primary emissions while OC4 and PC were more spatially homogeneous.
138 urability of living materials temporally and spatially in 3D, which can enable the study of transient
139                      Thus, we have localized spatially in the cell different complexes formed between
140                We were surprised that the 40 spatially independent measurements clustered in just two
141                    MPAO's ability to perform spatially independent wavefront control further enables
142  cuing task, in which a centrally presented, spatially informative cue is followed by a target.
143           Marsh sediment budgets represent a spatially integrated measure of competing constructive a
144                    These recordings revealed spatially intermingled subsets of MeA neurons with disti
145                                   To achieve spatially invariant lateral resolution, propagation-inva
146 put quantitative volumetric interrogation of spatially-irregular and friable tissue structures.
147 e different dimensions relate to one another spatially is important for conservation prioritization,
148  a quantitative record of coastal impacts is spatially limited and temporally restricted to only the
149 r dorsal-ventral (DV) axes, respectively, by spatially limiting activator action, but here we charact
150   How the detection and response to R/FR are spatially linked and how this spatial coordination betwe
151 Specifically, modules within brain areas are spatially localised.
152 echnologies have been developed that perform spatially localized protein extraction and digestion pri
153 arget smaller biological features for robust spatially localized proteomic analyses.
154 the off-rate and has a component that is not spatially localized.
155 hrough-focus imaging offers the potential to spatially map individual GCs to underlying amacrine, bip
156 full dynamic range can accurately detect and spatially map pressure profiles.
157 spectroscopy (photo-muSR) can temporally and spatially map these processes with a spatial resolution
158 me-associated kinesin-2 motor KIF17 and thus spatially map to the inner region of the ciliary gating
159 trated to have powerful new capabilities for spatially mapping the uptake of molecules of interest at
160                                              Spatially, master regulatory transcription factors are r
161 Clr-f on intestinal epithelial cells that is spatially matched by Nkrp1g on subsets of intraepithelia
162 zed pressure measurements were analyzed with spatially-matched histochemical images of HA, collagen a
163 eved in chirped phononic crystal plates that spatially modulate the dispersion, group velocity, and s
164 ter molecular organization and mobility, and spatially modulate the membrane's properties on a length
165 tion inversion at plasmonic hot spots can be spatially modulated by the diffractive coupling order of
166 , MLI activity was neither clearly organized spatially nor temporally correlated with oromotor activi
167 ized region-of-interest atlas applied to the spatially normalized gray matter image obtained from seg
168                                  Images were spatially normalized to Montreal Neurological Institute
169                             Surface enhanced spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SESORS) is a powerf
170             Here, we have developed handheld spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) for the first
171 aman spectroscopy (SERS) with the ability of spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) to probe subs
172        From the simulation results, resolved spatially on the nanoscale and temporally over time incr
173 ile animals, allowing populations to exploit spatially or temporally distributed food and space resou
174 s compared with the activations observed for spatially or temporally incongruent tactile and dynamic
175 water lake by area, are not well documented (spatially or temporally) and predicted future states in
176 his model, we observe phase transitions into spatially ordered states that break various discrete sym
177             Natural light-harvesting systems spatially organize densely packed chromophore aggregates
178 lles known as bacterial microcompartments to spatially organize the metabolism of pathogenicity-relev
179  granules consolidate and become transiently spatially organized during cell cycle exit.
180 of strongly coupled excitonic circuits using spatially organized dye aggregates for use in coherent n
181 e have limited understanding on how they are spatially organized in the cell.
182  that biochemical activities of the cell are spatially organized into an activity architecture whose
183  a simple and specialized microbiota that is spatially organized into different gut compartments.
184 t-transcriptional modification, appear to be spatially organized into distinct foci, which we have pr
185 hese two epigenetically distinct genomes are spatially organized is poorly understood.
186                                              Spatially organized macromolecular complexes are essenti
187                         These properties are spatially organized, so that the cell is most excited by
188 ecently proposed function for the nucleus in spatially organizing actin flow and cytoplasmic polarity
189            The magnitude of the response was spatially overlapping with high cerebral 5-HT1BR densiti
190 sues, we developed a new imaging method that spatially overlays the location of a nanoparticle and th
191  human strategy at exploiting temporally and spatially patchy resources, with most studies focusing o
192  reveals a latent dermal capacity to undergo spatially patterned self-organisation in the absence of
193 der exposure from a temporally modulated and spatially patterned UV illumination source to characteri
194 lating the bioink for neural tissues, and by spatially patterning cell types and scaffold properties
195                                          The spatially periodic activity of grid cells in the entorhi
196                     These orbits form stable spatially periodic patterns, the unit cells of a two-dim
197 ehavior shows that mice spontaneously form a spatially precise memory of the location of shelter, whi
198   Here, we show that TERS can chemically and spatially probe the site-specific chemical (electronic a
199 for maintaining an auxin pattern do not have spatially proportional correlation.
200  that have been successfully used to measure spatially proximal protein-protein interactions.
201                                     Here, we spatially Raman map exfoliated black phosphorus using co
202                                          The spatially random eruption hypothesis was found to be hig
203                                              Spatially random phase modulation was implemented for th
204                             We constructed a spatially realistic model of the cerebellar GCL and exam
205  multicomponent metamaterials with nonlinear spatially reconfigurable functionalities challenge the i
206 anced tumor-specific T-cell infiltration and spatially redistributed CD8(+) T cells within the tumor
207 te is increased and can be explained by more spatially regular nucleation as the QD density increases
208 e a mechanism by which polarity proteins can spatially regulate Rac activity and the actin cytoskelet
209                          These functions are spatially regulated by association of dynein and its acc
210  VEGFA signaling, and stable connections are spatially regulated by endothelial cell-intrinsic modula
211 pathway, and serine biosynthesis seems to be spatially regulated by the multienzyme complexes in a cl
212 of topographic map formation that depends on spatially regulated differences in the timing of axon ou
213               Phosphatase expression is also spatially regulated in vivo and in vitro.
214 ribution of integrin tension was shown to be spatially regulated through two myosin-signaling pathway
215 e the behaviours of marine microorganisms at spatially relevant scales, we engineered an in situ chem
216 t uses cumulative probability (CP) plots for spatially representative data sets, preferably containin
217                                         Such spatially resolved correlations between chemistry and na
218  directly and nondestructively determine the spatially resolved CTE of the packaged LED device, which
219 sults are based on statistical analyses of a spatially resolved data set on cod eggs covering a perio
220                                              Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy has
221                         The quantitative and spatially resolved element analysis of such cathode mate
222 mospheric inversion we were able to quantify spatially resolved European emissions of 89 +/- 14 t/a f
223 detection software to generate quantitative, spatially resolved gene expression data sets.
224 electrical measurements, optical microscopy, spatially resolved infrared spectroscopy, and scanning K
225              This inventory extends previous spatially resolved inventories of emissions by character
226         Employing the autosampler system for spatially resolved liquid extraction surface sampling ex
227 ments, including time-resolved shadowgraphy, spatially resolved mass spectrometry, as well as flow-de
228 ed by simultaneously acquired, 3-dimensional spatially resolved MRS imaging data, were compared.
229                 Furthermore, two dimensional spatially resolved photoluminescence intensity distribut
230           Using the model and applying it to spatially resolved projections of terrestrial NPP and pr
231 er in the metallic pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7 using spatially resolved second-harmonic optical anisotropy me
232                 Using direct measurements of spatially resolved surface stresses in the continuous th
233                                              Spatially resolved topographical and electrochemical dat
234                                              Spatially resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy documen
235                  Using thermoreflectance and spatially resolved X-ray microscopy, Kumar et al. elucid
236                         We also demonstrated spatially-resolved hypoxic signaling in cancer cells thr
237 t displays can be used as remotely readable, spatially responsive sensors that emit light in response
238 microtubules for cargo transport and thereby spatially restrict focus formation to the perinucleus.
239  As they differentiate, thymocytes encounter spatially restricted cues critical for differentiation a
240 mate receptor GluA1 and neuroligin 1 undergo spatially restricted entry into the dendritic secretory
241 EX-RIP, which combines peroxidase-catalyzed, spatially restricted in situ protein biotinylation with
242                           The UFRs were more spatially restricted in the brain than lower-frequency H
243 apered tips can be used to illuminate either spatially restricted or large brain volumes.
244 it resides, indicating that it counteracts a spatially restricted pro-death signal.
245 ctor hops between clustered binding sites in spatially restricted subnuclear regions, suggesting that
246 iscrete cell types as well as temporally and spatially restricted trajectories of radial glia maturat
247 tes in the mouse embryo, possibly in part by spatially restricting atypical protein kinase C, a negat
248 ssing algorithms are utilized to convert the spatially scrambled images into fluorescent images and v
249 nalogs of eukaryotic organelles in that they spatially segregate aspects of cellular metabolism, but
250 alamic process enables rapid coordination of spatially segregated cortical computations, thereby cons
251 orm a densely connected group overlapping on spatially segregated functional modalities.
252 amate are released from common vesicles onto spatially segregated post-synaptic receptors clusters, b
253      Micellar nanoparticles were formed by a spatially segregated, linear-dendritic telodendrimer con
254 ect to characterizations of value-sensitive, spatially selective activity found in sensorimotor areas
255 ere, we report the discovery of a transient, spatially selective neural signal in humans that encodes
256                                        While spatially selective persistent activity was observed in
257 We found that exploration profoundly reduced spatially selective, choice-predictive activity in singl
258 wo-thirds of mEC cells can be categorized as spatially selective.
259 moos, both proteins were near the cortex but spatially separate.
260   In this way, incompatible processes can be spatially separated and controlled.
261 ich microtubules of opposite orientation are spatially separated by molecular motor proteins.
262 ar orbital, which dwells in a region that is spatially separated from the one containing the excess n
263 bserve strong plasmonic coupling between the spatially separated gold particles mediated by the conne
264 uantum and classical information processing, spatially separated parties operate locally on their res
265 tive phase but as decoupled, subsequent, and spatially separated reactions involving different phases
266 o the slit of an imaging spectrograph as two spatially separated signals, i.e., the polarized and the
267                         This enhancement was spatially specific and largest when beta-band activity p
268 ng attention to a location in space produces spatially specific changes in visual cortex activity in
269 requency influences from V1 to area V4, in a spatially specific manner, and that this correlation is
270 e as a regulatory control structure, sending spatially specific signals to modulate visual cortex exc
271 rs (TFs) and cis-regulatory elements control spatially specific stress response has yet to emerge.
272 ur study shows the importance of considering spatially structured dynamics, as the inferences from su
273 cteristics of each liquid, while providing a spatially structured framework.
274                                          The spatially structured model indicated that population tre
275             Cross-validation showed that the spatially structured model with local dynamics had bette
276 n is valid when competition between cells is spatially structured.
277 ed positive assortment, is known to occur in spatially-structured viscous populations, where individu
278       This approach provides genetically and spatially targetable, repeatable and temporarily precise
279 mes coverage) was performed on each of these spatially targeted regions.
280 ightly regulated and how it can be contained spatially to a few cells.
281 olumes were automatically obtained using the Spatially Unbiased Infratentorial Toolbox.
282 d temperature gradients even with unfocused, spatially uniform illumination to generate a thermoelect
283                                        Thus, spatially uniform inhibition allows proficient and flexi
284 ically relevant dimensions, while preserving spatially uniform properties with high conduction veloci
285 ack loops that are required to destabilize a spatially uniform state of the cell.
286 ntributing to the newly defined networks are spatially variable across individuals and adjacent to di
287 ter buffers climate variability according to spatially variable groundwater response times determined
288 aska, Siberia and western Canada, and to the spatially variable patterns of erosion and accretion alo
289  demonstrated here could be applied to other spatially variable processes.
290 is approach was developed as a step to bring spatially variable production and impacts into a process
291           As water resources and demands are spatially variable, it is critical to take into account
292                                  Also, using spatially variant generalized additive mixed models, we
293 f the heterogeneous protein surface and thus spatially vary over the protein surface.
294 with experiment for composite materials with spatially varying dielectric permittivity manufactured b
295  Our metasurface features the arrangement of spatially varying gold nanorods on a flexible, conformab
296  theoretical proposal to achieve this with a spatially varying permittivity, showing that this approa
297 show that vertebrate body elongation entails spatially varying tissue mechanics along the anteroposte
298 otoalignment with light beams that exhibit a spatially-varying direction of light polarization.
299 nic assemblies can be patterned into complex spatially-varying structures with very high micrometer-s
300                       Deadwood stocks varied spatially with disturbance and forest structure, but not

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