


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  repeated for NCD mortality and did not vary spatiotemporally.
2 nt and physiology, although how motile cells spatiotemporally activate signaling events remains large
3 AutoPilot framework, an automated method for spatiotemporally adaptive imaging that integrates (i) a
4 s' ability to individuate those objects in a spatiotemporally ambiguous event.
5                               Both FRNs were spatiotemporally and functionally equivalent.
6 gaps in our knowledge of how RA is generated spatiotemporally and may, along with Raldh1 and Raldh3,
7 onsciously perceived motion signals that are spatiotemporally associated with this color throughout t
8 pids allows GLP-1R signaling to be regulated spatiotemporally at a constant basal GLP-1 level.
9 opment progresses, and thus may be regulated spatiotemporally at the level of translation.
10 ing means to direct and confine drug release spatiotemporally at the site of interest with high speci
11 insight into this phenomenon and demonstrate spatiotemporally coherent, cognitive representations tha
12  units of implicit attentional selection are spatiotemporally colocalized feature clusters that are a
13  will provide powerful strategies to dissect spatiotemporally complex biological processes.
14 ors extinguish their dependence upon HH in a spatiotemporally complex manner, completing cell-fate sp
15 hemical (acetylcholine) activation triggered spatiotemporally complex, propagating inositol trisphosp
16 tegrate cross-modal stimuli, but exposure to spatiotemporally concordant cross-modal stimuli was high
17 mance of animals in localizing and detecting spatiotemporally concordant visual and auditory stimuli
18 ocess that allows the brain to bind together spatiotemporally congruent inputs from different sensory
19                                          The spatiotemporally constrained delivery of the effector an
20 ll signaling modulates Notch activation by a spatiotemporally constrained mechanism.
21 sexpression experiments in frog embryos, for spatiotemporally context-dependent activity of Ptf1a as
22              Optical inputs were designed to spatiotemporally control levels of second messengers, IP
23 malian cells and discuss the mechanisms that spatiotemporally control PI conversion in endocytosis an
24               We developed a novel method to spatiotemporally control the activity of signaling molec
25 nto RNP granules, such as transcription, can spatiotemporally control the organization and dynamics o
26  Zn-directed RIDC3 assemblies can be used to spatiotemporally control the templated growth of small P
27   The ability to regulate gene activity in a spatiotemporally controllable manner is vital for biolog
28 lasticity of tumor cell migration and EMT is spatiotemporally controlled and connected upon challenge
29 rovide a basis for the future development of spatiotemporally controlled antinociceptive and antiinfl
30                   The conduction blocks were spatiotemporally controlled by electrode geometry and st
31               Pectin methylesterification is spatiotemporally controlled by pectin methylesterases (P
32  can generate vapor microbubbles that can be spatiotemporally controlled by pulsed laser irradiation.
33                          Cohesin cleavage is spatiotemporally controlled by separase-associated regul
34                                              Spatiotemporally controlled collection, transport, and d
35 one-homing polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) for spatiotemporally controlled delivery of therapeutics to
36                                  We achieved spatiotemporally controlled delivery with subcellular pr
37 hogenesis in vivo occurs through a series of spatiotemporally controlled events under the control of
38 elopment, such as cell specification and the spatiotemporally controlled formation of a three-dimensi
39 her expansion of the CRISPR/Cas9 system as a spatiotemporally controlled gene regulatory system, seve
40 cle Myosin II, but how this motor protein is spatiotemporally controlled is incompletely understood.
41           To regulate the recombination in a spatiotemporally controlled manner, we constructed a rec
42 rmation, we conditionally ablated Olig2 in a spatiotemporally controlled manner.
43 ls that arise from the microenvironment in a spatiotemporally controlled manner.
44 ork utilizes polymeric scaffold systems with spatiotemporally controlled morphogen cues to develop pr
45  of the data presented here, we propose that spatiotemporally controlled Myosin flows in conjunction
46 y pancreatin, providing the possibility of a spatiotemporally controlled release and protection of bo
47  light (red and NIR) has great potential for spatiotemporally controlled release of therapeutic agent
48 th photoinitiators and lights offers a mild, spatiotemporally controlled solidification trigger.
49 ur custom microfluidic control system allows spatiotemporally controlled stimulation with extracellul
50  tweezing cytometry (TB-ATC), for generating spatiotemporally controlled subcellular mechanical force
51 MIS type I receptors, Alk2 and Alk3, is also spatiotemporally controlled; Alk2 expression appears ear
52 al interactions can be probed in 2D or 3D by spatiotemporally controlling the gel microenvironment, w
53 n example of how differential receptor usage spatiotemporally controls and diversifies the effects of
54 date how localized Plexin-B1 stimulation may spatiotemporally coordinate its downstream targets in gu
55 HGEF7 and rhotekin, one Rho effector and the spatiotemporally coordinated activation of Rho GTPases (
56 lses in wild-type embryos and how pulses are spatiotemporally coordinated is unknown.
57                       This decision is often spatiotemporally coordinated such that a spatial pattern
58                           This remodeling is spatiotemporally coordinated with a cytoskeletal structu
59 PH) gene whose activity is indispensable for spatiotemporally correct expression of CYTOKININ INDEPEN
60  mechanism that increases RGC sensitivity to spatiotemporally correlated input, such as that produced
61 rphosphorylation in anterior bulbar cells is spatiotemporally correlated with a highly stereotyped se
62 ation and dynamics of synaptic podosomes are spatiotemporally correlated with changes in AChR aggrega
63 all puncta adjacent to AChR clusters and was spatiotemporally correlated with the formation and maint
64 multaneous hemodynamic imaging confirms that spatiotemporally coupled functional hyperemia is not pre
65                      This receptive field is spatiotemporally coupled, applying differential temporal
66 go light-activated phase separation, forming spatiotemporally definable liquid optoDroplets.
67 lecules to cellular compartments and thereby spatiotemporally define cellular signaling events.
68 -protein technology is devised to tailor the spatiotemporally defined delivery of therapeutic protein
69 oping brain AUF1 proteins are expressed in a spatiotemporally defined manner, and p37 and p40/42 isof
70  for modulating GABAA receptor function in a spatiotemporally defined manner.
71                                    To enable spatiotemporally defined, rapid and reproducible manipul
72 aging provide order-of-magnitude speedups in spatiotemporally demixing calcium video data into estima
73 ve shown that this process relies on signals spatiotemporally deployed in the extra-embryonic tissues
74 ould be visualized across the age range in a spatiotemporally detailed time-lapse sequence.
75  the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to model spatiotemporally differentiated effects on maize yield,
76         AF is traditionally characterized by spatiotemporally disorganized electrical activation and,
77 V1 and V2 of behaving monkeys, we identified spatiotemporally dissociable processes for grouping cont
78 that the modular network in mouse V1 selects spatiotemporally distinct clusters of neurons within the
79        The rhombic lip is thus emerging as a spatiotemporally distinct epithelium whose late appearan
80 governed by its own promoter, resulting in a spatiotemporally distinct expression profile from that o
81 al induction is controlled by conserved, yet spatiotemporally distinct mechanisms that co-ordinate de
82 ia, and instead indicate the presence of two spatiotemporally distinct modes of cross-linking in S. a
83  that propofol-induced LOC is accompanied by spatiotemporally distinct oscillatory neuronal dynamics
84  that propofol-induced LOC is accompanied by spatiotemporally distinctive neuronal dynamics in this n
85 vibrissa array strongly shapes the coding of spatiotemporally distributed deflections.
86 ogenous P2Y receptors in COS 7 cells reveals spatiotemporally divergent PKC responses.
87 unclear how apical constriction is regulated spatiotemporally during tissue invagination and how this
88                                          The spatiotemporally dynamic distribution of instructive lig
89 o reveal that in the embryonic midbrain, the spatiotemporally dynamic Shh domain defines multiple pro
90  in a highly autonomous manner, recapitulate spatiotemporally each of the main steps of retinal devel
91 icts that the Ca(2+) and NO levels alternate spatiotemporally, establishing complementary feedback lo
92 nstrate the efficacy of this estimator using spatiotemporally explicit simulations and apply it to a
93 n North American fossil occurrences within a spatiotemporally explicit stratigraphic framework that a
94 articipate in directing the highly regulated spatiotemporally expressed genetic network during implan
95  miRNAs, mmu-miR-101a and mmu-miR-199a*, are spatiotemporally expressed in the mouse uterus during im
96                      The results showed that spatiotemporally focused TMS may enhance extinction lear
97 here the incidence of Ebola virus disease is spatiotemporally heterogeneous, and is decreasing rapidl
98 icrofluidic diffusive mixers can be used for spatiotemporally high-throughput characterization of bac
99                               The ability to spatiotemporally identify the formation of specific anio
100 lly new way to engineer molecular assemblies spatiotemporally in cellular microenvironment for inhibi
101 ng axon navigation-can be precisely achieved spatiotemporally in response to semaphorins.
102 n biogeochemistry, and their abundances vary spatiotemporally in the global oceans, with upper estima
103                       We mapped strain rates spatiotemporally in three models of tissue morphogenesis
104 on of its effectors are precisely controlled spatiotemporally in vivo.
105 al cues received at the plasma membrane (PM) spatiotemporally integrate to the functional chromatin o
106 date how MAPK and PKA signaling cascades are spatiotemporally integrated in a single neuron to suppor
107 agent that can be light activated to achieve spatiotemporally limited inhibition of Rho kinase activi
108 so describes TPLSM laser ablation, which can spatiotemporally manipulate specific cellular population
109            UBR2 and ubiquitinated H2A (uH2A) spatiotemporally mark meiotic chromatin regions subject
110  the visual processing of frontal neurons is spatiotemporally matched with, and functionally dependen
111 n with mechanistic implications as to how it spatiotemporally mediates integrin signaling and cell ad
112                We used a genetic strategy to spatiotemporally modulate canonical Wnt signaling activi
113 show theoretically and experimentally that a spatiotemporally modulated device can be designed to hav
114 ual stimulus dome that allowed us to present spatiotemporally modulated UV and green luminance in any
115  provides a direct and noninvasive method to spatiotemporally monitor biofilm accumulation in the sub
116                                   We perform spatiotemporally multiplexed experiments to collect 1,86
117                                     Built on spatiotemporally multiplexed two-photon excitation, this
118 e receptive fields of both T4 and T5 exhibit spatiotemporally offset light-preferring and dark-prefer
119          Here, we study the shape of 472,040 spatiotemporally optimized travel routes in the 92 most
120 at slow brain rhythms predominantly indicate spatiotemporally organized activity in local nerve cell
121                            Such networks are spatiotemporally organized and capable of gradual, oscil
122  Aggregate signals in cortex are known to be spatiotemporally organized as propagating waves across t
123      We show here that cortical spindles are spatiotemporally organized into circular wave-like patte
124 fundamental roles for Merlin/ERM proteins in spatiotemporally organizing the cell cortex and suggest
125          Our experiments are accomplished by spatiotemporally overlapping electron and light pulses o
126  is implemented in the brain in fine-grained spatiotemporally patterned activity.
127 a lack of versatile devices that can deliver spatiotemporally patterned light while performing simult
128 lular human embryonic stem cell colonies are spatiotemporally patterned onto arbitrary substrates.
129   Using optogenetic techniques, we delivered spatiotemporally patterned stimuli to neurons and confir
130                                           We spatiotemporally perturbed electrical activity in beta-c
131  widespread recognition of the importance of spatiotemporally precise causal control over cellular si
132  of user-selected neurons to be targeted for spatiotemporally precise concurrent optogenetic activati
133 rs, technological limitations have prevented spatiotemporally precise control over intracellular sign
134 ancers, play a central role in orchestrating spatiotemporally precise gene-expression programs during
135 a receptor-specific, cell-type-specific, and spatiotemporally precise manner.
136 t ultrasonic stimulation is an effective and spatiotemporally precise method to activate the retina.
137  developed a motor task for rats that trains spatiotemporally precise movement patterns without requi
138 ich denotes the noninvasive, reversible, and spatiotemporally precise perturbation by light of living
139 s technology promises to enable evocation of spatiotemporally precise responses in targeted cells or
140 sules offer a powerful method for delivering spatiotemporally precise signals to cells.
141 rect cortical inputs to the same neurons are spatiotemporally primed.
142                   It was shown that MOMP can spatiotemporally propagate through cells, in particular
143                                 We presented spatiotemporally randomized, balanced theta-modulated ex
144 oding directions were acquired sequentially, spatiotemporally registered, and retrospectively selecte
145                   Our findings highlight the spatiotemporally regulated action mechanism of eRNAs dur
146                                              Spatiotemporally regulated actomyosin contractility gene
147                     Dril1 mRNA expression is spatiotemporally regulated and is detected in the involu
148 er cell migration and that Yan expression is spatiotemporally regulated as border cells migrate from
149 ously proposed, because its activity must be spatiotemporally regulated both preanaphase and postanap
150                                              Spatiotemporally regulated domains of BMP, FGF, and othe
151 blast-specific amelogenin gene expression is spatiotemporally regulated during tooth development.
152  dynamics, we show that leader cells form by spatiotemporally regulated endoreplication, caused prima
153 enous cannabinoid ligand, and its levels are spatiotemporally regulated in the uterus during early pr
154                                 Here we used spatiotemporally regulated inactivation of Fog2 to delin
155 r, our data underscore the central role of a spatiotemporally regulated key cell survival and growth
156 ow these many functions are carried out in a spatiotemporally regulated manner in a single cytoplasm
157 heparan sulfate proteoglycans expressed in a spatiotemporally regulated manner in many developing tis
158  cell types and growth factors that act in a spatiotemporally regulated manner, is triggered by a mec
159  planar polarity is rapidly established in a spatiotemporally regulated pattern that is dynamically r
160 l of material properties through independent spatiotemporally regulated photocleavage of crosslinks a
161                         HKM is a dynamic and spatiotemporally regulated process in the developing ret
162 anized tissue structure is generated through spatiotemporally regulated responses to EGF receptor act
163 how RopGEF function is controlled to allow a spatiotemporally regulated Rop activity.
164 ults suggest that CRL5 adaptor expression is spatiotemporally regulated to modulate Reelin signaling
165                                   Cofilin is spatiotemporally regulated; at the plasma membrane, it c
166                        This process requires spatiotemporally-regulated localization of signaling and
167 hat the cofilin phosphatase chronophin (CIN) spatiotemporally regulates cofilin activity at the cell
168                          Histone methylation spatiotemporally regulates neural crest gene expression;
169 assive membrane properties of cells that are spatiotemporally relevant to the pattern of retraction i
170 , but how these actin dynamics are regulated spatiotemporally remains poorly understood.
171       We use ultrafast optical techniques to spatiotemporally resolve spin dynamics in strained galli
172 ured at stationary monitoring sites, and for spatiotemporally resolved estimates of PM2.5 and BC at t
173 f sampling multiple chemical messengers in a spatiotemporally resolved manner.
174  is a novel, nondestructive tool that allows spatiotemporally resolved measurement of CaMKII activati
175 llular-resolution expression data produced a spatiotemporally resolved metazoan transcription factor
176  estimated using a validated satellite-based spatiotemporally resolved prediction model.
177 rameters) and can thus be exploited to offer spatiotemporally resolved prediction of UFPs on freeways
178 ) measurements have the potential to provide spatiotemporally resolved predictions of both long and s
179 c analysis of imaging data allowed accurate, spatiotemporally resolved quantification of two differen
180 BF) at the river Thur was studied using both spatiotemporally resolved sampling and single-well push-
181                                              Spatiotemporally resolved system-scale investigation of
182  whole-plant level, allowing for a systemic, spatiotemporally resolved understanding of metabolic pro
183 the loop between sensing and actuation (both spatiotemporally resolved).
184 g of programed cells, including logic gates, spatiotemporally responsive patterning, and wearable dev
185                   These results suggest that spatiotemporally restricted ADF/cofilin-mediated actin d
186 sophosphatidic acid (LPA) gradient induces a spatiotemporally restricted decrease in the mobility of
187              Haematopoietic cells arise from spatiotemporally restricted domains in the developing em
188 enhancers to mediate quantitative changes in spatiotemporally restricted expression patterns during a
189                           Here, implementing spatiotemporally restricted gene ablation by way of the
190        These results lead us to propose that spatiotemporally restricted generation of cytoplasmic Ra
191 d reversible, rapidly switchable patterns of spatiotemporally restricted GPCR activity in a single ce
192 nd development of various skin appendages at spatiotemporally restricted intervals.
193               To modulate Shh signaling in a spatiotemporally restricted manner, we carried out gain-
194 from Rose, Jin, and Craig demonstrating that spatiotemporally restricted NMDA receptor excitation at
195  each makes a unique cell fate decision in a spatiotemporally restricted pattern.
196                                     MatIS is spatiotemporally restricted to the prezygotic stage of t
197                                        These spatiotemporally segregated processes are not known to b
198 ubdivided individuals into 14 "contingents" (spatiotemporally segregated subgroups).
199 king advantage of the wireless, scalable and spatiotemporally selective capabilities that light allow
200            This computational tool relies on spatiotemporally selective filters that capture the chan
201 ons of the NAc during a behavioral task that spatiotemporally separated sequential goal-directed stim
202 thylated motifs were highly conserved across spatiotemporally separated Trichodesmium isolates, there
203  Conservation of these intergenic regions in spatiotemporally separated Trichodesmium populations sug
204 stimate motion by cross-correlating pairs of spatiotemporally separated visual signals, but recent ex
205 e lipids bind its C-terminal SH2 domain in a spatiotemporally specific manner and thereby exert exqui
206 l concentrations are tightly controlled in a spatiotemporally specific manner, the simultaneous quant
207 nd sex steroids shape brain development in a spatiotemporally specific manner, within neural systems
208 l three septal ephrins, A2, A3, and A5, play spatiotemporally specific roles in guiding topographic p
209 ns were also mapped, but were typically less spatiotemporally specific to stimulus delivery.
210 ainfall shows large variability and exhibits spatiotemporally sporadic extreme rainfall events.
211  ensembles of CA3 pyramidal neurons produces spatiotemporally structured input patterns arriving onto
212 ther the production of twitches is random or spatiotemporally structured, or whether the patterning o
213 in a variety of animals including humans, is spatiotemporally structured.
214              The hypomorphic L allele can be spatiotemporally switched to the hypermorphic H allele b
215  stress transmission along the actin bundle, spatiotemporally synchronizes actin disassembly and fibe
216 nclear how the activity of ACF7 is regulated spatiotemporally to achieve focal adhesion-specific guid
217 he distinct CAD and SAD functions are linked spatiotemporally to the differential biosynthesis of gua
218                                   Harnessing spatiotemporally tunable near-fields for the steering of
219 muli that selectively targeted four distinct spatiotemporally tuned channels with center frequencies
220  dependence in perception characterized by a spatiotemporally tuned, orientation-selective operator-w
221                          We demonstrate that spatiotemporally uniform regulation, with constant trans
222 eeping the cytosolic pool of building blocks spatiotemporally uniform.
223 equent in paroxysmal than persistent AF, are spatiotemporally unstable, are not the source of centrif
224 keleton, where myosin activity is controlled spatiotemporally using light.
225             The strength of these effects is spatiotemporally variable, and several sets of authors h
226 e, and high-emitting facilities appear to be spatiotemporally variable.
227 r prevalence throughout the arbour is highly spatiotemporally variable.
228 and detection planes are common owing to the spatiotemporally varying optical properties of living sp
229           Macrophage infiltration correlates spatiotemporally with this deleterious phenomenon, but t
230 endent and its activity is tightly regulated spatiotemporally within the cell.

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