


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 start at April first independent of time for spawning.
2 ectoral fins and their ETs are used for male spawning.
3 r disappearance from mantle is indicative of spawning.
4 ients from their decomposing carcasses after spawning.
5  the PPn may modulate female chirping during spawning.
6 mass m of their sperm and the number si at a spawning.
7 thods to identify the timing and location of spawning.
8 reproductive behaviors: pelagic and demersal spawning.
9  in Leucaena has been extensive and complex, spawning a diverse set of novel hybrids as a result of j
10 in eggs and larvae, while chronic effects on spawning adults are less well understood.
11 s type of recruitment pattern, protection of spawning adults over wide geographic areas may be critic
12 f recruits originate from distinct groups of spawning adults, even at small spatial scales.
13                       Sound produced by fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) permits the use of passive
14 levant to the science and management of fish spawning aggregations and the spatial planning of marine
15                                         Fish spawning aggregations are known to be targeted by sharks
16                         Conservation of fish spawning aggregations can help conserve shark population
17         This research demonstrates that fish spawning aggregations can play a significant role in the
18 1.8 million fish are harvested annually from spawning aggregations of C. othonopterus during 21-25 da
19 local energy availability by feeding on fish spawning aggregations, which concentrate energy from oth
20  supports the assertion that LHRHa used as a spawning aid would not pose a human food safety risk.
21 f either Levonorgestrel or Gestodene stopped spawning almost completely.
22                    A significant decrease in spawning and a significant increase in follicular atresi
23 biological limit governing suitable salmonid spawning and egg incubation conditions.
24 ary, coincident with the main period of crab spawning and egg incubation.
25                                              Spawning and fishing are synchronized on a semi-lunar cy
26 ly from variance in productivity of critical spawning and nursery habitats located in spatially discr
27 pared to their relatives employing broadcast spawning and pelagic larval development.
28 cs and local adaptations to the variation in spawning and rearing habitats.
29 g autumn and at ice break, likely related to spawning and resumption of intensive foraging respective
30                                         Free-spawning animals allow careful analysis of gamete recogn
31                                      In free-spawning animals with no complex mating behavior, prezyg
32  fertilization success, particularly in free-spawning animals.
33 sent average ambient conditions during coral spawning ( approximately 400 muatm) and the range of pCO
34 as far upstream as the Andes; (iii) the main spawning area of B. rousseauxii is in or near the Andes;
35  MMs are found to spatially converge on fish spawning areas containing massive densely populated herr
36 d bluefin tuna reveal site fidelity to known spawning areas in the Mediterranean Sea.
37 iterranean Sea) and western (Gulf of Mexico) spawning areas is needed to manage remaining fisheries.
38 wo populations of bluefin tuna with distinct spawning areas that overlap on North Atlantic foraging g
39 hery and restrictions on longline fishing in spawning areas, are the most efficient conservation poli
40  of natal homing to both eastern and western spawning areas.
41 ved for both maintenance of immotility after spawning as well as ligand-induced motility initiation.
42 ghs the increase in productivity due to fish spawning at an earlier age.
43 articularly difficult; the degree of skipped spawning at the population level therefore remains unkno
44 diterranean eel stock does not contribute to spawning because there is no evidence of eels leaving th
45 ne-scale, spatio-temporal characteristics of spawning behavior in an aggregating marine fish (Cynosci
46                              We propose that spawning behavior in Baltic flounders is the trait under
47 f the polychaete Nereis succinea to activate spawning behavior of N. succinea males, has recently bee
48 d logbook catch data, identify hot spots for spawning bluefin tuna in the northern slope waters of th
49 ncorhynchus nerka) that overlap in timing of spawning but incubate in contrasting natural thermal reg
50 rotection of neurons that are functioning in spawning but senescent salmon.
51 Control and accelerated groups had completed spawning by the time of harvest, and expressed sexual di
52       Twenty-six years of monitoring data on spawning Chinook salmon across the entire coast of Orego
53 coral, Porites astreoides, and the broadcast spawning coral, Montastraea faveolata, were exposed to m
54 lation structure in co-distributed broadcast spawning (Crassostrea virginica) and brooding (Ostrea eq
55 ary and gene flow challenge to advance first spawning date by a further approximately 16-30 days over
56  contemporary populations will require first spawning date to advance by approximately 21-39 days but
57 ars, between-population differences in first spawning dates are dominated by local adaptation.
58 are the covariation in temperature and first spawning dates of the common frog (Rana temporaria) acro
59 n interaction between genotype frequency and spawning density determines how sperm bindin genotype in
60 anada to assess whether variations in autumn spawning density of Pacific salmon were reflected in dip
61 nomer, a dimer, or higher noncovalent forms, spawning different models for its mechanism of action.
62 ree sympatric Acropora corals show that mass spawning does not erode species barriers.
63                                 In addition, spawning duration was greatly increased for E. mordax, a
64                           Ab initio multiple spawning dynamical calculations suggest that distinct ul
65 s exhibit a plastic response to temperature, spawning earlier in warmer years, between-population dif
66                        The stream- and beach-spawning ecotypes exhibited striking morphological diffe
67 the impact of contaminants on the quality of spawning eels and subsequent embryo survival and develop
68                        Here we describe post-spawning egg care, or brooding, in this deep-sea squid.
69                                     Demersal spawning enables flounders to thrive in the low salinity
70 y reef-building corals participate in a mass-spawning event that occurs yearly on the Great Barrier R
71  sympatrically on reefs, reproducing in mass-spawning events where hybridization appears common.
72 tagging data for 66 bluefin tuna to identify spawning events, to quantify habitat preferences, and to
73  assess the number Ni of competitors at each spawning exactly.
74 hibited an unprecedented early and northward spawning expansion during 2015-16.
75 hesis, (b) VTG-dependent egg development and spawning (fecundity), and (c) fecundity-dependent popula
76 en reproductively inactive (0.066 d(-1)) and spawning females (0.069 d(-1)).
77 ated to be approximately equally abundant as spawning females in 2008, constituting approximately 24%
78 efflux and egg deposition) was 0.17 d(-1) in spawning females.
79                                 However, non-spawning fish show clear sex differences in chirp respon
80  female whole body [Se] in this asynchronous spawning fish.
81  to be of a mature size, do not visit either spawning ground during the spawning season.
82 al collections to demonstrate a bluefin tuna spawning ground in the Slope Sea, between the Gulf Strea
83 tock, experienced a shift from a traditional spawning-ground fishery to an industrial trawl fishery w
84 opulation when (1) >10% of fish allowed onto spawning grounds are from hatcheries and (2) the hatcher
85 oubled the total number of adult fish on the spawning grounds each year, but cut the effective popula
86 on data delineate two populations, one using spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and another from
87  trans-Atlantic migrations and they frequent spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and eastern Medit
88 , ocean warming and bycatch mortality on GOM spawning grounds may result in significant effects for a
89             Bluefin tuna that occupy western spawning grounds move to central and eastern Atlantic fo
90  salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) navigate towards spawning grounds using olfactory cues they imprinted on
91 omone used by sea lamprey to guide adults to spawning grounds was recently reported.
92 shing intensity and catch are highest at the spawning grounds within a no-take reserve.
93 Eggs were released from nine different known spawning grounds, in the period from March 1st until the
94 patic vitellogenin A (vtg) expression at the spawning grounds, which was previously hypothesized as a
95 e a strategy to reduce predation risk on the spawning grounds.
96  goes extinct due to the absence of suitable spawning grounds.
97 duce incidental catch mortalities on western spawning grounds.
98 t use and oil exposure within Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds.
99         We compared sound levels produced by spawning Gulf Corvina (Cynoscion othonopterus) with simu
100 ttle variation among watersheds in potential spawning habitat change was explained by predicted incre
101    We estimated that 9-10% and 13-16% of the spawning habitat for coho salmon could be lost by the 20
102 ty and extent of coho, chum, and pink salmon spawning habitat in over 800 southeast Alaska watersheds
103                                    Potential spawning habitat loss was highest for coho salmon, which
104 nt, reach-scale geomorphic associations with spawning habitat preferences, and complexity in the pace
105                                              Spawning habitat responses varied widely across watershe
106     More than 54,000 km(2) (5%) of predicted spawning habitat within the US EEZ was oiled during the
107 States) between 1961 and 1975 altered salmon spawning habitat, elevated smolt and adult migration mor
108 with a relatively small portion of predicted spawning habitat, the cumulative impact from oil, ocean
109  the opportunity for native fishes to access spawning habitats and seasonally available refuges.
110          The spill oiled upper surface water spawning habitats for many commercially and ecologically
111 ter Horizon (DWH) oil spill contaminated the spawning habitats for numerous commercially and ecologic
112            The accident oiled shoreline near spawning habitats for the largest population of Pacific
113 ic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into critical pelagic spawning habitats for tunas, billfishes, and other ecolo
114 are particularly vulnerable to the oiling of spawning habitats, and crude oil causes severe abnormali
115                When oil spills occur in fish spawning habitats, natural resource injury assessments o
116 hose that most closely match flows in native spawning habitats.
117 ing trophic subsidies and conditions in fish-spawning habitats.
118 peaked at >30 ng/L each during the period of spawning, hatching, and development for resident fishes.
119      In iteroparous teleosts, verifying past spawning history is particularly difficult; the degree o
120 g increased mortality and totally inhibiting spawning in an already endangered native fish, the Europ
121                       Whether these fish are spawning in an alternate location, skip-spawning, or not
122       We unequivocally show frequent skipped spawning in Northeast Arctic cod (NEAC) in a massive fie
123 keye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations spawning in pristine habitat that is often subject to in
124 mating in protandry, to aggregate- and harem-spawning in protogyny.
125 i, are unique in that they are immotile upon spawning in the environment.
126  spawning migration, with larger individuals spawning in the Gulf of Mexico, and smaller individuals
127  the Gulf of Mexico, and smaller individuals spawning in the Slope Sea.
128 as exogenous signals (pheromones) to mediate spawning interactions between conspecifics.
129 increases in intracellular pH occurring upon spawning into seawater and also when sperm respond to co
130                                      In free-spawning invertebrates sperm-egg incompatibility is a ba
131                      We propose that skipped spawning is an integral life-history component for NEAC,
132 yloid deposition in the brain of semelparous spawning kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi).
133              L1 appears to amplify in waves, spawning large numbers of progeny such that elements wit
134 015-2016, we documented shifts in timing and spawning location of several pelagic fish stocks based o
135 on causes reduced ranges in spawning period, spawning location, and egg buoyancy; this is proposed to
136 ated effective communication spaces at three spawning locations for populations of the commercially a
137                                       During spawning, male and female brown ghost knife fish modulat
138 sotocin-sensitive) than in females and sneak-spawning males (isotocin-sensitive), showing that the ne
139 during gametogenesis (August to January) and spawning (March to June) VCL is present at lower relativ
140 n weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), an estuarine-spawning marine fish, in eastern North America.
141 tructure and self-recruitment in a broadcast-spawning marine gastropod that exists as a single meta-p
142  oocyte development, indicating that skipped spawning may partly be a density-dependent response impo
143 al reports brought attention to the problem, spawning methods of effectively preserving URL content w
144                  In the final phase of their spawning migration, Pacific salmon use chemical cues to
145 rn Atlantic bluefin tuna have a differential spawning migration, with larger individuals spawning in
146 t 15 degreesC) while sea lamprey fast during spawning migration.
147 t experience annual resource pulses from the spawning migrations of Pacific salmon.
148                  Overall, this complexity of spawning migrations questions whether there is complete
149 ory cues to guide natal stream homing during spawning migrations.
150  to identify their home rivers at the end of spawning migrations.
151 rs (PBDEs), to new environments during their spawning migrations.
152 rse of a year and up to 12-18% during spring spawning months.
153                                 Placement of spawning nests by adult bass is likely subject to strong
154 e.g. bioinformatics and molecular genetics), spawning new fields, and even changing the way scientifi
155 rtices seem to alleviate increased strain by spawning new vortices, directly modifying the scale of k
156 e H-bonding network stabilizing the P-loops, spawning numerous SF conformations.
157             A nest web was constructed using spawning observations over 3 years in several streams in
158 f its life history has been hampered because spawning occurs at great depths, where observation is di
159  unexpected haplotype sharing between spring-spawning oceanic herring and autumn-spawning populations
160                                At worst, the spawning of a company from within academia has the poten
161 , indicating prolonged and nearly continuous spawning of adults throughout the warm period.
162 ethylamide) is routinely applied for induced spawning of fish.
163 hat wavefront-obstacle collisions leading to spawning of new wavelets could produce high-frequency wa
164 ecently undergone gravitational instability, spawning one or two companion stars.
165 ations that were either deposited by natural spawning or incubated in subtidal cages.
166  are spawning in an alternate location, skip-spawning, or not spawning until an older age affects how
167                     Developmental strategies spawning ORN diversity from an initially homogeneous pop
168     The lack of a clear relationship between spawning output and recruitment success continues to con
169 ory model, which assumes only Gulf of Mexico spawning, overestimates age at maturity for the western
170                             We conclude that spawning Pacific salmon result in the increased availabi
171 on of surveys but stabilized during the peak spawning period after high tide to produce a linear rela
172 titus) were released daily during their peak spawning period from two locations in the Florida Keys R
173 d size distribution causes reduced ranges in spawning period, spawning location, and egg buoyancy; th
174 arily arrested ovaries close to the putative spawning period.
175 temperature-driven contraction in the spring spawning period.
176 tained for at least two weeks of the herring spawning period.
177                       This suggests that the spawning phenology and distribution of several ecologica
178 ssume these fisheries exploit a single mixed spawning population, within ocean basins.
179 n spring-spawning oceanic herring and autumn-spawning populations across the Atlantic Ocean and the B
180 Here, we show that dispersers between stream-spawning populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus ner
181                              Thus, broadcast-spawning populations with males and females can reproduc
182      The fishery is currently managed as two spawning populations, with the GOM population being seve
183  an amalgamation of several hundred discrete spawning populations.
184                                  Using this 'spawning' process, we can massively replicate patterned
185              We have modeled overlap between spawning products and oil concentrations giving a total
186 om March 1st until the end of April, and all spawning products were followed for 90 days from the spi
187 rough several rounds of division, ultimately spawning proliferative cells of reduced ploidy.
188  was investigated considering the process of spawning, quality of the spawned eggs and their capacity
189  allow imaging of corneal nerves in vivo are spawning questions regarding the relationship between co
190          Resident fishes sampled from salmon spawning reaches had higher mean pollutant concentration
191 ation on biodiversity, ecological processes (spawning, recruitment, and larval connectivity), and soc
192 ic range of Pacific bluefin tuna and for the spawning region of southern bluefin tuna.
193 mazon, the results showed: (i) that the main spawning regions of these goliath catfish species are in
194 iorally directed to revisit natal freshwater spawning rivers and persistent overwintering grounds in
195 tory, moving long distances among estuaries, spawning rivers, and distant coastal regions.
196 ales select a mate and perform a stereotyped spawning routine, offering quantifiable behavioral outpu
197 ation pressure was concentrated later in the spawning run (i.e. when most movements had ceased), move
198 ion pressure primarily occurred early in the spawning run (i.e., during the height of the diel moveme
199 ompared 58 PCB and 6 PBDE congeners found in spawning salmon directly to those in resident stream fis
200 ents in proportion to the average density of spawning salmon.
201 ing streams were concentrated earlier in the spawning season.
202 hat coincided with behavioral changes during spawning season.
203  not visit either spawning ground during the spawning season.
204                                              Spawning site fidelity ranged from 60 to 81%, comparable
205                  The migration route and the spawning site of the European eel Anguilla anguilla are
206 r example, congregating at a single dominant spawning site or periodic mixing during reproduction) co
207 iling view that individuals exhibit complete spawning-site fidelity.
208 xico, could severely affect fish at impacted spawning sites.
209 c sardine) larvae, which are normally summer spawning species in this region.
210 ivalent EDM formulations that explicitly use spawning stock and environmental variables to forecast r
211 explains a substantial decoupling of herring spawning stock biomass (an index of egg production) from
212 yses also account for significant effects of spawning stock biomass and a liver condition index on eg
213 tock has recently increased markedly and the spawning stock biomass is now at an unprecedented high.
214  Our analysis of adult fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass of 22 North Atlantic cod (Gadus m
215  and spatial scales in fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass were equivalent to those of the c
216 y, studies have confirmed a causal link from spawning stock demographic structure through egg and lar
217 here show that high mean age and size in the spawning stock of Barents Sea cod (Gadus morhua) is posi
218 despread changes in the relationship between spawning stock size and the production of juvenile offsp
219                                              Spawning strategy likely plays a large role in the proce
220 e for most of the day and then migrated into spawning streams during the night, coincident with when
221 tionally, cyclic movements between lakes and spawning streams were concentrated earlier in the spawni
222                        Bears departed salmon spawning streams, where they typically kill 25-75% of th
223 gy during development are critical for their spawning success.
224 t is an important external stimulus for mass spawning synchrony and describe the potential mechanisms
225 pted were 28 degrees C (current ambient mean spawning temperature) and 33 degrees C (projected for th
226 e domestication of wheat was instrumental in spawning the civilization of humankind, and it occurred
227 important target for allergic diseases, thus spawning the development of small-molecule IgE inhibitor
228 dult cardiometabolic and affective disorders spawning the notion of fetal "programming." Prenatal exp
229  for yolk and egg production; following mass spawning, the parents die.
230 s have been implicated in the timing of mass spawning, the specific sensory cues that function togeth
231 showing this pattern are unlikely to control spawning time but may be involved in adaptation to ecolo
232 showed the most significant association with spawning time in both the east and west Atlantic.
233  showed the most consistent association with spawning time throughout the species range.
234                                   Changes in spawning timing and poleward migration of fish populatio
235 ic signatures ca. 7 months and 7 days before spawning to compare the efficiency of the marking proced
236 ees C for 14 days prior to the initiation of spawning trials.
237  mouse in which the oncogene is continuously spawning tumorigenesis.
238 an alternate location, skip-spawning, or not spawning until an older age affects how vulnerable this
239                     The trend toward earlier spawning was correlated with changes in sea surface temp
240 processes of vast oceanic fish shoals during spawning, we show that (i) a rapid transition from disor
241                  Embryos obtained via manual spawning were exposed to individual AHR agonists and PAH
242 levated throughout gametogenesis until after spawning, when a decrease in S19 message was observed.
243 This implies that external fertilization and spawning, which characterize most extant aquatic gnathos
244 dum (cobia), a large, highly mobile, pelagic-spawning, widely distributed species with a life history
245 females varies directly with gonad weight at spawning, with observed egg volumes roughly 50% of the e
246 main motionless for up to several days after spawning, yet are still capable of fertilizing eggs.

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