


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ement providing an oscillating output with a specific frequency.
2 control and sustain resonance at the species-specific frequency.
3 rong, resonant interaction with photons of a specific frequency.
4  resonant cavity is selected to operate at a specific frequency.
5 d they bandpass filter these inputs to favor specific frequencies.
6                  This study established gene-specific frequencies and the underlying phenotype of LCA
7                                  Compartment-specific frequency and distribution of LOH/AI were deter
8 z, and 15 Hz) to entrain an oscillation with specific frequency and spatial origin.
9 sing can only absorb and emit signals with a specific frequency and temporal envelope.
10             When cortical neurons tuned to a specific frequency are inactivated, the auditory respons
11           While healthy subjects exhibited a specific, frequency band-dependent, large-scale neural o
12 t influence on choice, whereas power in task-specific frequency bands affected the encoding of sensor
13 nability to maintain oscillatory activity in specific frequency bands could thus result in the inform
14  the particular domain of visual perception, specific frequency bands in different brain regions and
15  been found to correlate preferentially with specific frequency bands of the LFP, it is still unclear
16 l connectivity patterns in ASD are driven by specific frequency bands, by spatial network properties,
17 e frames underlying the power modulations in specific frequency bands.
18 brain activity are less clear, especially in specific frequency bands.
19 hin this bandwidth and not examined power in specific frequencies below 1 Hz.
20       Oscillations in force output change in specific frequency bins and have important implications
21 s suggest that optical stimulation of PER at specific frequencies can predictably alter recognition m
22      Our observation of resonance effects at specific frequencies, combined with new theoretical cons
23 g in these cells and whether bursts transmit specific frequency components of the synaptic input, lea
24 nimals or breeds and analysis revealed breed-specific frequency differences and reflected aspects of
25 itions (climate uncertainty) to produce site-specific frequency distributions of occurrence probabili
26 ng this green coillumination on and off at a specific frequency dynamically modulates collected blue
27 ells to lung airways, achieving A. fumigatus-specific frequencies exceeding 5% of total CD4+ T cells.
28 ained to identify target auditory stimuli of specific frequency from a set of distractors varying in
29 issae (whiskers) resonate when stimulated at specific frequencies, generating several-fold increases
30 esting, given the pathological modulation of specific frequencies in diseases affecting the motor sys
31  narrowly frequency tuned and provide highly specific frequency information to the primary auditory c
32 o monitor SERS intensity changes at molecule-specific frequencies makes selective detection of indivi
33  the skeletal-muscle-specific and non-muscle-specific frequency matrices for the binding sites of Mef
34 istematic generated a refined PSFM (position specific frequency matrix) based on conserved site occur
35 ces of a given motif described by a position-specific frequency matrix.
36                                      Species-specific frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation sound seq
37                              We measured age-specific frequencies of amyloidosis and neurodegeneratio
38 s of in silico blood measures identifies Mtb-specific frequencies of effector T cell phenotypes at va
39 we took advantage of prior observations that specific frequencies of local field potentials reflect t
40                 Each enzyme responds best to specific frequencies of pressure waves, and an accelerat
41 ennal ears show active tuning to the species-specific frequencies of songs.
42 ditory cortex are tuned to the intensity and specific frequencies of sounds, but the synaptic mechani
43 econd, synaptic transmission may be tuned to specific frequencies of stimulation.
44                            We determined age-specific frequencies of the four groups (amyloid negativ
45 ovide critical evidence of the importance of specific frequency patterns of activity in the BLA durin
46 o respond to, and hence differentiate among, specific frequency ranges present in broad-band input.
47 ation and functional activity in the axon at specific frequencies that change axonal expression of L1
48 sponse (including nonlinear properties) at a specific frequency, the frequency-domain methods with it
49 quencies originating from the BPR, and those specific frequencies vanish under certain conditions.
50  driving lasers with weighted amplitudes and specific frequencies, we obtain an effective Hamiltonian
51 ) numbers increased and stabilized at tissue-specific frequencies without contraction of the B(Mem) p

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