


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rojection due to coherent artifacts, such as speckle.
2 ntly labeled single molecule from background speckle.
3 ly only after initial contact with a nuclear speckle.
4  sharpness and the temporal coherence to the speckle.
5 patterns: minimal change, focal, patchy, and speckled.
6 on of chromosomes, k-fibers, and microtubule speckles.
7 een them, indicate they associate at nuclear speckles.
8 horylated SC35, which is retained in nuclear speckles.
9 ompartment enriched in SC35-positive nuclear speckles.
10 at1, a large ncRNA that localizes to nuclear speckles.
11 for HSP70 transgenes associated with nuclear speckles.
12 s and in a higher number of enlarged nuclear speckles.
13 and RNA-binding protein localized in nuclear speckles.
14 was exclusively present in nuclear bodies or speckles.
15 taining between PABP1 and markers of nuclear speckles.
16 sembly of mRNA processing factors in nuclear speckles.
17 2 entry into the nucleus and accumulation in speckles.
18 of targeting the resulting fusion protein to speckles.
19 NA components in the organization of nuclear speckles.
20 e speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) to nuclear speckles.
21 es by utilising the remarkable properties of speckles.
22      Here, we report that the PML-NB protein Speckled 110 kDa (Sp110) is SUMO1-modified and undergoes
23 ocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (38), nuclear speckles (27), paraspeckles (24), Cajal bodies (17), Sam
24 teristic subnuclear KSHV microdomains ("LANA speckles"), a hallmark of KSHV latency.
25  protein 39 (RBM39) and localizes to nuclear speckles adjacent to spliceosomes.
26 association of HSP70 transgenes with nuclear speckles after heat shock.
27 activation in transgenes not associated with speckles, although robust transcriptional activation was
28 retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) reflectance speckle and tested the hypothesis that temporal change o
29                                Patients with speckled and focal patterns showed limited or no changes
30        SMAR1 is enriched in nuclear splicing speckles and associates with the snRNAs that are involve
31             Accumulation of HIPK2 in nuclear speckles and association with promyelocytic leukemia pro
32 e association of splicing factors to nuclear speckles and influences the levels and activity of other
33  fluorescent protein-labeled cortical dynein speckles and motile microtubules.
34  SR proteins mediate the assembly of nuclear speckles and regulate gene expression by influencing bot
35  is based on correlation of X-ray near-field speckles and represents a significant broadening of the
36 on with Pi04089, its localization to nuclear speckles, and its increased accumulation when co-express
37 PCBP1 to colocalize in SC35-positive nuclear speckles, and the two proteins interact in the variable
38 yed close localization in and around nuclear speckles, and their physical association in protein comp
39             Although the image sharpness and speckle are related to both coherence parameters, our re
40 ical substrate Gli3, suggesting that nuclear speckles are hotspots of ubiquitination.
41                           Given that nuclear speckles are storage sites for splicing factors, which l
42                                Since nuclear speckles are storage sites for splicing factors, which l
43                                      Nuclear speckles are subnuclear domains that contain pre-mRNA pr
44       Moreover, blocking new HSP70 transgene/speckle association by actin depolymerization prevented
45 o transcriptional activation; moreover, this speckle association enhances the heat shock activation o
46  p150glued) form spatially resolved, dynamic speckles at the cell cortex, which are preferentially as
47                           Recently, an X-ray speckle-based technique has shown great potential for X-
48 ocalizations can be also excited by extended speckled beams.
49 f stimulated emission and do not suffer from speckle, but are rather broadband and have a relatively
50 ted the translocation of M1 to SC35-positive speckles, but did not interfere with PB2 localization to
51 surement of the optical properties where the speckle can severely distort the information.
52 ding nucleoli, the nuclear envelope, nuclear speckles, centrosomes, mitochondria, the endoplasmic ret
53  SmD1b resides in nucleoli and nucleoplasmic speckles, colocalizing with the splicing-related factor
54                          Many of the nuclear speckle constituents work in concert to coordinate multi
55 aments in rng8(+) cells, whereas Myo51 forms speckles containing only one dimer and does not move eff
56 r with SUMO1 and SUMO2 into enlarged nuclear speckles containing polyadenylated RNA.
57  in which synchronized dual wavelength laser speckle contrast imaging (DWLS) was used as a guiding to
58                       Here, we present Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) for real-time assessment
59              Functional performance of laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) systems is compromised b
60 wound cutaneous blood flow measured by laser speckle contrast imaging (p=0.0002), corroborated by inc
61 o a ministroke that was verified using laser speckle contrast imaging.
62 tometer, and microvascular function by laser speckle contrast imaging.
63 oducing inverse variance in conjunction with speckle contrast in Matlab-based program code.
64  inside a dynamic scattering medium having a speckle correlation time as short as 5.6 ms, typical of
65 ads to sequestration of PABP1 in the nuclear speckles, creating a state within the cell that favors v
66 tt103Q accumulates in unassembled states and speckled cytosolic foci.
67        In contrast, RV longitudinal systolic speckle-derived strain measures were significantly diffe
68                                              Speckle-derived strain of the right ventricle (RV) was u
69                                              Speckle-derived strain reveals a heterogenous pattern of
70                     RV longitudinal systolic speckle-derived strain was assessed in the basal, mid, a
71 o large spliceosome assembly factor-positive speckle domains within the nuclei.
72 alization of proteins to sites peripheral to speckled domains.
73      Although heavy females laid paler, less speckled eggs, these eggs did not produce chicks that gr
74 tionary competition among optical modes, the speckle field develops a single, high intensity focus si
75 ain optical coherence tomography and a laser speckle flowgraphy device (LSFG), respectively.
76 ced cerebral oligemia, we used in vivo laser speckle flowmetry and multimodal imaging.
77 aging and larger perfusion deficits on laser speckle flowmetry.
78 times (tens of seconds) approaching those of speckle fluorescence methods.
79 sing process degrades the image quality with speckle formation.
80                                The two Rbm20 speckles found in nuclei from muscle tissues were identi
81 t source with unprecedented brightness for a speckle-free and narrowband light source.
82                                              Speckle-free full-field imaging is demonstrated using th
83 pulsed random laser for fiber-optic sensing, speckle-free imaging, and laser-material processing, but
84  including random lasers, light storage, and speckle-free imaging.
85 que will provide a unique solution for a low-speckle, full-field, and coherent imaging in optically s
86  high-speed camera acquires the time-varying speckle images.
87                               This inducible speckle imaging (ISI) technique allows 3D speckle micros
88 d choroidal blood flow was measured by laser speckle imaging and laser Doppler flowmetry, respectivel
89 e used in vivo multiphoton microscopy, laser speckle imaging of CBF, and electrophysiological recordi
90 ase modulation was implemented for the lower speckle imaging with over a 50% speckle reduction withou
91 oes not preclude conventional imaging before speckle imaging.
92 translates into a 40% remaining signal after speckle imprinting and provides a rule of thumb in selec
93                We predict theoretically that speckle imprinting using photobleaching is optimal when
94 ss induces the release of SF3B1 from nuclear speckles in a manner that depends on FANCI and on the ac
95 associated foci and SC35-containing splicing speckles in a transcription-dependent manner, whereas in
96 lasmic staining in neurons and labeled large speckles in cerebellar Purkinje cells.
97 ys revealed the emergence of H3K9me2 nuclear speckles in committed HSPCs, consistent with progressive
98 rect path over long distances toward nuclear speckles in response to transcriptional activation; more
99 tes the formation and maintenance of nuclear speckles in the interphase nucleus is poorly understood.
100  1 RNA, can nucleate the assembly of nuclear speckles in the interphase nucleus.
101 nlikely explanation for the evolution of egg speckling in great tits.
102  identical arrangement of the characteristic speckles inside the particles.
103 s-correlation analysis of frames returns the speckle intensity autocorrelation function, g2(t), from
104 he scleral surface were measured using laser speckle interferometry.
105  the inhibitors resulted in dispersal of the speckles into smaller foci with subsequent apoptosis ind
106 ique in which the displacement of near field speckle is tracked using a digital image correlation alg
107 p TNNT3 pre-mRNA, driving it outside nuclear speckles, leading to an altered SC35-mediated splicing.
108 ave shown a broad distribution of EGFP-actin speckle lifetimes and indicated actin polymerization and
109 V 3'UTR redistributes DDX3X and IKK-alpha to speckle-like cytoplasmic structures shown to be SGs.
110 h DDX3X and IKK-alpha, which redistribute to speckle-like cytoplasmic structures shown to be stress g
111 e exclusive protein nuclear localization and speckle-like distribution.
112  siRNA resulted in a decrease in the nuclear speckle localization of WTAP, whereas the nuclear speckl
113               Assessment of RNFL reflectance speckle may offer a new means of evaluating axonal funct
114  of active genes at their periphery suggests speckles may play a role in gene expression [3, 4].
115 ay that targets the viral M1 mRNA to nuclear speckles, mediates splicing at these nuclear bodies and
116 ay that targets the viral M1 mRNA to nuclear speckles, mediates splicing at these nuclear bodies, and
117                            Using fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM), differential interference cont
118                  Methods such as fluorescent speckle microscopy and spatial temporal image correlatio
119                     Furthermore, fluorescent speckle microscopy revealed that detached kinetochores c
120                                  Fluorescent speckle microscopy revealed that rates of actin assembly
121 le speckle imaging (ISI) technique allows 3D speckle microscopy to be performed in readily available
122                                      We used speckle microscopy to demonstrate that MTs experience re
123 e describe the basic concepts of fluorescent speckle microscopy, total internal reflection fluorescen
124 l vorticity or net polymerization rates from speckle microscopy.
125  results in two dimensions using fluorescent speckle microscopy.
126 ast relative to classic (random) fluorescent speckle microscopy.
127 urbulent quantum gas and a traveling optical speckle might burgeon into an exciting research field in
128 values were computed by using the Lagrangian speckle model estimator.
129                                 Here we show speckle-modulating OCT (SM-OCT), a method based purely o
130 tions such as Gaussian noise, Poisson noise, speckle noise and pupil location error, which would larg
131 light manipulation that virtually eliminates speckle noise originating from a sample.
132  match the corresponding Cirrus data format, speckle noise reduction and amplitude normalization were
133 wever, it also causes unavoidable background speckle noise thus degrades the image quality in traditi
134 ncoherent, resulting in negligible amount of speckle noise upon decryption.
135 skin-features that are otherwise obscured by speckle noise when using conventional OCT or OCT with cu
136 uence, OCT is susceptible to coherent noise (speckle noise), which imposes significant limitations on
137                             RNFL reflectance speckle of isolated rat retinas was studied with monochr
138 inetics at the cell cortex reveal that these speckles often contain multiple labeled dynein heavy-cha
139         In elongating spermatids, CnnT forms speckles on the giant mitochondria that are required to
140                                      Nuclear speckles, or interchromatin granule clusters, are enrich
141 ansgenes moving curvilinearly toward nuclear speckles over approximately 0.5-6 mum distances at veloc
142 ed by two to four times, indicating that the speckle pattern changed more slowly.
143 n, the magnetic domains in [Co/Pd] produce a speckle pattern, a unique fingerprint of their nanoscale
144 instein condensate and a propagating optical speckle pattern.
145 urse was used to evaluate temporal change of speckle pattern.
146        Our straightforward analysis of laser speckle patterns across the first order phase transition
147    By analysing small-angle X-ray scattering speckle patterns from colloidal dispersions we found a d
148 ated wavefronts, and the resulting intensity speckle patterns in the transmitted light are acquired o
149                                              Speckle patterns resulting from the interference of mult
150          We measure MDM by cross-correlating speckle patterns throughout magnetization processes.
151  unlimited number of scans with uncorrelated speckle patterns without compromising spatial resolution
152 ting sphere to generate wavelength-dependent speckle patterns, in combination with algorithms based o
153                              Moreover, this "speckle periphery-targeting signal" contributes to the r
154 rine birds lay white eggs with reddish brown speckles produced by protoporphyrin pigment.
155 nal OCT or OCT with current state of the art speckle reduction methods.
156 or the lower speckle imaging with over a 50% speckle reduction without a significant degradation in t
157 C5 and co-localization with MEF2s in nuclear speckles requiring serine residues 259 and 498, whose ph
158 vide evidence for the involvement of nuclear speckle resident proteins and RNA components in the orga
159 ocation to the nucleoplasm and SC35-positive speckles, respectively, even though CLUH is usually cyto
160  the hypothesis that temporal change of RNFL speckle reveals axonal dynamic activity.
161 s study suggest that temporal change of RNFL speckle reveals structural change due to axonal activity
162                                        Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) offers a novel, non-contact optic
163               Here, we show that the nuclear speckle RNA-binding protein (NSR) and the AS competitor
164 e-rich yeast prion [RNQ+] while reorganizing speckled Rnq1-monomeric red fluorescent protein into dis
165 pecies, English sole (Parophrys vetulus) and speckled sanddab (Citharichthys stigmaeus).
166 imaging with diffuse light at unprecedented, speckle-scale lateral resolution of ~ 5 mum.
167 e wild-type SPOP localizes to liquid nuclear speckles, self-association-deficient SPOP mutants have a
168  fluorescent speckles significantly improves speckle signal and contrast relative to classic (random)
169 inting of three-dimensional (3D) fluorescent speckles significantly improves speckle signal and contr
170 ng edge of motile cells with single-molecule speckle (SiMS) microscopy have shown a broad distributio
171          Combining a microscopic analysis of speckle-speckle correlations with an effective coarse-gr
172 positive; 96% of ANA positives had a nuclear speckled staining pattern.
173                                      We used speckle statistics obtained by SiMS to model the steady-
174    In addition to standard echocardiography, speckle strain was measured to assess GLS.
175 on, is influenced by association with dynein speckles, suggesting a direct physical and functional in
176 onomeric actin probes concentrate in nuclear speckles, suggesting an interaction of monomers with RNA
177 luding U2AF65B, U2A', and U2AF35A in nuclear speckles, suggesting SFPS might be involved in the 3' sp
178 uclear noncanonical poly(A) polymerase (PAP) speckle targeted PIPKIalpha regulated PAP (Star-PAP) con
179                                          The speckled texture in fixed retina was stationary.
180 ot uniform; rather nerve fiber bundles had a speckled texture that changed with time.
181 n of Nrd1 and the formation of novel nuclear speckles that contain Nrd1 and Nab3.
182                 To relate temporal change of speckle to axonal activity, in vitro living retina perfu
183 e show that the influenza virus uses nuclear speckles to promote post-transcriptional splicing of its
184 e show that influenza virus utilizes nuclear speckles to promote post-transcriptional splicing of its
185 we reveal a functional subversion of nuclear speckles to promote viral gene expression.
186 we reveal a functional subversion of nuclear speckles to promote viral gene expression.
187 -arginine (SR) proteins from nuclear storage speckles to the nucleoplasm for splicing function, depho
188 on indices were obtained using 2-dimensional speckle tracking (2DCPA; TomTec, Germany).
189 sis, validation data of two-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking (2DST) echocardiography myocardial stra
190 mine if parameters obtained by 2-dimensional speckle tracking (2DST) were affected by acute changes i
191                            Three-dimensional speckle tracking (3D-ST) has been used extensively to qu
192 work is hardware vendor independent and uses speckle tracking (endocardial border detection) on ultra
193                                              Speckle tracking accurately measures myocardial deformat
194   Using two-dimensional echocardiography and speckle tracking analysis, this study compared LV mechan
195 ean age, 47.4+/-9.9 years) were eligible for speckle tracking analysis.
196  We compared traditional echo, 2-dimensional speckle tracking and catheterization-derived parameters
197     Subjects underwent echocardiography with speckle tracking and contrast-enhanced cardiac MRI with
198                 Together, these data support speckle tracking as a postprocessing echocardiographic t
199                                          The Speckle Tracking Assisted Resynchronization Therapy for
200  2-dimensional strain parameters measured by speckle tracking at rest and during dobutamine stress ec
201 diography with myocardial strain measured by speckle tracking during the Year-25 examination (age, 43
202 cardial changes during therapy, whereas with speckle tracking echocardiography (STE), peak systolic g
203  advanced imaging modalities, including both speckle tracking echocardiography and tissue tracking by
204 d dogs we measured UTR by sonomicrometry and speckle tracking echocardiography at varying LV preloads
205 chocardiography including tissue Doppler and speckle tracking echocardiography before and after LTx.
206 and recalling multidimensional attributes of speckle tracking echocardiography data sets derived from
207                                          The speckle tracking echocardiography data were normalized i
208                                   Using only speckle tracking echocardiography variables, associative
209 ent standard echocardiography, 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography, and cardiac magnetic
210 site of latest time to peak radial strain by speckle tracking echocardiography.
211 , longitudinal septal strain was assessed by speckle tracking echocardiography.
212                  Techniques of 2-dimensional speckle tracking enable the measurement of myocardial de
213  in the septum was assessed by 2-dimensional speckle tracking imaging.
214 unction (LA total strain) were measured from speckle tracking in 2 groups.
215 al mechanics were evaluated by 2-dimensional speckle tracking in 52 consecutive patients with CP who
216 (RA late LS rate) phases were assessed by 2D speckle tracking in 65 patients with PAH, 6-minute walk
217             We measured GLS by 2-dimensional speckle tracking in the apical 4-chamber view in 791 par
218            Low GLS measured by 2-dimensional speckle tracking predicts future cardiovascular events i
219 hod is based on the recently developed X-ray speckle tracking technique in which the displacement of
220                              Phase-sensitive speckle tracking was applied to reconstruct TS maps core
221 tolic global longitudinal strain by means of speckle tracking was assessed with same-day transthoraci
222                Rotational strain measured by speckle tracking was compared in 32 children after OHT,
223 action (EF) by planimetry and peak GLS by 2D speckle tracking were available at admission in 115 of 1
224 onventional ultrasonography, two-dimensional speckle tracking, and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) T
225 ography including tissue-Doppler imaging and speckle tracking, and cardiovascular magnetic resonance.
226 chocardiography with tissue Doppler imaging, speckle tracking, and three-dimensional echocardiography
227                                          The speckle tracking, border detection and model fitting met
228                                              Speckle tracking-based deformation as a feasible and sen
229 and time-based dyssynchrony were assessed by speckle tracking.
230 diography with myocardial strain measured by speckle tracking.
231 train, peak twisting, untwisting velocity by speckle tracking; and (4) interleukin-1beta, nitrotyrosi
232 for CRT underwent baseline echocardiographic speckle-tracking 2-dimensional radial strain imaging and
233                                 We performed speckle-tracking analysis of echocardiograms from partic
234                                 We performed speckle-tracking analysis on HyperGEN (Hypertension Gene
235 lobal longitudinal strain was measured using speckle-tracking analysis.
236                          After adjusting for speckle-tracking analyst, image quality, study site, age
237 nction were assessed by echocardiography and speckle-tracking based strain imaging.
238 rial-Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy) with speckle-tracking data available.
239                                 We performed speckle-tracking echocardiographic analysis to quantify
240 machine-learning framework that incorporates speckle-tracking echocardiographic data for automated di
241                             Expert-annotated speckle-tracking echocardiographic datasets obtained fro
242 e hypothesis that contractile function using speckle-tracking echocardiographic global circumferentia
243 s; 14 men) and 20 control subjects underwent speckle-tracking echocardiographic measurement of longit
244             LS was assessed by 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography at baseline in 447 pat
245                       All patients underwent speckle-tracking echocardiography for measurement of lef
246                    Strain measurements using speckle-tracking echocardiography have been used to sens
247          We assessed LA function measured by speckle-tracking echocardiography in 357 patients with H
248 F and GLS were assessed by 2-dimensional and speckle-tracking echocardiography in 439 participants fr
249                        This review appraised speckle-tracking echocardiography in a clinical context
250                                        Using speckle-tracking echocardiography in two rat models of u
251 lity and sensitivity of strain imaging using speckle-tracking echocardiography in women with preeclam
252                      We investigated whether speckle-tracking echocardiography is superior to routine
253 ures of regional longitudinal deformation by speckle-tracking echocardiography predict ventricular ta
254   We hypothesized that RV strain measured by speckle-tracking echocardiography predicts outcome in PH
255                                              Speckle-tracking echocardiography revealed significant r
256 ared with standard CRT treatment, the use of speckle-tracking echocardiography to the target LV lead
257  +/- 0.6 cm, P = 0.163), and two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography was used to assess LV
258 easures study design using 2-dimensional and speckle-tracking echocardiography was used to examine ac
259                                              Speckle-tracking echocardiography was used to measure LV
260  2-dimensional, Doppler, tissue Doppler, and speckle-tracking echocardiography will be performed unif
261 n-based imaging techniques (and specifically speckle-tracking echocardiography) have been shown to ha
262 ing at mitral valve opening (%untwMVO) using speckle-tracking echocardiography, (2) coronary flow res
263 y foster the implementation of 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography-derived RV analysis in
264 ardiac deformation was assessed in detail by speckle-tracking echocardiography.
265  deformation was assessed by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography.
266 seline LVGLS was measured with 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography.
267 ons from all LV segments using 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography.
268 udinal direction, which can be assessed with speckle-tracking echocardiography.
269 l strain were calculated using 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography.
270 e reference values for RVLS by 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography; and (2) their relatio
271 ion was assessed by LV ejection fraction and speckle-tracking GLS.
272         Standard measures of LV function and speckle-tracking imaging worsened as wall thickness incr
273  standard echocardiography and 2-dimensional speckle-tracking imaging-derived left ventricular (LV) l
274 art failure was resolved prospectively using speckle-tracking imaging.
275 e, tricuspid annular plane excursion, and RV speckle-tracking longitudinal strain.
276 sed using a vendor-independent 2-dimensional speckle-tracking software.
277 association with LV filling patterns through speckle-tracking strain echocardiography.
278         In particular, we discuss the use of speckle-tracking strain in selected areas, such as undif
279 tients without AF history were evaluated by (speckle-tracking) echocardiography.
280                                 We performed speckle-tracking-based echocardiographic measures of lef
281 chocardiographic analytical method, based on speckle-tracking-based strain analyses, and used this to
282 strated that the E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor speckle-type poxvirus and zinc finger (POZ) domain prote
283 ng cyclin D-CDK4-mediated phosphorylation of speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) and thereby promoting SP
284 tate cancer-specific somatic mutation in the Speckle-Type POZ protein (SPOP) gene.
285              The E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) is frequently dysregulat
286 3 ubiquitin ligase substrate-binding adaptor speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) is the most frequently m
287 e show that recurrent PC-driver mutations in speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) stabilize the TRIM24 pro
288 assemblies influences the recruitment of the speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) to nuclear speckles.
289 Gli/Ci turnover by preventing degradation of speckle-type POZ protein (Spop), a protein that promotes
290     Previous in vitro studies suggested that Speckle-type POZ protein (Spop), part of the Cullin-3 (C
291 tin-dependent movement of HSP70 loci towards speckles upon heat shock, resulting in enhanced transcri
292 vestigate the cilia-driven flow field and 3D speckle variance imaging to investigate size and extent
293                                              Speckle variance OCT-A allows visualization and quantifi
294                                   Using this speckle wavemeter as part of a feedback loop, we stabili
295 le localization of WTAP, whereas the nuclear speckles were intact.
296 ect this protein to the periphery of nuclear speckles, where coordinated transcription/RNA processing
297 t T1L, but not T3D, mu2 localizes to nuclear speckles, where it forms a complex with the mRNA splicin
298  a protein variant that localizes to nuclear speckles, where it targets a cell mRNA splicing factor.
299 statin A leads to the reorganization of SC35 speckles, which is closely mirrored by Pat1b, indicating
300  of species' habitat associations, using the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, in Britain, as

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