


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 patterns: minimal change, focal, patchy, and speckled.
2 e component promyelocytic leukemia (PML) and speckled 100-kDa (Sp100) proteins into the cytoplasm, as
3      Here, we report that the PML-NB protein Speckled 110 kDa (Sp110) is SUMO1-modified and undergoes
4 ocyte keratin filaments, with retention of a speckled 14-3-3zeta mitotic cell nuclear-staining patter
5                                              Speckled ANCA (sANCA) subjects were ANCA positive by ELI
6                                Patients with speckled and focal patterns showed limited or no changes
7 Evidence suggests that patients with in vivo speckled antinuclear antibody (ANA) patterns have high t
8  camera showed microtubules with an unusual "speckled" appearance-there were fluorescent dots with va
9 e ECG and increased myocardial thickness and speckled-appearing myocardium on the echocardiogram were
10 ocalizations can be also excited by extended speckled beams.
11 ntrast, when CBP or P/CAF are added, defined speckled bodies appear in the nucleus.
12 tt103Q accumulates in unassembled states and speckled cytosolic foci.
13 m nuclear distribution the SYT protein has a speckled distribution in the cell nucleus, and this dist
14 in the nucleus, as compared with the typical speckled distribution seen in cells at the permissive te
15  localized within mammalian cell nuclei in a speckled distribution that predominantly corresponds to
16 usion gene delocalized EAF1 from its nuclear speckled distribution to a diffuse nucleoplasmic pattern
17 th SAP145 through its C-terminal domain in a speckled distribution.
18 ould also be released from sites at splicing speckled domains by an ATP-dependent mechanism.
19 50 were also targeted to sites peripheral to speckled domains where most mRNA originate subsequent to
20 m for release from binding sites at splicing speckled domains.
21 alization of proteins to sites peripheral to speckled domains.
22 t SRm160 to nuclear matrix sites at splicing speckled domains: amino acids 300-350 and 351-688.
23      Although heavy females laid paler, less speckled eggs, these eggs did not produce chicks that gr
24 ther viral proteins and displayed a punctate speckled fluorescent staining pattern.
25  distribution along microtubules can appear "speckled" in high-resolution images obtained with a cool
26 17), curvilinear increased AF bands (4), and speckled increased AF (12).
27 after MR imaging, knee MR images that showed speckled increased signal intensity at the anterior horn
28 n and demonstrate that it exhibits a nuclear speckled localization and possesses the ability to homod
29 acids 120 and 177 of COP1 was able to confer speckled localization onto the heterologous nuclear NIa
30 uitin ligase and localizes in the nucleus in speckled loci that are associated with promyelocytic leu
31                                 Fluorescence speckled microtubules were bound to the cover-glass surf
32 oprecipitated with one another and exhibited speckled nuclear distribution that aligned with componen
33 uced and endogenous MLL5 protein displayed a speckled nuclear distribution.
34 otein is typically localized within discrete speckled nuclear structures termed PML nuclear bodies (N
35 t immunofluorescence revealed zinc-inducible speckled, nuclear staining in Ba/F3 cells and diffuse nu
36              Interphase cells showed a fine, speckled, nuclear staining, while mitotic cells had brig
37 m both patients displayed a diffuse, coarse, speckled, nucleolar-sparing pattern.
38 a marbled or halo appearance for BVP22 and a speckled or nucleolus-bound appearance for HVP22.
39  17 patients) and mobile, with a homogeneous speckled pattern and a characteristic stippling along th
40               PIAS1 localized in nuclei in a speckled pattern and bound A-T-rich double-stranded DNA,
41       ORF1p appeared in the cytoplasm with a speckled pattern and colocalized with ORF2p in nucleoli
42 e factors localized in a cell type-dependent speckled pattern as well as being diffusely distributed
43  In mammalian cells, DIP is distributed in a speckled pattern at the nuclear envelope region, and can
44 n the nucleus, CFP-NuMA-RARalpha exhibited a speckled pattern identical to that observed in cells tra
45                             PAN RNA formed a speckled pattern in the nucleus typical of U snRNAs and
46         Direct immunofluorescence revealed a speckled pattern of IgG deposits in the basal one-third
47            We also observed a more prominent speckled pattern of nuclear poly(A)+ RNA accumulation as
48 fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed a speckled pattern of RNA accumulation throughout the nucl
49 otein was found in the nucleus in a punctate speckled pattern that differed from the nuclear body exp
50 rm localizes to the nucleolus and displays a speckled pattern within the nucleoplasm, and RGH3alpha c
51       PCIF1 is localized to the nucleus in a speckled pattern, and coexpression of PDX-1 alters the s
52 se of intensity, to a spatially heterogenous speckled pattern, to variably sized patches of low inten
53 d in muscle and localized to the nuclei in a speckled pattern.
54 genous EAF2 and ELL colocalized in a nuclear speckled pattern.
55 to the nucleus, where it is distributed in a speckled pattern.
56 F1 and ELL colocalized in a distinct nuclear speckled pattern.
57 tern, and p85A-EGFP and p85B-EGFP produced a speckled pattern.
58  and localized in the nucleus with a typical speckled pattern.
59 i19-related:DsRed2 fusion proteins exhibited speckled patterns of localization within the nucleus as
60  I/III antibody-positive sera showed nuclear speckled patterns, but nucleolar staining was readily no
61 racterized by lipomatosis, macrocephaly, and speckled penis, the PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome spectr
62 haracterized by lipomatosis, hemangiomas and speckled penis.
63 ent of PML oncogenic domains, Sp100 (100-kDa Speckled protein).
64 achinery proteins accumulate in intranuclear speckled punctate prereplicative foci, some of which col
65                                  Homogenous, speckled, rim, nucleolar, centromere as well as combinat
66 e-rich yeast prion [RNQ+] while reorganizing speckled Rnq1-monomeric red fluorescent protein into dis
67 pecies, English sole (Parophrys vetulus) and speckled sanddab (Citharichthys stigmaeus).
68 phosphorylation, displayed increased intense speckled staining in the nucleoli.
69              Additionally, H3.3 S31P forms a speckled staining pattern on the metaphase plate, wherea
70 positive; 96% of ANA positives had a nuclear speckled staining pattern.
71 at Tax localizes to a multicomponent nuclear speckled structure (Tax speckled structure [TSS]).
72 lticomponent nuclear speckled structure (Tax speckled structure [TSS]).
73 on-defective HDAg lost the ability to form a speckled structure in the nucleus and also permeated int
74 s nuclear site, previously identified as Tax Speckled Structures (TSS), also contains the early damag
75 lear foci that we have previously termed Tax speckled structures (TSS).
76 llular proteins in nuclear foci known as Tax speckled structures (TSS).
77                                    These Tax speckled structures are coincident with a subset of nucl
78                        Disruption of the Tax speckled structures by heat shock revealed the existence
79 the nucleus, galectin-3 colocalizes with the speckled structures observed with splicing factor SC35.
80 bution of Chk2 to colocalize with Tax in Tax speckled structures, which we have shown previously to c
81 ase in cytoplasmic Tax and a decrease in Tax speckled structures.
82                                          The speckled texture in fixed retina was stationary.
83 ot uniform; rather nerve fiber bundles had a speckled texture that changed with time.
84  of species' habitat associations, using the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, in Britain, as

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