


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ecades of research, the cause of LCH remains speculative.
2 ll poorly understood and risk factors remain speculative.
3 , heritable disease, and oncogenesis remains speculative.
4 developed, their mechanism of action remains speculative.
5 d origin of this Cl-bearing mineral remained speculative.
6 erapeutic failure with l-asparaginase remain speculative.
7 ole for P. jirovecii in pathogenesis remains speculative.
8 echanistic role in neurodegeneration remains speculative.
9 role in fructose-induced hypertension remain speculative.
10 choreography of steps that follow is largely speculative.
11 ne and schizoaffective disorder has remained speculative.
12 The mechanism of the hypoxia action remained speculative.
13 force, in the past and/or currently, remains speculative.
14 sitivity and the development of BCRL remains speculative.
15 netic code have been largely qualitative and speculative.
16 e mutations cause pancreatic disease remains speculative.
17 a-mediated cancer cell proliferation remains speculative.
18  that our understanding of visfatin is still speculative.
19 reduce triglyceride levels in humans remains speculative.
20 obial agents and primary vasculitides remain speculative.
21  its regulation by second messengers remains speculative.
22 ins, their contribution to cell loss remains speculative.
23 f GSTP1 in colorectal cancer biology remains speculative.
24  key genes or proteins have remained largely speculative.
25              The nature of this link remains speculative.
26 the brain in chronic pain conditions remains speculative.
27 hanistic explanations for HGTs have remained speculative.
28 ntributes to autoimmune pathogenesis remains speculative.
29 f the bioactive hormone is increased remains speculative.
30 rinary) significance of this finding remains speculative.
31 e precise role of transcription has remained speculative.
32 al differences between rods and cones remain speculative.
33 cise explanation of this observation remains speculative.
34 se two processes occur simultaneously remain speculative.
35 rimary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) has been speculative.
36 ution, for example natural selection, remain speculative.
37 ytotoxic cell granule-mediated death remains speculative.
38 egalized, widespread, or continued usage are speculative.
39 ts in dendrites of pyramidal neurons remains speculative.
40 th this CD20 B-cell-directed therapy remains speculative.
41  changes on cure and/or complications remain speculative.
42 d cell death, yet the mechanism has remained speculative.
43  the time when colonization occurred remains speculative.
44 echanism of ssDNA binding in eukarya remains speculative.
45 eurotransmitters in vertebrates has remained speculative.
46 m, although a causative role in vivo remains speculative.
47 ausative or a secondary complication remains speculative.
48 tential mechanisms of such a relation remain speculative.
49  gene, however, this suggestion has remained speculative.
50 that supports a similar role in skin remains speculative.
51 ate groups, yet their roles in vision remain speculative.
52 are populations in the United States remains speculative.
53        The basis of this association remains speculative.
54 or this graft-versus-leukemia effect remains speculative.
55 s phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)/PC, is still speculative.
56 h, but their molecular pathogenesis is still speculative.
57 uitment to the central nervous system remain speculative.
58 ar dynamics and gas exchange remains largely speculative.
59  molecular genetics of Down syndrome remains speculative.
60  but its intracellular function has remained speculative.
61 quantitative aspects of these methods remain speculative.
62 us vasodilator, such as NO, but this remains speculative.
63 on in neural coding, however, remain largely speculative.
64 analogous to modern birds are intriguing but speculative.
65  potential role in bumble bee decline remain speculative.
66 nd whose detailed wrapping topologies remain speculative.
67 its biological function has remained largely speculative.
68 ryas, approximately 12,800 years ago, remain speculative.
69 natural gas in the decline therefore remains speculative.
70 ontribute to the perception of touch remains speculative.
71 elanoma, though its role in melanoma remains speculative.
72 ty or constitute therapeutic targets remains speculative.
73 outcome of host-pathogen interactions remain speculative.
74 nt of central auditory circuits has remained speculative.
75 here and cloud formation remains essentially speculative.
76 een proposed but the mechanisms often remain speculative.
77 s leading to viral uncoating remains largely speculative.
78 anisms such as ion exchange reactions remain speculative.
79 c exposure and developmental outcome remains speculative.
80  effect of immunosuppressive therapy remains speculative.
81 for these calorie-independent effects remain speculative.
82 unknown, and the transport mechanism remains speculative.
83 limination from the circulation remain to be speculative.
84 tion of tandem genes in yeast remain largely speculative.
85 nd mechanistic basis of their action remains speculative.
86 g, yet its impact on memory function remains speculative.
87 ich subsequently impact on diabetes, remains speculative.
88 rom endogenous causes, although this remains speculative.
89 ying the disease association of BRD1 remains speculative.
90 linical relevance of Blastocystis is at best speculative.
91 egulation by the various LOX isoforms remain speculative.
92 asome is activated in adipose tissue remains speculative.
93  whether the event is reported as negated or speculative.
94 m of how these associations interact remains speculative.
95 ts and hosts in deep time have long remained speculative.
96  the long-term prognosis of psychosis remain speculative.
97  explain the underlying mechanisms have been speculative.
98 in sex determination in plants has been only speculative.
99 -equilibrium topology simplification remains speculative.
100                       While such binding was speculative 20 years ago, it has now been established th
101        Although the role of Pg in RA remains speculative, a causative role for periodontitis as a chr
102  The biologic roles of these proteins remain speculative, although several features of THSD7A suggest
103  impacts of beef, pork, poultry, and another speculative analysis of cultured biomass.
104 existence of conformational epitopes remains speculative and controversial, and PrP transformation is
105  mechanism of pathogen movement is currently speculative and controversial.
106 isms for these associations, however, remain speculative and deserve further study.
107 ve, are of great interest but are inherently speculative and difficult to prove.
108     Although the pathogenesis of IBS remains speculative and is probably multifactorial, a prevailing
109 m of valve disease induced by these drugs is speculative and may be related to their serotonergic eff
110 echanisms of these apparent functions remain speculative and much work on the mechanism of selenoprot
111                                      In this speculative and opinionated discussion, we explore these
112 eneration and termination of VF in humans is speculative and remains to be determined.
113                              This has led to speculative and sometimes conflicting models describing
114                   Ideal goals are useful but speculative and subjective.
115 ed underlying cognitive mechanism is largely speculative and that a reverse, more motivational, path
116 ial fluid uptake into the lymphatics remains speculative and unresolved.
117 other vertebrate group, its function remains speculative, and no study has identified its cellular ba
118 mately the manual analysis is also partially speculative, and therefore is not an absolute measure of
119                                         This speculative application of analogue study is exemplified
120 vefronts, and describes newly established or speculative applications and combinations of the two.
121 e apparent that gene transfer is no longer a speculative approach for treating malignancies.
122                                      In this speculative article, I suggest that the TDP may represen
123 ange interactions is still controversial and speculative, as there is no direct evidence that distant
124                            From preliminary, speculative associations to well characterized biochemic
125 they reflect known physical laws rather than speculative assumptions for thought experiments.
126 le in risk stratification/disease prediction speculative at best.
127                                  Thus, while speculative at this point and contingent on the transpla
128 e regional hippocampal vulnerability remains speculative at this time.
129     However, its evolutionary origins remain speculative because few studies have investigated the ex
130 portance of inverse agonist ligands is still speculative because this work is founded almost exclusiv
131 ind" endoscopic procedures with "random" or "speculative" biopsy.
132 anges of information among individuals cause speculative bubbles, behavioral cascades, and other corr
133             At least when they are driven by speculative bubbles, market prices for food staples (and
134              The latter approach is the most speculative, but also the most promising in terms of tra
135 The effects of the new policy are inevitably speculative, but predictions can be made based on recent
136                        Their origin is still speculative, but since their counterparts in the bone ma
137                                            A speculative, but testable, model for the maintenance of
138 velopment of Guillain-Barre syndrome remains speculative, but the possibility of molecular mimicry be
139                                          His speculative claims manifest a form of fundamental attrib
140 the FrzZ-RpoE1 interaction therefore remains speculative, cloning and sequencing of the region surrou
141       Dark matter, proposed decades ago as a speculative component of the universe, is now known to b
142 kes both comparison of their functions and a speculative consideration of the intriguing possibility
143  clinical manifestations provided ground for speculative debate.
144 nes into public health practice by resolving speculative debates about practical costs and benefits.
145 thers the artists' depiction only supports a speculative differential diagnosis.
146 l present a somewhat biased and occasionally speculative discussion of the current and future signifi
147                  Finally, we conclude with a speculative discussion of what future informatics develo
148                       This chemistry remains speculative due to a lack of detailed information concer
149 idate loci, however, this hypothesis remains speculative due to the current lack of methodologies for
150 yubiquitin chains are formed remains largely speculative, especially for RING-based ligases.
151                                         This speculative Essay explores the consequences of the imagi
152                                   Additional speculative estimates of years of remaining life expecta
153 equences of learning and memory to a largely speculative extent.
154                                              Speculative fiction examines the leading edge of science
155 ed by lack of replication, small studies and speculative findings.
156                                         In a speculative forward look at the theoretical biology of c
157                                          The speculative function of this CDP in the carbohydrate met
158 le in immune host defense of the CNS remains speculative, given the immune privilege of this organ.
159 ploid - the first of these issues being more speculative, given the status of the field.
160 hock synthesis of diamond and lonsdaleite, a speculative hexagonal carbon polymorph with unique hardn
161 y of using OER at seawater RO plants remains speculative, however attractive.
162                                We end with a speculative hypothesis reconciling the striking differen
163 heory" or "quantum theory," and to suggest a speculative hypothesis, often relying on mathematical an
164 theory was formulated but was discarded as a speculative idea without any chance of empirical confirm
165                  In this review, we describe speculative ideas and early stage research concerning th
166                                            A speculative illustration was proposed for possible modes
167 s of this counter-regulatory cytokine remain speculative in many disease models.
168 n of these patient and environmental factors speculative in nature but presents an opportunity for fu
169 of action of many of the enzymes are at best speculative, indicating a need to develop methods to cha
170 nd professionals alike, but may also provide speculative insight into models of care that attenuate t
171                         One possible, albeit speculative, interpretation of these data is that the pr
172               Both causes of price increase, speculative investment and ethanol conversion, are promo
173                              While obviously speculative, it is interesting to consider possible phys
174  the pathophysiology of the myopathy remains speculative, its occurrence appears to be dose related.
175 angiogenesis inhibitors, since there is only speculative knowledge of the target.
176  complexity, most oocytes, for reasons still speculative, lack the major microtubule organizing cente
177 hanistic schemes of its functioning beyond a speculative level.
178 ollective behavior and dynamic assembly; (4) speculative links to equilibrium thermodynamics.
179 or-driven transport, we devised and tested a speculative means to sidestep these limitations in filop
180                                            A speculative mechanism for the loss of TBP-induced writhe
181 ase reported here have enabled us to propose speculative mechanisms for color determination in firefl
182 tutions without invoking positive selection, speculative mechanisms, or implausible coincidence.
183                                              Speculative mechanistic considerations are offered regar
184                                 We propose a speculative, mechanistic model for linker function based
185               The generally accepted, albeit speculative, mechanistic model in the field postulates t
186                                 We present a speculative model for diverse functional roles of TFIID
187                                            A speculative model is presented that may explain the appa
188                                            A speculative model is proposed, relating current concepts
189                                 We propose a speculative model of how the T4 gene 59 helicase assembl
190                           We have proposed a speculative model of the neurobiology of wisdom involvin
191                                 We present a speculative model on the possible roles of the ADA/GCN5
192                        Our results support a speculative model that when V. cholerae reaches high den
193                                 We propose a speculative model whereby, during colonization, C. albic
194                Current data suggest a highly speculative model, in which two of the proteins ejected
195                                      In this speculative model, ligand binding induces dissociation o
196                           We suggest several speculative models for the action of SUM1-1 in silencing
197 these recent biophysical studies and provide speculative models that address these unanswered questio
198        In re-trade markets scope is given to speculative motives unavailable where goods perish on pu
199                                            A speculative overview of processes leading to formation o
200 r knowledge of this state of matter is still speculative, owing to the extreme difficulty in recreati
201 sm of this essential process remains largely speculative, partly due to lack of knowledge of the pre-
202 eem to be important in relation to the still speculative pathogenesis: (a) increased transcription an
203                                 We present a speculative pathway of transcriptional activation involv
204  identified known and a number of previously speculative pHis sites inferred by homology, predominant
205 t appear unique to humans, including several speculative possibilities that require further study.
206 t are immediately consumed, but they produce speculative price bubbles in resalable asset markets.
207  higher as traders are more likely to accept speculative prices.
208        While this hypothesis remains largely speculative, recent studies using different mouse models
209 are computed by multiplying small and highly speculative risk factors by large populations of patient
210 portion increased to 60% when the three more speculative risk factors were considered as well.
211 excess weight, and hypertension, and 2) more speculative risk factors, namely elevated protein intake
212                     Here we review known and speculative roles that immune signaling plays in the pos
213      Explored here is an alternative, albeit speculative, scenario in which hyperinsulinemia and insu
214 es feel so vulnerable to what remain largely speculative scenarios.
215 midylyl-(3',5')-deoxyadenosine, has remained speculative since it was identified a decade ago.
216                                 We propose a speculative "spring" model for Gag3 during assembly.
217 first time a much fuller, if still partially speculative, story of the earliest years of this importa
218 ignificance of these data is discussed and a speculative structural model for this complex is suggest
219                                     Although speculative, the global nature of the decreases in messe
220 beta-rich oligomers in prion pathogenesis is speculative, the misfolding behavior could, in part, exp
221 gh the mechanisms directing targeting remain speculative, the ratio of MSL protein to roX RNA influen
222 ugh the mechanism of the association remains speculative, the results of this study have important cl
223                               Although still speculative, the results suggest that the internal conne
224  expert examination for diagnosis of VSD are speculative, the role of echocardiography in such diagno
225 ided behavioral responses to quinine remains speculative, their possible function in oromotor reflex
226 hydroisocoumarin biosynthesis remain largely speculative today.
227           Patents claiming genes with purely speculative utilities should not be issued, and they pos
228                    This Perspective offers a speculative view on the molecular origins and pathophysi
229  development seem to be profound, it remains speculative whether the gut microbiota influences extrai
230 rtality they cause in mainland areas remains speculative, with large-scale estimates based on non-sys

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