


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d cell stretch in the Caenorhabditis elegans spermatheca.
2 s, and to allow the exit of embryos from the spermatheca.
3 ignals that control sperm recruitment to the spermatheca.
4 ty, which appears to reflect a defect in the spermatheca.
5 neages that generate cells of the sheath and spermatheca.
6 s disruption of signaling between oocyte and spermatheca.
7 hypodermal seam cells, pharyngeal cells, and spermatheca.
8 d inhibition of IP(3) signaling in the adult spermatheca.
9  gonadal sheath and relaxation of the distal spermatheca.
10 phase I-arrested oocyte residing next to the spermatheca.
11 is dependent on the presence of sperm in the spermatheca.
12 epithelial sheath and dilation of the distal spermatheca.
13 ress are strongly regulated by mating in the spermatheca.
14 zoa so passing oocytes sweep them out of the spermatheca.
15 chanisms ensuring sperm functionality in the spermatheca.
16  allowing timely exit of the embryo from the spermatheca.
17 h in the midgut and in fat body cells of the spermatheca (a female-specific tissue), through a canoni
18 red for the development of the hermaphrodite spermatheca, a somatic gonad organ that serves as the si
19 id sperm crawl around fertilized eggs to the spermatheca--a convoluted tube where fertilization occur
20 n causes severe morphological defects in the spermatheca and associated spermathecal valves.
21 ted around the pharynx and the gonad, in the spermatheca and at the distal tip cells.
22 depressor, vulval and uterine muscles and in spermatheca and intestinal epithelial cells.
23 actions at ovulation; dilation of the distal spermatheca and sharp increases in sheath contraction ra
24 of the wild type, but differentiation of the spermatheca and uterus is variably abnormal.
25 ed to maintain the actin cytoskeleton in the spermatheca and uterus, and to allow the exit of embryos
26 so required for the exit of embryos from the spermatheca, and analysis of doubly mutant animals sugge
27  of jun-1 are coexpressed with fos-1b in the spermatheca, and different AP-1 dimers formed between th
28 aryngeal and tail neurons, body wall muscle, spermatheca, and vulva.
29              Without SPV-1, the cells of the spermatheca are hypercontractile, leading to deformation
30                           Using a variety of spermatheca cell markers, we have determined that loss o
31               (3) Proximal sheath and distal spermatheca cells are required for ovulation of the oocy
32 tep for the entry of mature oocytes into the spermatheca for fertilization.
33 ound a novel ovulation phenotype whereby the spermatheca hyperextends to engulf two oocytes per ovula
34                   The Caenorhabditis elegans spermatheca is a bag-like organ of 24 myoepithelial cell
35  daf-9::GFP expression in the head cells and spermatheca is constant, hypodermal daf-9::GFP expressio
36  deficient animals accumulate embryos in the spermatheca, lay damaged and unfertilized eggs, and cons
37           pro-1(+) is required in the sheath/spermatheca lineage of the somatic gonad in its role in
38                                          The spermatheca may provide a paradigm for understanding how
39 ilaments are severely affected in the distal spermatheca of PAR-3-depleted worms.
40  to the fourth larval stage (L4), and in the spermatheca of the adult hermaphrodite.
41 sumably as part of the sperm package, to the spermatheca of the female.
42 neurone PDA, the amphid socket cells and the spermatheca; pC directs expression in the spermathecal v
43 quired in the soma--specifically, the sheath/spermatheca sublineage--to promote normal proliferation
44 perm make direct contact with oocytes in the spermatheca, suggesting that SPE-42 plays a role during
45 n the posterior gut, cuticle seam cells, and spermatheca, the first two of which are likely to be inv
46 actile activity and sperm recruitment to the spermatheca, the site of sperm storage and fertilization
47 ation of distal tip cells, anchor cells, and spermatheca; three of the five tissues derived from the
48                          Eggs must enter the spermatheca to complete ovulation.
49 o promote proper transit of embryos from the spermatheca to the uterus.
50 sperm stored in the sperm storage organ, the spermatheca, to fertilize a lifetime's supply of eggs.
51 quired for expelling mature oocytes into the spermatheca where fertilization takes place, thus causin
52 er to hermaphrodites, sperm migration to the spermatheca, which is the site of fertilization and sper

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