


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 trap kinetochores multiple times in the same spermatocyte.
2 he 700 pN measured previously in grasshopper spermatocytes.
3  the cytoplasm of spermatogonia and prophase spermatocytes.
4 hich facilitates the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes.
5 le because it forms arrested, multi-nucleate spermatocytes.
6 iosis I, resulting in bi-nucleated secondary spermatocytes.
7 erpart of the nuage-associated components of spermatocytes.
8 deleted from either spermatogonia or meiotic spermatocytes.
9 43 occupies the endogenous acrv1 promoter in spermatocytes.
10 pletion and formation of fewer pre-leptotene spermatocytes.
11 ecruited but paused at the acrv1 promoter in spermatocytes.
12 TDP-43 represses acrv1 gene transcription in spermatocytes.
13 f spermiogenic genes specifically in primary spermatocytes.
14 ring anaphase in both larval neuroblasts and spermatocytes.
15 e stranded breaks generated in pre-pachytene spermatocytes.
16 oci colocalize with a subset of DMC1 foci in spermatocytes.
17 d in pausing RNAPII at the acrv1 promoter in spermatocytes.
18 quire an unpaired X, as it also occurs in XX spermatocytes.
19 le to facilitate the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes.
20 op as infertile males with meiotic arrest in spermatocytes.
21 K1) kinase is dramatically reduced in mutant spermatocytes.
22  gonocytes/type A spermatogonia to pachytene spermatocytes.
23 a role for SPO11alpha in pachytene/diplotene spermatocytes.
24 ational control of meiotic exit in mammalian spermatocytes.
25 ifically produced in pachytene and secondary spermatocytes.
26 efects were not detected in mutant pachytene spermatocytes.
27 cturing to facilitate the transit of primary spermatocytes.
28 d Rad51) at the leptotene/zygotene stages of spermatocytes.
29 cilitate the transit of primary preleptotene spermatocytes.
30 pes the silencing effects of MSCI in primary spermatocytes.
31 s are transcribed and processed in pachytene spermatocytes.
32 X and Y chromosomes in mid-to-late pachytene spermatocytes.
33 date the migration of preleptotene/leptotene spermatocytes.
34 ngression during early telophase in dividing spermatocytes.
35 essed only sporadically in spermatogonia and spermatocytes.
36 ct an increase of noncrossovers in Mlh3(-/-) spermatocytes.
37 ere detected near centromeres in metaphase I spermatocytes.
38 regulatory proteins Twine and CycB in mature spermatocytes.
39 meichroacidin previously identified in mouse spermatocytes.
40  mice and further reduced in homozygous null spermatocytes.
41 rm a chromatin-associated complex in primary spermatocytes.
42 hat Ant4 expression was particularly high in spermatocytes.
43 srupting spermatogonial differentiation into spermatocytes.
44  are not correctly silenced in Zfy-deficient spermatocytes.
45 cation and differentiation of adipocytes and spermatocytes.
46 t can both self-renew and differentiate into spermatocytes.
47 n in mammalian meiotic and newly postmeiotic spermatocytes.
48 ge number of mRNAs and lncRNAs in mouse late spermatocytes.
49 increased on sex chromosomes in Fancb mutant spermatocytes.
50 ing ongoing, active transcription in primary spermatocytes.
51 of impaired meiosis and massive apoptosis of spermatocytes.
52 human cells lacking ASUN and Drosophila asun spermatocytes.
53 oliferative spermatogonia to differentiating spermatocytes.
54 ession from mitotic spermatogonia to meiotic spermatocytes.
55 ssed alpha-Tubulin, Bam became stabilized in spermatocytes.
56 optosis that affects meiotic metaphase-stage spermatocytes.
57  EIF4G3 is required for HSPA2 translation in spermatocytes, a finding that provides the first genetic
58 onatal testes revealed a severe reduction of spermatocytes accompanied by increased apoptosis.
59 nt with the timing of meiotic arrest, mutant spermatocytes accumulate unrepaired DNA and fail to comp
60  to facilitate the transport of preleptotene spermatocytes across the barrier from the basal to apica
61 s, to facilitate the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes across the BTB.
62 inally, the failure of Bam downregulation in spermatocytes affected spermatid terminal differentiatio
63 ision in cultured human cells and Drosophila spermatocytes, although the mechanisms underlying this r
64                                Top-predicted spermatocyte and oocyte genes were both preferentially l
65 ly, inhibitory effects of JQ1 evident at the spermatocyte and round spermatid stages cause a complete
66 BTB above a migrating preleptotene/leptotene spermatocyte and the "resealing" of the barrier undernea
67 is-enriched chaperone expressed in pachytene spermatocytes and also essential for male fertility.
68 ighly expressed in spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes and controls spermatogenesis.
69 r stopping chromosome movements in Mesostoma spermatocytes and crane-fly spermatocytes as 2-3 and 6-1
70 fects in spermatogenesis observed in meiotic spermatocytes and during the maturation of postmeiotic h
71 ased H3K9me1 and H3K9me2 levels in pachytene spermatocytes and early elongating spermatids without af
72 resent in germ cells, especially abundant in spermatocytes and early round spermatids, regardless of
73 n of the seminiferous tubule where secondary spermatocytes and early spermatids are found, suggesting
74 ine, specifically to pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes and early spermatids.
75 cells had the appearance of spermatogonia or spermatocytes and expressed VASA.
76 localizes to axial chromosomal cores in both spermatocytes and fetal oocytes, but SYCP3 does not, dem
77 gRP in the testis was localized to pachytene spermatocytes and in the tongue to epithelial cells.
78 omosome movements in Mesostoma and crane-fly spermatocytes and inward movements of spindle poles afte
79 tibody shows that SPE-5 expression begins in spermatocytes and is found in all subsequent stages of s
80  resides at the base of mother centrioles in spermatocytes and localizes asymmetrically to mother cen
81 ermatogonia that proliferate to give rise to spermatocytes and maintain spermatogenesis.
82                       In the absence of Ubb, spermatocytes and oocytes arrest during meiotic prophase
83 tion sites (SISs) and COs in human and mouse spermatocytes and oocytes.
84 l loss due to increased apoptosis of meiotic spermatocytes and postmeiotic arrest of spermatid differ
85 permatogenic arrest at the stages of meiotic spermatocytes and postmeiotic haploid spermatids.
86 isturbs ribosome biogenesis in late-prophase spermatocytes and prohibits the transition from prophase
87 sent in the cytoplasm and nucleus of meiotic spermatocytes and round spermatids and functions as a co
88 ociated piRNAs mainly expressed in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids in the testis.
89 ALKBH5-mediated m6A erasure in the nuclei of spermatocytes and round spermatids is essential for corr
90  silencing of TP2 and Prm2 mRNA in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids is essential for thei
91 us stages of spermatogenesis (spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids) and testicular somat
92     MIWI is a cytoplasmic protein present in spermatocytes and round spermatids, and it is required f
93 eferentially infected spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and Sertoli cells in the testis, resulting
94  Gm114 is highly expressed in differentiated spermatocytes and spermatids but not in undifferentiated
95                            We find that asun spermatocytes and spermatids exhibit drastic reduction o
96 d transcripts are expressed predominantly in spermatocytes and spermatids in mouse, and are reduced i
97  PD-L1 is constitutively expressed mainly by spermatocytes and spermatids in seminiferous tubules of
98 permatogenesis characterized by depletion of spermatocytes and spermatids leading to oligoteratozoosp
99 e to form elongated spermatids, apoptosis of spermatocytes and spermatids, and the appearance of nume
100 vation in the differentiating spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids.
101  still present but are unable to mature into spermatocytes and spermatids.
102 lls and Leydig cells but was undetectable in spermatocytes and spermatids.
103 isrupted, resulting in a decreased number of spermatocytes and spermatids.
104 fic stages in spermatogenesis, in particular spermatocytes and spermatogonia, exhibited increased rat
105 at PRAMEL1 was localized in the cytoplasm of spermatocytes and the acrosomal region of round, elongat
106 le to facilitate the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes and to prepare for meiosis.
107 sured repair outcomes at the spermatogonial, spermatocyte, and spermatid stages of spermatogenesis.
108 atogonia plus early spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids were purified from e
109 The coordinated maturation of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids suggests the existence of
110 e stages: spermatogonial mitosis, meiosis of spermatocytes, and spermiogenesis.
111  but the testes of adult mice have excessive spermatocyte apoptosis and seminiferous tubule degenerat
112              We find that Pol beta-deficient spermatocytes are defective in meiotic chromosome synaps
113                                  The primary spermatocytes are deficient in progression through late
114 d Prophase I apoptosis of Pol beta-deficient spermatocytes are likely a direct consequence of these r
115                               UBR2-deficient spermatocytes are profoundly impaired in chromosome-wide
116 omosome synapsis and that most DSBs in these spermatocytes are repaired.
117 e, as a quarter of lncRNAs expressed in late spermatocytes are up-regulated in mice deficient in the
118                                         asun spermatocytes arrest during prophase of meiosis I.
119 nts in Mesostoma spermatocytes and crane-fly spermatocytes as 2-3 and 6-10 pN, respectively.
120 pecific cytoplasmic TEX11 expression in late spermatocytes, as well as in round and elongated spermat
121 ermatocytes, prepubertal and adult pachytene spermatocytes, as well as round spermatids.
122 of spermatogenesis to the level of pachytene spermatocytes at point of busulfan treatment and further
123 er (BTB) to migrating preleptotene/leptotene spermatocytes at stage VIII of the epithelial cycle in a
124 g to accommodate the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes at stage VIII of the epithelial cycle.
125 ng to facilitate the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes at stage VIII-IX of the epithelial cycle.
126 he adluminal compartment and 2) preleptotene spermatocytes at the BTB while maintaining cell adhesion
127            These proteins are coexpressed in spermatocytes at the early stages of meiotic prophase I,
128 l cilia, irregular deposition of proteins on spermatocyte basal bodies, and, consequently, distorted
129                                              Spermatocytes bearing a novel separation-of-function all
130 ell-specific genes are active in oocytes and spermatocytes but are silent in all other cell types.
131 3-3401 is expressed throughout prophase I in spermatocytes but the protein is confined to the cytopla
132 fferentiation are synthesized in pre-meiotic spermatocytes, but are not translated until later stages
133 edominantly with endocytic clathrin sites in spermatocytes, but disruption of Ack function has no app
134 cle protein Cyclin B1 (CycB) is expressed in spermatocytes, but the protein does not accumulate in sp
135 es are transcriptionally silenced in primary spermatocytes by meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MS
136 ing down proteasome function specifically in spermatocytes caused a different meiotic arrest phenotyp
137 ntiation; (iii) RA synthesized by premeiotic spermatocytes cell autonomously induces meiotic initiati
138 cortex at the onset of meiosis in most Lis-1 spermatocytes; centrosomes that do break cortical associ
139                                      In many spermatocytes, chromosome subsets displayed a mix of syn
140       Similar truncation of HORMAD1 in mouse spermatocytes compromises its TRIP13-mediated removal fr
141                         Strikingly, arrested spermatocytes contain free centrosomes that fail to stab
142 o kinase and Rho at the equatorial cortex in spermatocytes, critical for contractile ring assembly.
143                    SPAG16L is present in the spermatocyte cytoplasm of wild-type mice, and in the man
144 permatogonial differentiation and mitosis to spermatocyte development and meiosis.
145 lysis reveals recurring amplification of the spermatocyte development gene FSIP2 (15.3%) and a 0.4 Mb
146 the mammalian testis, preleptotene/leptotene spermatocytes differentiate from type B spermatogonia an
147 and mitotic proliferation and the entry into spermatocyte differentiation and meiosis.
148 ns, Rbp4 and Fest, expressed at the onset of spermatocyte differentiation under control of the develo
149 time period for SRB-13 signaling is prior to spermatocyte differentiation.
150 ial events at promoters once cells commit to spermatocyte differentiation.
151 ase spermatogonial TA divisions and initiate spermatocyte differentiation.
152                              Cep63-deficient spermatocytes display numerical and structural centrosom
153 or Cdk2 targeting to telomeres and RingoA KO spermatocytes display severely affected telomere tetheri
154                   Results showed that Bsg KO spermatocytes displayed normal homologous chromosome syn
155                                    In mutant spermatocytes, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are forme
156           In contrast, deleting Geminin from spermatocytes does not disrupt meiosis or the differenti
157              Instead, constraints related to spermatocyte downsizing may have contributed to the evol
158                                           In spermatocytes, elastic tethers connect telomeres of homo
159                 As a result, the myt1 mutant spermatocytes enter meiosis with multipolar spindles.
160 H null mice severe apoptosis was observed in spermatocytes entering the metaphase of meiosis.
161                Specifically, TEX15-deficient spermatocytes exhibit a failure in chromosomal synapsis.
162 omosomes in crane fly (Nephrotoma suturalis) spermatocytes exhibit an atypical segregation mechanism
163                Specifically, NMIIB-deficient spermatocytes exhibit cytokinetic failure in meiosis I,
164                                 Sycp2 mutant spermatocytes exhibit failure in the formation of AEs an
165                 Interestingly, the pachytene spermatocytes exhibit persistent double stranded breaks,
166                             Moreover, mutant spermatocytes exhibited ectopic expression of somatic la
167 ranscriptional silencing, and UBR2-deficient spermatocytes fail to induce the ubiquitination of H2A d
168 sunder (asun) gene is required in Drosophila spermatocytes for perinuclear dynein localization and nu
169                                              Spermatocytes form, but the germ cells in mutant males s
170 ally occurs in late diplotene, is reduced in spermatocytes from heterozygous Ccna1(+/-) testes and co
171                  In this paper, we show that spermatocytes from mice lacking the two meiosis-specific
172  H3 during meiosis, are partially reduced in spermatocytes from testes of heterozygous mice and furth
173 tin (K fragment) from meiotic chromosomes in spermatocytes from the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis.
174 er GRTH regulation in comparative studies of spermatocytes from wild type and GRTH(-/-) knock-out (KO
175  kinetochore (K-) fibers in living crane-fly spermatocytes, from their origins as nascent K-fibers in
176  validated Rps6ka3, a top-predicted X-linked spermatocyte gene.
177           At 10% recall, the method detected spermatocyte genes and oocyte genes with 90% and 94% pre
178 switch from transit amplifying progenitor to spermatocyte growth and differentiation, as well as meio
179 olecular assays, we show that juvenile mouse spermatocytes have fewer COs relative to adults.
180  Dart5 protein is required for maturation of spermatocytes in males and for germ-cell specification i
181 s do not show the expected elimination of MI spermatocytes in response to the univalent [6].
182 rotein for CDC2A kinase, is absent in mutant spermatocytes in spite of the presence of Hspa2 transcri
183 hus reduces the levels of proteins above the spermatocytes in transit at the BTB, causing its disrupt
184 P-43 sites caused premature transcription in spermatocytes in vivo, TDP-43 may be involved in pausing
185 patially confined to unpaired chromosomes in spermatocytes, including the ATR-dependent phosphorylati
186                     Inactivation of Huwe1 in spermatocytes indicated that Huwe1 is not essential for
187  immediately ceases when they become primary spermatocytes, indicating that the choice of DNA repair
188          Transcriptional activation in early spermatocytes involves hundreds of genes, many of which
189            The arrest in cyclin A1-deficient spermatocytes is also accompanied by an unusual clusteri
190  that X overexpression in sterile F1 primary spermatocytes is coincident with the onset of MSCI and p
191               The level of ofs expression in spermatocytes is much higher than for the known eIF4G or
192 litate the transit of preleptotene/leptotene spermatocytes is not known.
193                  Apoptotic elimination of MI spermatocytes is seen in response to the univalent X chr
194  full-length homologous pairing in planarian spermatocytes, is not observed in other species and may
195 are initially detected in leptotene-zygotene spermatocytes just preceding the formation of the DNase
196                                    Mesostoma spermatocyte kinetochores execute oscillatory movements
197  formation, are elevated at least tenfold in spermatocytes lacking ATM.
198                                     Immature spermatocytes lacking Myt1 activity exhibit two distinct
199 gest that dtopors plays a structural role in spermatocyte lamina that is critical for multiple aspect
200 art5 in specification of the germline and in spermatocyte maturation.
201 in regulating centriole disengagement during spermatocyte meiosis.
202 it inappropriate centriole separation during spermatocyte meiosis.
203    Based on these studies, we speculate that spermatocytes monitor G(2) growth as one means to coordi
204 lear blebber (nbl), a gene required for both spermatocyte nuclear shape and meiotic chromosome transm
205          Here we show that AGO4 localizes to spermatocyte nuclei during meiotic prophase I, specifica
206 DMC1 are less abundant in Pol beta-deficient spermatocyte nuclei.
207 tion of PRC1 components and tTAFs within the spermatocyte nucleolus.
208 s NF-kappaB function to control apoptosis in spermatocytes of adult mice.
209 ese motifs led to premature transcription in spermatocytes of an otherwise round spermatid-specific p
210                Accumulation of gamma-H2AX in spermatocytes of homozygous Mtdh knock-out mice confirms
211 ra2 is expressed at higher levels in primary spermatocytes of males than in other cell types.
212                                      Primary spermatocytes of Mov10l1(-/-) mice show activation of LT
213                                           In spermatocytes of wild-type mice, MEIG1 is expressed in t
214 ces between Drosha- and Dicer-null pachytene spermatocytes or round spermatids.
215 hat Wolbachia are not required in individual spermatocytes or spermatids to modify sperm.
216 nd did not localize to the nucleus of either spermatocytes or spermatids.
217 reas Sertoli cells, spermatogonia plus early spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, and round sperma
218 s that are involved in multiple processes in spermatocytes, particularly those required for cell cycl
219 es 11 and 22 in meiotic prophase oocytes and spermatocytes plays a role in the rearrangement, the pos
220  enriched preparations of leptotene/zygotene spermatocytes, prepubertal and adult pachytene spermatoc
221 rentiating spermatogonia whereas some of the spermatocytes present at the moment of cytotoxic insult
222     Once germ cells enter meiosis, pachytene spermatocytes produce RA to coordinate the two postmeiot
223 to be necessary for integrity of the BTB and spermatocyte progression to mature spermatozoa.
224 ossover formation, leading to elimination of spermatocytes, respectively, at the pachytene and anapha
225 ter-driven transgenic expression of Rpl10 in spermatocytes restores spermatogenesis and fertility in
226  chemical and genetic depletion of pachytene spermatocytes revealed that RA from pachytene spermatocy
227                          Furthermore, mutant spermatocytes show global alterations to histone modific
228                   In addition, YY1-deficient spermatocytes show univalent formation, increased aneupl
229  from type A spermatogonia (Spga), pachytene spermatocytes (Spcy) and round spermatids (Sptd) were in
230 mouse type A spermatogonia (Spga), pachytene spermatocytes (Spcy), and round spermatids (Sptd).
231 phila male germline stem cell lineage that a spermatocyte-specific zinc finger protein, Kumgang (Kmg)
232 ogram and sequentially become spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and eventually spermatozoa.
233 gn mutant germ cells develop normally to the spermatocyte stage but arrest at the G2/M transition of
234 n is required in the male germ line prior to spermatocyte stage S4.
235 wever, spermatogenic arrest at the pachytene spermatocyte stage that occurs in this situation has bee
236  in all spermatogenic cells from the primary spermatocyte stage through spermatids.
237 -sensitive region is formed at the pachytene spermatocyte stage with the recruitment to the nuclear m
238 ogonia can undergo normal progression to the spermatocyte stage, BSG-mediated germ cell-Sertoli cell
239 ferentiating male germ cells at or after the spermatocyte stage.
240 s and transition to meiotic prophase and the spermatocyte state.
241 rmatogonia but is extinguished completely in spermatocytes, suggesting that Arf plays a physiologic r
242 ow that bam mRNA, but not Bam, is present in spermatocytes, suggesting that bam is regulated post-tra
243 vels of certain X-linked miRNAs in pachytene spermatocytes, suggesting that either synthesis of these
244 main located within the XY body in pachytene spermatocytes, suggesting that the mechanism of escape o
245 er MutLgamma focus density in juvenile human spermatocytes, suggesting that weaker CO maturation effi
246  via SC, but direct on meiotic initiation in spermatocytes, supporting thereby the notion that, contr
247 and in prophase mutants indicates that early spermatocytes synthesize primarily SPO11beta.
248 s of PTIP led to the developmental arrest of spermatocytes, testicular atrophy, and infertility.
249 ent mice is distinct from the arrest seen in spermatocytes that are deficient in its putative catalyt
250   Midzone formation is also inhibited in fly spermatocytes that fail to form a cleavage furrow [3] an
251                                              Spermatocytes that overcome arrest exhibit severe defect
252 er assays were done in transfected pachytene spermatocytes, the cells that exhibit the highest NASP e
253 essed at moderately high levels in pachytene spermatocytes, the developmental stage at which the expr
254 anscription stops in Drosophila late primary spermatocytes, then is reactivated by two pathways for a
255 ce, perhaps above the migrating preleptotene spermatocyte, thereby opening the BTB.
256                However, in species with tiny spermatocytes, these cytoskeletal changes are restricted
257 ocating these proteins beneath the migrating spermatocyte to reassemble the BTB.
258 ian piRNAs are abundantly expressed from the spermatocyte to round spermatid stage, coinciding with t
259                      We analyzed aust mutant spermatocytes to assess the effects of fully inactivatin
260 l3 promoter to drive expression in pachytene spermatocytes to compensate for inactivation of Utp14a e
261 use spermatogonia fail to differentiate into spermatocytes to enter meiosis.
262 e its timely restructuring, thereby allowing spermatocytes to enter the adluminal compartment of the
263 es male-limited infertility, with failure of spermatocytes to exit meiotic prophase via the G2/MI tra
264 ion of the TJ fibrils above the preleptotene spermatocytes to facilitate their transit.
265 t induced a fraction of meiosis II crane fly spermatocytes to form (n + 1) and (n - 1) daughters duri
266 criptional programme is activated in primary spermatocytes to prepare for differentiation of sperm.
267 gk2 gene is selectively activated in primary spermatocytes to provide a source of phosphoglycerate ki
268 increasingly enriched in RNPs from pachytene spermatocytes to round spermatids, and the enrichment of
269 bi-p63E function did not strongly affect the spermatocyte transcription program regulated by the test
270                                 In crane-fly spermatocytes trap powers of 56-85 mW stopped or slowed
271         During spermatogenesis, preleptotene spermatocytes traverse the blood-testis barrier (BTB) in
272                                              Spermatocytes undergo a developmental arrest during the
273 ta/alphabeta/alphaalpha) in mutants in which spermatocytes undergo a normal number of double strand b
274 ytes, but the protein does not accumulate in spermatocytes until just before the meiotic divisions.
275 ploid spermatids from the tetraploid primary spermatocytes via meiotic cell division.
276 rentiation of spermatogonial stem cells into spermatocytes via mitotic cell division and the producti
277 ale infertility is associated with a loss in spermatocyte viability and abnormal endocrine signaling.
278                      We suggest that loss of spermatocyte viability is a consequence of defects in th
279 over, such a persistent expression of Bam in spermatocytes was recapitulated by specifically mutating
280 permatocytes revealed that RA from pachytene spermatocytes was required for the two postmeiotic trans
281  recombination hotspots in mouse oocytes and spermatocytes, we demonstrate here the unidirectional tr
282                         In the YY1-deficient spermatocytes, we find a significant decrease in the glo
283 inding, and coimmunoprecipitation from mouse spermatocytes, we identified four proteins that directly
284                     During meiosis, Ews-null spermatocytes were deficient in XY bivalent formation an
285                       As a result, Mael(-/-) spermatocytes were flooded with L1 ribonucleoproteins (R
286 rm line stem cells, spermatogonia, and early spermatocytes, where it is enriched in chromatoid bodies
287 um in pollen, the tissue analogous to animal spermatocytes, where upregulation of retrogenes has been
288 ng activation of p53 and apoptosis mostly in spermatocytes, which disrupts sperm production and ferti
289                      We found that pachytene spermatocytes, which express an RA-synthesizing enzyme,
290     We observed that a fraction of Mnd1(-/-) spermatocytes, which express HOP2 but apparently have in
291 n nodule, was delayed in Cul4a -/- diplotene spermatocytes, which potentially led to subsequent disru
292  from an arrest in the meiotic cell cycle of spermatocytes, which we now identify as occurring at lat
293 ed to the XY body in pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes, while only SUMO2/3 and UBE2I were detecte
294                Specifically, TEX11-deficient spermatocytes with asynapsed autosomes undergo apoptosis
295 we show that MSUC occurs in Spo11-null mouse spermatocytes with extensive asynapsis but lacking meiot
296 s Ccna1(+/-) testes and completely absent in spermatocytes with no cyclin A1 protein.
297                                    Mael(-/-) spermatocytes with nuclear L1 RNPs exhibited massive DNA
298 translational repression of cycB in immature spermatocytes, with Rbp4 binding sequences in a cell typ
299                                              Spermatocytes without PIWI proteins are arrested at the
300                           Pol beta-deficient spermatocytes yielded reduced steady-state levels of the

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