


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n early germ cells, germline stem cells, and spermatogonia.
2 gonocytes and from postnatal differentiating spermatogonia.
3  genes characteristic of more differentiated spermatogonia.
4 oli cells form a niche for the proliferating spermatogonia.
5 probably originate from dedifferentiation of spermatogonia.
6 lting in the formation of testis tubules and spermatogonia.
7 lly expressed in prespermatogonia and Type A spermatogonia.
8 zing to punctate foci in more differentiated spermatogonia.
9  number of type A pale and centrally located spermatogonia.
10          Busulfan did not affect type A dark spermatogonia.
11 ession of Oct4, a marker of undifferentiated spermatogonia.
12 ning only Sertoli cells and undifferentiated spermatogonia.
13 is coexpressed with Oct4 in undifferentiated spermatogonia.
14 ic testes, with seminiferous tubules lacking spermatogonia.
15  spermatocytes differentiate from amplifying spermatogonia.
16 d newborn gonocytes and in a subset of early spermatogonia.
17 ration induced by SCF in primary cultures of spermatogonia.
18 ifferentially methylated in diploid, mitotic spermatogonia.
19  transcriptional network in undifferentiated spermatogonia.
20 ower than the frequency for primitive type A spermatogonia.
21 spermatogenesis and loss of undifferentiated spermatogonia.
22 ns of expression selectively in type A and B spermatogonia.
23 yperplasia cells that accumulate early stage spermatogonia.
24 egulates the maintenance of undifferentiated spermatogonia.
25 esent but not translated in undifferentiated spermatogonia.
26  and overproliferation of transit-amplifying spermatogonia.
27   DMRT6 protein is expressed in late mitotic spermatogonia.
28 nction is restricted to singly isolated (As) spermatogonia.
29 rmatogonia and did not include GFRa1(+) A(s) spermatogonia.
30 GFRalpha1-expressing A type undifferentiated spermatogonia.
31 lls and select for the piwil1:neo expressing spermatogonia.
32 ce are influenced by miR-221/222 function in spermatogonia.
33 MOLT-4 cells but were not expressed on human spermatogonia.
34 s containing Stra8-expressing, Sin3a-deleted spermatogonia.
35 tivity serves as a mechanism that confers to spermatogonia a high sensitivity to DNA damage.
36 tinoic acid gene 8 (Stra8), undifferentiated spermatogonia accumulated in unusually high numbers as e
37 ong-term survival and proliferation of human spermatogonia after xenotransplant of cryopreserved imma
38 hesis that, through fragmentation, syncytial spermatogonia also contribute to stem cell function in h
39                Furthermore, mesenchymal-like spermatogonia also displayed developmentally linked DNA
40                             Loss of Dmrt1 in spermatogonia also disrupts cyclical gene expression in
41 such that the mutation frequencies of type B spermatogonia and all subsequent stages of spermatogenes
42 AS in proliferating cells such as testicular spermatogonia and cells in the basal layer cells of the
43 ctive of stem cell or progenitor capacity in spermatogonia and dictates the interface of transition b
44 re exclusively transit-amplifying progenitor spermatogonia and did not include GFRa1(+) A(s) spermato
45 s pair throughout the euchromatic regions in spermatogonia and during the early phases of spermatocyt
46 s, Brca1 and Brca2 were expressed in mitotic spermatogonia and early meiotic prophase spermatocytes.
47                        Alk6b is expressed in spermatogonia and early oocytes, and alk6b mutant gonads
48             Bmp7 transcripts are detected in spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes during ear
49 ghly in gonocytes of the fetal testis and in spermatogonia and early spermatocytes in the adult.
50 s with SPAF antibody localized expression to spermatogonia and early spermatocytes in the basal compa
51 ow but detectable levels in the cytoplasm of spermatogonia and early spermatocytes.
52        Telomerase levels in undifferentiated spermatogonia and embryonic stem cells are comparable an
53 strains causes depletion of undifferentiated spermatogonia and eventual loss of all germ cells after
54  was expressed highly in a sub-population of spermatogonia and in primary spermatocytes, but was not
55  high rates of homing can be achieved within spermatogonia and in the female germline.
56 t Sox3 is expressed in A(s), A(pr) and A(al) spermatogonia and is required for spermatogenesis throug
57 dren with Klinefelter syndrome are born with spermatogonia and lose large numbers of germ cells durin
58                                       Type B spermatogonia and more advanced stages of spermatogenesi
59 , ZBTB16) was greatly elevated in both human spermatogonia and mouse gonocytes compared to somatic ce
60 e highly expressed in both prepubertal human spermatogonia and mouse gonocytes than in somatic cells.
61 tially pure populations of prepubertal human spermatogonia and mouse gonocytes were selected from tes
62 on in the testis was detected exclusively in spermatogonia and not in differentiated germ cells.
63 feration or differentiation of gonocytes and spermatogonia and possibly the somatic lineages as well,
64 visibles revealed clear distinctions between spermatogonia and postspermatogonial stages.
65  and 10.5 days after birth when type A and B spermatogonia and pre-leptotene and leptotene spermatocy
66 he numbers of A-aligned, intermediate, and B spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes and their m
67 dergoing DNA synthesis, the progression of B spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes through S-p
68 ucine zipper (L-GILZ) is highly expressed in spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes and controls spe
69 RPS6KA3, mainly detected in the cytoplasm of spermatogonia and prophase spermatocytes.
70 rovides a method to isolate and enrich human spermatogonia and remove malignant contamination by expl
71 lesser degree in the seminiferous tubules in spermatogonia and Sertoli cells.
72 nexpectedly find that CaMKIV is expressed in spermatogonia and spermatids but excluded from spermatoc
73 ganisms, Xdazl RNA was also expressed in the spermatogonia and spermatocytes of frog testis.
74 , however, is expressed only sporadically in spermatogonia and spermatocytes.
75 ns, which were transcribed at high levels in spermatogonia and spermatocytes.
76 te was found after irradiation of premeiotic spermatogonia and stem cells, whereas the frequency of m
77 sable for the maintenance of differentiating spermatogonia and subsequent spermatogenic processes.
78 c comparisons of Tert(High) undifferentiated spermatogonia and Tert(Low) differentiated spermatogonia
79 at homologous recombination is restricted to spermatogonia and that it immediately ceases when they b
80 through the transit amplification of diploid spermatogonia and the expression of early meiotic marker
81 ing ovarian follicles, and in the nucleus of spermatogonia and to a lesser extent in spermatoctyes, b
82 tene spermatocytes differentiate from type B spermatogonia and traverse the blood-testis barrier (BTB
83 ctive process that originates from stem cell spermatogonia and ultimately results in formation of mat
84 restricted to gonocytes and undifferentiated spermatogonia and was absent in tubules of W/W(v) mutant
85      By contrast, cyclin A2 was expressed in spermatogonia and was most abundant in preleptotene sper
86 aberrant differentiation of undifferentiated spermatogonia and with hyperactivity of Ras signaling pa
87  histone marks is dynamic and is manifest at spermatogonia and/or pre-leptotene-stage cells, which fa
88  to isolate EpCAM+/HLA-ABC-/CD49e- (putative spermatogonia) and EpCAM-/HLA-ABC+/CD49e+ (putative MOLT
89 ytoplasm of testicular germ line stem cells, spermatogonia, and early spermatocytes, where it is enri
90 ession were in the germ line stem cells, the spermatogonia, and in highest levels in preleptotene spe
91 ressed in both KIT negative and KIT positive spermatogonia, and overlap Ngn3/EGFP and SOX3 expression
92 the testis, specifically in Sertoli's cells, spermatogonia, and pachytene spermatocytes, but not in p
93  SSEA4(+) hSSCs and differentiating c-KIT(+) spermatogonia, and performed validation studies via immu
94 initial differentiation and meiotic entry of spermatogonia, and thus in the initiation of spermatogen
95                                              Spermatogonia are adult germline stem cells that can bot
96                                              Spermatogonia are the self-renewing, mitotic germ cells
97 H was expressed in gonocytes, type A, Int, B spermatogonia as well as in pre-Sertoli cells and Leydig
98 rmatogonia to develop into chains of aligned spermatogonia at the 8-, 16-, and 32-cell stages.
99 lutely required for mitotic proliferation of spermatogonia but does not regulate their differentiatio
100 testis, expression of p19(Arf) is limited to spermatogonia but is extinguished completely in spermato
101 ed via FACS that EpCAM is expressed by human spermatogonia but not MOLT-4 cells.
102 stematic search for genes expressed in mouse spermatogonia, but not in somatic tissues.
103 were shown to stimulate formation of aligned spermatogonia, but principally to only the 4- and 8-cell
104  the proliferative activity of GFRa1(+) A(s) spermatogonia, but their progeny were exclusively transi
105 d spermatogonia and Tert(Low) differentiated spermatogonia by RNA sequencing reveals marked differenc
106          In conclusion, although some Bsg KO spermatogonia can undergo normal progression to the sper
107                        Deleting Geminin from spermatogonia causes complete sterility in male mice.
108 roliferate and differentiate into oogonia or spermatogonia cells.
109 kers), and (3) (in older juveniles) abundant spermatogonia committing to gametogenesis (high KIT(+)).
110            Here we show that Plzf-expressing spermatogonia completely lack monomethyl-H3-K27 and mono
111 ble mutant phenocopies single mutants, i.e., spermatogonia continue to proliferate but do not differe
112         In the presence of dorsomorphin, the spermatogonia continued to express the germ-cell markers
113 r than BOULE in prenatal germ stem cells and spermatogonia; DAZL also is expressed in female germ cel
114             Expression of TCF17 increases as spermatogonia differentiate into spermatocytes, indicati
115 genesis in the mammalian testis, stem cells (spermatogonia) differentiate into spermatocytes, which s
116  establish that the effects of RA in vivo on spermatogonia differentiation are indirect, via SC, but
117                                              Spermatogonia differentiation does not proceed beyond th
118                                    Gmnn(-/-) spermatogonia disappear during the initial wave of mitot
119 bited increased DNA damage and cell death in spermatogonia, disorganized apical ectoplasmic specializ
120                              Epithelial-like spermatogonia displayed the expected imprinting patterns
121 oss of all germ cells after undifferentiated spermatogonia drop below a critical threshold.
122                                    Gmnn(-/-) spermatogonia exhibit more double-stranded DNA breaks th
123 matogenesis, in particular spermatocytes and spermatogonia, exhibited increased rates of apoptosis.
124 e selection acting on adult self-renewing Ap spermatogonia experiencing the rare mutation could not b
125 emains similar to normal rat testes, because spermatogonia fail to differentiate into spermatocytes t
126  lack of a culture system to maintain viable spermatogonia for long periods of time.
127  providing a germline-selective advantage to spermatogonia for the recurrent mutations in the recepto
128 and de-differentiation (where interconnected spermatogonia fragment into pairs while moving towards t
129 maternal allele of the imprinted H19 gene in spermatogonia from juvenile ICSI-derived male mice.
130  loss is associated with the delayed exit of spermatogonia from the mitotic cell cycle, leading to th
131              Microarray analysis of isolated spermatogonia from Zfp145-null mice before testis degene
132  novel important factor for undifferentiated spermatogonia function and spermatogenesis.
133  indicate that the PAX7+ subset of A(single) spermatogonia functions as robust testis stem cells that
134 n p53R172H testes and the formation of giant spermatogonia (GSG) following persistent DNA damage in p
135  of intense molecular genetic investigation, spermatogonia have remained largely unexplored at the mo
136                    ChIP-seq in mouse THY1(+) spermatogonia identified 4176 PLZF-bound and 2696 SALL4-
137 nitiate differentiation of A aligned into A1 spermatogonia; (ii) RARA in SC mediates the effects of R
138          Moreover, spontaneous cell death of spermatogonia in EndoG heterozygous mutant mice is signi
139 in early germ cells, germline stem cells and spermatogonia in insects, and its expression promotes sp
140  profiles suggest three broad populations of spermatogonia in juveniles: (1) epithelial-like spermato
141  it is not known whether adult self-renewing spermatogonia in long-term culture can generate such ste
142  marker of a rare subpopulation of A(single) spermatogonia in mice.
143                Importantly, proliferation of spermatogonia in Nxf2(-/Y) mice is significantly decreas
144 esulted in the reduction of undifferentiated spermatogonia in spermatogenesis, suggesting that FANCB
145  is strongly expressed by a subset of type A spermatogonia in the basal part of the seminiferous epit
146 thereby maintaining germ line stem cells and spermatogonia in their proliferative state.
147                          Studies with type A spermatogonia in vivo and in vitro have indicated that S
148 s was further identified in undifferentiated spermatogonia in vivo.
149 sion in mouse PM cells in vitro and neonatal spermatogonia (including SSCs) co-cultured with T-treate
150 SALL4 regulatory targets in undifferentiated spermatogonia, including SSCs, which will help elucidate
151 ous deletion of Dmrt1 in beta-TrCP-deficient spermatogonia increased meiotic cells with a concomitant
152  222 (miR-221/222) in mouse undifferentiated spermatogonia induces transition from a KIT(-) to a KIT(
153 d Ago4 knockout mice and show that Ago4(-/-) spermatogonia initiate meiosis early, resulting from pre
154 m an arrest of entry of the undifferentiated spermatogonia into S phase; and (3) retinoid signaling r
155 d B spermatogonia, the entry of intermediate spermatogonia into their next S-phase as type B cells, a
156  close to those obtained in mice after acute spermatogonia irradiation using other systems for mutati
157                          Correct function of spermatogonia is critical for the maintenance of spermat
158 ion of testis stem cells, a subset of type A spermatogonia, is critical to our understanding of their
159 ifferentiation in vivo is direct through the spermatogonia itself, and provide the first evidence tha
160 atterns, but, surprisingly, mesenchymal-like spermatogonia lacked imprinting specifically at paternal
161     Inactivation of Huwe1 in differentiating spermatogonia led to their depletion and formation of fe
162 SCs) are a subpopulation of undifferentiated spermatogonia located in a niche at the base of the semi
163 is known of the molecular mechanisms whereby spermatogonia, mitotic germ cells of the testis, self-re
164 an homologs of nanos3 are expressed in early spermatogonia, no study has defined the role of nanos3 i
165 e Geminin gene (Gmnn) is deleted from either spermatogonia or meiotic spermatocytes.
166 y germ cells, resembling stem cells or early spermatogonia or oogonia, but lack later stages of germ
167 in highly expressed in PGCs, fail to develop spermatogonia or oogonia.
168 P-positive donor cells had the appearance of spermatogonia or spermatocytes and expressed VASA.
169 in sperm can arise from defective stem cells/spermatogonia, our findings raise concerns that occupati
170                Furthermore, undifferentiated spermatogonia overexpressing miR-221/222 are resistant t
171 d by microdissection, whereas Sertoli cells, spermatogonia plus early spermatocytes, pachytene sperma
172 rm-cell-specific and expressed in premeiotic spermatogonia, plus another 21 germ-cell-specific autoso
173        Spermatogenic progression begins with spermatogonia, populations of which express distinct mar
174 ale, Zpg protein localizes to the surface of spermatogonia, primarily on the sides adjacent to the so
175                 ZIKV preferentially infected spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and Sertoli cells i
176 mutant testis there was a marked decrease in spermatogonia proliferation during postnatal development
177 ellular pathways regulating undifferentiated spermatogonia proliferation, differentiation, and surviv
178 ytes, plasma cells, renal tubule epithelium, spermatogonia, prostatic secretory epithelial cells, ute
179 me course of Brca2 expression was delayed in spermatogonia relative to Brca1.
180 en though the population of undifferentiated spermatogonia remains similar to normal rat testes, beca
181 to meiosis is controlled in male germ cells (spermatogonia) remains poorly understood.
182 ally, but in males, there is degeneration of spermatogonia resulting in the virtual absence of sperm.
183                   In the testis, a subset of spermatogonia retains stem cell potential, while others
184 erm cells and can result in sterility, PAX7+ spermatogonia selectively survived, and their subsequent
185 ng in healthy adult mice revealed that PAX7+ spermatogonia self-maintained and produced expanding clo
186 starvation by eliminating transit-amplifying spermatogonia (SG) while maintaining a reduced pool of a
187 I, 14 of the 22 autosomal genes expressed in spermatogonia showed no decrease in expression in meioti
188             These results identify Plzf as a spermatogonia-specific transcription factor in the testi
189 s used at various stages of spermatogenesis (spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids) and t
190 s of its inactivation in the differentiating spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids.
191 es are required for mitotic proliferation of spermatogonia, spermatocytes undergoing genetic recombin
192                The coordinated maturation of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids suggests th
193 ferentiation program and sequentially become spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and eventually
194  A total of 452,095 tags derived from type A spermatogonia (Spga), pachytene spermatocytes (Spcy) and
195 GE data on the transcriptome of mouse type A spermatogonia (Spga), pachytene spermatocytes (Spcy), an
196           The transcriptomes of mouse type A spermatogonia (Spga), pachytene spermatocytes (Spcy), an
197  at around one month of age, suggesting that spermatogonia stem cells are also affected by the mutati
198 s and spermatids but not in undifferentiated spermatogonia, strongly suggesting that, similar to Bam,
199 ls is the inability to distinguish them from spermatogonia that are committed to differentiation.
200 entify a novel population of Ngn3-expressing spermatogonia that are essential for efficient testicula
201 anipulating Jak-STAT signaling, we find that spermatogonia that have initiated differentiation and ar
202 re replaced by adult dark (Ad) and pale (Ap) spermatogonia that make up the spermatogonial stem cell
203        SSCs self-renew or differentiate into spermatogonia that proliferate to give rise to spermatoc
204                                              Spermatogonia that reside at the basal compartment of th
205  S-phase, the division of intermediate and B spermatogonia, the entry of intermediate spermatogonia i
206 protein-expressing A(single) (GFRa1(+) A(s)) spermatogonia, the major source of male germ-line stem c
207 expression is a hallmark of undifferentiated spermatogonia, the mitotic population where germline ste
208 ning the undifferentiated state of mammalian spermatogonia through repression of KIT expression.
209 which together direct the differentiation of spermatogonia throughout the male reproductive lifespan.
210 rmatogonia in juveniles: (1) epithelial-like spermatogonia (THY1(+); high OCT4, ID4, and GFRa1), (2)
211 d GFRa1), (2) more abundant mesenchymal-like spermatogonia (THY1(+); moderate OCT4 and ID4; high mese
212 mulate primary cultures of rat type-A single spermatogonia to develop into chains of aligned spermato
213 ermatogenesis, followed by failure of type A spermatogonia to differentiate, resulting in adult male
214 quired for the transition from proliferative spermatogonia to differentiating spermatocytes.
215 associated with the progression from mitotic spermatogonia to meiotic spermatocytes.
216  increasing expression from gonocytes/type A spermatogonia to pachytene spermatocytes.
217                         Loss of Dmrt1 causes spermatogonia to precociously exit the spermatogonial pr
218 an maintain the fully functional capacity of spermatogonia to produce sperm, but that host conditions
219                                DMRT1 acts in spermatogonia to restrict RA responsiveness, directly re
220 nd genetic events in germ cells ranging from spermatogonia to spermatozoa.
221 translational repressor Bgcn is required for spermatogonia to stop mitosis and transition to meiotic
222 itiation factor STRA8, and causing most late spermatogonia to undergo apoptosis.
223 caused prolonged proliferation of progenitor spermatogonia, transiently enlarging this population.
224                    This was not the case for spermatogonia undergoing mitotic divisions.
225  effectively stimulated formation of aligned spermatogonia up to the 32-cell stage.
226 that promote maintenance of undifferentiated spermatogonia upregulate miR-221/222 expression; whereas
227 ls as a basis for purifying undifferentiated spermatogonia using fluorescence-activated cell sorting.
228  post-stem-cell stages overall and stem-cell spermatogonia was smaller than is generally found with c
229 ine transmission was not successful when the spermatogonia were cultured 6 weeks in the absence of do
230 as 10 d after birth, whereas differentiating spermatogonia were depleted.
231 hitecture of UBR2(-/-) testes was normal and spermatogonia were intact as well, but UBR2(-/-) spermat
232                   Rb-deficient GFRa1(+) A(s) spermatogonia were present at normal density in testes 5
233                               Finally, PAX7+ spermatogonia were present in the testes of a diverse se
234 usulfan selectively destroys differentiating spermatogonia whereas some of the spermatocytes present
235 those with the highest sensitivity being the spermatogonia, which form part of the basal cell layer,
236 fferentiation process, starting with diploid spermatogonia, which include germ-line stem cells, and e
237 matogonial population except in the GFRA1(+) spermatogonia, which includes spermatogonial stem cells
238 Gli expression was somewhat higher in type B spermatogonia while the abundance of Gli3 transcripts wa
239 cking Zfp145 underwent a progressive loss of spermatogonia with age, associated with increases in apo
240 ically marks mouse gonocytes and a subset of spermatogonia with stem cell potential.
241                             We show that all spermatogonia within a cyst die synchronously even when
242 acking Jak-STAT signaling differentiate into spermatogonia without self-renewal.

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