コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 es, and volumes in the human brain and upper spinal canal.
2 ell adhesion complex in the cells lining the spinal canal.
3 is seen only in the mesenchyme of the future spinal canal.
5 or disrupted distribution of radiotracer in spinal canal allowed for a diagnosis drug resistance or
9 derlying neuroepithelial cells to invade the spinal canal and obstruct cerebral spinal fluid flow.
10 with a coil designed for examinations of the spinal canal and spinal cord as well as the whole body,
11 nges for the sagittal diameters and areas of spinal canal and spinal cord were defined at C1, C3, and
14 , the mesh-like structure and patency of the spinal canal can be restored by increasing expression of
17 r location, origin site, matrix pattern, and spinal canal invasion and compared them with histologic
18 e for NMHC II-B to maintain integrity of the spinal canal, NMHC II-B plays an isoform-specific role d
20 vesicle and decreased ciliary length in the spinal canal, pronephric ducts, and Kupffer's vesicle.
22 foramina in the basal parts of the skull and spinal canal, sprouting along the blood vessels and cran
23 generative changes, including spondylosis or spinal canal stenosis, are typically present in adult pa
24 stical significance of the proportion of the spinal canal subdural hemorrhage in abusive head trauma
27 protrusion of the underlying cells into the spinal canal where they block circulation of the cerebra
28 ception of mean Hounsfield unit value in the spinal canal, which was lower in the PCD than the EID im
29 e patients demonstrated critical stenosis of spinal canal with anterior subluxation of C1 vertebra re
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