


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  either a 2-slice (n=23) or a 6-slice (n=34) spiral CT scanner.
2                                           3D spiral CT enabled highly accurate determination of the v
3                              In addition, 3D spiral CT depicted calculi more sensitively than traditi
4 and magnitude of the rippling artifact at 3D spiral CT colonography.
5                                      With 3D spiral CT, calculus volumes were determined with a mean
6 hin an abdominal phantom were imaged with 3D spiral CT, radiography, and linear nephrotomography.
7                                    Abdominal spiral CT was performed after intravenous injection of c
8  mean age, 51 years) who underwent abdominal spiral CT examinations.
9 canning, catheter pulmonary angiography, and spiral CT.
10 cium scores between the electron-beam CT and spiral CT images.
11                   Quantitative perfusion and spiral CT scans were performed for initial diagnosis and
12                                       Annual spiral CT screening can detect lung cancer that is curab
13                                           At spiral CT in 26 patients, motion artifact was reduced, c
14 tive graft angiography and 50 were patent at spiral CT; accuracy rates were 97% (73 of 75) and 95% (7
15 had high probability for acute embolism, but spiral CT scans showed only chronic PE; in one patients,
16                         A positive result by spiral CT imaging is useful for ruling in a diagnosis of
17 cutive outpatients referred for thoracic CT, spiral CT (120 kV, 292 mA) was performed with 1-second (
18 ed acquisition was comparable to higher-dose spiral CT.
19                                      Dynamic spiral CT lung densitometry is a quick, simple method fo
20 indings of 309 intravenous contrast-enhanced spiral CT examinations of the chest were retrospectively
21 mmediate surgery underwent contrast-enhanced spiral CT followed by splenic arteriography.
22                            Contrast-enhanced spiral CT plays a valuable role in selecting hemodynamic
23                   Contrast material-enhanced spiral CT scans obtained in 92 patients clinically suspe
24 86 arterial phase contrast material-enhanced spiral CT scans of the abdomen (5.0-mm section thickness
25 d in 10 pigs with contrast material-enhanced spiral CT were displayed with six display window setting
26  V-P scanning and contrast material-enhanced spiral CT.
27 he absence of lung cancer mortality data for spiral CT, it is concluded that such activities should n
28                         The average time for spiral CT was 15.3 minutes compared with 37.2 minutes fo
29 n scores when a 90-HU threshold was used for spiral CT images.
30 et of 30 colonic segments was developed from spiral CT colonographic studies (12 with polyps and 18 w
31 ic (CT) fluoroscopy (n=196) and single-image spiral CT fluoroscopy (n=175).
32  advanced radiographic techniques, including spiral CT scanning and enhanced magnetic resonance imagi
33                        In many institutions, spiral CT is becoming established as the first-line imag
34 ed to align paired (intra- and intersession) spiral CT data sets for each individual in a common coor
35                                Multidetector spiral CT may permit assessment of remodeling of coronar
36 gate whether contrast-enhanced multidetector spiral CT (MDCT) permits assessment of remodeling in cor
37 ave become available featuring multidetector spiral CT scanners and high-performance PET devices.
38 or SPECT camera with a 6-slice multidetector spiral CT scanner.
39 ulmonary embolism on the basis of a negative spiral CT study.
40 hholding treatment in patients with negative spiral CT results remains uncertain.
41     Remaining concerns about the accuracy of spiral CT for pulmonary embolism detection may be overco
42 ement (SDNCE) measured from the beginning of spiral CT scanning to the time when the enhancement decr
43                 The direct technical cost of spiral CT was $36.86 compared with $57.60 for combined U
44 in radiography was compared with the cost of spiral CT.
45 far, have prevented the unanimous embrace of spiral CT as the new standard of reference for imaging p
46                                       Use of spiral CT for this application has been limited by cardi
47  mediastinal lymph nodes, as demonstrated on spiral CT, can be useful in differentiating sarcoidosis
48 l distribution of mediastinal lymph nodes on spiral CT was reviewed in 39 patients with sarcoidosis a
49 be offered in sites that have access to only spiral CT.
50 chocardiogram, and coronary electron beam or spiral CT will be performed serially.
51  venous phases of enhancement for dual-phase spiral CT.
52                             Dual-phase renal spiral CT studies (5-mm collimation; pitch, 1.0) were re
53  most recent generation of multidetector-row spiral CT scanners appears to outperform competing imagi
54 ome by the introduction of multidetector-row spiral CT.
55 pulmonary images when compared with 1-second spiral CT.
56 ted miss rate of up to 30% with single-slice spiral CT so far, have prevented the unanimous embrace o
57  as a combination of a Siemens Somatom AR.SP spiral CT and a partial-ring, rotating ECAT ART PET scan
58                            99mTc-DMSA SPECT, spiral CT, and MR imaging appear to be equally sensitive
59 determine the diagnostic value of 131I SPECT/spiral CT (SPECT/CT) on nodal staging of patients with t
60 nte Carlo simulation methods, using standard spiral CT protocols.
61                                    Subsecond spiral CT is associated with improved clarity and dimini
62 nderwent both electron-beam CT and subsecond spiral CT.
63 btained with single-detector array subsecond spiral CT and those obtained with electron-beam CT.
64 ectron-beam CT images and two scores for the spiral CT images.
65 mproved arterial enhancement during thoracic spiral CT.
66 (300 mg/mL iodine) while undergoing thoracic spiral CT.
67 ain radiography cannot be cost equivalent to spiral CT.
68                                          Two spiral CT scans were obtained at each of two different s
69  radiolucency on chest radiographs underwent spiral CT (5-second acquisition time, fixed table positi
70 motion occurs and scan quality improves when spiral CT is performed with nonionic contrast material.
71                                         With spiral CT, thrombus is directly visualized, and both med
72         Clinical outcome was consistent with spiral CT results in all cases.
73 ergone ESWL were prospectively examined with spiral CT, renal US, and plain abdominal radiography.
74 ith electron-beam CT and those obtained with spiral CT (P <.05).
75 ntrolled trial of lung cancer screening with spiral CT, also is described.
76 etected pathologically, 28 were visible with spiral CT.

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